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      • KCI등재후보

        “China Threat” Discourses of the Trump Administration: Overblown or Lopsided

        김지운 연세대학교 미래사회통합연구센터 2019 Journal of Conflict and Integration Vol.3 No.2

        Truly, China’s rise is remarkable. Under the circumstances, the Trump administration has officially defined China as a main strategic rival. However, it is argued, the most recent “China Threat” discourses the current U.S. government disseminates lack grounds and balance: they are exaggerated or prejudiced. China’s capability to challenge the U.S. is still limited. In trade, China has benefited the U.S. as well. As of today, the real danger to the U.S. is not China per se; it is the official version of “China Threat” discourses of its own as they would probably evolve to be a self-fulfilling prophesy.

      • KCI등재후보

        Religion, Education and State in France(1789-1905)

        김민정 연세대학교 미래사회통합연구센터 2020 Journal of Conflict and Integration Vol.4 No.1

        The function of education is important to have knowledge of politically important issues, and to let members of society recognize what values are good in politics. It is a political socialization. To integrate people into a political system, the political system socializes people through education. The Hijab issue at school in France seems to be related to a religious issue but is also an educational issue. This study tries to reveal the relationship between the education, religion and the state in France in order to explain the reason why the French society has been so sensitive to the Hijab issue in school. Along the period of the third Republic of France, the republicans tried to abolish the influence of the catholic church into politics so that the reactionaries would not take a power again. They thought that the royalists could come back to power anytime because electorates who had been educated by the catholic church could vote for the royalists. Therefore the republican efforts to build a republic concentrated on the building of the public educational system. This study shows a long history of the republian efforts to institutionalize the French public educational system that explains also the saliency of the Hijab issue in French society of 20th century.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Origin of Urban Poverty and Economic Inequality in Contemporary China

        김지영 연세대학교 미래사회통합연구센터 2020 Journal of Conflict and Integration Vol.4 No.2

        This study attempts to examine the origin of urban poverty and economic inequality in contemporary China by focusing on the period of 1980s and 1990s. China has experienced a rapid economic growth during the two decades, after the start of economic reform in 1978. This study claims that the primary cause of urban poverty in China is due to structural liberalization during the two decades (1980s-1990s), which has been adopted to achieve rapid economic growth in the global economy. Structural liberalization has resulted in reduction of the welfare system, an increase in unemployment, and an increase in the number of rural migrants into urban areas. In addition, it will specify the impact of hukou system and FDI on urban poverty and inequality in China.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Progress of Women’s Political Participation in Malaysia comparing with Singapore

        김민정,Amirah Athirah 연세대학교 미래사회통합연구센터 2020 Journal of Conflict and Integration Vol.4 No.2

        Malaysia and Singapore and may be geographical neighbors, however, these two countries have not particularly experienced the same paths to the development of women's political participation. Malaysia has seen a gradual growth in the number of women in parliament while Singapore portrays a significant increase despite a shorter time period as compared to its neighbor. This paper argues that economic growth and education attainment will impact the advancement of women's political participation in parliament but these two conditions are not sufficient. The analysis suggests that economic growth and education together with a cultural perspective towards women's social role and strong political parties' will to enhance women's political participation will ensure better women representation in the political field.

      • KCI등재후보

        Religious network and labor migration rethinking the integration of low-skilled migrant workers in South Korea

        김희연 연세대학교 미래사회통합연구센터 2020 Journal of Conflict and Integration Vol.4 No.2

        Low-skilled Cambodian workers are not concerned by “multicultural programs” in South Korea. In this context, they deal with this situation through the help of religious institutions, such as the Onnuri Presbyterian Church, by recreating a sort of ethnonational community. Labour migration permits Cambodian workers to weave different kinds of social links between them, with Koreans of the peninsula, and also with Koreans in Cambodia. This article examines the singular form of integration or exclusion of these migrant workers in South Korea, and tries to demonstrate its impact on their life upon their return home.

      • KCI등재후보

        Mechanisms to enforce gender quotas and its limitation in Mexico

        김민정,Gabriella Rossetti Caseres 연세대학교 미래사회통합연구센터 2021 Journal of Conflict and Integration Vol.5 No.1

        Women's political participation was boosted by the feminist movements and has evolved with the introduction of reforms, being in 1996 the first affirmative action in favor to promote women's political representation. Today the House of representatives counts 49% of women while 50% of women in the Senate. However, the struggle for gender parity persists; political parties have tried to circumvent the spirit of the gender parity law by using strategies that disadvantaged women candidates in order to favor themselves. Institutional completion is important, but it can be confirmed through the Mexico case that the social culture of equality and the active efforts of political parties bring about the gender-equal political culture of the society.

      • KCI등재후보

        The US Foreign and Defense Policy Changes based on the 'Audience Cost': US Foreign Policy Changes regarding The Congress, Public Opinion, and Media

        차재훈,윤상용 연세대학교 미래사회통합연구센터 2020 Journal of Conflict and Integration Vol.4 No.1

        This study applies James Fearon’s “Audience Cost” theory on the US foreign-defense policy during the Bush-Obama era, and analyzes when their foreign-defense policy agenda clashed against groups that can inflict the “audience cost”. This study attempted to prove that the President is not the sole decision-maker in foreign-defense policy area, and the public opinion, the Congress, and even media are influencing the direction of the American foreign-defense policy altogether.

      • KCI등재후보

        South Korea’s Hedging toward South Korea-United States- China Trilateral Dynamics

        박용수 연세대학교 미래사회통합연구센터 2021 Journal of Conflict and Integration Vol.5 No.1

        Despite increasing domestic and international pressure to choose between the US Indo-Pacific Strategy and China's Belt and Road Initiative, South Korea is still not officially participating in either of the two countries’ core strategies. Instead, South Korea introduced a neutral policy called the New Southern Policy. Through the New Southern Policy, South Korea has been encouraging participation by strategic functions in areas that have a common interest between South Korea, the United States, and China, and has been promoting and reinforcing cooperation with the two superpowers simultaneously. This ambiguous strategy taken by South Korea is a typical hedging strategy that the weaker state takes against the competing two great powers while maintaining a certain distance from the fierce competition between them. This shows that a hedging strategy asserted in the balance of power theory is valid in explaining the strategic actions South Korea is taking in relation to the fierce US-China competition in the Indo-Pacific region of the 21st century.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Challenge of Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula: Opportunities and Risks

        이승현 연세대학교 미래사회통합연구센터 2020 Journal of Conflict and Integration Vol.4 No.1

        In this article, I have a plan to find ways to improve inter-Korean relations by narrowing the gap between many denuclearization hurdles and analyzing the tasks of South Korea to implement in the denuclearization process. First of all, I would like to check the environment of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, as it is necessary for me to conduct a three-dimensional analysis of the East Asian level, the Korean Peninsula level and the South Korea domestic level. So, I did review the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the current political situation surround Korean Peninsula. Based on SWOT analysis, I tried to describe the pathways that have been discussed in reality. These are (a) the dismantling of the Yongbyon nuclear facilities and Small deal, (b) the dismantling of the Yongbyon nuclear facility + α and big deal, (c) a complete denuclearization roadmap and step by step piecemeal negotiation. I think it is realistic to go to the denuclearization negotiation with the exchange of security (Kim’s regime) for security (Nuclear Weapons etc). I also tried to prospect a direction of improving Inter-Korean Relations and to suggest the future tasks of South Korea. In the process of denuclearization, it is necessary for South Korea to develop the logic of separating the sanctions and the inter-Korean economic cooperation, and ongoing consultation on the practical level of the three countries.

      • KCI등재후보

        Eternal Ceasefire: Performing War and Everyday Life in the Eastern Ukraine

        Mantas Kvedaravicius,Hanna Bilobrova 연세대학교 미래사회통합연구센터 2019 Journal of Conflict and Integration Vol.3 No.1

        Based on the anthropological fieldwork carried out in the eastern Ukraine between 2014 and 2015 this article explores everyday performances of the people who, living near to the areas of the current armed conflict, were constantly exposed to discursive and physical violence. The media’s role in the fabrication of newly-conflicting loyalties and ties as well as the transformation of the religious and national identities, have been carefully studied and used to explain the conflict. This article challenges such approach by examining complex aesthetic practices of the region’s residents and paramilitary groups and proposes to focus on the affective aspects of warfare and its aftermaths.

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