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      • New Paradigm for Balanced Regional Development in Korea

        Jeong-Sik Lee(이정식) 안양대학교 수도권발전연구소 2004 수도권연구 Vol.- No.1

        지난 40여년간 우리는 놀랄만한 경제성장을 이루어 왔으나 급격한 산업화와 도시화 과정을 거치면서 수도권의 과밀과 지역간 불균형 성장의 부작용도 동시에 경험하였다. 이로 인해 수도권과 비수도권간, 지역과 지역간의 갈등이 심화되어 왔고, 국토공간의 효율성 저하로 인한 국가경쟁력의 약화를 경험하고 있다. 참여정부는 주요 국정과제의 하나로 지역균형발전을 실정하고, 성장과 균형이 병행하는 새로운 분권-분산 발전모델로의 전환을 모색하고 있다. 즉 지역균형발전의 새로운 패러다임을 설정하여 그 동안의 총량적 성장에서 지역간 균형방전을 추구하고, 추진주체는 중앙부처 중심에서 지방중심으로, 주요 정책수단은 인프라 확충과 토지이용규제 위주에서 지역혁신체계 구축을 통한 자립형 발전을 도모하는 것이다. 이러한 패러다임의 변화를 토대로 정부는 지역균형발전의 비전을 “전국이 개성있게 골고루 잘 사는 사회건설”에 두고, 역동적 균형과 통합적 균형을 통한 자립형 지방화의 구축을 균형발전의 목표로 설정하고 있다. 주요 전략은 지역혁신체계의 구축, 산업클러스터의 촉진, 그리고 관련제도의 개선으로 요약될 수 있다. 지역혁신체계(RIS)는 중앙 및 지방정부, 대학, 기업, 연구소, 언론과 NGO 등 지역내의 다양한 혁신주체들이 지역의 연구개발, 기술혁신, 벤처창업, 행정제도의 개혁 등 다양한 분야에서 역동적으로 상호작용하고 협력함으로써 혁신을 창출하고 지역발전을 도모하는 새로운 시도를 의미한다. 따라서 지역별로 산ㆍ학ㆍ연ㆍ관의 긴밀힌 네트워크를 구축하여 지방대학의 육성 → 지역혁신의 활성화 → 지역산업의 발전 → 지방과 수도권의 격차완화 → 인재의 지방정착 → 지방대학의 발전으로 이어지는 선순환의 고리를 마련함으로써 새로운 「자립형 지방화」의 토대를 마련하는 것이다. 산업클러스터는 기본적으로 지역의 특성과 강점을 토대로 상향적, 시장중심적 과정을 통해 활성화될 수 있다. 그러므로 지방정부의 역할이 무엇보다도 중요하다. 중앙과 지방이 상호 긴밀히 협력하는 가운데 지역입장에서 지역전략산업육성계획을 수립하고, 효율성에 근거하여 지원사업을 결정함으로써 지역의 기획능력과 자율성을 배양해 나갈 수 있다. 성공적인 지역별 산업클러스터의 구축을 위해서는 지역이기주의도 현명하게 극복되어야 한다. 지역균형발전의 강력한 추진을 도모하기 위해 관련 법률의 제정 등 제도개선이 계속 진행되고 있다. 우선 「국가균형발전특별법」이 이미 제정되었고, 이를 기조로 제1차 국가균형발전5개년계획이 수립되었다. 또한 대통령 자문기구인 「국가균형발전위원회」 산하에 기획단이 설치되었고, 「국가균형발전특별회계」를 도입하여 지역혁신과 지역개발사업에 필요한 재원을 확보하는 등 참여정부는 의욕적인 지역균형발전 의지를 표방하고 있다. 이러한 노력들이 가시적인 성과를 거두기 위해서는 이외에도 몇가지 중요한 전제조건들이 고려되어야 한다. 첫째, 대통령과 정치지도자들의 지역균형발전에 대안 꾸준하고도 지속적인 관심과 추진, 둘째, 보다 유연하고 합리적인 지역거버넌스(governance)의 구축, 셋째, 지방세제의 개선과 포괄적 보조금의 확충을 통안 지방재정능력의 강화, 넷째, 지방분권과 균형발전에 대한 중앙정부의 꾸준한 제도개선 등이 이루어져야 할 것이다.

      • 수도권-비수도권 동반발전을 위한 정책방향에 관한 소고

        허재완(Jaewan Hur) 안양대학교 수도권발전연구소 2008 수도권연구 Vol.- No.5

        Conflicts between the Capital Region and the other region are too serious to let them go as they are, surrounding the issue of a future direction of the Capital Region Growth Management Policy. It has been criticized that the regulative policy measures, taken by the central government for the last thirty years, towards the Capital Region have resulted in lowering the national and regional competitiveness. However, some policy makers and scholars still insist that such regulation should be maintained in order to reduce the regional disparities and to promote balanced development between the Capital Region and the Non-Capital Region. With this in mind, the central purpose of the paper is to propose some alternative measures which are effective in easing conflicts between the Capital Region and the Non-Capital Region, and further in strengthening the cooperative development between the two regions. The paper proposed that a new social contract is needed, between the Capital Region and the Non-Capital Region, to achieve national efficiency and regional equity simultaneously. The two regions should agree on the admittable levels of regional inequalities, the degrre of deregulation and the directions of both region's specialization. The paper further argues that the Capital Region should establish so-called 'Regional Development Fund' to financially help the retarded areas in the Non-Capital Region if both regions reach an agreement on the deregulation of the Capital Region. The fund could be financed by the capital gains which is expected from the development projects permitted after the deregulation policy toward the Capital Region.

      • 신활력지역의 발전방향에 관한 연구

        이정식 안양대학교 수도권발전연구소 2006 수도권연구 Vol.- No.3

          This paper is aimed at examining both the limitation of existing development strategies of lagging regions in Korea, and the development schemes of newly designated the so-called New-vitalizing regions based on the paradigm for more balanced regional development in the 21st century. Another attempt is also made to propose a few recommendations for achieving such New-vitalizing regional development more effectively.<BR>  For the past four decades, the Korean government has employed various policy instruments to promote regional development in lagging regions and thereby converge regional disparities. A number of policy instruments include the designation and development of the Special Development Area, the remote mountainous and island areas, the DMZ vicinity area and the Development Promotion Zone, and so on. However, government"s such strenuous efforts have not been successful as expected, partly because of duplicated investment by different government agencies concerned and top-down planning process, and partly because of arbitrary budget allocation resulting from insufficient feasibility studies.<BR>  In order to overcome these shortcomings, the government, more specifically the Presidential Committee on Balanced National Development and the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs, introduced the concept of New-vitalizing region to pursue not only regional development of existing lagging regions more comprehensively, but accomplish self-reliant localization by means of bottom-up approaches. The government thus selected 70 cities and counties out of 234 local autonomous bodies as the New-vitalizing region based on the development indicators such as the annual average population growth rate, population density, financial capability and residents" taxes. Such selected regions are provided with government subsidies of total 200billion Won for the first stage in period of 2005-2007, focusing on software-oriented development projects.<BR>  The new attempts, however, need a few improvements in implementing such development strategies more efficiently. First, the implementation system needs to be unified to eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic regulations and overlapped investment. And the annual evaluation system of both project plan and accomplishments is also recommended to be revised to lengthen the period of evaluation, for example 2-3 years, to promote development projects in more consistent and comprehensive ways. Second, investment fund at the central level needs to be expanded. The average 2-3billion Won per annum for each region is not so enough to improve the income level in lagging regions. And the flexibility for spending by New-vitalizing regions should be heightened to encourage both building the Regional Innovation Systems(RIS), and bottom-up planning and implementation processes. Third, the newly adopted consulting system for each region, called the Family Doctor, is relatively unfamiliar theme in Korea. The idea itself is very fresh, but each consultant is not necessarily a omni-scientist. The consulting body is thus suggested to be consisted of experts in relevant academic and practical fields with the Family Doctor as the central figure.<BR>  As preconditions for an equity policy, anyhow, political commitment to more balanced regional development is of great importance in Korea. Continuous attention and almost single-minded commitment of political and administrative leaders at both central and local levels are required to promote the New-vitalizing regional development projects consistently. Furthermore, the attitude of the central government has not yet fully kept the pace with the strong decentralization endeavor. Some efforts should be thus devoted to change the administrative culture accompanying the institutional reform.

      • 안양의 살고 싶은 도시 및 마을만들기 발전 가능성 연구

        장준호,조미향,윤주선 안양대학교 수도권발전연구소 2008 수도권연구 Vol.- No.5

        Contemporary urban environments are facing stable era while citizens are attaining maturity on citizen autonomy underwent rapid expansion and development period. Therefore alternative methods such as an citizen participation or Maeulmandeulgi are getting embossed in urban planning. Anyang City has a peculiar character which is imbalanced developments between Dongan-gu and Manan-gu. To solve the imbalance problem, Anyang City is planning to make a policy to improve settlements environment at underdeveloped area or to support making a cultural city. These policies will be a stepping stone in regeneration(maeulmandeulgi) of Anyang City. To carry out the policy, Anyang City should be faithful to these five promotion rules. First, reflect the urban character by participation. Second, required the softness take against change. Third, strengthen the networking by interaction. Fourth, we need to classify and select cases by economical efficiency. Finally, make sure of gradations by speed management. Anyang City has well-constructed infrastructures to practice Making a livable city and Maeulmandeulgi, but Anyang City did not come off if only turn to infrastructure. Therefore the city planned for a basis to practice methodology of Making a livable city and maeulmandeulgi, and this thesis will paly a role of promotion system and organization. If Anyang City conducted a research for all of them constantly, more development then now and Anyang City will become a real livable city.

      • 접근도를 통한 수도권 지하철 역세권의 잠재적 이용률 분석 연구

        이승일 안양대학교 수도권발전연구소 2004 수도권연구 Vol.- No.1

          The paper reports on a study to conduct a measurement of regional accessibility of Seoul Metropolitan Subway in Korea with respect to geographical configuration of the subway network and the spatial distribution of land uses in the region as well as in each catchment area of the subway stations seeking for its more effective use. The regional accessibility of Seoul Metropolitan Subway in terms of work trips should be represented by means of the population and employment which can potentially reach a station from all other stations of the network. The accessibility measuring model developed using raster GIS technique disaggregates the population and employment of a catchment area into 785,000 raster cells (75m × 75m) and determines network travel times between raster cells using a time-oriented minimum-path algorithm. The results of the study are applicable for land-use and/or transport policies for the Seoul Metropolitan Area at micro level, e.g. land-use changes in some subway catchment areas and/or headway improvements in some links of the network, as well as at macro level, e.g. alterations of its urban structure and/or introductions of new subway lines. The paper starts with an theoretical analysis of potential accessibility of subway. It continues to represent the accessibility measuring model developed in this study using raster GIS combined with networks coded as vectors. The model is implemented to investigate the ineffective use of the Seoul Metropolitan Subway at the micro level. A weighted average and a GINI coefficient are used to analysis the model results at the urban regional level of the Seoul Metropolitan Area. The paper concludes with a discussion of the interpretation of the model results and the future research tasks for further development of the model.

      • 수도권과 비수도권의 상생발전전략에 관한 연구

        이정식 안양대학교 수도권발전연구소 2008 수도권연구 Vol.- No.5

        This paper is aimed at both investigating the concept and ne5cessity of the so-called region-wide economic unit emerged as a new paradigm for regional development in the era of glocalization, and applying this concept for Korea to promote more balanced regional development between the Capital Region and the rest of the country, and, at the same time, to strengthen the national competitiveness. Another attempt is also made to recommend development strategies for designated region-wide economic spatial units(RESUs) in Korea. Many argued that new promising and potential-possessed regions across the national territorial boundary are needed to be merged and integrated as economic agglomeration hubs to enhance their international competitiveness. For example, the concept of region-states, city-regions, super-regions and even mega-regions has been raised since the early 1990s by some experts. Based on such suggestions, Great Britain divided England into 9 region-wide spatial units and established their corresponding Regional Development Agencies(RDAs) as the implementing bodies. France also divided its territory into 6 super-regions, while Japan fixed 8 region-wide local development zones regardless of existing administrative boundary for the purpose of establishing the national territorial plan in 2006. The Korean government also announced that the country would be divided into 5+2 region-wide economic spatial units in order to create competitive region in corresponding to the era of globalization in July 2008. The 5 RESUs include the Capital Region, the Chungcheong Region, the Honam Region, the Daegyeong Region and the Dongnam Region, while the 2 special RESUs are the Gangwon Region and the Jeju Region. Each RESU is thus required to promote leading growth centers, propulsive industries, region-wide industrial clusters and infrastructure facilities, and pioneering projects based on RESU's inherent characteristics, endowed resources and development potential in accomplishing such strategy. Furthermore, it is essential that region-wide governance system should be set up to overcome conflicts and troubles among relevant local governments within each RESU, and thereby bring about mutual cooperation and compromise in its development plan. Second, financial resources should be secured to carry out successfully the proposed development projects. They may include the increase of the Special Account on Balanced National Development, the expansion of central government's block grant, the reform of local taxation system, and so on. In particular, the investment contracts between central government and each RESU is likely to be applied for implementing the large-scale and long-term pioneering projects in a consistent way. Third, it is strongly recommended that central government's differentiated financial assistance depending upon the level of regional development is needed to converge regional disparities between the Capital Region and the rest of the country, and even among RESUs. Fourth, relatively depressed urban and rural areas in each RESU are required a special attention to accelerate their self-reliant development. The so-called new-vitalizing projects undertaken in 70 cities and counties since 2005 should be thus continued to strengthen their development potentials by furnishing more financial grant and administrative assistance based on the monitoring and evaluation of projects.

      • 수도권 관련계획의 정합성 확보 실태 연구

        조규영,김현중,한홍구 안양대학교 수도권발전연구소 2008 수도권연구 Vol.- No.5

        In Korea, there have been discussions on how to systematically manage the Seoul-metropolitan areas in terms of growth management and/or sustainable development, and the majority of the discussions have been focused or based on the general or comprehensive approaches. This study aims to suggest knowledge on the directions, contents and topology of the executable or practical plans through specifically and empirically evaluating how much the plans on the Seoul-metropolitan areas secure the planning consistency. To evaluate how much the plans secure the planning consistency, we analyzed the Comprehensive National Territorial Plan, the Seoul Metropolitan Area Readjustment Planning Act, the Seoul Metropolitan City-Region Planning and the Urban General Planning. We divided the consistency into the following types: 'procedural consistency (in planning)'; 'internal consistency (among planning factors of a plan)'; 'relational consistency (among the plans)'; and then evaluated the consistency by analyzing it with the following types of linkages: 'implied (linguistic and/or abstract) linkage' and 'expressed (numerical and/or concrete) linkage.' We evaluated the consistency of the plans separately, in terms of planning factors and planning contents respectively. We also suggested example cases for the applicable consistency to maximize the concreteness of the evaluation. According to the results, the lack of procedural consistency happens due to the following conditions: the participation of stake holders of the urban plans are not enough; the planning factors are not cooperative with other plans; the ways and methods to comprehensively manage and control the subordinated plans are needed. Concerning internal consistency, where the implied linkage prevailed, the structure is too complex to evaluate the consistency. Fragile were the linkages between planning indexes and planning contents among spatial structure and sectional plans and planning contents, and between execution and management. Lastly, concerning the relational consistency, the followings are important: how much a plan can be a guide to its subordinate plans; how the planners are cooperative with each other; whether the system is established to monitor and evaluate plans; and how much degree the redundancy is removed in plans. Consequently, this study confirms that the consistency of the plans on the Seoul-metropolitan areas is not up to scratch, and thus that we need an across-the-board modification on the relevant plans. This study suggests to construct a planning environment where the government bodies (or the planner) can be more cooperative with each other, and to establish specific plans within or based on the regional plans. This study also suggests to establish and execute specific indexes for the pivotal planning factors (or contents) and to modify the plans for developing specific ways, enabling the execution of the plans. Further studies are needed in those issues.

      • 균형발전과 지방분권의 조화를 통한 지역발전방안에 대한 소고

        손은일(Eun-Il Son) 안양대학교 수도권발전연구소 2008 수도권연구 Vol.- No.5

        The purpose of this study is to demonstrate strategic design and available tasks for regional development through balanced development and decentralization, including practices of Gyeongsangnam-do, Province. The vision for decentralization and balanced development are in the making of frames for decentralized advanced country through the vitality of the locality including the government close to residents. In the conclusion, this study suggests objective and desirable direction and relevant strategies and tasks for balanced regional development through decentralization. The tasks for balanced regional development will be paradigmatic turnabout toward development policy, law-making procedures, and other preparations for balanced regional development.

      • 수도권 성장관리를 위한 시나리오 플래닝 (Scenario Planning) 기법의 활용방안에 관한 연구

        한홍구,장준호 안양대학교 수도권발전연구소 2010 수도권연구 Vol.7 No.-

        For urban growth management, we need to forecast and evaluate the volume and location of future developments. Scenario planning is one of the most effective planning tools for the forecast and evaluation. Scenario planning is also helpful as it can diminish the complexity and uncertainty of future, and consider a few plausible futures together by modeling reasonable scenarios. This study aims to draw urban growth scenarios for Seoul metropolitan area in 2025, and to forecast land use changes by scenarios. In conclusion, four scenarios are drawn through the phased processing model and experts interview. The scenarios are divided depending on the difference of population growth pattern or trends, and the spatial density of developments. Urban growth forecasting models are constructed into two types: macro and micro scale, so that they can forecast future growth by scenarios. The macro scale model uses a transformed Shift-Share model using population and employment of 2025(KOSTAT), land use raster map and multinomial logit model. This study suggests pragmatic strategies depending on each of scenarios through literature study on the issues and problems of the existing urban growth management tools, so that they can help forthcoming studies or relevant efforts. This study is meaningful as the following reasons. First, it introduces scenario planning as a growth management tool for Seoul metropolitan area, and suggests possible application forms. Second, this study adopts processing model and establishes four scenarios so as to pragmatically help the Seoul metropolitan area's growth management plans. Third, this study suggests forecasted land use changes in the future based on the each of the four scenarios. They can provide fundamental information also helpful to the plans. Lastly, this study suggests political or pragmatic strategies to actualize or systemize the growth management.

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