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      • 貿易構造分析을 위한 分業理論과 技法에 관한 考察

        金敏雄 광주대학교 산업경영연구소 1994 산경연구 : 광주대 Vol.7 No.-

        For reserches on what causes trade and how result is shown, there is Adam Smith's theory of absolute production cost, followed by D.Ricardo's comparative production cost. Recently, it was advanced to H-O factor proportions theory, which can be called one of the classic exampes of traditional trade theory and explains the trade between nations. After the second worldt war, with Leontief's paradox as the turning point, to explain the cause of trade, which is not possible traditional trade theory due to its limitations, a new theory, theory of trade within industry was introduced. this is what has been claimed in the readitional trade theory. It explain each nation's comparative advantage based on the factor intensity. It's not that there is a trade between different types of industries which are thought to obtain mutual trade benefit since each nation specialize and export in the field it has advantages. The theory of trade betwen the nations that had similar compardative factor intensty term of production factors which which were hard to explain using traditional division theory, or trade between same type of industries which had relatively similar in intensities of factors. It can be said that these phenomena can not be explained easily. as mentioned earlier, using traditonal H-O model. It is because it was explained that each industry produces same quality goods, the comparative advantage of an industry is determind by intensities of factors and the nation's relative bassed on the structure of comparative advantage of each industry. However, according to a number of fact analysis, it was found that there is an increase of imports and exports within simlar industies in a nation's trade. in trades between industrialized nations with similar factor intensity rate of production factors in particular, it can be seen that there is a increasing trend in trade of goods that have similar intemsities of factors. Accordingly, in this research, a theoretical investigation of trade whthin an industry was performed to measure the backgrand, cause, shape of trade within an industry. Grubel & Lloyd index was used to measure the within an industry. Also used was trade specilalization index as a method of analyzing trade structure.

      • 중소기업 프로세스·정보기술 평가모형

        丁海南 광주대학교 산업경영연구소 1997 산경연구 : 광주대 Vol.10 No.-

        It is clear that even though management innovation (especially information technology) from its traditional orientation of administrative support toward a more strategic role within an organization, there is still a glaring lack of fundamental frameworks whin which to understand the potential management innovation for tommorow,s organization. How to success in today's rapidly changing competitive environment is ouestion weighing heavily on many a manager's mind. Everything seems to be in changin - markets, customer demands, technologies, global buundries, products, adn business process. In the midst of this seemingly overwhelming change. managers are being asked to make critical competetive decisions that will affect not only the present position of their firm, but also its future success. Much to dismay, however, many managers are finding out, sometimes the hard way, that it is a diffcult game, and the old rules do not apply anymore. To compete in today's rapidly changing competetive environment, new strategic responses are required that most managers may have never thought possible. In addition managers must understand that at the heart of these new strategic response is innovative management through advanced informationtechnology and business process redesign. This requires a fundamental changing in managemental thinking about the role of management innovation in organizational transofrmation, as well as an undrestanding of critical components of process innovation and information technology measurement. In this paper, we develop a model for conceptualizing and directing the emerging area (small business firms) of management innovation. We explorer the challenges of designing the appropriate small business organization. We argue that all elements of the management innovation, especially the assessment of business process reengineering and information technology. This is necessary to provided the capabilities required to acheive competetive advantage.conditions facing the small business firms and its chosen innovation methodologies.. It is our contention that the effective and innovative use of information technology and BPR is at the heart of the new organizational designs and capabilities required to meet current competetive challenges.

      • 金融市場開放에 따른 銀行産業의 國際競爭力 提高方案

        李柱洙,吳敬淑 광주대학교 산업경영연구소 1995 산경연구 : 광주대 Vol.8 No.-

        As UR concluded multi-negotiation and WTO system came, abroad fiancial institute will approach to domestic market, and also the entertainment of domestic people will have to be guanteed under the most-favored nation entertainment and the basic principle of the opening in the fields of financial service. Thus, the pressure of U.S and advanced countries will be higher in financial market under international rule. If the opening width of financial market is enlarged, it will be inevitable for us to accelate the opening in domestic financial market, so that the rapid change in management environment of private financial institutes is predicted to increase risk and uncertainty. Recently, it is the fact that the opening of financial market has been negative and positive effects, but these must give the stimula for the efficiency of financial industry and the advance of economy. And, if we study the method to minimize by-effect, we can solve the problems of it. In this view, the response plans of our environmental problems as follows: ① The improvement of industrial policy and financial policy custom. ② The plans of imformative technique and risk of control ability, ③ The introductions of advanced financial technique or developing plan of new financial goods, ④ The advance of financial system, ⑤ The establishment of deposit insurance system, ⑥ The positive programing of finance internationalization. After society will by changed static, stable, mechanic from dynamic, inovative and organic. And society will demand to search for the value of itself. Surrounded by the rapid change of domestic market and the deterioration of international competition, bank industry of our country must enforce its competitive power based on innovation to change danger and long-term thoughts. Meanwhile, policy authorities, must make an effort to prevent the functional reduction of money-credit policy, to keep the stability of financial system.

      • 韓國의 産業技術政策의 展開過程에 關한 小考

        曺準鉉 광주대학교 산업경영연구소 1990 산경연구 : 광주대 Vol.3 No.-

        The objective of the present study is to inquire into the process of development of technological innovation policies in Korea. For this purpose, I have examined the process of development of technological innovation policies in Korea by dividing into periods of build-up, growing-up and maturity. The followings are major findings from this study. First, through 1960's it might be called the build-up period of the R&D foundation as the starting step focused on establishing the mechanism of the scientific technological policies and constructing the development bases. Second, through 1970's it might be called the growing-up period of the technological innovation policies in Korea as the time when the foundation of the scientific technological development was settled Finally at 1980's, it might be evaluated as the maturity period of the technological innovation policies as the time that the self-technology-development activities began to bloom on the development basis established through 1960's and 1970's, in view point of the simultaneous pursuit of self-development and technology introduction, the industrial technological development toward needs, the enlargement of the R&D resources such as investment and personnel and the technology security strategy such as the diversification of technology security methods.

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