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        현대사박물관, 어떻게 만들 것인가?

        이동기(Lee Dong Ki) 역사비평사 2011 역사비평 Vol.- No.96

        This essay deals with principles and processes of the making of historical museum in a democratic society. In 21st century, historical museums should not be built to define political legitimacy or to reinforce national identity for some ideological purpose. As we can see the making process of the ‘House of History of the Federal Republic of Germany’ in Bonn, the democratic discussion on its fundamental purpose and substantive direction of exhibition is of great importance, in particular for a national museum for contemporary history. But, the initiators of the ‘National Museum of Korean Contemporary History’ in Seoul are neglecting the democratic process of debate and discussion in public sphere and with experts groups as historians and museum specialist. They are now only interested in (re-)definement of their right-wing political legitimation and strengthening of the Korean national identity. Moreover, in their opinion the Korean contemporary history since 1945 had been filled with ‘miracles’ and ‘successes’ which should mainly be exhibited in the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History. But, their images of the Korean contemporary history are not in accordance with various experiences and memories of most ordinary people in South Korea. The present objective and exhibition plan of the ‘historical cultural’ institution should be replaced by a new concept which would be aimed at a museum as communication space for plural democratic histories and critical reflection on historical tragedies.

      • KCI등재

        이명박 정부의 역사 인식과 역사교육 정책

        김한종(Kim Han Jong) 역사비평사 2011 역사비평 Vol.- No.96

        History education has fallen into confusion in Lee Myung Park Government, and the dispute about history education continues until now. Lee Myung Park Government aim to throw his own historical awareness into school history education. Lee Myung Park Government and conservative scholars regard history since founding Republic of Korea 1948 as ‘history of miracle’. They think that main agents making ‘history of miracle’ are political leaders such as Rhee Syng Man and Park Chung Hee, and particularly respect Rhee Syng Man as ‘father of founding Republic of Korea’. They don’t have willingness to admit historical view and history textbook contents critical to such political leaders and their government. Compulsorily modifying Korean Modern and Contemporary History textbook contents and criticizing revised Korean History textbook as left leaning are its products. And Lee Myung Park Government reinforce certification of history textbook for the purpose of controling its contents and suppressing its authors’ resistance. Lee Myung Park Government has implemented history education policies focused on political judgment than intrinsic value of history. He aims to utilize history education as the instrument of integrating people under his policies. It is because policies on history education have been confused. National history curriculum has been revised every year during Lee Myung Park Government, and school history lesson has been weakened 2009, but Korean history shall be become mandatory subject in high school since 2012. This confusion makes teachers difficult to plan history lesson and pupils learn history systematically. Moreover, it is difficult to anticipate that the reinforcing policy of history education will be effective in school and history classroom.

      • KCI등재

        ‘남북 역사인식 연합’을 위한 역사학 교류

        정태헌(Jung, Tae Hern) 역사비평사 2012 역사비평 Vol.- No.99

        In order to accomplish a union between North and South Korea, a broadening of the homogenous historical understanding must be demanded, ‘The North-South Korean Union for Historical Understanding,’ which is towards a methodology of coexisting with difference, is the essential element at this stage of Union between North and South Korea. It does not mean the absorption of a single historical understanding, which connotes a one-sided nature. Whether the period needed for union between North and South Korea is long or short, it will depend on the level of union between North and South Korean historical perception. Historical exchange will incrementally increase interchange according to the level of the relationship between South and North Korea, following steps such as ‘the Period of Reconciliation and Cooperation’, ‘the Period of Peaceful Coexistence’ and ‘the Period of Union between North and South Korea’. The main contents of history interchange during the Period of Reconciliation and Cooperation, whose first task is composing the foundation of exchange, should be an orientation towards outstanding historical questions shared by both North and South Korea. In addition, ‘The North and South Korean Committee for the Promotion Socio-Cultural Cooperation.’ as an organization that operates between South and North Korea authorities ‘The North and South Korean History Exchange Agreement.’ Likewise, ‘The Account for History Interchange Between North and South Korea’ by the Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund. In the North, the Ministry of Unification’s administration guide, which maintains an ‘anti-market’ policy and which that fails to provide research funds for North Korean scholars, should be changed. Following this an array of ‘cultural agreements’ can be signed between North and South Korean authorities marking ‘the Period of Peaceful Coexistence’. The primary theme of history exchange at this point should be the reexamination of political difference between each history so as to find signs for a methodology that can relieve hostilities. The founding of ‘The Inter-Korea Committee for Historical Interchange and Promotion’ as well as subcommittees classified by each subject of exchange is demanded. Henceforth the biggest theme of history exchange is the completion of the methodology of ‘The North-South Korean Union for Historical Understanding’ and reaching the level of cooperation where ‘The Joint North-South Korean Commission on History’ can compile a collaborated historical outline publication.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공공역사 논의의 한국적 맥락과 공공역사가들

        이하나(Lee, Hana) 역사비평사 2021 역사비평 Vol.- No.136

        This article explores the discussion of “public history”, which has been heating up the history academia recently, in the reality of Korea, not in the theoretical dimension. The historical background behind Korean society’s acceptance of the concept of “public history” is three contexts: popularization of history, paradigm shift in historical research, and the “crisis of history” discourse. In particular, regarding the “crisis of history”, there were two factors that emphasized “the greatness” of ancient history and “the glory” of contemporary history, the “history consumption” problem in the public sphere, which had little to do with historical research, and the employment of historians. This situation was the reason why the introduction of the concept of “public history” was delayed, and at the same time the background that the discussion of public history began in Korea. The concepts of “popularization of history”, “consumption of history”, and “history/cultural content” have served as alternatives to “public history” in Korean society. Public history shows a clear distinction, although there are aspects that share a significant sense of problem with these concepts. This is because it contains concerns and philosophies about the pursuit of “historical publicness” that cannot be found in other concepts. Roughly speaking, public history refers to “practicing and reproducing various history outside of academia”, and public historians are understood as “historical experts and non-professional history lovers who participate in public history.” From this perspective, public history exists in abundance throughout Korean society. The existence and activities of public historians who describe/represent/practice history with their own expertise in the field of public history such as museums, memorial halls, media, schools, communities, and internet spaces where criticism and discourse take place are public history. In the future, discussions on public history should take a step further with specific and critical analyses of various sites that are closely attached to the reality of Korea.

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