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      • KCI등재

        Cities of power and protest: spatial legibility and the colonial state in early twentieth-century India

        Swati Chattopadhyay 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2015 도시과학국제저널 Vol.19 No.1

        It is a commonplace in Indian history that the decision to move the colonial capital from Calcutta to New Delhi was spurred by the political landscape of Calcutta: anticolonial nationalism had made Calcutta ungovernable. What is rarely asked is exactly what aspect of the urban attributes and political landscape of the city prompted this reaction? What made it difficult or impossible to carve out a twentieth-century imperial diagram in Calcutta? Based on readings of the nationalist and terrorist movements launched in Calcutta (and Bengal) during the first two decades of the twentieth century, I argue that what was at stake was the spatial legibility of the state. If New Delhi produced a clear description of the imperial state, making it visually explicit, Calcutta defied this legibility of the state. Anticolonial nationalism fundamentally altered the political geography of Calcutta as the capital city of empire: the colonial archives tell a story of a spatially beleaguered state. The story describes the process through which city space, even those that display the most authoritative diagram of power, is appropriated and disarticulated to produce a new political field.

      • Urban Morphology and Commercial Architecture on Namdaemun Street in Seoul

        Sung Hong Kim, Yong Tae Jang 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2002 International journal of urban sciences (IJUS) Vol. No.

        This paper is about the transformation of urban morphology and the emergence of new commercial architecture in Seoul during the Japanese colonial occupation period. While Japanese administrators used urban planning as a most decisive tool for colonial management, Japanese retailers introduced the department store for expanding their market territory. The intent of this paper is three-fold: first, to examine the urban morphology of a new business and commercial centre in Seoul, review the Japanese urban planning intervention, and describe the spatial distributions of new types of commercial architecture; second, to look specifically at the spatial configurations of the department stores and compare them with those in Tokyo; and finally to discuss how these commercial buildings had significant spatial impact on the development of architecture and urbanism in Seoul.

      • KCI등재

        Citizen-generated local development initiative: recent English experience

        Patsy Healey 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2015 도시과학국제저널 Vol.19 No.2

        This paper looks at the civil society enterprises which have been emerging in many parts of Europe in recent years, focusing on the experience in England. Rather than forms of citizen ‘participation’ in public policy, these enterprises involve the direct provision of goods and services through citizen-generated initiatives. They respond to the deficiencies arising from financial constraints and changes in the public sector's role and from inadequacies in the quality of market delivery of welfare services. They also reflect a search by citizens for more locally sensitive provision of goods and services. The paper briefly reviews the place of civil society enterprises, illustrated with examples from relatively successful ones which have emerged in the past two decades. The paper concludes with a commentary on what has enabled these enterprises to get started and grow in scale and scope, how they relate to the formal government sector and their potential future.

      • KCI등재

        Planet Moscow, a guide to the changing landscape of power

        Karl Schlögel 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2015 도시과학국제저널 Vol.19 No.1

        Moscow is unique in many ways: the city that concentrates the political, economic and symbolic power of the largest country of the world. Layout, structure and aesthetic forms reflect Russian history over the centuries. The absolute concentration of wealth and power makes the city in the vast spaces of Russia an isolated planet, where one can observe and analyse the ruptures of Russian and European history, especially in the twentieth century.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of changes in neighbourhood environment due to the CPTED project on residents’ social activities and sense of community: a case study on the Cheonan Safe Village Project in Korea

        서승연,이경환 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2017 도시과학국제저널 Vol.21 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to analyse the effects of changes in neighbourhood environment due to the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) project on residents’ social activities and sense of community through a case study of Cheonan Safe Village Project. The study conducted an observing survey and questionnaire survey in order to collect data, and a total of 314 residents’ social activities and 502 surveys were used in analysis. The analysis results can be summarized as follows. First, after the CPTED project, residents’ social activities showed a sustained increase. Compared to before the project, social activities increased by 30.5% immediately after project completion, and by 90.4% at the 1 year after completing the project. Regarding different types of social activities, greetings and conversations between neighbours and children’s play activities showed a sustained increase around the areas where the physical environment changed due to the CPTED project. Second, compared to before the project, the changes perceived in characteristics of the neighbourhood environment showed a 13.7–18.5% increase in the quality of the pedestrian environment, 13.4–24.8% decrease in neighbourhood disorder and 12.7–21.9% decrease in fear of crime. Also, the sense of community increased by 5.4–7.9% after the CPTED project. Third, neighbourhood disorder, fear of crime and participation in neighbourhood activities were significantly correlated with a sense of community of residents. These results suggest the changes in the neighbourhood environment due to the CPTED project, combined with resident participation in neighbourhood activities, had positive effects on improving the sense of community and social ties among community members. The above results shows that changes in neighbourhood environment due to the CPTED project have a positive impact on residents’ social activities and sense of community as well as local crime safety.

      • KCI등재

        Dynamics in the governance of smart cities: insights from South Korean smart cities

        Yirang Lim,Jurian Edelenbos,Alberto Gianoli 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2023 도시과학국제저널 Vol.27 No.-

        This paper aims to explain how the governance model changes in smart cities by using South Korea's experience as a case study. South Korean smart city development is divided into three phases according to the national master plan and maturity of smart cities. Phase 1 took place from 2008 to 2013, phase 2 extended from 2014 to 2018, and phase 3 began in 2019 and will last into 2023. The cases under consideration are three representative smart cities: Seoul, Songdo, and Sejong. The analysis traces how the governance model of each city changes throughout the three phases. According to stakeholders’ roles and relationships, the governance model is categorized into four types (corporate, market, multilevel, and network governance). The governance model in all three cities showed little change. In Seoul and Songdo, market governance was dominant, while in Sejong, multilevel governance was. However, in phase 3, the institutional setting is changing to facilitate network governance in all three cities. The government guided the collaboration, giving more opportunities for private, academic, and civil actors to engage.

      • KCI등재후보

        A study of disputes between POSCO and local communities on POSCO's steel mill development in India

        구자문,제임스 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2012 도시과학국제저널 Vol.16 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyse the problems that exist between local communities and Pohang Iron and Steel Company (POSCO) due to POSCO’s largescale steel mill establishment in India, and to draw strategies to solve the problems. Local communities have been opposing the project due to fears of denuding the forests, displacement of residents, less economic opportunities for local people, etc. Thus, the progress of the project is very slow, even with strong support from the Indian government. To gain favour with the local community and to promote the project successfully, POSCO must be equipped with effective local-friendly programmes and non-hostile cooperative negotiation strategies founded on mutual trust. Also, community outreach for explaining such large-scale issues as national economic multipliers and sustainable development must be performed by POSCO and the Indian government. It is recommended that POSCO establish a conflict resolution committee consisting of interested parties, as well as appoint a third-party mediator. It is important for POSCO to maintain a long-term, comprehensive view when initiating a project in India or other similar countries.

      • KCI등재

        Comparing the environment for elderly pedestrians among different-sized cities of Gyeonggi province in Korea

        이형숙,박은영 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2014 도시과학국제저널 Vol.18 No.1

        The purposes of this study are to identify assessment indices for evaluating the environmentfor elderly pedestrians and to compare the pedestrian environment surroundingsenior welfare centres among large, mid-size, and small cities. To that end, a set ofassessment indices and weighted values were decided and field assessments were carriedout in seven cities in Gyeonggi province. Research methods such as reviews ofpedestrian assessment tools, field assessment, and an analytic hierarchy process surveywere conducted. The comparative analysis of the assessment results suggests thefollowing policy implications. First, Aesthetics including attractive views, tree shade,and building facades was found to be important, let alone Safety, which represents thepresence of path and traffic control devices. Second, there is a considerable discrepancyin the pedestrian environment surrounding senior welfare centres between largecities and mid-to-small cities, which pose a serious impediment to both balanced urbandevelopment and senior citizens’ welfare. Third, it is important to develop easy-to-useassessment tools that are customized to the domestic pedestrian environment to enhanceawareness about the local environment, as well as to drawmore interest and participationto the improvement of the environment for elderly pedestrians.

      • KCI등재

        Identifying the influences of demographic characteristics and personality of inveterate drunk drivers on the likelihood of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUIA) recurrence

        김도경,이유화 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2017 도시과학국제저널 Vol.21 No.4

        Driving under the influence of alcohol (DUIA) is one of the main factors that cause severe traffic crashes and is considered a grave offence under the law. As shown by existing research and statistics, one of the characteristics associated with DUIA is that DUIA offenders are more likely to be rearrested for DUIA conviction. This means that in order to eradicate DUIA, the personal, psychological, and socio-cultural characteristics of habitual drunk drivers should be examined and intensive efforts are required to manage these types of offenders. This study aims to identify how the personality traits of DUIA recidivists influence the likelihood of DUIA recurrence on urban roads. The personalities of the drivers were divided into four dimensions – psychoticism, extroversion, neuroticism, and lie – based on the Korean version of the Eysenck personality test. Four additional attributes related to drivers’ information were included: gender, blood alcohol concentration (BAC), drinking frequency, and educational background. From the analysis results, six variables were found to be significant and five variables except for educational background had a positive correlation with the possibility of DUIA recurrence. Regarding drivers’ personality traits, drivers with a higher psychoticism (P) and lie (L) had a 118% and 102% higher possibility of DUIA recurrence, respectively. The results of this study are expected to contribute to a reduction in DUIA-related traffic accidents by preventing DUIA recidivism through follow-up management such as a continuous monitoring for drivers with a higher propensity for DUIA recurrence and by establishing regulations that can administer strong punishments for DUIA recidivists.

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