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      • 맑스의『경제-철학 수고』와 『자본』간의 방법론 차이점 연구

        정대환 대구대학교 인문과학 예술문화연구소 2003 人文科學硏究 Vol.25 No.-

        There are three methods in "Manuscripts". They are 1.positive analysis, 2.metaphysical method, 3.universal dialectics. They are conflicted with each other in "Manuscripts". In "Capital" there are two methods. They are 1.scientific method, 2.special dialectics. They are harmony with each other in "Capital". "Manuscripts" was the first note in which Marx had studied economy. At time Marx did'nt have any his economy catagory of his own. For this reason Marx criticized the position of the political economy from his philosophical view. This is the reason why there were different methods and they were conflicted with each other in "Manuscripts". At that time Marx had the view of Feuerbach's humunism. From this the problem came out. Because this humunism did'nt correspond with the positive analysis on the political economy. For this Marx introduced 'the dialectics of the labor'. In the dialectics Marx discribed human alienation and its sublation.

      • 「삼국유사에 나타난 적극적인 여성상」

        조은희 대구대학교 인문과학연구소(인문과학 예술문화연구소) 2008 人文科學硏究 Vol.32 No.-

        It seems that Korean classical literature needs an independent research rather than applying Western feminism theory to that. In addition, Women need to be evaluated with an independent viewpoint on women growing out of man-centric one. A reason that the researcher selected 「Samgukyusa」 as the text of this study is because, even though it was compiled by a man, it has shown various aspects of life of women who had lived in the period of the Three Kingdoms. First of all, before going into a research of this work, the researcher would like to look over view of womanhood of Ilyeon, the writer of 「Samgukyusa」. It contains many various aspects of life of women who leaded free life, not being restricted by Confucianism. Apart from cases of leading conventional life as a woman, this study would be made centering around women who leaded a bit drastic life: politically conscious women; free love ones; open sex conscious ones. As a result, 「Samgukyusa」 shows that there were women who leaded various aspects of life at that time in the period of the Three Kingdom.

      • KCI등재

        청소년 대상 인문융합치료 프로그램 연구 동향 분석

        김진선 ( Kim Jin-sun ),김영순 ( Kim Young-soon ) 대구가톨릭대학교 인문과학연구소 2021 인문과학연구 Vol.- No.42

        The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics of adolescents, research topics, and specific trends of applied techniques through the analysis of programs in domestic thesis and academic journals for adolescents to which humanities convergence therapy has been applied. It seeks the direction of development of the field and tries to contribute to using it as basic data for subsequent research. This study analyzed the research trends of 18 thesis and 32 academic journals published in Korea from 2009 to September 2020. An analysis frame was constructed based on the analysis data of previous studies. First, analysis was performed according to the paper type and publication year as basic information. Second, adolescents, the subject of study, were searched according to their psychological and social characteristics. Third, it was analyzed by research method and research design. Fourth, the themes was analyzed according to personality psychology, interpersonal relations, career path, the number of program sessions, and the type of time and technique. The results of this research are as follows: First, the humanities convergence therapy program for adolescents is consistently published in academic journals in the fields of humanities, arts, and adolescents, as well as in the fields of convergence. It is being studied. Second, humanities convergence therapy is used not only in the field of education, but also in psychological therapy for adolescents of various social classes, adolescents suffering from maladjustment and psychological difficulties, victims and victims, and special adolescents. Third, there are many studies on the subject of personality/psychology, and more than two techniques such as art therapy, story therapy, image therapy, movement, role play, and literature therapy have been applied.

      • KCI등재후보

        인공지능의 자아 정체성 문제를 통해 본 인지과학과 불교의 ‘자아 없음’ 입장 비교

        이충현 대구가톨릭대학교 인문과학연구소 2024 인문과학연구 Vol.- No.52

        본 연구는 인지과학의 담론에서 가장 주목받는 주제 중 하나인 인공지능 자아의 문제를 인지과학과 불교의 자아관을 통해 살펴보면서 두 전통의 ‘자아 없음’에 대한 입장을 비교한다. 이를 위해 먼저 실체적 자아가 허구라는 사실에 대해 두 전통이 공명하고 있음을 확인한다. 그 다음, 이렇게 두 전통이 자아의 허구성을 인정하지만 임시적으로 가립되는 자아 관념은 인정한다는 유사점이 있음을 살펴본다. 그리고 이 가아(假我)의 관념이 경험의 주체로 하여금 동일한 나를 인식하게 하는데, 이 동일성은 변화가능한 자아 정체성의 구축을 의미하기에 실체적 자아로 전락되지 않음을 검토한다. 마지막으로, 불교는 자아 정체성의 형성 과정에서 번뇌의 작용이 핵심 역할을 한다고 주장함으로써 인간의 마음에서 번뇌와 같은 별도의 작용에 대해 논하지 않는 인지과학의 자아 정체성과는 큰 차이가 있음을 살펴본다. 불교에서의 번뇌는 의식에 제대로 포섭되지 않는 부정적인 작용력이라 할 수 있으며 이것이 개인의 자아 관념 형성에 큰 영향을 끼친다고 간주되므로 이러한 이질적 힘의 별도 작용이 내적으로 부재한 가운데 형성된 AI의 자아 정체성은 인간의 것과는 개방성과 가치의 측면에서 매우 다름을 알 수 있다. In the field of cognitive science one of the most research topics is the notion of AI and the ‘self’. This paper intends of examining this topic by comparing the tradition of cognitive science with that of Buddhism, namely in relation to the concept of the ‘no self’. Significantly both traditions share the view that the substantial self is illusory. That is to say, that within these discourses ones perception of the self is an illusion. However, this illusion of the self is inevitable and essential as it allows the subject to operate within reality, for self- identification with its ‘I’. This aspect of the self that the subject regards as I is ‘self-indentity’. It is not not static but is constantly in a state of flux because it is continuedly being amended based upon the subject’s experiences. Although this largely true of both the cognitive science and Buddhism, they deviate substantially on the formation of self-identity. Unlike cognitive science’s perspectives, that of Buddhism is based upon the idea that defilements(kleśas) exert a profound influence on how the ‘I’ comes into being. According to Buddhism, defilements are negative-operative forces that are not fully integrated into the consciousness. The self-indentity of AI will differ greatly from that of human consciousness because it lacks these negative-operative forces. Therefore, there will be disparity in the scope and value when examining and comparing self-identity between the two domains.

      • 韓ㆍ日對譯資料에 나타나는 'いる'意味의 敬語에 대한 一考察

        최창완 대구대학교 인문과학 예술문화연구소 1999 人文科學硏究 Vol.19 No.-

        京都大學所藏本及び明治十四年本 『交隣須知』に現れる'いる'意味の韓 ·日우국語の敬語を比較考察してみた結果, 次のような事실が得られた. 京都大학所장本に出る日本語の敬語としては, 존敬語として 「ゴザル」「ゴザナサル」「イウレル」が, 겸양語として,「ヲル」「補助動詞ヲル」が,見えている.これに??する韓국語??としては, 「계시다」「겨시다」「계시??다」「잇??다」「잇??옵다」「업??다」「??옵다」「??다」「??시다」「??시??다」のような敬語動詞と,「잇다」「업다」「??다」のような普通動詞が現れている.明治十四本では, 존敬語として,「ゴザル」「オイナサレル」「イマサレル」「イマス」が, 겸양語として,「ヲル」が,見え, 韓국語??としては,「계시다」「계시옵다」「잇??다」のような敬語動詞と,「업다」「엄다」「업다」「잇다」「이다」「허다」「잇다」「??다」のような普通動詞が現れている. 明治十四本には, 京都大학所장本で現れた 「イラレル」は見えなく,「オイデナサレル」「イマサレル」「イマス」のような表現が新して現れ, もっと多樣な'いる'意味の존敬表現が見えている. 韓국語??は, 京都大학所장本の場合, 敬語動詞は 「??系」や존敬意味の「시」を含んであり,「시」に「??系」が接??した「시??」も見えている.「계시다」「겨시다」のようにその表現自체が, 겸양の意味を持っている敬語動詞も11例現れている. 明治十四本の場合は,75例の敬語動詞のなかで「??」や「??」のような「??系」が12例見え,「시」(4例)を含む場合や,「시」に「옵」が結合した「시옵」(3例)を含む場合も見える.また,「계시다」は 28例現れているが,「겨시다」は見えていないようである. 京都大학所장本には, 「ゴザル」が, 116例も見えるが, 明治十四本には, 44例しか現れない.このような事실は.「ゴザサ」が近代にいたるによって,少なく使われていることを示している.しかし,'いる'意味の敬語全체で示す割合を調べてみると,京都大학所장本では,152例のなかで116例で,76%を占めてあり,明治十四本では,85例のなかで44例現れ,52%を占め,あい변わらず高い割合を見せている.このような事실は,補助動詞「ゴザル」(560例)を含めると,(京都大학所장本 676例-95%, 明治十四本 456例-92%),「ゴザル」の示す割合は,非常に高いと言える. そして, 明治十四本出, 丁寧語に接??していない場合の韓국語で,敬語的要素を含んでいる 動詞は,日本語でも全て敬語的要素を持っているが,丁寧語に接??している場合は,「ゴザル」項に 「업다」「허다」が,「ヲル」項に「잇다」のような普通動詞が見えている.丁寧語に接??している場合の 「ゴザル」が,韓국語??では敬語的要素が見えない理由としてな, 「ゴザル」がたんたん丁寧語化していくこによつて, 尊敬語と丁寧語우方の用法が見えるようになり,丁寧語の用法として使われた場合は,韓국語では,敬語的要素が見えなくなったと思われる.また,の場合は,これに대??する韓국語の敬語がなくて,韓국語では敬語的要素が見えなくなったと思われる. 以上のような'いる'意味の敬語を,より客??的に分析するためには,ほかの韓·日대??資料と 比較分析しなければならないと思われるが,これについては,次の機會にしようと思う.

      • KCI등재
      • 한국형 리버럴 아츠 컬리지와 리버럴 에듀케이션의 방향 -대구대학교 S-LAC의 특징과 미래 비전을 중심으로-

        이규환 대구대학교 인문과학연구소 2018 人文科學硏究 Vol.43 No.-

        In this paper I would like to discuss method of Liberal Education in relation to covergence education. What the so-called fourth industrial revolution era demands for liberal arts education in college is not the stuffed knowledge but the ability of judgment and communication. What is interesting is that the ability that industry expects for college is the ability to think and communicate. 4C competencies are important competencies to be cultivated in the major, but in the case of liberal arts education, it is aimed to cultivate logical and numerical thinking ability, and it is possible to cross and converge various subjects rather than a specific topic. The ability to deal with knowledge and information in a wide range of fields should be the goal of liberal arts education. Liberal (Ars) Education emphasis that culture as basic knowledge that can enjoy human life as a person. In addition, the K-LAC is an institutional device for students to develop their capacity to prepare for the era of the fourth industrial revolution. Under this premise, the organization and operation of the S-LAC, the Liberal Arts College of Daegu University. This paper also offers some suggestions for a successful liberal education.

      • 전시 대구 다방의 장소적 의의 - 향촌동 일대를 중심으로 -

        권오수 대구대학교 인문과학연구소 2018 人文科學硏究 Vol.42 No.-

        본 연구는 전시 한국 문단에서 대구 향촌동 일대의 ‘다방’이라는 물리적 공간이 문화적 상징을 지니며 ‘장소’로서의 의미를 지니게 된 과정을 살펴봄으로써 다방의 장소적 의의를 찾고자 한다. 한국전쟁은 문화적 중심지가 서울에서 대구로 이동하게 되는 현상의 원인이 되었으며, 역설적이게도 대구는 유례없는 문화적 호황을 누리게 된다. 많은 문인들, 문화예술인들은 전시 정부 주둔지인 대구로 모여들었으며 이들 중 일부는 종군 문인으로서 활동을, 또 다른 일부는 개인적 창작을 이어나갔다. 전시 대구 다방은 무료한 문화예술인들의 사랑방에 그친 것이 아니라, 문화, 예술의 교류의 공간으로 기능했음을 밝힌다. 이러한 의의에 대한 근거로 운영주체와 주 이용자, 그리고 출입 문인들의 교류 결과물 등을 제시하였다. 본 연구가 지역 근대 문화 자산의 초석이 되어 더 심도 있는 연구가 진행되기를 희망한다.

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