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      • 水原樹木園 植物目錄(Ⅰ)

        附屬樹木園 서울대학교농과대학농업개발연구소 1989 서울대농학연구지 Vol.14 No.2

        본 대학 수목운은 관악산에 위치하고 있는 안양수목원과 수원에 있는 수원수목원으로 나누어져 있으며, 1971년 10월에 대통령령 5,666호로서 서울대학교 농과대학의 부속기관으로서 법적인 위치를 차지하게 되었다. 수원수목원의 조성 면적은 약 21ha로서 구원시 서둔동에서 고색동에 이르는 도로에 의하여 자연적으로 동서수목원으로 구분되어진다. 동편수목원은 본 대학 남학생 기숙사인 상록사 앞쪽의 지구로 약 8.5ha 의 면적이며, 서편수목원은 본 대학 부속농장 남쪽의 노송지구로 면적은 약 13.5ha이다. 동편수목원에는 침엽수원, 활록수원, 식의식물원, 덩굴식물원, 조림수원, 국토녹화수원 등 가로수원으로 구성되어 있으며, 서편수목원은 자디원, 화관목원, 기증수목원, 생울타리견본원, 시 · 도목원, 조경수원, 유실수원, 숙근초 관찰원 등으로 구분되어진다. 동편수목원에는 장미과(Rosaceae), 소나무과(Pinaceae), 주목과(Taxaceae), 측백나무과(Cupressaceae), 자작나무과(Betulaceae), 층층나무과(Cornaceae)의 식물이 주로 식재되어 있으며, 서편수목원에는 범의귀과(Saxifragaceae), 소나무과(Pinaceae), 진달래과(Ericaceae), 콩과(Leguminosae), 인동과(Caprifoliaceae), 노박덩굴과(Celastraceae)의 식물들이 주로 식재되어 있다.

      • 農科大學의 國際化 對應에 관한 硏究 : The Case of the Seoul National University College of Agriculture 서울大學校 農科大學과의 聯關에서

        金性洙,王仁權 서울대학교농과대학농업개발연구소 1990 서울대농학연구지 Vol.15 No.1

        The general objective of the study was to explore an expanded 'fourth' function of 'International Agricultural Development Activities' of Korean agricultural colleges, Seoul National University College of Agriculture (SNUCA), in particular. In order to attain the general objective, some detailed objectives were formulated: (a) to systematically understand the basic concept of and need for the expanded new function; (b) to make an overview of highly selected foreign agricultural colleges' international agricultural activities with special reference to those in the United States, the firstcomer developed country in the field; and (c) to make a projection on the function to be planned and implemented by the SUNCA. The significance or meaning of the study may be very briefly summarized. First, the Korean national development has been such that Korea has become the most typical firstcomer developing country or newly-industrializing country or economy. Consequently, Korea's most leading SNUCA in higher agricultural learning institutions has been greatly and well developed. Second, being the most typical and forwarding 'more-developed' developing country with tremendous industrialization in such a shorter span of time since the early part of the 1960s, Korea has been expected and sought by so many latecomer developing countries, that is, 'less-developed' developing countries the world over as an appropriate origin for their national development technology, the agricultural and rural development technology, in particular, for their rather immediate utilization, which are mostly agriculture-based so badly lagged. Third, Korea's markedly enhanced status in the international community needs to strengthen her international involvements in terms of development cooperation for the latecomer developing countries the more, for the international development activities, namely, 'International Agricultural Development Activities,' to be planned and implemented for the very unfortunate countries, which would prove of national benefit, too. And finally, fourth, the traditional international donors, for example, the United States, have become weakened, and in this highly internationalization era, Korea as one of the newly-emerging country has to assume the leadership as an international donor, in this case, in the field of agricultural development, to be genuinely internationalized herself. The study had a couple of no small limitations or difficulties: (a) since this study was the first of its kind conducted in Korea, reference information could hardly be found locally, (b) in getting relevant information from arbitrarily selected agricultural colleges in other countries which could be considered far more experienced in the field, only two or three cases could be evaluated satisfactory though almost all (16 out of 17) responded to the information-seeking letters-cum-questionnaires sent. Especially, Dr. Jiryis Oweis of the Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD), Department of State of the United States, was very much helpful and Dr. E. W. Coward, Jr., Director, International Agriculture and Professor of Rural Sociology and Asian Studies, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, has forwarded the most comprehensive and relevant information. and (c) taking into consideration the fact that this study is of an exploratory nature, contents or the scope of the study was intentionally made limited. From a review of some foreign agricultural colleges' international agricultural activities with special reference to those of the United States, the following were found. (A) Universities or agricultural colleges' authodox and/or fundamental functions of teaching, research and public services have to be supplemented by a fourth function of 'International Agricultural Development Activities' in more developed countries, especially with a view to helping develop so many latecomer developing countries the world over. (B) The new function is not the kind of an one-way, one-direction flow one from more developed countries' agricultural colleges to those in less developed developing countries. The field experiences are fed back to the donor colleges so that they are integrated into the already operating three functions very much to give international perspectives and trainings to students and public or private parties interested in this intensified era of internationalization or globalization. (C) Universities themselves, government authorities concerned, private firms and organizations interested, and major foundations should have recognition, commitments and actual supports for the endeavour. In other words, agricultural colleges must do what they should do and relevant external agencies and organizations must do what they should consider as necessary. (D) the traditional 'Exchange Program' is only part of the International Agricultural Development Function which is far more comprehensive when well developed though the student and faculty exchange program may be considered the core of the international function, being the traditional nucleus of the 'Internationalization of Universities or Agricultural Colleges' in an era of internationalization for human being's symbiotic existence. And (E) the international agricultural development activities have to adopt an interdisciplinary approach among relevant disciplines. In particular, it must be imperative for any development projects to have social scientists formally participated in. In other words, agricultural or rural social sciences, such as agricultural economics, rural sociology, and agricultural and extension education must be represented in any development cooperation teams. Some of the more imortant findings and projections worked out from this study which, among others, aimed at exploring the international agricultural development function for the Seoul National University College of Agriculture of Korea, may be: A) It would be confidently pointed out that faculties of the SNUCA were very much enthusiastic and willing to take up the fourth function of international activities for which basic capacity or qualifications are almost same with or equal to those in other foreign agricultural colleges of significant attention. (B) The Korean government authorities have just initiated to extend development cooperation to latecomer developing countries in the field of, agricultural development, which fact implies, among others, the government authorities concerned should pay their serious attention to the agricultural colleges' role in the framework of the official development cooperation programs. Unfortunately, in the past, the SNUCA and other agricultural colleges used to be given little or no attention at all by the government authorities concerned, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, for example;. the SNUCA is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education in Korea. (C) The SNUCA must do what it. should do within its reach and management: creation of an institutional set-up such as an office of international agricultural development programs; encouraging to set up international courses, preferably of interdisciplinary character when considered pertinent; encouraging to infuse international flavour and perspectives Into existing courses as much as possible; increasing the number of cooperating agricultural colleges primarily in latecomer developing countries, accepting more students from them, together with faculties, who should be accommodated in a dormitory provided; establishing the missing disciplinary departmental set-up for 'Rural Sociology,' etc. (D) In line with the SNUCA's projects, the University headquarters and the Ministry of Education and other ministries concerned should provide the faculties with financial resources so that they could conduct research studies and teaching in cooperation with cooperating agricultural colleges in the very recipient countries. As far as the agricultural industry is concerned, this would enable to make up what Korea badly lacks in the so-called 'Area Studies.' (E) Major private foundations presently found locally, numbering five or so which have interests in promoting academic progress, should turn their attention to the SNUCA's international agricultural development activities for the very unfortunate lagged countries, most of which, naturally are agriculture-based with much to do for improvement, as historically the United States' cases have demonstrated. As a sort of the conclusion of the study, a proposition-like statement may be advanced: the international development function of the Seoul National University College of Agriculture should be integrated into the existing three traditional ones not only for the development of the SNUCA but also for the national interests and needs in this ever-increasing internationalization era as the most important measure to cope with the international developmental challenges.

      • A Review on The Agricultural Trade in Korea : 對美貿易을 中心으로 With Special Reference to U.S.

        潘性紈 서울대학교농과대학농업개발연구소 1989 서울대농학연구지 Vol.14 No.1

        1960年代 以後 韓國經濟는 輸出主導型 外向的 經濟開發計劃으로 刮目할만한 成長을 이룩하였다. 그러나 이러한 經濟政策으로 因해 農業部門에 對한 投資는 그의 國民經濟에의 貢獻度에 미치지 못하여 農業의 成長은 非農業部門에 比하여 크게 뒤지게 되고, 그 結果로 相對的 地位가 현저하게 低下하고 있는 實情이다. 그럼에도 不拘하고 近來에 와서 對美貿易黑字로 因해 美國으로부터 農産物市場의 開放을 强力하게 要求 當하고 있다. 그러나 韓國農業은 그 零細性으로 因해 市場의 完全開放은 農業을 破綻으로 이끌것으로 展望된다. 本 硏究는 韓國農業 및 對美貿易의 實相을 밝히고 市場開放化의 實相을 개략적으로 考察한다. 1. 韓國의 農民 1人當 耕地面積은 美國農民의 그것에 比하여 1%에 不過하여 規模面에서 競爭의 相對가 되지 않는다. 2. 1987년의 總輸出은 47,281百萬弗이고 輸入은 41,019百萬弗로서 6,262百萬弗의 貿易黑字를 實現했다. 3. 對美輸出은 總輸出의 38.1%인 18,000百萬弗, 輸入은 總輸入의 21.5%인 8,800百萬弗로서 9,200百萬弗의 貿易黑字를 나타냈다. 4. 한편 農業貿易은 輸出 725百萬弗, 輸入 4,204百萬弗로서 農業部門에서는 3,479百萬弗의 貿易赤字를 나타냈다. 5. 對美農業貿易에 있어서는 輸出 82百萬弗, 輸入 1,984百萬弗로서 1,902百萬弗의 貿易赤字를 나타냈다. 6. 美國으로부터의 農産物輸入은 1980∼1985년 사이에 全體農産物輸入의 約 54%를 占하였으나 1987년에는 47.2%로 떨어졌다. 6. 韓國農業은 關稅와 쿼터等 物量的인 輸入制限으로 保護되고 있으나, 關稅보다는 物量的 輸入制限의 役割이 相對的으로 크다. 1987년의 경우 名目保護率은 쌀 94%, 大豆 397%, 쇠고기 82%, 豚肉 60%였다. 7. 1987년 現在로 780品目의 農水産物의 輸入이 自由化되어 輸入自由化率은 74%이며 이는 全商品의 輸入自由化率 94%보다는 낮은 實情이다. 8. 農産物輸入을 完全開放하면 價格下落, 生産減退를 통해 農家의 實質所得이 크게 떨어질 것으로 한 硏究結果는 展望하고 있다. 예컨대 쌀 輸入의 完全開放은 價格이 62.1% 下落하고 生産이 30.6% 減退할 것이고, 쇠고기의 輸入自由化는 價格을 58.5%, 生産을 41.2% 減少시킬 것으로 추정하고 있다. 그리고 쌀, 大豆, 쇠고기 및 돼지의 輸入自由化는 農家의 實質所得을 約 35% 減少시킬 것으로 展望하고 있다.

      • 몇개의 生長調節物質이 콩의 수량에 미치는 영향

        林雄圭 서울대학교농과대학농업개발연구소 1990 서울대농학연구지 Vol.15 No.1

        콩의 品種 장엽을 공시하여 수원 所在 서울大學校 農科大學 실험포장에서 韓國化學硏究所가 合成한 植物生長 調節物質 KP-2, KP-8, KP-9의 3種類는 콩에 대한 處理에서 植物의 영양생장 및 곡실生産에 아무런 증수效果를 나타내지 않았다. KP-15의 0.1 ppm處理는 콩 꼬투리수를 有意하게 增加시켰고 또한 곡실 生産을 각각 15.8% 증수시켰다. TRIA의 0.1 ppm處理는 콩 꼬투리수를 현저히 增加시켰고 또한 곡실生産을 30.1%나 증수시켰다. Jangyop, the variety of soybean, was used for experiment at the experimental farm of College of Agriculture, Seoul National University located at Suwon, Kyunggido Province. The experiment was carried out applying 4-replication randomized block design which was treated with the plant growth regulating substance of KP-2, KP-8, KP-9 and KP-15 synthesized by Korea Chemical Laboratory and Triacontanol at 3 levels of 0.1 ppm, 1.0 ppm and 10 ppm. The treatment of soybean with KP-2, KP-8 and KP-9 showed no effect on the vegetative growth and increased grain yield. Soybean treated with KP-15 at 0.1ppm was increased significantly in the number of its legumes and grain yield by 15.8%. The treatment of soybean at 0.1ppm of Triacontanol increased markedly the number of legumes and increased grain yield by 30.1%.

      • Celluomonas sp. Endoglucanase 유전자의 Cloning 및 E.coli에서의 발현

        이계호,이인형 서울대학교농과대학농업개발연구소 1990 서울대농학연구지 Vol.15 No.1

        Cellulomonas sp. ATCC21399로부터 Escherichia coli HB101로 pBR322 plasmid를 이용하여 endo-β-1, 4-glucanase 유전자를 cloning하였다. Celm. sp.로부터 chromosomal DNA를 분리하여 제한효소 BamHI으로 부분절단한 후 low melting temperature agarose gel로부터 4∼15 Kb 정도 크기의 DNA 절단만을 분리하여 NACS PREPAC column에 의해 정제하였다. pBR322 또한 BamHI으로 절단한 후 self ligation을 방지하기 위하여 bacterial alkaline phosphatase을 처리하여 dephosphorylation시켰다. 두 가지의 절단된 DNA를 혼합하여 T₄ DNA ligase로 ligation시켜 E. coli HB101에 형질전환하였다. 2,500여 형질전환체 중 65% 정도가 재조합 plasmid DNA를 가지고 있는 것으로 insertional inactivation으로 확인되었으며, 그중 하나가 congo red를 처리한 plate에서 yellow halo zone을 형성하였으므로 endoglucanase 효소활성이 나타났음을 확인하였다. 이 형질전환체로부터 plasmid DNA를 분리하여 pCS129로 명명하였으며, 13 Kb 정도 크기의 insert를 가지고 있었다. pCS129 DNA를 제한효소로 분석한 결과 BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII site는 insert내에 존재하지 않았으며, PstI, SalI site는 여러 곳에 존재하였다. pCS129를 갖는 E. coli는 Celm. sp.의 1/20정도의 효소역가를 보여주었다. A gene encoding endoglucanase of Cellulomonas sp. ATCC21399 was transferred into Escherichia coli HB101 by molecular cloning using pBR322 as a vector. Chromosomal DNA of Celm. sp. was isolated and partially digested by BamHI. DNA fragments of 4-15 Kb from low melting temperature agarose gel were fractionated and purified by NACS PREPAC column. The pBR322 DNA was also digested by BamHI and dephosphorylated by treating with bacterial alkaline phosphatase. The DNA preparation from Celm. sp. and pBR322 were mixed and ligated with T₄ DNA ligase and transformed into E. coli HB101. Among 2500 transformants, 65% were the recombinant plasmid DNA, and one colony exhibited endoglucanase activity with the yellow halo zone by congo red staining. From the endoglucanase positive colony, the recombinant plasmid DNA was isolated and named as pCS129. Restriction analysis indicated that the insert of pCS129 was 13 Kb and was not cleaved by BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII but was cleaved at several sites by PstI, SalI. The E. coli harboring pCS129 showed one-twentieth of endoglucanase activity of the gene donor Celm. sp.

      • 꿀벌의 日週收蜜活動에 關與하는 諸要因에 關한 硏究

        李明熱,吳賢宇,崔承允,禹建錫 서울대학교농과대학농업개발연구소 1989 서울대농학연구지 Vol.14 No.1

        In order to employ the honeybees (Apis mellifera) profitably as insect-pollinators, the factors governing their diurnal foraging activity, the patterns of diurnal flight activity at the hive entrance and the seasonal fluctuation of colony size were examined. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. There was a maximum flight activity at the hive entrance between 11h and 15h during the spring and fall but it was between 08h and 09h or 16h and 17h during the summer. This activity highly correlated with the solar energy(Mj/m²) during the spring and fall. 2. The brood area and colony weight developed to the maximum in early July but total number of flying bees at the hive entrance reached the peak early in May, and decreased in June but increased again late in July. 3. The higher the degree of flowering developed, the more active the foraging behavior. Though the degree of flowering was similar in different varieties, the foraging preference in the apple blossoms differed with varieties. 4. The amount of nectar per flower was variable with time hours, age of flowers and plant varieties. 5. The number of honeybees collecting only the nectar in the apple blossoms increased in the afternoon. Foraging behavior in the pear blossoms changed with the varieties and the numbers of honeybees collecting only the pollen (66%) or only the nectar (31%) did not change with time in the peach blossoms. 6. The diurnal foraging activities of honeybees on eight honey plants highly correlated with the solar energy but temperature, relative humidity and wind speed were not.

      • 韓國人의 傳統庭園 識別要因에 關한 硏究

        曺正松,이유직 서울대학교농과대학농업개발연구소 1990 서울대농학연구지 Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate how Koreans distinguish their traditional gardens from other Oriental traditional gardens. This study was focused not on the prototype study of traditional gardens but on the Koreans' judgement factors of their traditional gardens. The results are summarised as follows, 1) There is no consistency between the Koreans' self-rating interest level and the understanding of the traditional garden elements, 2) On distinguishing the garden style, Koreans mainly depend on the garden structure. In case of where trees and stones were dominated in a garden, they considerate whether trees were prunned or not, and stones were arranged naturally or not. 3) The experience or image of traditional garden by the mass media also affect the interpretation of the Oriental traditional gardens.

      • 土地利用强度를 利用한 共同住宅團地의 屋外空間規模設定에 關한 硏究

        黃琪鉉,安建鏞 서울대학교농과대학농업개발연구소 1989 서울대농학연구지 Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to offer the optimum size of outdoor space in multifamily housing by intensifying land use intensity standards. First, to find out some tendencies of open space ratio relating to site conditions, site data of existing 124 sites were analyzed. Second, to estimate minimum standard of open space ratio, livability space ratio and recreation space ratio, the data were gathered from a questionnaire through 18 apartments complex in Seoul, Suwon, Daejeon and Jeonju with regards to resident's satisfaction at outdoor space. The data were analyzed by using correlation and regression through PC-SAS. Tendencies of open space ratio in 124 sites are summarized as follows. 1. The scale of site (land area, floor area, dwelling units) is rarely related to open space ratio. 2. Open space ratio of the site in local city is lower than that of Seoul. 3. Site of Public developer(KNHC) is superior to that of private developer (Hyundai) in OSR. 4. There is no relation between distance from city center and LIR. These results show that open space ratio must be determined in consideration of density, region and developer. With regards to resident's satisfaction at outdoor space; 1. As respondent is older and lower-educated, he is more satisfied with outdoor space. 2. Male is less satisfied with outdoor space than female. 3. Income and vocation of respondent don't influence on satisfaction. So questionnaire must be established in consideration of these variables. In relation to residential type; 1. High-rise apartments are superior to low-rise apartments in total satisfaction. 2. High-rise apartments are superior to low-rise apartments in satisfaction of sunshine condition, privacy and view. 3. Low-rise apartments are superior to high-rise apartments in satisfaction of livability and recreation space. These results show that sunshine, privacy and view have more influence on total satisfaction than livability and recreation space. And minimum land use intensity standards of high-rise site were estimated at the level of 50% user's satisfaction from the regression. 1. Minimum open space ratio of 0.45 was estimated, it is higher than standard of FHA, and lower than 0.5 that is estimated by Sato in Japan. 2. Minimum livability space ratio of 0.36 that is higher than standard of FHA was estimated, which shows relative shortage in road and parking space. 3. Estimated minimum recreation space ratio of 0.05 is lower than 0.07 of FHA, which shows that more recreation space will be needed. Through the analysis process, these estimated standards are not absolute and must be developed to be applied to new town construction and local development as a tool of outdoor design and assessment.

      • 李朝後期의 賭地權에 關한 史的硏究

        朱奉圭 서울대학교농과대학농업개발연구소 1989 서울대농학연구지 Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to review the development process and characteristics of ?? as a tenatn's permanent ownership right under land tenure system during the later period of Rhee Dynasty. Findings of the historicaly reviewed study are summarized as follows. First, ?? was resulted from rewards for tenant's labor input based on river and water bank construction and reclamation development projects. Second, ?? was characterized on permisson of sale or purchase, mortgaje and heritage without landlord's agreement. Third, ?? was developed under tenant's cultivation land as a sort under-level land ownership against landlord strongly. Fourth, ?? system was excluded and neglected under the capitalistic land ownership project during Japanese colonial rule.

      • 필터용 토목섬유의 설계 및 시험기준에 관한 연구

        장병욱 서울대학교농과대학농업개발연구소 1988 서울대농학연구지 Vol.13 No.2

        The study concerned the establishing geotextile filter design criteria to recommend for actual field use and examination of the existing test procedures to determine permeability of geotextile. The results of this study are as follows ; Upon reviewing the existing numerous works, geotextile filter criteria such as retention ability, clogging resistance and permeability criteria were established and recomm ended on the choice of the appropriate geotextile for the filtration system. However, geotextile filter criteria recommended in this study should be combined with some engineering experience to actual field use and performance monitoring as well. A laboratory avaluation program was conducted to evaluate the validity of existing test procedures for determination of permeability of geotextile. Examination Examination of effects for various test parameters such as vertical load, direction of flow, time, size of apparatus, type of geotextile and the soil retention of soil-geotextile system was performed.

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