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      • 문화관광축제 스토리 디자인 활용 사례분석

        전명숙(Chun, Myung-sook) 세계문화관광학회 2006 Conference Proceedings Vol.7 No.0

        The Regional Cultural Festival was used to be hold by villagers to share the traditional culture and to make strong relationship between people through togetherness. As it has adopted as the cultural tour program, it needs the story design to make a particular story planning and a special meaning itself in these days. The purpose of this study is on to know the roll of the story design in the regional cultural festival and how to develope this concept to a cultural festival tour planning through 4 regional cultural festival programs such as Kyungju global cultural expo, Hwasun Dolmen festival, Andong Hahoe Mask dance festival, Gangnung Dano festival.

      • 오즈 문화 관광의 지리적 상상력, 상품화와 진실성

        강석진(Kang, Suk-jin) 세계문화관광학회 2006 Conference Proceedings Vol.7 No.0

        To celebrate Frank Baum's 150th birthday, lots of Oz cultural events have been prepared throughout America including Kansas, California, South Carolina, Ohio, and Florida in 2006; diverse festivals, contests, and live performances are offered to cultural tourists such as Scarecrow Stuffing, Follow the Yellow Brick Road, and an Oz Singing Contest. These events are designed mainly to restore the innocent state of happy childhood through cultural consumption. Commodified Oz cultural products are provided to restitute and refresh the tourists; ruby shoes, witch costumes, and other Oz products show that cultural heritage assets are fully transformed into consumable products. Oz tourism fully satisfies tourists by offering many "getting away" events to help them escape from the pressures of daily life. Oz is the place where Dorothy's ruby shoes let her realize fantastic dreams. This imaginary space is, however, closely related to real geography. In fact many tourists enjoy the orders of simulacra and create a real world without reality in the name of Oz. In this sense, the Oz park can be compared to the Magic Kingdom, an imaginary space which replaces reality. Modern tourists look for authentic life. thus Oz events are designed to appear authentic to the tourists. Many original Munchkins and Frank Baum's grandson actively join Oz festivals and events to give authentic experiences to those who quest authenticity. They are structured to satisfy the cultural tourists who want to get away from ordinary events and normal concerns of everyday life. The cultural value of Oz literary tourism primarily lies in the recuperating and entertaining effects of its cultural experience.

      • 中国现代文人眼中的雷峰塔

        汪亚, 세계문화관광학회 2006 Conference Proceedings Vol.7 No.0


      • Study of Tourism Product for Tea Culture in Hangzhou

        Zhang Chunli(张,春丽,) 세계문화관광학회 2010 Conference Proceedings Vol.11 No.0

        “茶为国饮”,杭为茶都,历史悠久的茶文化,正在日益成为新时期旅游产品的重要组成部分,杭州茶文化旅游的发展已经具有一定规模,本文在对目前杭州的茶文化旅游产品进行归纳整理的基础上,对其进行深入剖析,着重分析其发展中存在的不足,进而提出杭州茶文化旅游产品的开发应积极拓展思路,充分挖掘茶文化的深层次内涵,从多方面生动演绎和展现。 Tea is beverage of China and Hangzhou is capital of tea. The tea culture with long history is becoming an important part of tourism product in the new period. The development of tea culture tourism of Hangzhou has a certain scale. Based on the analysis of culture tourism products of Hangzhou the present, the paper analyses its disadvantages especially, and puts forward following conclusions. First the development of tea tourism products should be actively expands thoughts. Second, the deeper connotation of tourism products should be deepened. Third, the deduction and expression of tea products should be done from the many aspects.

      • 中???文化的?代价?

        Xie Zheng(?征) 세계문화관광학회 2007 Conference Proceedings Vol.8 No.0

        中???休?文化的?代价?表?在??能??代休?文化提供精神?料,也能成??代中?休?旅游?展的文化?源。"和?"是中???休?文化的核心理念,"和?"理念使休??正地成?一?生命超越形式和生活品?的提升方式。本文?述了中???休?文化?"天道和?"、"心性和?'、'形上和?'的理想追求及其?代价?。 The modern value of the Chinese traditional leisure culture not only provides spiritual nutrition for the modern leisure culture, and it also can be the cultural origin of the tourism development in modern China. "Harmony" is the core notion of the Chinese traditional leisure culture, the notion of "Harmony" also makes the leisure really become a life form surpassing reality and a way improving life quality. This paper elaborates the ideal pursuit and modern value of Nature harmony, Mentality harmony and Metaphysical harmony in the Chinese traditional leisure culture.

      • 跨国旅游与跨文化交际

        袁智敏(Yuan Zhimin) 세계문화관광학회 2009 Conference Proceedings Vol.10 No.0

        跨国旅游是一种社会文化活动,对于人类文化传播有着积极作用。然而不同的文化背景和风俗习惯,给旅游主、客地人们的交往造成许多冲突和误解,进而影响到旅游活动的顺利进行。本文以跨文化交际理论为依据,阐述了放游跨文化交际的属性及旅游与跨文化交际的关系,并根据具体案例,从价值观念,社会规范、人际交流行为等文化差异,分析跨国旅游中产生交际冲突的原因,同时提出了应对建议。 Transnational Tour is a kind of social activities playing an important role in transnational cultural transmission. However, the existing cultural differences cause misunderstandings and conflicts in the communications between people from tourist resource countries and from target countries so as to greatly obstruct tour programs in smooth implement Having a study on the relationship between transnational touring and intercultural communication, the thesis will make detailed analyses on the causes of cultural conflicts occurred through case study, and then put forward measures to solve the problems as well.

      • Further Discussion about the Impact of Cultural Differences on Transnational Tour

        Yuan Zhimin(袁智敏) 세계문화관광학회 2010 Conference Proceedings Vol.11 No.0

        跨文化交际应是世界旅游交往中的一座“理解的桥梁”, 帮助我们去认识和了解异域文化, 更好地促进国际间旅游交流和发展。然而鉴于不同文化之间的差异以及对异域文化缺乏了解, 旅游者与旅游目的地居民双方在交往中,容易出现不恰当言行,产生交际摩擦,影响跨国旅游的顺利进行。本文从语用的角度,分析了文化差异的类别以及对导游翻译的负面影响,进而提出了消除文化差异负面影响的应对策略。 Cross-cultural interaction is a bridge of understanding through which people can get familiar with and understand different cultures. But due to the differences between the cultures and misunderstanding, conflicts and clash often occur between the tourists and local people of the destination country and it greatly obstruct tour programs in smooth implement. From the viewpoint of pragmatics, the thesis categorizes the cultural difference, analyzes its negative impact on the translation of guiding words, and put forward some measures to overcome the conflicts.

      • 乡村旅游跨文化交流研究

        罗峰(Feng Luo),章艺(Yi Zhang) 세계문화관광학회 2012 International Journal of Culture and tourism Resea Vol.5 No.2

        2008年起, 有来自南非、法国、韩国等十来个国家的人士在浙北德清395村经营农家乐, 受到崇尚自然的国内外旅游者的欢迎。本文在调查的基础上, 研究以乡村旅游为载体的跨文化交流给旅游目的地带来的影响。结果显示, 跨文化交流主要对当地旅游模式、环境意识、文化融合等方面产生a积极的影响。建议该地旅游规划与开发要尊重目的地居民意愿、保护目的地居民的本土文化、选择吸收外来文化精华等, 以促进旅游目的地的可持续发展。 Since 2008, foreign businessmen from South Africa, France, South Korean and other countries have started rural tourism in Sanjiuwu Village of Deqing county, the northern part of Zhejiang province. The rural tourism attract nature respecting foreigners and white-collars. Based on questionnaires and research, this paper studied the influence of destination with cross-cultural contact. Results show there are aggressive influences on the following aspects, such as tourism mode, environmental awareness, cultural integration and etc. Finally, some useful proposals are put forward for local tourism development. In order to promote sustainable development of destination, the government has to respect and protect local villagers and culture, and at the same time select and adopt the essence of foreign culture.

      • The Hotel Management Philosophy Wisdom Originated from Confucian Harmonious View

        Zhang Shuifang(张,水芳) 세계문화관광학회 2008 Conference Proceedings Vol.9 No.0

        In the history, the Confucianism thought once obtained the acme esteem, which can be indicated by the saying "half the Confucian analects was enough to governs the world."A careful study of the Confucianism thought culture, and adoption of its benefit, will certainly give the inspiration for the hotel superintendent 在历史上,儒家思想曾经得到了极致推崇,"半部《论语》治天下"。认真思考儒家思想文化,吸取有益的东西,必将给饭店管理者带来智慧上的启迪。

      • 서울의 유교의례자산을 관광지로 활용하는 연구방안

        김천성(Kim, Chun-sung) 세계문화관광학회 2006 Conference Proceedings Vol.7 No.0

        서울의 유교의례 자산을 관광지로 활용하는 방안연구 한국은 동아시아에서 유교문화를 가장 잘 간직한 나라로 알려져 있다. 오늘날에도 옛 조선시대의 국가차원의 유교제례가 장엄한 음악과 춤과 함께 거행되고 있다. 그러나 정보가 미비하거나 해마다 음력 제례 일을 약력으로 변경함에 따른 복잡함으로 이들을 알리는 인쇄물이 미비한 실정이다. 본 논문은 현제 서울에서 거행되고 있는 종묘제와 사직제, 석전제등 길례 대사와 중사의 자료를 자세히 조사하여 영문화하고자 한다. 또한 민간차원의 제사 중 격조 높은 의례 중 하나인 청권사에서의 효령대군 제의를 알리고 이를 자료화 하여 국내의 관광객의 관심과 참여를 유도하고자 함이 연구 목적이다.

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