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      • 외국어로서 속담의 언어 기능과 활용 방안

        곽은희 ( Eunhee Kwak ) 시학과 언어학회 2016 시학과 언어학 Vol.32 No.-

        본 연구는 속담의 언어로서의 활용 기능에 주목하여 ‘외국어로서 속담의 언어 기능과 활용 방안’을 다루었다. 속담은 사용 빈도가 높지 않지만, 특성에 따른 언어의 기능을 세밀히 고찰하는 것은 언어 기능의 총체성을 유지하는 데 필요한 것이다. 속담의 언어 기능과 활용 방안의 고찰은 현대에 속담이 상징적 의미로서 언어로 존재하는 시각을 새롭게 하여 실생활에 활용하며, 현대에 사용하는 어휘로 새로운 속담을 형성하고 사용 가능하도록 한다. 속담의 폐쇄된 구조를 수용하고 활용하여, 개방적인 어휘와 새말 형성의 기능을 하게 한다. 이전 속담 구조에 현대적 어휘를 교체한 22개의 자료를 비교하고 분석한 결과, 속담의 언어 기능이 확장되고, 속담을 이미 알고 있는 고급 학습자를 대상으로 새로운 어휘 활용과, 교사의 사전 지식을 보완하는 활용도 기대할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to examine proverb language functions as foreign language and suggest possible applications for proverbs as an efficient means of acquisition in Korean language use. The emphasis in this study was placed on active expression functions for foreign language learners. In particular, the language function value of proverbs is located in their being orally transmitted, which places them in the category of “speaking acquisition.” Past studies have primarily examined possible uses of proverbs in Korean language education from a cultural standpoint, while research on their language functions have fallen short in terms of real-world applicability. The main reasons for this are twofold. First, the proverbs that have been passed down through tradition typically were shaped by the everyday vocabulary of the past. Second, their meaning has frequently functioned as a symbol of traditional values, rather than in the realistic sense that is the basic function of the proverb. Because education in proverbs has generally been restricted to traditional examples, research is needed to shed new light on the language functions of proverbs as foreign language used in real-life situations. For this study, possible methods were examined for using proverbs in Korean language education by connecting them to the modern context, relating them to the acquisition of real-world vocabulary, and juxtaposing them with modern examples of the proverb. Because the vocabulary of the modern proverb is situated against the backdrop of modern culture, it offers a possible way to resolve the twofold issue presented by the symbolic meaning of past vocabulary and values. The research method involved juxtaposing traditional and modern proverbs to compare the content as it was transformed and produced. Proverbs were classified into three categories by language function, each of which was examined in terms of its subcategories. The language functions of proverbs were also examined in terms of the pathways of proverb formation by which foreign learners come to recognize the patterns and vocabulary of new proverbs formed in the modern context. Chapter 2 examines the language function characteristics of proverbs as foreign language, classifying them into categories of “open” and “coinage” functions. Chapter 3 suggests specific means by which proverbs may be incorporated into foreign language education.

      • 연구논문 : 무대에서의 전래 동화 구연에 관한 연구 -언어적/비언어적 요소와 콘텍스트를 중심으로-

        류정월 ( Jeong Wol Ryu ),윤인선 ( In Son Yoon ) 시학과 언어학회 2011 시학과 언어학 Vol.20 No.-

        This paper studies the Korean traditional children`s stories which are performed by members of a volunteer organization. These performances have two levels. One consists of verbal factors and the other nonverbal factors. Most of communication studies and performance studies focus on the verbal factors but this paper focuses on the other factors, too. The analysis of the performances has to consider not only text but also context. The stage of the performances is a library for children in Seoul. There are several volunteer organizations. Doggaebi gamto is one of them. It has thirteen members and they are over age 60. We choose two female tellers. Children responded very positively to their stories. They tells Korean traditional children`s stories every Saturday in a room which is located in the library. The room is their stage. Goffman is known for stage metaphor to convey his thoughts about social interactions. We divided the "front" and "backstage" and investigated their relations according to Goffman. Frist, this paper studies environmental and visual signs in the stage to analyse nonverbal factors. Second, this paper focuses on meta-narrations which reveal the teller-audience relations to analyse verbal factors. Finally, this paper explores the religious context and traditional context. And to conclude, the two teller`s performance have different code. One is vertical code and the other is horizontal code.

      • 매체 문식력(Media Literacy)을 통한 한국어 쓰기 교수·학습 연구

        이미향 ( Mi Hyang Lee ) 시학과 언어학회 2012 시학과 언어학 Vol.23 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to discuss the korean wrighting teaching-learning through media literacy for a learner`s active wrighting, It is required for the media literacy based on multimodality communication in multimedia age. In addition, the intercultural-communication process is also needed in communication training because the korean learner generally understand the korean language by intercultural-communication, When these two factors are specified in the teaching-learning process, it can be expected that the korean leaner use the leanguage integrated with comprehension and expression The focuses of this study are media literacy in communication, the korean learner`s intercultural-communication, and the activity of writing integrated with comprehension and expression. First of all, we confirmed the importance of media literacy in multimedia age through examination of the educational efficiency of media language, Then, we intensively proposed Korean wrighting teaching-learning process through media literacy as follows, The korean leaner can decode multimodality by media literacy in the first step of comprehension, and then understand a massage by intercultural-communication in the second step of comprehension. They can subsequently experience media literacy on the material of daily language activity in application step and share it with teachers and colleague leaners. Thus, they can arrive at active produce level including passive produce. The language education using multimedia is aleady offered to teachers and learners as teaching materials in a classroom. Consequently, we can expect the various insructional designs inducing the leaner`s active wrighting by utilizing a good teaching-learning process and a material suited the needs of time in this study.

      • 시의 언어, 그 어의(sense)에 대한 소고

        조형일 시학과 언어학회 2016 시학과 언어학 Vol.32 No.-

        이 연구에서는 단어나 말의 의미를 뜻하는 어의(語義)라는 가장 기본적인 개념이 시가 말하고자 하는 궁극적인 의미를 실현시키는 실체적 요소임을 진단하고 그 중요성과 원리를 밝혀 보고자 했다. 작가가 아닌 독자의 입장에서 시어가 갖는 ‘어의’에 대한 이해가 조금은 편리하게 가능 할 수 있는, 배경지식으로서의 프레임을 제안해 보고자 한 것이다. 이를 위해서 우선 시어를, 그 배경이 되는 표현들과 시인의 의식에 관계하는 표현 그리고 이미지나 감각을 담는 표현들의 자릿값으로 크게 나누어 보았다. 시를 구성하는 언어 표현들을 일차적으로 구분하는 데에는 <배경>과 맥락으로서의 <의식>, 초점이 되는 <이미지와 감각>이면 충분한 것으로 보고 이를 도식화하여 제안해 보았다. 이 영역에 해당하는 단어 표현들을 우선 구분하여 그 어의를 파악하는 것으로 시에 쓰인 언어의 해석은 일단 충분해질 수 있음을 밝혔다. 그리고 초점화와 배경의 영역에 추가와 해체, 맥락 더하기와 탈맥락하기가 점진적으로 관계되면서 이들의 어의는 수식과 조응의 형태로 그 결속관계를 강화-약화하게 될 것으로 진단하고 이를 4개의 사분면으로 다시 설명해 보았다. In this thesis will diagnose the SENSE which means word and dialogues’s meanings is most basic and important authentic part of the Poem. So I would like to clarify the principle of the SENSE. It means that not a poet: creator but a reader: consumer’s sight of view the SENSE put a little bit convenient background knowledge in a reader. So because of this we will suggest sensible to the frame of background knowledge. For this, before everything I divided expression of the poem into background expression and expression which are concerned to a poet; writer, and position of image and sense. After then for distinguish expression of the constituent of poem fundamentally, it is fulfill that < background > and < consciousness: at a context >, < image & sense: at focused >. Furthermore, these three concept are suggested which are schemed. Finally, I explained focusing and overlapping, dismantling, additional context and decontextualized are related by degrees with quadrant scheme.

      • 김지하 담시에 나타난 "신명"과 시적 언어의 부정성

        김란희 ( Ran Hee Kim ) 시학과 언어학회 2011 시학과 언어학 Vol.21 No.-

        This study is to examine the language used by Kim Ji-ha in his poems through the theory of "Sinmyeong", a concept that the Korean poet himself defines as the ultimate value of public language. Kim brought his poetic language in his lays to the public discourse by his linguistic faith in the concept of Sinmyeong, so that he was able to suggest the poetic social norm about the nature and form of public language. He identifies Sinmyeong with a core value that unites all the values that the public pursue, and his Sinmyeong provides a coordinate of the literature of his time, regarding what the public language was, and thereby provides the key to understand his creation principle and language characteristics. According to the Korean poet, "Sinmyeong" refers to gigantic literary embodiment of languages that breathe and keep their rhythms and rhyme, and thus it revives the physical impulse that have long been forgotten in the symbolic system of language. How is Sinmyeong, the gigantic literary embodiment of the public language, represented in texts? Sinmyeong is literary physicality and the energy of body and the movement of psychological energy. It is physically expressed by sound or rhythm, and concurrently contradicting the symbolic language system. Therefore, this study is to identify the poetic principle of Sinmyong through the concept of negativity of the poetic language that Julia Kristeva suggested. The negativity of the poetic language delivered by Kim Ji-ha`s lays is represented by repeating rhythms and phrases, adopting onomatopoeic and mimetic words, and breaking or distorting morphologic-syntactic rules. Such signs of negativity are the purses of the sign system in order to change the physical impulse of the narrators of his poems, and to confront meanings of the symbolic system. By doing so, poetic languages relieve and energize the suppressed public, and express social resistance. Through his effort and the kind, the public of his time fully enjoy Sinmyeong that reinvigorated their spirit and energy.

      • 결혼 이주민을 위한 문화 교육 방안 -양귀자의 ≪원미동 사람들≫ 읽기를 중심으로-

        김지혜 ( Jee Hye Kim ) 시학과 언어학회 2010 시학과 언어학 Vol.18 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to examine the use of literature as an educational method for teaching culture to immigrants, specifically those who have married into Korean families. As members of multi-cultural families, immigrants desire to integrate into Korean society. Literature is a valuable venue by which immigrants can learn the overall states of Korean culture, society and identity. Literature, by way of novels and stories, embodies society and culture and therefore can lead immigrants to an autonomous and meaning rich life in Korea. In the book A Distant and Beautiful Place, Kwi Ja Yang illustrates the principle of mutual understanding and coexistence in lower-middle class community near Seoul. Learners can express and share their sympathy after reading a novel like this one. By reflecting on their own past and current experiences, through discussion with their fellow students, they can extend their understanding of Korean culture in order to promote and live out an integrated life in community with Korean people.

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