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      • 칼빈과 한국장로교회의 학파별 신론 비교연구 -하나님의 속성과 사역을 중심으로-

        조봉근 ( Bong Geun Cho ) 광신대학교 출판부 2013 光神論壇 Vol.22 No.-

        Are the Korean Presbyterian churches actually continuing and developing Calvin s theology? Galvin s Theology is the Creed in which every protestant denomination normally accepts as well as being accepted by the Orthodox Conservative Presbyterian Church. These days, all heretics reject Christian Theology of John Calvin (the Attributes & Works of God),and also they do not believe the theory of Creation and Providence. So we cannot find out the real Truth behind their Doctrine of God (the theory of Creation and Providence). Unfortunately, they urges Pantheism, Deism, and Evolutionism rather than Orthodox Doctrine. According to Timothy George<sup>89</sup>, neither Reformer Luther nor Zwingli devoted much attention to the theory of Creation and Providence. Both accepted the Orthodox formulations of the oneness and threeness of God developed by the early church councils, but neither felt compelled to elaborate on this teaching. At the beginning of his career Calvin too followed this pattern. The first edition of the Institutes contained only a meager statement on the theory of Creation and Providence. Chai-Choon Kim of Radical Presbyterian Church of Korea was largely influenced by Karl Barth, Bultmann School and Jurgen Moltmann. Although Minjung Theology of Korea itself boast of originality, on dose inspection, Minjung Theology of Korea is almost identical to Liberation theology derived from South America & Moltmann. And most of liberal theologians who belongs to English Academic School denies the theory of Creation and Providence. Such trend like these prevents and challenges the Apostle’s Orthodox Greed, and I am now trying to compare the writings on the theory of Creation and Providence between John Calvin and Korean theological Scholars. The theory of Creation and Providence were not to be understood as divisions. There was one God who knows Himself and who has revealed Himself as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Trinity was the foundation of salvation for only could one who was truly God redeem those who were utterly lost. In the liturgy of baptism and in the doxology faith in the Trinity was confessed not in order to fully define the being of God but only not to be silent before the mystery of His presence. Dr. Hyung-Neng Park of Conservative Presbyterian Church of Korea was greatly influenced ty Louis Berkhof. Berkhof was not known for being original or speculative but for being very good at organizing and explaining basic theological ideas following in the tradition of John Calvin, Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck. Theologian Wayne Grudem has called Berkhof's Systematic Theology “a great treasure-house of information and analysis, probably the most useful one-volume systematic theology available from any theological perspective.” Berkhof’s writings continue to serve as systematic presentations of Reformed theology. They are organized for use in seminaries and religious education as well as individual reference, though his systematics works are demanding reads. The first edition of the Institutes contained only a meager statement on the theory of Creation and Providence. So, Timothy George<sup>90</sup> says as follows. “Having derived from Scripture the Triune nature of God, Calvin next described the activity of God in relation to the world in creation and providence. These doctrines, fall under the general rubric of the “Knowledge of God the Creator” in contrast to the “Knowledge of God the Redeemer,” which Calvin discussed in Books II-IV of the Institutes.” Dr. Chai-Ghoon Kim of Korean Radical Presbyterian Church was largely influenced by Karl Barth, Bultmann School and Jurgen Moltmann. Although Minjung Theology of Korea boast of originality, on dose inspection, Minjung Theology of Korea is almost identical to Liberation theology derived from Moltmann. Also, Most of liberal theologians who belongs to English Academic School denies the theory of Creation and Providence. Such trend like these prevents and challenges the jostle s Orthodox Creed, and I am now trying to compare the writings on the theory of Creation and Providence between John Calvin and Korean theological Scholars. Professor Hyung-Nong Park, origin scholar of Hyung-Nong Park’s school was hugely influenced by American scholar, Professor Gresham Machen. Of course, H. N. Park himself in the prefab of his book testified he was influenced by the following scholars; Charles Hedge<sup>91</sup>, A. A. Hedge<sup>92</sup>, B. B. Warfield, Dabney, Shedd, H. Smith, Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck, G. Vos, and A. H. Strong. However, when describing the attributes of God, H. N. Park in fact mostly employed the farm of the American scholar, Louis Berkhof.<sup>93</sup> Hence evidently we can identify Louis Berkhof was H. N. Park’s biggest influence. In H. N. Fork’s book, “Dogmatic theology Volume Two (Doctrine of God)”, the attributes of God is divided into two groups: ““uncommunicable attributes.” and communicable attributes”. Uncommunicable attributes is divided into four parts:“absoluteness(Self-existence),immutability, infinity and uniquenessfonenessy”<sup>94</sup> and communicable attributes of divided into five groups: “spiritual discussed in terms of the attributes, intellectual, moral attributes, the attribute of the sovereign, wealthy attribute.”<sup>95</sup> In inspect to the “Work of God”, within the ‘Eternal Works’, the “Divine Decrees” and ‘Predestination’ are described whereas the ‘Creation’ and the ‘Predestination’ are covered within the “Temporal Works”. Providence when dealing with the Work, “Universal or General(Ordinary) Providence,” as well as “Special Providence” and “Extraordinary Providence(Miracles)” (transitive) are closely covered. However, all of the above explanations that he used were originally taken from Herman Bavinck’s Reformed Dogmatics rather than Louis Berkhof's Systematic Theology, As a former student of Hyung-Nong Park, Professor Bong-Geun Cho of Kwang Shin University has written four books : Reformed Theology, Core of Essential Theology, Biblical Dogmatic Theology and An Outline of Modern Reformed Dogmatics concerning Textbook of Theology. Almost all of which reconfirms Hyung-Nong Park’s theology. On the other hand, Dr. Chul-Won Suh in his “Lecture Notes”, he dealt with the summary, the name of God, the nature of God, the attributes of God, the Trinity and the work of God (intend, scheduled, creation, providence). Especially in the “Doctrine of God”, he dealt with “absolute attribute” (Self-existence, simplicity, infinity, immutability) and analogic 1 attributes”(life, intellect, commitment, love, of, sovereignty). In the “Work of God” he discussed “dealing with intend (expected)” and “Election and Reprobation.” He then discussed the “Election before the downfall(supralapsarianism) and Election after the downfall(infralapsarianism) After that he followed the discussion with the 'theory of creation then refuted against “the opposite theory(dualism, theory of emanation, and evolutionism). He divided “spiritual world” from the “material world” and explained and compared the two. He pointed out the mistakes in “Deism and Pantheism” when dealing with ‘Providence.’ “Special providence(Preservation, Concurrence, Government)” and '"Extraordinary Providence” were discussed with most of the credit going to Cornelius Van Til and reused general scheme from reformed theologians. Professor Moon―Ho Ha of Calvin University of Korea in Seoul, in his book, “Dogmatic Theology, Volume 2: Doctrine of God” he discussed “does God exist?” and “can God be known?”. In part 2 of “the existence of God” he dealt with the “attributes of God” as well as the :incommunicable attributes (self―existence, immutability, infinity, uniqueness)” and “communicable attribute (spirituality, intellectual attribute, and sovereign moral attributes, attributes, wealthy enemy attribute)” In part 3, within “the Work of God" he explained and discussed almost identically to the statement and works of Prof. Hyimg―Nong Park, Prof. Chul-Won Suh and Prof. Bong-Geun Cho. In particular, Moon-Ho Ha dealt with nature” (universality, confidentiality, Sovereignty, tolerance) similar to the three professors mentioned previously. The theory of Creation and Providence were not to be understood as divisions. There was one God who knows Himself and who has revealed Himself as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Trinity was the foundation of salvation for only could one who was truly God redeem those who were utterly lost. In the liturgy of baptism and in the doxology faith in the Trinity was confessed not in order to fully define the being of God but only not to be silent before the mystery of His presence. Dr. Hyung- Nong Park of Korean Conservative Presbyterian Church was greatly influenced 1,Louis Berkhof. Theology of Hyung―Nong Park was influenced by Louis Berkhof, however on close inspection it was originally derived from Herman Bavinck. So, theology of Herman Bavinck’s summary<sup>96</sup> is as follows: "The Knowledge of God is the central, Core Dogma, the exclusive content of theology. From the start of its labors dogmatic theology is shrouded in mystery ; it stands before God the incomprehensible One. This knowledge leads to adoration and worship; to know God is to live. Knowing God is possible for us because God is personal, exalted above the earth and yet in fellowship with human beings on earth.”<sup>97</sup> Profess or Hyung- Nong Park, origin scholar of Hyung-Nong Park’s school was hugely influenced by American scholar Professor Gresham Machen. Of course, H. N. Park himself in the preface of his book testified he was influenced by the following scholars; Charles Hodge<sup>98</sup>, A. A. Hodge<sup>99</sup>, B. B. Warfield, Dabney, Shedd, Smith, Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck and G. Vos, A. H. Strong. However, when describing the attributes of God, H. N. Park in fact mostly employed the form of the American scholar, Louis Berkhof.<sup>100</sup> Hence evidently we can identify Louis Berkhof was H. N. Park’s biggest influence. In H. N. Park’s book, “Dogmatic theology Volume Two(Doctrine of God)”, the attributes of God is divided into 2 aspects: “uncommunicable attribute.” & communicable attribute”. Uncommunicable attribute is divided into 4 parts, “absoluteness(Self―existence), immutability, infinity and uniqueness(oneness)” <sup>101</sup> and communicable attribute of divided into five parts “spiritual discussed in terms of the attributes, intellectual, moral attributes, the attribute of the sovereign, wealthy attribute.”<sup>102</sup> In respect to the ‘"Work of God”, within the 'Eternal Work’,‘Decrees’ and 'Predestination are described whereas the ‘Creation’ and the ‘Providence’ are covered within the “Temporal Work”. Providence when dealing with the Work, “General(Ordinary) Providence,” as well as “Special Providence” and “Extraordinary Providence( Miracles)” (transitive) are closely covered. However, all of the above explanations that he used were originally taken from Herman Bavinck’s Reformed Dogma tics rather than Louis Berkhof’s Systematic Theology. Here, Professor Bong-Geun Cho will looks at the view of Jong-Sung Rhee and kyun-Jin Kim’s belonging to the Radical Denominations of Korean Presbyterian Church. First, Jong-Sung Rhee and his book, ‘"Doctrine of God” moves away from the long traditional view of the Orthodox Church and expresses new creationism as follows: “the creation of the world record at the beginning of the Bible, also teaches the beginning of all things, because many people think that scientific, historical textbooks to teach the world and the origin of the universe and everything in it, the creation of the world record, but it think is or is not the answer for the evolution Moses recorded Genesis objects objectively, scientifically, as modems think eventually climb to find its origins in theory, find that the God was the first cause because to weaken the human record of Genesis Moses himself inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, the revelation that the Genesis record does not he, as well as science did not know to understand or explain scientifically was not interested.”, he claims Genesis was written by human Moses himself, denying it was inspired by fee Holy Spirit. Surprisingly on the other hand, the thoughts of kyun-Jin Kim and Young-Suck Oh's are completely different. First, even though University of Yonsei’s kyun-Jin Kim used Barth' s view mostly, he sided with the conservative Korean Church’ s situation and influence to reinterpret positively about creationism. By saying, “evidence for the creation and recognition of God is the recognition of faith to get through an encounter with Jesus Christ, through His revelation in the God revealed in Jesus Christ, that He is not God, who alone in humans, human with the God who is.” He explained Christologically. However,former Professor Young- Suck Oh of Hanshin University explained creationism with New Sociology in Liberation Theology. ‘Creation’ is nothing but God’s secret will externally expressed. Originally, incident where God himself projected externally what he already possessed was creation only Himself. In other words, creation itself is an revelation event. If we were to put ‘In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”. “(Genesis 1:1) in another words, he who is infinite and perfect allowed and is going to achieve the limited and imperfect world of time and space. He has entered this limited situation. We can illustrate this by “Eternal World (World of God Himself) →Work of Creation→ Temporal World(world of creatures).” If this is true, creation ministry serve as a bridge between eternal world and the time world. Meditating on previously mentioned, Divine Decrees and Predestination was a secret only God should have known but Will of His Decrees secret was slowly revealed through Work of Creation. According to Herman Bavinck, he saw is as “intends concept implications within the time of its realization”(Eph. 1:4). When the infinite and imperfect God intentionally expressed his plan and providence in the temporal world, the almighty God revealed his revelation by entering the world of finiteness. This was the only closest strategy he could use to close “a huge gap between infinite and finite.” This case is the incarnation. Therefore, the incarnation(John 1:14) is case of ‘Immanuel’, belonging to the fundamental mysteries of Christianity. So, the New Testament, the creation ministry is the ministry of Jesus Christ(Colossians 1: 16). Logically it is totally impossible transfer from finite to infinite but the paradoxically Almighty God performs the impossible(Matthew 19:24-26). The narrow minded humans could only create the theory of evolution to distrust God s Omnipotence. This is because theory of evolution is a theory that rejects all the biblical evidence that “God created all kinds of creatures himself (Genesis 1:3―31). In fact, there is no literature which recorded stay of 'monkey evolving into a man.” This is merely a groundless imagination. Consequently, followers of* evolution theory greatly modified their weak theory and made New-Darwinism, then eventually changed it to “macro evolution”. The process theologians of modern liberalism also cleverly used the word ‘creation’ along ‘process’ in order to defend the evolution theory and corrected part of “mystery of creation” so as to explain God's creation ministry, comprehensive and rational to humans. However, the logic of the process theologians does not only unbiblical but completely deny the verb(bara =Gen.1:1,21,27) meaning creation of absoluteness, in the original Hebrew Holy Scripture with evil intent. If so, what does God created ‘existence’ from nothing imply to us? Dr Hyung Nong Park was influenced by Professor Charles Hodge of Old Princeton theological Seminary, Hodge strongly refuted evolutionism as follows; "Hodge s critique of Darwinism is part of his Anthropology section in volume 2 of Systematic Theology, This section begins with an explanation of the “Scriptural Doctrine” regarding the origin of mankind. He points out two things from the scriptural account in Genesis; first that man s body was formed by the immediate intervention of God and secondly, that his soul was derived from God. It as one of the subsections under “Anti―Scriptural Theories” that Hodge considers Darwinism.<sup>103</sup> Hodge acknowledges Darwin s status as a prominent naturalist and for his knowledge and skill in observation and description, as well as his “frankness and fairness.” He states that his theory, however, suffers from the basic defect of attributing “all the infinite diversities and marvelous organisms of plants and animals are due to the operation of unintelligent physical causes.”

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