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      • 1920年代 中國共産黨 人物巧

        吳鎭龍 단국대학교부설 중국연구소 1980 中國硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        1920년대 공산주의라는 서구적이 이데오르기가 중국에 이직되고 또 토착해가는 과정에서 중국공산주의운동에 참여하였던 인물들에 대한 계급배경, 연령특징, 교육배경, 출신지역 및 중요사건과 인물들의 상호관계에 관하여 분석하였다. 그러면 이들은 전반적으로 어떤 인물들인가 그리고 또 이후의 공산주의운동에 어떤 영향을 주었을까 등의 많은 문제에 대하여 요약적인 결론을 내기로 한다. 1) 우선 중국공산당 창당에 참여하였던 인물들도 모두 대학의 교수들이였거나 '행동에 의한 개혁'에 열중하였던 학생들이었다. 이것은 공산주의가 아시아적 사회에서 하나의 이데오르기로 성숙해가는 과정에서 지식분자들의 참여가 심연적이라는 사실을 증명하는 것이다. 왜냐하면 공산주의라는 이론에 대한 신념과 해석 전파는 지식분자들의 지능에 의해서만이 가능한 것이다. 이들은 노동자 농민의 손으로 수천년동안 존엄하게 자리잡은 전통적인 모든것을 파괴하고 새로운 사회, 새로운 정치체제를 건립하는데 신앙과 같은 '이상'을 가지고 있었다. 당시의 중국사회 환경, 즉 국민당과 군벌이 강력한 압력밑에서 이들이 지하활동에 대한 제약과 희생이 따랐으나, 1920년대 10년동안 창당에서 강서소비에트까지 실제로 공산당은 커다란 발전을 하였다고 볼 수 있다. 2) 이를 1920년대 중공의 중심 인물들은 절대다수가 중산층이상의 상류계급이였으며, 동시에 25~30세의 젊은 세대들이였다. 이들이 소위 '직업혁명가당'을 조직하고, 적극적인 노동자, 농민운동을 통한 혁명의 추진과정은 실패의 연속이었다고 볼 수 있다. 1920년대 중국혁명에 대한 기본적인 정책이 콤민테른의 지시에 따른 것이지만 현실보다는 이데오르기의 확산에 더욱 열중하였기 때문이다. 이러한 사실을 뒤집어 볼 때 이들이 '중산층의 청년'들이였기 때문에 혁명에 대한 실천과 경험을 콤민테른에서 구했는지도 모른다. 이것도 후일 존위회의의 '중국혁명에 대한 반성'속에서 중공이 '중국적인 전술'로 돌아가게된 근본적인 이유일 것이다. 3) 이들은 교육과 출신지역배경에서도 1920년대 공산주의 운동의 특징이 드러난다. 북경, 상해, 천율, 상업, 무한, 성도 등 소위 도시출신은 드물었다. 교육은 북경, 상해 등 대도시에서 받은 자들이 많으면서도 그곳 도시출신은 없었다. 이들은 대체로 호남, 호북, 광동, 강서, 사천, 섬서등지의 학생들이 대도시와서 공부하던자들이였다. 이것은 1930년 이후 중공당사에 나타나는 강렬한 인상, 공산주의자들의 짙은 농업사회적 성격을 말해주는 것이다. 이들은 '정강산', '이만오천리 장정'속에서 끊임없이 토비식의 전법으로 국민당에 대항하였던 끈질긴 인내는 이러한 배경속에서 비롯되는 것이다. 4) 이를 중국혁명의 '제1세대'들은 상당수가 외국유학의 경험을 가지고 있다. 특히 불란서와 소련에서 교육을 받는 자들이 대다수였다. 물론 이들의 불란서 유학이나, 소련의 동방대학이 정규대학과정이였느냐, 그 교육수준이 어느정도인가에 대한 의문도 있으나, 대학과정과 교육수준은 혁명수행에 별로 중요하지 않은 것 같다. 왜냐하면 혁명이란 현실의 행동적인 파괴에서 창조되기 때문이다. 다만 우리가 중시하는 것은 현실문제 처리에서 이 유학생들의 경험이 어느정도 공헌할 수 있을 까가 문제인데, 1920년대에 가장 활발한 활동을 하였던 葉挺, 陣䝘, 何長工 李富春 聶榮㻐, 吳玉章 徐特立 등이 불란서 유학생 출신이고 劉少奇 朱德 泰邦憲 正稼祥 陸定一 陳紹禹 張聞天 陳伯渠 張琴秋 등이 소련에서 대학과정을 하였거나 재교육을 받은 자등이라는 점을 감안할 때, 국민당의 절대적인 우위에 대항하면서 생존해가는데 이들의 지혜가 상당히 커다란 공헌이 되었던 것은 사실이다. 또하나 특기해야 하는 것은 황군관학교와 국민 당에서 실제업무를 종사하던 자들에 관한 것이다. 231명중 29명이 황보의 교관이였던 자들이다. 특히 陳䝘, 周恩來, 蕭楚女 徐向前 李富春 鄧子恢 葉劍英 惲代英 聶榮㻐등은 교관으로서 국민당군의 작전과 전법을 너무나 잘 아는 자들이였다. 다섯차례에 걸친 포위공격에서도 생존할 수 있었던 것은, 국•공합작기간동안 공산주의자들이 국민당을 상세히 이해할 수 있었기 때문인지도 모른다. 5) 중요사건과 인물들의 상호관게를 주의해보면 '상해5•30폭동'에 참여하였던 자들이 '남창폭동' '추수폭동'에서도 중요한 역할을 하고 있고, '광주소비에트'에서도 중심역할을 하고 있다. 이것은 바로 陳獨秀의 소위 取消派, 기회주의이후 망동노선, 조화주의라고 지칭하면서 瞿秋白는 陳獨秀를, 李立三은 瞿秋白을 공격하여, 정숙과 숙정을 거듭했으나, 사실은 瞿秋白도 陳獨秀정책의 집행자이며, 李立三도 瞿秋白정책의 집행자였다. 왜냐하면 진정한 실패의 책임자는 콤민테른이였으니까. 이들은 모두 콤민테른의 정책을 성실히 수행하면서도 실패의 죄를 스스로의 내부에서 찾는 '자해행위'를 계속할 수밖에 없었다. 1920년대 중국혁명 수행과정에서 나타나는 가장 커다란 특징의 하나는 중국의 공산주의자들이 '자신들의 혁명정책'을 보스크바에서 '괴뢰'로서의 역할이라고 할 수있다. 결국 이들은 스스로 중국을 혁명상태에 몰아넣으면서 성공적인 진로를 찾지못하였음을 말해주는 것이다. 이점이 1920년대의 인물과 시대의 특징일 것이다.

      • 中國共産黨 生成의 史的背景

        安藤正士 단국대학교부설 중국연구소 1978 中國硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to study how the Chinese Communist Party was generated and grew up in the course of the development of the Chinese Nationalistic Movement started vis-a-vis the Western powers' invasion of the continent of China following the Opium War. The Nationalistic Movement in modern China was basically characterized by its having grown up under the combined suppression of the foreign, that is, Western powers and the domestic ruling power of the Ching dynasty. The main task of the Chinese Nationalistic Movement within this basic frame was, therefore, who would build up the national independence, how it should be done, and what values should be aimed at in doing so. Seeing the historical changes in this perspective, we find that the Chinese Nationalistic Movement went through the Movement of Europeanizing and the Reform Movement, and with its basis on the critical consciousness gradually upsurging among Chinese people aimed consequently to turn down the Western powers' invasion and break down the pre-modern domestic ruling order. These basic aims are ideologically evidenced by the New Culture Movement developed in the course of political changes after the Revolution of 1911. In the ideological basis of the New Culture Movement was found its trust in and longing for Western powers in the sense that the movement, while essentially criticizing the various values of traditional Confucianism, tried to overcome a national crisis by accepting the Western democracy and scientific attitudes. The May Fourth Movement, however, marked the starting point for the Chinese Nationalistic Movement to turn its attention to the Russian Revolutionary Government, and through its intermediary the concern for Marxism augmented to bring about the confrontational controversy of ideologies in the nationalistic campaign. During this confrontation Marxist circles were formed in many places of China in 1920, the Communist Party was founded in 1921, and finally the continent of China was communized through the first and second leagues of Kuomintang and Communist. This result basically came from the fact that the Chinese intellectuals, though conscientious and patriotic, was relatively ignorant of the strategies and tactics of the so-called "United front" adbocated by the Chinese Communist Party.

      • 1910年代 中國對外關係

        金達中 단국대학교부설 중국연구소 1978 中國硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        The historical facts such as the occupation of Shantung province by the Japanese troops in 1914 and the forced Chinese acceptance of the 21 Demand by the Japanese in 1915 aroused the patriotism and nationalism of the Chinese people. China participated in World War Ⅰ on the side of the Allies, and sent her representatives to the Paris Peace Conference after the war with the purposes of stopping the Japanese invasion of the continent and recovering her sovereignty in Shantung. Chinese diplomatic efforts at the conference, however, ended in a failure, and the Japanese position in Shantung was internationally recognized. A chain of humiliations China suffered during the 1910's in her relations with foreign countries gave an impetus to arouse Chinese nationalism and patriotism, resulting the Anti-Japan Movement, the Save-the-Nation Campaign, and the New Cultural Movement. The save-the-nation political campaign started from the May Fourth Movement developed to the formation of the Nationalist Party and the Chinese Communist Party. What China experienced in her relations with foreign countries in the 1910's had two significant meanings to the domestic political developments of China after 1920. For one thing, her disappointment at the outcome of the Paris Peace Conference made Chinese peoples to regard Western and Japanese imperialism as a public enemy of China. Consequently Chinese intellectuals came to have much interest in the Bolshevik revolution, Marxism and Leninism, which gave a birth to an organized political power, the Chinese Communist Party, in 1921. Secondly, the political, financial and military privileges Japan gained from China in the 1910's became the base of the full-scale Japanese invasion of China. The Japanese military invasion not only deprived China of her opportunity to developing her as a unified stable country. But also caused her to fall into economic debacle. Under these circumstances, the Chinese Communist Party could gain more power, and finally took over the entire continent of China.

      • 1930年代 中國經濟恐慌의 進展過程 : 列强의 對中國貨幣戰을 中心으로 With Special Reference to Powers' Monetary War' aganist China

        李源裁 단국대학교부설 중국연구소 1981 中國硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Chinese financial crisis during the period or 1932-1935. Two aspects of the Chinese financial crisis deserve clarification: The characteristics of the crisis which occured in a semi-feudalistic and semi-colonial economy and its relation to Western Power's monetary war' against Chinese economy under silver standard. The Great Depression of 1929 triggered a great shock wave through China which had been already integrated into world capitalist economy. In China the economic panic, however, had not begun until 1932 when the Great Depression hit the bottom. The fact that China began to be affected by the economic panic as much as 2 years later than most other capitalist countries can be accounted for by the fact that China was on silver-standard while advanced capitalist countries were gold-standard. The price level of China under silver-standard was subject to both the fluctuations of silver prices in London and New York silver markets and the Price changes in the United States, England and Japan. During the period from 1929 to 1931 the silver prices fell more rapidly than the world-wide general price level. The silver price in New York market fell 40.8% whereas the wholesale price in the United States dropped 23.4%. And the silver price in London market fell 34.9%, whereas the wholesale price in England dropped 23.7%. Thus, the price level of China, rose. The wholesale price index in Shanghai rose from 104 in 1929 to 126.7 in 1931. And the inflow of silver to China brought down the rate of interest. These enabled the indigenous commercial businesses and firms in harbor cities including Shanghai to enjoy abnormal and fictitious prosperity. The amount of bill taken by the banks in Shanghai, for example, rose from 47 million yuan(元) to 60 million yuan(元). However, the rise of silver price which began from 1931, turned the tables. Silver price which had been falling since twenties began to rise from September 1931, when England abandoned the gold-standard and further rose due to silver policy of the United States in 1934. The silver price in London silver market rose from 14.59 pence per ounce in 1931 to 21.20 pence in 1934. The rise of silver prices in the world markets resulted in the fall of the price level and worsening of the agricultural crisis in China, which led to industrial crisis. The wholesale price index in Shanghai fell from 112.4 in 1932 to 90.5 in July 1935. As rising silver price caused the overvaluation of China's foreign exchange, farm products export in 1932 fell to 63% of that in 1930. And farm products export in 1934 when Chinese financial crisis culminated, fell to 43% of that in 1930, The withering of rural markets caused the devastation of industries. Though there was difference between agricultural crisis and industrial one in that the former had its roots in the breakdown of agricultural production while the latter occurred against the background of prosperity of 1929-31, the two crises were interrelated through the medium of silver crisis. And rising silver price resulted in the substantial outflow of silver, bringing about financial crisis and collapse of silver standard. The amount of silver outflow from China rose from 10 million yuan(元) in 1932 to 257 million yuan(元) in 1935. The amount of silver outflow in 1935 was 7.8% of silver stock and one third of the amount of currency in circulation. Thus most of the small and medium banks went banktrupt. Nanking government responded to this crisis with the introduction of "legal tender system"(法幣制度) in 1935. The newly introduced monetary system can be said to be an improvement since it got rid of some disadvantages of the silver standard. The Nanking Government controlled the issue of banknotes and required banks to have adequate reserves in the form of silver bar, coin, or foreign exchange, usually up to two-thirds of the amount of banknotes in circulation. After the monetary reform of 1935, Nanking government accelerated the issue of banknotes. The interest rates were cut down and the exchange rates was stabilized. The Chinese economy recovered from the chronic depression and showed signs of prosperity during the 1936∼37. But the monetary reform did not foster the development of Chinese capitalist economy. Through this process, the stage was set for the accumulation of the "bureaucratic capital"(官僚資本), a special form of monopoly capital in China. Meanwhile Nanking Government, enraged by the silver policy of the U.S., depreciated purposely its currency vis-a-vis both dollar and yen. The U.S., finding herself in a disadvantageous position in trade and investment, concluded silver agreement with China in 1936. Nanking government took the occasion to announce the supplementary policies to the monetary reform and declared the independency of her monetary system. However, this "legal tender system"(法幣制度), designed by Sir Fredric Leith-Ross, chief economic adviser to British government, was destined to be influenced by the monetary policy of the United States. On the basis of above analysis it can be con cluded the economic crisis China encountered during the period of 1932-35 represents neither a simple over-production panic nor a feudalistic economic crisis but a special from of panic which comprised an over-production in urban areas and under-production in rural areas and that the two different economic crises in urban and rural areas were interrelated and aggrevated by the silver crisis caused by the United States' massive purchase of silver, artificial rise of silver price, and accerlerated outflow of silver from China under silver standard,

      • 買瓣制度와 近代 中國經濟 : 中國共産黨 創黨以前 買瓣資本의 經濟的 影響

        崔泰鎬 단국대학교부설 중국연구소 1978 中國硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        The origin of the comprador system in China can be dated back to the period of Ming. But the comprador system in its modern sense was established after the Opium War (1840) according to the actual demand of the foreign capital in step with advanced countries' full-scale influx into China proper. Following the Opium war the capital of advanced countries headed by England inpoured China in competition, with their powerful political and economic privileges as backdrops. In the course of doing so, however, many difficulties had to be encountered for the reason that there was a striking difference between the social and economic system of China and those of advanced countries. For one thing, foreigners could not identify and understand the complicated Chinese system of weights and measures, and they could not get in Chinese commercial activities because of the traditional Chinese commercial practices based on individual credit and so on. There was furthermore a barrier involving language for speaking and characters for writing. To remove these barriers and to realize effective inflow of the foreign capital, there was no other way for foreigners to obtain local Chinese well versed in Chinese practices and have them involve in their activities as their intermediary agents. The comprador system thus started according to the realistic demands began to be adopted in the field of trading first of all. As the inflow of the foreign capital spread over diverse fields, however, various compradors such as bank compradors, insurance Co. compradors, steamship Co. compradors, mine Co. compradors not to speak of trading compradors for general trading Co's began to emerge. The most typical ones among them that wielded the greatest influence on the economy of modern China were trading compradors and bank compradors. The focus of this study, therefore, is brought into on pursuing what roles trading compradors and bank compradors and so on played in Chinese agriculture and industry, in the course of modernization of China. The summary of this study is as follows. Trading compradors mostly chosen out of landed proprietors, local profligates and wealthy merchants, can be said in short to have played standing between the foreign capital and Chinese merchants a part of driving and reorganizing modern Chinese economy into a semi-colonial stage in the course of selling foreign goods and purchasing raw materials, the activities of which ranged from different open ports to secluded places in the mountains. In other words, those trading compradors were more concerned with absorbing part of the comemrcial profit at the sacrifice of the industrial development of their mother country by positive cooperation with the foreign capital in the course of its exploiting profit by means of a high rate of interest, while they could actually perform their genuine agential functions to make a contribution to utilizing the foreign capital for the expansion and development of the production in their own country. After all, trading compradors can be said to have played a negative part in the course of the invasion by the foreign capital. In the case of bank compradors it can be charac terized that they palyed a negative part in the modern economy of China, as will be seen below, For one thing, bank compradors, that is, old users were concerned only with drawing part of the excessive profit taking ad

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