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      • Educational Liberalism and Its Policy Issues : Bansed on the Critique through the Lens of Educational Conservatism

        Chung, Ho-Pyo 경북대학교 교육대학원 1981 논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        人間의 理性과 潛在可能性에 대한 樂觀的 見解에 基本을 두고 機械的 操作者로서의 外的 賦課를 否定하는 Classical Liberalism은 個人主義的인 兒童中心의 開發主義 敎育理論을 提示하여 傳統的 敎育思潮를 變革시키는데 寄與하고 있다. 이러한 個人的 合理性과 自律的 規制 原理에 대신하여 社會的 道德性의 理想과 科學技術의 發達에 信賴를 둔 Neo-Liberalism은 敎育哲學의 새로운 方向形成에 寄與하고 있다. 敎育哲學에서 볼때 Dewey의 科學的 知性과 社會的 妥當性의 價値와 Technologism의 諸原理가 Educational Liberalism을 形成시킨 土臺가 되며, 이는 合理性, 進步, 效率性을 强調하는 點에서 Classical Liberalism과 脈絡을 같이한다. 이러한 Educational Liberalism은 保守的 敎育哲學에서 照明해 볼 때 다음과 같은 敎育政策上의 問題點을 提起한다. 첫째, Educational Liberalism은 科學技術을 社會的 實在로서 受容함으로써 技術意識의 特性인 非人間化된 諸原理 및 專門知識의 客觀性, 測定可能性, 精密性의 原理가 敎育의 準據體制로서 反映되므로 人本的인 敎育價値를 排除하게 된다. 둘째, Educational Liberalism이 個人의 潛在可能性과 社會的 關與를 통한 個人의 役割을 强調할지라도, 當然視된 專門技術的 知識에 따른 職業適合性에 依해 展開되는 學校敎育現象은 敎育의 統合的 發達的 機能을 阻害하게 된다. 세째, Educational Liberalism의 合理性, 效率性, 進步의 意識構造가 學校敎育을 支配할 때, 이러한 槪念의 性格上 歷史的, 文化的 脈絡이 斷絶됨으로써 功利的 現時性에 學校敎育이 依在하므로 敎育의 文化保存的 機能이 阻害된다.

      • Teacher Qualifications and the Use of Aides for the Education of the Mentally Retarded in Asia

        Kim, Hak-Soo 경북대학교 교육대학원 1973 논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        特殊敎育의 發達은 敎師의 專門的 資質과 能力에 依存되는 것이다. 아시아 地域에 있어서의 精薄兒敎育을 위한 特殊敎師의 養成과 經濟的 支援問題는 매우 重要한 課題라고 생각한다. 本硏究에서는 아시아 9個國의 資料를 綜合 및 分析하여 特殊敎師의 ① 養成 ② 資格 ③ 俸給年金 및 役割등에 대한 現狀을 要約하고 그 問題點과 提案을 다음과 같이 提示한다. 1. 아시아地域의 精薄敎育에 관한 特殊敎師 養成機關과 訓練課程은 各國마다 매우 多樣하여 一定한 共通的 模型이 없으며, 敎育可能級 精薄兒(EMR)를 위한 敎師養成에만 치우치고 있다. 特殊敎師의 보다 높은 資質向上을 위해서는 이들의 養成이 一般敎育의 基礎위에 大學院課程에서 體系的으로 專門訓練을 가지도록 組織되어야 할 것이며 특히 現職硏修의 繼續的인 强化도 必要하다. 또한 敎師可能級뿐 아니라 訓練可能級以下(TMR. CMR)를 위한 敎師養成도 同時에 이루어져야 한다. 보다 效果的인 養成을 위해서는 모든 障害兒 敎育을 위한 "汎 아시아 敎師訓練機構(The International Teachers' Training Organization in Asia)"의 設置를 提案한다. 2. 相當數의 國家에서는 一般敎師나 非訓練敎師도 精薄兒敎育에 從事하고 있으며, 公立特殊敎育機關만이 所定의 資格을 要求하고 있다. 따라서 自體硏修와 現職訓練의 强化는 물론 私設特殊敎育機關에도 有資格敎師가 勤務하도록 各國 政府는 積極的인 養成策과 支援이 있기를 要請한다. 3. 이들의 俸給은 대체로 一般敎師의 水準에 未及하거나 약간 上廻하는 程度이므로 상당한 優待策이 請究되어야 하며 年金, 退職後對策등에 대한 制度化가 各國에서 마련되어야 한다. 4. 障害兒의 職業補導, 追隨指導의 役割을 위한 專門的 Social Worker의 養成이 時急하다. 오늘날 아시아地域에 있어서의 有能한 特殊敎師를 誘因 確保하기 위해서는 이들의 役割과 莫重한 使命에 비추어 社會的 經濟的으로 充分한 優待策이 倂行되어야 한다. 더욱이 特殊敎育 發展을 위한 各國政府의 보다 적극적인 行政的 社會的 經濟的 支援이 實現될 것을 要請한다.

      • 韓國의 消費者 保護 方向에 關한 硏究

        朴龍喆,崔仁和 경북대학교 교육대학원 1990 논문집 Vol.22 No.-

        In a modern mass-consumption society, necessity of the consumer protection became a serious problem in government as well as xocietal dimetaion. Because the power of each man of consumers is trivial than that of industrialists. But, fortunately, the currents of the consumer protection have changed from the period of ignorance (or the period of public awareness) to the period of consumer achievment. Now, private organizations, both consumer-Owner-and-operated and business-sponsored, aid consumers. Especially, consumer protection Board(韓國消費者保護院) is known to us as a professional nonprofit foundation for Consumer aid and protection. The aims of this study is searching for the New Guidelines of Korean Consumer protection(especially focused on the role of Consumer protection Board). Conclusively, We suggested several Outcomes of this study as follows. 1. The first of new Guidelines of COnsumer protection is establishing the Korean Consumerism which guard us from the arrogance of the busimessman's in the broad fields of manufacturing, advertising, labelling, and selling. 2. Concrete policies and bills are arranged and recommended for the consumer by C. P. B. and those plans will promote the consumer's seven rights. 3. We consider that the legislation of the class aciton, chilling effect system, market court, and the suitable remedial measures to reduce the risks to the communities. 4. We pay attention to the consumer education in elementary and secondary school for vitalizing the desirable consumption culture. 5. We hopy the C. P. B as a efficient, professional consumer protection orgmization which accommodate with consumer ombudsman system.

      • 韓·日 人文系 高等學校 敎育課程과 大學 入試制度의 比較 考察

        朴龍喆,朴仁圭 경북대학교 교육대학원 1984 논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        1. The curriculum of academic high schools can not help being controlled by the system of matriculation. The present matriculation system forces high-school students to foster wait-and-see policies and tricks. And so, a great number of young people in this country find pleasure in wait-and-see policies and tricks. We all fear what they see, how they feel, what they learn, and how they will live in the society after graduating. This point is the anxiety of all the people who have children. Students should be given the human nature education to teach sincerity, ingenuity, and vitality. 2. Modern nations threaten the freedom of individuals. This is caused by keeping all the social functions to nation itself. If the deep-rooted vestiges of standardization in our education since Japanese imperialism don't be removed, the democratic individual education is far off. 3. We all desire the follows; ⒜ the matriculation system which students to be able to choose the subjects according to their liking and ability. ⒝ the system which colleges themselves to be able to pick out their students and educate them according to their specific character. ⒞ the system which high schools and colleges to be able to educate students to meet the needs of real society. 4. Thinking is the distinct power of human. The thinking power of human has been able to be the modern sicence and culture. The extension of thinking powert is the most imporant indicator in educaion.

      • 道德·國民倫理 敎科敎育의 性格과 目標

        朴仁熙,宋海永 경북대학교 교육대학원 1990 논문집 Vol.22 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to look for the desirable directions of Korean Ethics Education by analyzing all level of schools. The process for realizing this purpose is given as follows. In chapter Ⅱ, the concepts of Korean Ethics Education is examined with relation to the various characteristics of modern industrial society and our present country. In chapter Ⅲ, the background of establishing Korean Ethics is studied from the points of view such as universality of the world, our actual need in Korea and course of education. In chapter Ⅳ, each object of moral education in Elementary school and Middle school, Korean Ethics education in High school and Korean Ethics education in the liberal arts course of college is analysed with the comparison and explanation of the objects in each step of educational institution. In conclusion, the significance and the rightfulness of Korean Ethics education are discussed, and a kind of trial balloon is given for the desirable directions that Korean Ethics education should follow.

      • 組織水準에 따른 敎育行政體制의 分析模型에 관한 考察

        朴鍾烈,趙光濟 경북대학교 교육대학원 1987 논문집 Vol.19 No.-

        Systems Analysis Models have been recognized as most effective tools which can analyze and examine the complex educational Systems. The purpose of this study is to examine the System Analysis Models of Educational Administration, and to construct the Comprehensive Systems Analysis Models of Educational Administration which can analyze and describe Korean Educational Administration System it terms of organizational level. The Educational Administration System as hierarchy may be divided into four subsystem such as Educational Policy System, Educational Management System, School Management System, and Classroom Management System. The Contents of 4 Systems Analysis Models of Educational Policy were developed by Easton, Campbell, Dror, and Sharkansky, 3 Systems Analysis Models of Educational Management, by Kaufman, Owens, and Kim Jong-Chul, 3 Systems Analysis Models of School Management, by Kimbrough, Hoy & Miskel, Lipham & Hoeh, and 2Systems Analysis Models of Classroom Management, by Lemlech, and Kim Se-Kee, respectively, were examined in this study. On the basis of examined contents of above Systems Analysis Models, These writers attempted to construct a Systems Analysis Model of Educational Administration in terms of organizational level. (See figure 14) The model, Comprehesive Model for Systems Analysis of Educational Administration, may be used as an useful Systems Analysis Model in order to adapt and analyze for Korean Educational Administration System.

      • Rawls의 機會均等原理와 敎育

        金昌洙,鄭浩杓 경북대학교 교육대학원 1987 논문집 Vol.19 No.-

        Some demand for equality and equality of opportunity in educational policy may be interpreted variously according to many conceptions about education, opportunity, and equality. Rawls's conception of equal opportunity is to guarantee similar life prospects in categories of similar classes, abilities, and motives. But those may be unreasonable factors for the discussion of equal oppertunity of education. Educational equality of fair opportunity cannot imply the equality of educational result without considering criteria of self-respect and self-realization. Educational practice for equality of fair opportunity must intend to minimize effects of natural capacities and to maximize those of individual efforts in achievement. It must pursue the plan to prescribe abilities necessary for social status so that acquired abilities, not ascribed capacities, may function for access to status, and accordingly to open social status fairly. Unequal distribution of educational resources and ability grouping conducive to this purpose cannot be regarded as unjust.

      • 敎育政治

        金明漢 경북대학교 교육대학원 1977 논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        The purpose of this study was ⑴ to examine the mutual relationship between politics and education, which would help to understand the political behavior in educational policy-Making, and ⑵ to develop a systems framework for examining the processes and dynamic behavior of educational policy-making. The emergence of the politics of education as a new field of research is associated closely with developments in educational policy. In the past research on the relationship between politics and education was neglected by practicing educators who posited that public education should be a unique non-political function with a separate and independent governmental structure. However, since 1960s, social forces affecting the school education have changed this situation and created a more open system of educational politics. The close examination of the mutual relationship between politics and education has revealed that these two disciplines are closely interrelated to each other. Education is a creature of polity, and also, it is one of the most potent political institutions. Therefore, it has become an important issue for the educational profession to examine its role in the political process for the purpose of better understanding the political aspects of education and of its administration. One coherent and distinctive influence on research activity regarding policy-making today is the application of systems models. To provide the intellectual framework for analyzing the processes and dynamic behavior of policy-making, we need to develop a systems model to represent the organizational structure and social interactions of the educational system. An attempt, therefore, has been made to develop systems model to identify the major forces and factors influencing educational policy-making in Korea. With the use of systems model and concepts taken from political science and public administration, it is possible to study the entire processes of formulation, approval and implementation of educational policies. The educational policy-Making system, if it is meet the changes occurring in its society, must be open to change in the future. These chenges will in turn mean that the traditional methods of determining educational policies need drastic revision to meet the impact of educational innovations.

      • Durkheim과 Mannheim의 知識社會學과 敎育

        李潤樹,金淳彦 경북대학교 교육대학원 1990 논문집 Vol.22 No.-

        This study represents an attempt to investigate a comparison on a sociology of knowledge and education between the positions taken by the two theorists and present some suggestions to pursuit our school education. The differences between the two theorists on sociology of knowledge are over the methodology for the study of social reality. Durkheim considers that social facts are to be investigated and explained in the same way as facts in the natural order. Mannheim considers that the meaning of social phenomena can not be justly stated in terms of causal connections. In the view of understanding the relationship of thought and action, Durkheim is against taking account of individual motives in the explanation of social reality, but Mannheim is for attending to individual psychology in his thought. The interpretation which each gives to the nature of group and its relation to the individual attempts the same kind of synthesis between social realism and nominalism except relativism. Over the role of the school in society, Durkheim attempts to explain that the goals which the school ought to pursue are those which express the social reality and the school system should never promote and ideal of the active role in transforming society. So his educational theory seems consistent with the position he takes in the sociology of knowledge. Mannheim understands that the school ought to do in relation to social change. The ideas and values of the reconstruction of society being determined by the complex patterns of forces in society are perceived and formulated by a concrete group, the intelligentsia. So his educational theory seems consistent with the rightful position to reconstruct the planned society through democracy.

      • 敎育目的設定에 있어 準據의 問題

        鄭浩杓 경북대학교 교육대학원 1983 논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        This study aims to inquire the formative process of educational values and investigate the procedural and substantial criteria of educational aims establishment. The following conclusions are drawn. Educational values must be established by the relativity based on the various viewpoints of human nature, social structure, and function though they can abstract some assumptions from absolute principles. In the formative process of educational values, normative and descriptive systems must be harmonized. Logical criteria of educational aims establishment may be investigated by the four structures constituted through two contrasted aspects. These criteria include the content synopsis and prescriptivity, the mental state and substantive object, explicit and implicit aspects, and the ultimate and proximate aspects. The formative procedure may depend either on the firm criteria based on the universal principles or on the relative criteria based on the instrumental principles. This process must place emphasis on the ethnography of invidividual rationality and positivistic approach of scientific rationality together. The concrete and substantive criteria include the social and psychological factor. Social criteria are justified as far as education intends to internalize and reify the social construction of reality from the viewpoint of social legitimacy. Psychological criteria are justified as far as education emphasizes to satisfy the individual needs and interests. Though they are not self-sufficient criteria, they can be regarded as procedural criteria of aims.

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