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      • 청음, 병음, 사음으로 진행되는 중국어 어음조련 : 중국어전공 1학년생을 대상으로

        최계화 안양대학교 인문과학연구소 2000 人文科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        學濕習外語, 要培養聽, 說, 讀, 寫四項語言技能. 其中聽力無疑是最重要和最根本的. 漢語作爲第二語言或外語, 敎師首先要開發的應是學生的理解能力, 尤其聽力理解. 一個人用第二語言與以該語言爲母語的령外一個人進行口頭交流的時候, 只要能大槪地聽동對方的話, 就可以說是比較成功的交談. 因爲人一旦理解了對方之義, 便會在自己所學所知的語言範圍內, 臨時選擇較爲適當的言語對此作出反應, 最豈碼也可以用"是""不是", 甚至於用點頭, 搖頭, 微笑, 表情, 手勢等身體語言去應付部分場面. 但是如果幾乎聽不동對方的話, 惑假定對方又不擅長筆談, 那마雙方就根本無法進行交談. 換句話說口頭交流是以聽동爲構通之前題的. 通常認爲沒必要針對初級漢語入門者開設聽力課. 那是因爲大多數以爲初學者還沒有能力用該語言進行交流, 而認爲只有先學會說, 才可以進行交談. 因此大部分的漢語敎學都是到了掌握了一定程度語言規則的中級階段, 才開設和重視聽力課, 且目前有關聽力敎學的硏究論著也偏向於語句聽力, 幾乎沒有涉及語音訓練階段的聽力訓練這一筆者認爲相當重要的領域. 顯然語音敎育階段當中聽力訓練的切實需要一直未被充分認識到. 這里論及的語音訓練敎學的對象爲韓國的大學一年級中國語專業學生. 兒童與成人, 專業學生和上班一族, 生意人與旅遊者, 西洋人和韓國人, 其年齡, 職業, 敎育程度有相當大的差異. 對象不同, 隨之按排的敎學課時, 敎學週期也會有相應的變化. 外語敎學應因材施敎, 逐漸摸索出一條符合具體情況的適當的敎學之路. 中國語專業的學生與利用業餘時間開快車的人們不同. 他門相對來說有較多的時間和機會接觸和使用漢語. 擧安養大學的例子. 中國語專業的新生除了「初級中國語」專業匹修課(相當于精讀課)之外. 還設有普通人門的「敎養中國語」課, 而且又別開生面的穿揷了一門叫作「中國語練習」的聽起來頗有些不知所云的練習課. 不過正因爲這一"不三不四"的練習課, 筆者才有機會設計一下一套"實驗性"較强的敎學方案. 學生也可以暫時放下把負, 以輕松自由的心態. 較安然的對"難不可測"的漢語進行一系列的"練習". 而所實行的基本敎學方法爲"聽音ㆍ辨音ㆍ寫音"練習. 簡單地說卽讓學生反復練習聽到一個音或音節之後辨別其音. 幷用병音寫出該音. 通過這種訓練學生的集中力會得到大幅提高, 學生也爲了達到敎師的要求而努力練習, 其效果可以說比較滿音. 這門實驗課是排除漢字敎育的, 幷擺脫掌握語義和語法的束縛, 用學生從未接觸過的生疏的音節進行"聽音ㆍ辨音ㆍ寫音"訓練. 這樣到了中級以上漢語水平之時, 學生卽使聽到陌生的詞語, 也不會惑到緊張和沮喪, 通過"聽音ㆍ辨音ㆍ寫音"訓練而培養起來的感性記憶能力會幇助他記住生詞, 用當場提問或事後査조的方式解決問題, 從而學生學習的機會也會隨之增多. 筆者根據自己在一段時期的語音訓練敎學當中所積累的敎學經驗, 在此提出一項嘗試性較强的初步敎案, 供同行參考. 因未經科學認證, 其缺點和疏陋無可避免.

      • 랜섬의 불확정성 시론

        이윤섭 안양대학교 人文科學硏究所 1998 人文科學硏究 Vol.5 No.2

        AbstractThe title of Ransom's book. The World's Body. illustrates his critical emphasis on particularity against universality. and his ontological tenets can be epitomized by the remark that a real thing is a bundle of complementary qualities and an exhaustible particularity or that ''the object appears to us as a dense area of contingency.'' Relegating scientific rationalism to the realms of abstract and quantitative universality. and placing literary discourse in the realms of concrete and qualitative particulality and so restoring its cognitive integrity, Ransom may appear to be merely a dualistic advocator of irrelevant and local textule. and Physical poetry dealing with the World's body. It is true that in defense of art an poetly against the overflowing scientific point of views Ransom divided the poem into the logical structure and the local texture. and regarded the latter as the essential component of the poem. However, his favor of local texture and the physical poetry dealing with Dinglichkeit in the objects has a certain theoretical reservation that true poetry should be impure and therefore contain some irrelevant and foreign factors in itself. He never thought that a poem can be made of subject matter of a single nature, but that an unusual degree of complexity should be achieved in a poem, and this is made possible with introducing the notions of excess, overplus. roughening. undetermining. It means that not only texture but structure participates in opening and achieving the indeterminate and rich meaning and sound of a genuine poem. The mutual interaction and coexistence of irreconcilable factors without destroying their natures and identities in a poem can only promise the importation of indeterminacy into a poern and the creation of true poetry imitating the world of contingency in which we live. This paper attempts to explain and discuss his basic theoretical ideas with such topics as logical structure and local texture. science and art. the influence of Kant. the theory of impure poetry inherited by R. P. Warren, and finally form as an aesthetic principle. In the final section of the paper. an example of practical criticisrn analysing Marvell's ''To his Coy Mistress'' is added for the purpose of verifying the critical validity of Ransom's poetics.

      • 안양시 유치원 교육환경의 실태와 발전 방향 : The Actual Conditions and the Directions for Improvement

        최양미,이은상,김영숙,구광현,이수남 안양대학교 인문과학연구소 1998 人文科學硏究 Vol.6 No.1

        Abstract Although environmental factors are important in all stages of education, those factors play more significant roles in the field of early childhood education than in any other school settings in that young children grow and develop rapidly and they are very sensitive to environmental elements. Consequently, it is essential to prepare appropriate educational environments for young children in order to maximize the effect of educational efforts. The environment of a kindergarten can be divided into personal environments and physical environments. Personal environments include parents, teachers, peer groups, and other people in the community. On the other hand, physical environments include the site of a school, school buildings, playgrounds, books, and several kinds of educational facilities and materials.The purpose of this study was to analyze the actual conditions of educational environment of kindergartens in Anyang city and to propose the directions for improving the environment. For this purpose, this study reviewed the significance of educational environment of kindergarten and the history of early childhood education in Anyang. In addition, the information on actual conditions of educational environment of kindergartens was collected using a series of questionnaire and the collected data were examined on the basis of the following categories: 1) Curriculum planning and program implementation 2) Educational facilities and teaching materials 3) Heads and teachersThe results of data analysis revealed that, in general, actual conditions of educational environment of kindergartens in Anyang city were appropriate. However, several problems to be solved were also found. Based on the results of the study, following suggestions can be made for improving educational environment of kindergartens in Anyang city: 1) First of all, heads/managers and teachers in the kindergarten should have strong attitudes and make efforts to solve the environmental problems pointed out in this study. 2) In addition, it is necessary to establish an effective corporation system among educational administrative authorities, schools, and other organizations of social education. 3) In parallel with the above, the government should provide not only strict administrative controls but also proper supports to the field of early childhood education for maintaining and improving the quality of educational environment. It seems that these suggestions are consistent with Anyang city's policy to make this city as “a city of hope in the 21th century, the period of localization” and minimum requirements for preparing the implement of kindergarten education as a stage of public education.

      • 칸트의 도덕적인 기독교의 의미

        윤병렬 안양대학교 인문과학연구소 2002 人文科學硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        Das Chirstentum und die Theologie bei Kant sind strend ehtisch orientiert. Sogar ist der theologische Gottesbeweis bei ihm nur ethisch moeglich. Er hat demzufolge den herkoemmlichen "ontologischen Gottesbeweis" abgelehnt, weil die menschlichen Erkenntnisfaehigkeiten jenen nicht erlaubt. Der Mensch kann naemlich nicht ueber die Welt des Noumenon durchdringen. Die theologische und philosophische Stroemung in der Zeit Kants ist sonzusagen Rationalismus, Aufklaerung, und "Deutscher Idealismus". Jedoch war Kants philosophisches und religioeses Denken mit jener Stroemung gewisserweise auseinandergesetzt. Naemlich hat man in der Zeit Aufklaerung ueber die Welt und Gott zu optimistisch gedacht; oder diese Sachen hat man nur einseitig in der Seite des Menschen aufgeklaert. Sodann hat nur der Mensch den Schluessel und die Macht, den Kosmos zu oeffnen und zu herschen. Kant war aber dagegen. Kants Ethiko-theologie ist besonders in Korea sinnvoll, weil die koreanische Kirche nur Gnaden, Wohlwollen, Glueckseligkeit und Rettung akzentuiert. Auf diese Weise ist es in Korea fast nicht moeglich zu unterscheiden, was christlich oder nicht christlich ist. D. h. den ethischen Sinn des Christentums, das Jesus Chistus in der Bibel konkret gesprochen hat, leugnet man dann. Gerade hat Kant diese vernachlaessigte ethische Sache des Evangeliums genau gesehen. Obzwar hat der Mensch nach Kant urspruengliche Anlage zum Gutten, aber umgekehrt gibt es in seinem Wesen "den Hang zum Boesen." Nach Kant ist der Mensch von Natur aus boesartig. Diese These Kants ist zumal gleich wie die des Apostels Paulus, der Kirchenvaters Augustinus und der Reformatoren Luther und Calvin. Er hat den "Hang zum Boesen" des Menschen zur drei Teile geglidert: Gebrechlichkeit(fragilitas), Unlauterkeit(improbitas) und Boesartigkeit(vitiositas). Sodann muss der Mensch nach Kant vom "alten Menschen" zum "neuen Menschen" wieder geboren werdern(wie bei Paulus). Aber der Mensch kann allein nicht solches schaffen. Darin liegt sozusagen "Postulat Gottes" und Gottes Urteil aus Gnaden.

      • The Scarlet Letter의 표현기법

        이종만 안양대학교 人文科學硏究所 1995 人文科學硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        ABSTRACT It is true The Scarlet Letter has been appreciated something absolutely new in American literature and rare in any literature in the world even now, that is, a novel that is not merely a narration but also a subject worked over and brooded over until it became a work of art complete within its frame. And a number of critics have estimated it as a great masterpiece. Then what kinds of elements have made it such a great work of art? It is said that Hawthorne was completely intergrated, until his fiftieth year, with the soil and spirit of a New England which had bred and indoctrinated his introspective forebears. In other words his antecedents continued to be a powerful influence in his character as a writer But what are his specific literary techniques to express his thoughts over puritanism, morality and psychology of characters. In his novel there are a great number and symbolism, allegory, humor, irony and romances which he named. In fact the title'the scarlet letter A'is the very symbolism. Therefore here I have studied the characters of his literary techniques and how they are in harmony with the circumstances and themes of the great work.

      • 신체의 역할이 피아노 테크닉에 끼치는 영향에 대한 분석 연구

        양준자 안양대학교 인문과학연구소 1999 人文科學硏究 Vol.7 No.1

        Abstract 'Technic' is the valid skill to achieve the artistic the creation as well as reproduction(performance in case of music). However, the true sense of musical 'technic' is not just physical activity but also mental activity combined. Therefore, the right 'technic' for the piano performance is the one with proper balance between the physical technic but wiyhout the mental(musical) aspects. Performance with brilliant physical technic but wiyhout the musical contemplation can be meaningless activity. Whereas, one can not reach the astistic representation with only the musical contemplation and physical skill. Piano performance is the artistic expression of each composer's idiosyncratic musical piece, through the piano. Performer is able to reproduce good music only with the harmony of physical and mental aspects. The term 'musical' means that the performer feels and needs to express the composer's emotion which could not mark on the music. The term 'technic' means the skill of physical performing parts(fingers, wrists, arms, shoulders and torso) for the performers to express the composer's emotion with music. In these days, the spread of piano instruments promotes the great number of piano major students. However, many of these students do not have the right conception of the 'technic' as well as the right understanding of the capacity and the mechnism conception of the piano instument. Through the experience from teaching piano for number of yeats, performance, the conversation with other musicians, the books and music periodicals, I decided to study on "An Analysis on Physical Roles related with Piano Technic". I hope that this study would help to promote the right teaching method of piano performance for the piano students.

      • 19C 낭만주의 소고

        조영운 안양대학교 人文科學硏究所 1998 人文科學硏究 Vol.5 No.2

        Romanticism started and wonderfully bloomed in 19th century in literature, painting and music. It has common characteristics in that they dealt with nature and was reaction from classicism or neo-classicism. Romanticism was made free from strict forms and rational constraints. It had free expressions of feelings of happiness, anger, sorrow and grief. "Spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" is good poetry according to Wordswrorth. Lyrical Ballads is manifesto of romanticism in literature "Tintern Abbey" and other simple poems in the book are good examples which expressed his love of nature and his romantic attitude. Love of nature is rooted in Rousseau's words. "Return to Nature" Love of nature in romanticism led many painters to the landscape of country from the shadowy studio. They wandered to find out wonderful landscapes, objects which they wanted to paint. Economically they could be independent because new-born middle class paid their attention to the pictures of landscape. Turner, well-known Eng1ish landscape-painter and contemporary of Wordsworth, left many wonderful works. He had much influence on the painters in eluding French Impressionists, though they did not want to accept the fact. In French art, Gericault and Delacroix exhibited their romantic Pictures in the saloon. Their works were mucho different those of David who was the leader of nee-classicism in French art. Their themes, materials and the way of expression are different from those of neo-classicist. To see is to believe. Beethoven was the bridge which connected romanticism and classicism. His "Sympony No. 3”. “Eroica” was the start of romanticism in music. He expressed his love of nature in “No. 6 Symphony”. Its title "Pastoral" shows his attitude to nature. In his last symphony. "Choral Symphony". Beethoven arrived at the completion of romanticism in music not only in structure but also by using Schilier's "Ode an Freude" in chorous. Romanticism. I believe, most beautifully bloomed in music and it always revives again as long as we live and have heart to feel and have dream and experiment of and adventurous mind.


        John C. Brewer 안양대학교 인문과학연구소 1998 人文科學硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        Koreans, coming from a common linguistic, educational and cultural background, demonstrate common and recurring problems in their use of English. This paper briefly discusses some of the linguistic, cultural and educational causes of Koreans' difficulties in communicating effectively in English. Some problems are so deeply rooted in cultural or linguistic differences, or in the fossilization of acquired incorrect usage, that little progress is likely to be made in correcting them in the normal context of English education currently conducted within Korea. Other problems, however, can be readily understood by learners and corrected with proper instruction and practice. After discussing some of the general causes, this paper analyzes eleven selected problems in the use of both written and spoken English observed in a Korean university setting over a period of time. The problems are selected based on frequency of occurrence, typicality and practicality of successful correction. Within the analysis of the selected problems, correct usage and learning strategies will be suggested.

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