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      • 잣나무의 몇개 葉形質에 미치는 光度의 影響

        全尙根,金英彩 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1983 硏究論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        In the seedlings grown under different light intensities for two years at seed bed, length of needle, density of serration, number of stomata and stomatal zone, and number of endodermal cell in needle varied with relative light intensity except number of secretory cell. And the leaf characters were influenced by the light intensity in contribution rates from 18.4% to 34.3%. Positive correlation between the growth and weight of seedlings and the leaf characters were recognized. But there were no significant correlations between the growth of seedlings and number of serration, and between the weight of seedlings and density of stomata and serration.

      • 濟州道 農耕地 土壤의 物理化學的 特性

        許奉九 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1991 硏究論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        This study was designed to find out the physico-chemical properties of soils in Cheju island by different land uses and to serve the basic information to improve the soil properties for increasing plant productivity. The 13 physico-chemical properties including particle sizes and water retentions, by the results of detailed soil survey, were collected from 60 series of soil except Chuju inlet, and computerized the simple means or the weighted mean values by distributed area with grouping of land use and drainage classes. Ares weighted mean values of topsoil in Cheju island were clay 23.8%, organic matter(OM) 13.0%, and cation exchange capacity(CEC) 19.lme/l00g. The clay content of paddy soils weighted by area was 29.2% higher than upland and forest soil which were 24.8 and 19.2%, respectively. OM contents in soils of grass land and wild grass land are the highest by showing 11.8-16.7% and CEC showed the same tendency. Weighted mean values of well drained soil with covered area were clay 20.2%, OM 9.0%, CEC 18.1me/100g, but those of poorly drained were clay 19.0%, OM 7.8%, CEC 7.lme/100g, respectively. Simple correlation coefficients among the physical and chemical properties of upland and well drained soil were investigated. Potassium contents were not significantly different among the 13 variables of physico-chemical properties.

      • 食用可能한 7種類 野生草의 文獻的 考察

        李惠靜,具成子 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1991 硏究論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        The present study was performed to investigate the distribution, growth characteristics, phamacological components and utilization of 7 selected wild edible plants : Oenothera odorata Jacquin, Calystegia japonica Thunb., Sanguisorba officinalis L., Rumex coreanus, Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb., Portulacase oleracea L. and Commelina communis L. Based on the information collected from the cited references, their utilizations as edible plants were described in detail.

      • Effects of Pruning Methods on the Yield and Flower Bud Development in Apple Trees of 'FUJI'/M.26/MAC 9 Rootstocks

        KIM, YONG-KOO 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1993 硏究論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        矮性臺木 Mac9에 접목된 '후지' 사과나무의 生長과 花芽生長에 미치는 影響을 埴壤土에 列間距離 3.5m×柱間距離 2.5m로 栽植한 나무를 이용하여 栽植후 1年次인 1991년부터 3年次인 1993년까지 主幹에서 돋아난 主枝에 對하여 솎음전정(間枝剪定)만 實施한 것, 절단전정(切斷剪定)만 實施한 것, 栽植後 一年間만 切斷剪定을 實施한 후에 2年次와 3年次에는 솎음剪定만 實施한 것으로 나누어 試驗하였다. 樹幅에 있어서 솎음전정(間枝剪定)만 實施한 나무가 다른 處理보다 큰 結果를 보인 것 이외에는 樹高를 包含하여 樹體의 生長量과 剪定方法間에는 差異가 없었다. 花芽形成에 있어서는 솎음剪定만을 實施한 나무와 1年間 切斷剪定후에 2年間 솎음剪定만을 實施한 나무가 切斷剪定만을 實施한 나무에 비하여 栽植後 3年次 의 總花芽數, 花芽着生密度에 있어서 크게 많은 結果를 보여주었다. Three different pruning methods for one-year-old apple trees of Fuji/M.26/Mac 9 were applied in March 1992 and in 1993. respectively. The pruning methods practised on scaffold branches were thinning-out pruning only for two years, heading-back pruning only for two years and one-year heading-back pruning only followed by one-year thinning-out pruning only, respectively. In tree width, the thinning-out pruning only for scaffold branches gave wider tree canopy than the heading-back only for two years or one-year heading-back pruning plus one-year thinning-out pruning upto 3-year-old trees. In the number of flower bud per tree, the flower bud density within tree canopy and flower bud number per trunk cross-sectional area(TCA), the thinning-out pruning only or the heading-back pruning only for one-year followed by the thinning-out pruning only for scaffold branches proved to be clearly superior over the heading-back only pruning for scaffold branches in 3-year-old dwarf apple trees. However, in the tree height growth, in branch development, in tree volume and in trunk cross-sectional area(TCA), the three pruning methods showed non-significant differences among the pruning methods.

      • 産業時代에 있어서 創造性의 形成과 造形性 : 技術藝術學的 考察 A research from a viewpoint of the technology of art

        張文戶 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1993 硏究論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        Relation between art and technology is today's main subject in the field of plastic arts, the estimation of individual artist's skill as been losing its importance. Technology that is connected with the development of science has been introduced into piastic arts and has become a means of the execution. Tecchnology has something self-perpetuating and inhuman, and it is different from the concept of thecnique. Artists just express their own originality in keeping a close relation to this circumstances. As the separation between technology and humanities becomes sharpness than ever, it can be said that the technological-art is one of the trials to cement these two things.

      • Relationship between Leaf Thickness, Photosynthesis, and Water Use

        Yun, Jin Il 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1993 硏究論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        식물잎의 두께는 광합성과 밀접한 관련이 있으나 수분증산과는 무관할 것이라는 가설을 검증하기 위해 온실조건에서 실험을 수행하였으며, 보다 광범위한 미기후조건에서 그 반응을 구명하기 위해 컴퓨터모형에 의한 모의실험을 실시하였다. 재배 콩(Glycine max)과 어저귀속의 잡초(Abutilon theophrasti)를 일정온도와 일장조건의 생장상에서 세가지 광도처리(200, 400, 600 μ㏖ m-2s-1 PAR)로 재배하여 서로 다른 잎 두께를 유도한 다음, 강광(1000∼1200 μ㏖ m-2s-1 PAR) 및 약광(150-250 μ㏖ m-2s-1 PAR)조건에서 각각 잎의 수증기 및 이산화탄소 교환속도를 측정하였다. 강광하에서는 잎의 두께(엽육세포의 체적 및 표면적) 증대에 따라 광합성속도가 증가하였으나 약광하에서는 변화가 없었으며, 증산속도는 강광 및 약광조건에서 잎의 두께와 무관하였다. 엽육세포의 표면적과 체적이 기체교환에 미치는 영향을 설며하기 위해 에너지수지식과 광합성계산식으로 구성된 잎의 생태학적 모형을 작성하여 여러 조건에서 기체교환속도를 계산한 결과, 햇빛에 노출된 환경조건에서는 두꺼운 잎이 얇은 잎에 비해 높은 광합성 속도 및 수분이용효율을 보이며 이러한 효과는 기공저항이 낮은 잎에서 더욱 두드러지는 것으로 나타났다. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the hypothesis that leaf thickness may have a significant effect on photo synthesis but little if any related effect on transpiration. Simulation studies were used to delineate interactive responses of leaves to a wider range of microdimatic conditions. Glycine max and Abutilon theophrasti grown under 200, 400, and 600μ㏖ m₂s^(-)¹ (PAR) were subjected to H₂O and CO₂ gas exchange measurement under sunny and shaded conditions. Under high PAR(1000 to 1200μ㏖ m^(-)²s^(-)¹, apparent photosynthesis of all leaves increased with increasing leaf thickness (cell volume and total cell surface area), but transpiration rates were little affected by the thickness. Under low PAR(150 to 250μ㏖ m^(-)²s^(-)¹), neither photosynthesis nor transpiration was influenced by leaf thickness. A model, consisting of photosynthesis and energy balance elements, was formulated to describe the influence of mesophyll cell surface area and volume with respect to gas exchange. Model computations predict thick leaves to have higher photosynthetic water use efficiency in many exposed environments than thin leaves(on leaf area basis), and the effect is enhanced at low leaf resistance to diffusion of water vapor.

      • 잣나무림의 가지치기가 생장 및 절단상구 유합에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김영채,정현배,주영특,이임균 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1993 硏究論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        잣나무 조림지를 대상으로 가지치기의 정도가 임목의 생육에 미치는 영향과 가지절단방법이 절단면의 유합속도에 미치는 영향을 알기 위하여 가지치기 정도와 가지절단방법을 달리하여 시험조사된 본 연구에서는 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 가지치기한 후 2년까지는 수고생장이 가지치기 정도의 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났지만 그 이후부터는 그다지 영향을 받지 않았다. 2. 흉고직경생장에 있어서도 가지치기 정도의 영향을 크게 받지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 3. 가지의 절단면 형태에 따른 유합정도는 지융부 포함 절단법(91.9%)이 지융부 제외 절단법(78.0%)보다 더 높은 유합정도를 나타내었다. 4. 가지의 절단직경의 크기와 유합정도와의 상관관계는 처음 2년간은 두가지 방법에서 모두 유의성을 인정할 수 있었는데 특히 지융부 포함 절단법은 절단후 2년동안은 절단직경이 클수록 빠른 유합정도를 보였으나 어느정도의 유합이 이루어진 후에는 절단직경의 크기와 유합정도 사이에는 유의성을 찾을 수 없었다. This study was conducted to find out the effect of pruning on tree growth and the effect of pruning methods on healing of wound orientated Pinus koratensis afforested land. Through-out a different test in pruning and cutting-methods of pruning obtained result as follows. 1. Degrees of pruning have an effect on height growth for two years after pruning but since that time they not an effect on height growth. 2. Degrees of pruning have not an effect on D.B.H. growth. 3. Healing rate by pruning method were B method(straight angle cut line 91.9%)higher than A method(end of turgid cut line(78.0%). 4. Correlation coefficients between healing of wound and diameter of cutting face were allowed significant in A method(P>0.05). The larger the diameter of cutting face was the faster the healing of wound in all methods for two years. But B method was allowed no significant after two years.

      • Lactobacillus plantarum의 생육 억제에 미치는 요소 및 protoplast 형성에 관한 연구

        박범식,--,전억한,조재선 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1993 硏究論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        발효중 L.plantarum의 생육 영향 실험은 다양한 인자를 이용하여 결정하였는데 당 종류 및 함량에 따른 성장 효과는 glucose가 20%일때 발효성 당 기질의 활용율이 높았으며, pH 저하 속도 역시 가장 빨랐다. 초기 pH를 6.5에서 3.0까지 acids 첨가로 고정시켜서 초기 pH에 따른 발효중 pH의 변화 정도은 접종 초기 pH와 관계없이 4.0 이하에선 pH 저하가 거의 일어나지 않았으나 세포 농도는 증가하였다. 초기 pH 40 이상에서는 급격한 pH 저하가 있었다. 따라서 acidulants 첨가시 적어도 pH를 40이하로 낮추게 되면 세포 성장이 둔화 되어 김치 발효에 앞서 acididulation을 행할 수 없게 된다. 젖산균의 종류에 따라서 일정농도 이상의 염농도에서 생육이 중지되거나 삼투압이 세포내보다 클때에는 세포가 파열하여 생육할 수 없다. 염농도 1%에서 3%까지 증가함에 따라 세포상장에 어느정도 영향을 미쳤으나 pH저하에는 거의 영향을 미치지 않았다. DEDT와 Butylated hydroxyanisol은 생장 억제제로 각 1%, 0.04% 첨가한 경우 접종초기와 배양후의 pH 변화는 거의 또는 전혀 일어나지 않았으며, Zn을 첨가하였을때도 pH 변화가 발견되지 않았다. Protoplast를 생성하기 위하여 세포벽 용균 효소로 lysozyme 40㎍/ml과 protoplast 형성율이 가장 좋은 생육 시기인 15hr으로 결정하였다. 30℃, ph75에서 현저한 흡광도 감소 경향과 protoplast 형성율도 우수하게 나타났다. 15% sucrose, 20mM MgCl₂, 6mM CaCl₂에서는 흡광도 감소 경향을 보이지 않았으나, protoplast 형성율은 다른 농도에서보다 증가하는 경향을 나타냈다. Plasma expander로 알려진 gelatm을 첨가하였을 경우에는 6660㎚에서 유의적인 흡광도 감소경향을 보이지 않았으며 단지 protoplast를 형성시키는데 있어서 중요한 보조적 역할을 수행하는 것으로 사료된다. Lactic acid bacteria involved in KimChi fermentation was tested for disposition of preservation with initial pH and inhibitory activity against Lactobacillus plantarum. The inhibotory effects of various factors which are additional sugars, lowering initial pH, addition of salts on the cell growth were evaluated by measuring capacity of acid formation. The cell growth was found to be high at 20% glucose in accordance with fast falling of pH. It was revealed that the cell growth was inhibited with some decrease in pH when concentration of salt increased up to 3%. It was also found that Zn concentrations ranging from 0.01% to 0.04% did not show any influence on the cell growth. Microorganisms of L. plantarum were also used for the protoplast fusion to obtain the improved strains for KimChi fermentation. Protoplasts of L. plantarum was produced by lysozyme digestion at 30℃ for 180min. The strain was treated with 40㎍/㎖ of lysozyme in 30 mM Tris-Cl buffer(pH 7.5) containing 10% sucrose at the late logarithmic growth. It was found that the efficiency of protplast formation was high at 30℃, pH 7.5 determined by decrease in absorbance. Optimum concentrarions of sucrose, Ca^(2+), Mg^(2+) for protoplast formation were determined to be 15%, 20 mM and 6 mM, respectively.

      • Begonia semperflorens 器內繁殖에 미치는 置床方法과 TIBA效果

        金卿淑,閔炳訓,李承雨 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1993 硏究論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        Begonia somperflorens 'Prelude Scarlet' 줄기組織의 再分化 및 生長에 미치는 NAA, TIBA 및 置床方法의 效果를 調査하기 위하여 遂行된 實驗結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 不定芽 및 不定根의 再分化 및 伸長은 NAA 無處理區에서 가장 優秀하였다. 2. TIBA 處理에 의한 不定芽形成은 TIBA 0.01 및 0.05㎎/l에서 促進되었으며 TIBA 高濃度에서는 심하게 抑制되었다. 반면에 不定根의 形成은 TIBA 處理에 의해 抑制되었다. 3. 最長不定芽의 길이는 TIBA 無處理에서 가장 길었고 最長根은 TIBA 0.005㎎/l에서 가장 길었다. 4. 置床方法에 따른 再分化에 있어서 不定芽形成은 水平置床에서 가장 優秀하였고 不定根形成은 逆位置床이 水平置床과 垂直置床에 비해 높은 分化率을 보였는데 特히 TIBA 0.01과 0.05㎎/l에서 5培 以上의 많은 뿌리를 分化시켰다. 5. 置床方法別로 再分化된 最長길이는 水平置床은 不定芽의 生長, 垂直置床은 不定根의 生長에 가장 效果적이었고 逆位置床에서는 不定芽와 不定根의 길이가 가장 짧은 것으로 나타났다. Experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of NAA, TIBA and orientation methods on regeneration and growth in Begonia semperflorens "Prelude Scarlet" stem segments cultured in vitro. The regeneration and growth of adventitious shoot and root showed the best result without NAA in the medium. The concentrations of 0.01 and 0.05 ㎎/l TIBA promoted adventitious shoot formation, but higher concentrations considerably supressed. On the other hand, the formation of adventitious root was suppressed with all TIBA concentrations. The longest shoot length obtained without TIBA while length of the longest root did at 0.005㎎/l TIBA concentration. Adventitious shoot formation showed the best result in horizontal orientation. However, the formation of adventitious root showed higher regeneration rate in invented orientation compared with both horizontal or vertical orientation. Especially, the concentrations of 0.01 or 0.05㎎/l TIBA were regenerated adventitious root of 5 times or more in invented orientation. The growth of adventitious shoot and root was the most effective in horizontal and vertical orientation, respectively. The inverted orientation suppressed the growth of both adventitious shoot and root.

      • 林分材積生長率 의 推定法에 關한 比較硏究

        李鍾樂 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1988 硏究論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        To compare growth rates among Pressler's, Schneider's, and Meyer's method, volume growth and growth rates for the last 5 years at 37-year Pinus Koraiensis stand were calculated by each method, and the results are as follows, 1. Growth rates calculated by Pressler's, Schneider's, and Meyer's method were 4.22%, 4.73%, and 4.81% respectively. 2. The field survey and calculation process by Pressler's and Schneider's method were simple and easy, yet Meyer's method required times in the field survey and calculation of growth rate. 3. There are many differences between growth rates calculated by the coefficients of Schneider's formula, so studies on the coefficients of Schneider's formula by species and diameters could be carried out. At present, therefore, Pressler's method is the most suitable method to calculate growth rate.

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