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      • A Study of Concepts of Career Education

        Kim, Choong Ki 건국대학교 교육대학원 1981 敎育論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        生涯敎育은 그 출발이 美國에서 발달되기 시작한 敎育理念으로서 職業敎育에서부터 發展되었다. 生涯敎育은 社會의 必要와 社會發展 및 個人의 能力과 適性敎育에 주안점을 둔 것으로 敎育의 實際를 개혁하고 새로운 方向으로 職業適性敎育의 실시를 강조한 교육이다. 즉, 넓은 意味의 직업교육이요 靑少年들을 위한 進路開發敎育이라 부를 수 있다. 쉽게 말하면 適性, 興味, 能力에 알맞은 직업을 探索하고 경험을 통하여 一生동안 만족하고 행복한 “삶“을 누릴 수 있도록 적성에 부합된 교육의 실시를 의미한다. 生涯敎育은 美國의 敎育省 교육위원이었던 Sidney P. Marland 박사가 在任時 교육의 문제점을 지적하고 처음으로 휴스턴市에서 개최된 全國中等學校 校長會議에서 生涯敎育의 必要性을 力說하고 “모든 교육은 生涯敎育이다. 또한 그렇게 되어야 한다”는 主題를 발표한데서 비롯되었다. 生涯敎育은 1970年代 초부터 중요성이 인식되어 여러 가지로 學者들의 槪念과 定義를 내리고 있다. 本 論文은 주로 生涯敎育을 뒷받침하는 內容으로서 生涯敎育의 발달과정을 역사적으로 살펴보았고 生涯敎育의 대두와 함께 生涯敎育 要素와 관련된 理論을 탐색하였으며, 最近 生涯敎育에 관심을 가진 學者나 硏究者들이 이루어 놓은 論文을 소개하였다. 生涯敎育을 실천하기 위한 모델을 제시하면서 學生들의 成長發達段階에 맞추어 國民學校에서는 生涯認識 과정으로서 교육을 실시하고 中學校 과정에서는 生涯探索을 필요로 하고 高等學校 과정에서는 生涯準備로 職業敎育을 실시하도록 고안되었다.

      • 日本의 對韓植民地 敎育政策에 관한 硏究

        鄭萬壽 건국대학교 교육대학원 1981 敎育論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        This thesis investigates the educational policies of imperialistic Japan for colonizing Korea. The investigation was focused on the process of the colonization, especially with respect to Japanese educational invasions of the Korean Peninsula. The educational policies included the basic line of the policies, the reorganizations of school systems for realizing autocracy, the reforms of school curriculum for the assimilationpolicy and the Japanese oppressive measures to obstruct the educational movements developed by Korean nationalists. The purpose of this thesis is to analys the process of the Japanese imperialistic invasion, that is its assimilation of Korea which is the result of Pan Asianism. To attain the purpose, thesis consists of four chapters: The characteristics of Japanese Imperialism in Chapter Ⅰ; The developments of Korean Private Schools in Chapter Ⅱ; The Educational Policies of the Japanese goveral for Colonizing Korea in Chapter Ⅲ; Conclusion in Chapter Ⅳ.

      • 우리나라의 지방교육자치제도에 관한 연구

        조성일,안세근 건국대학교 교육대학원 1991 敎育論叢 Vol.16 No.-

        1. Summary The local educational autonomy system is based on the voluntary participation of inhabitant in local community revolving around student's parents. Nevertheless, korean educational authorities have ruled out the opinions of student's parents and local inhabitants in various fields of educational activities, and have not reflected even the particularity inherent in education sufficiently and operated the education. But, the Law on the Local Educational Autonomy System was enacted by passing the state council on Apr. 11.1991, and so the local educational autonomy system, which has substantially stopped for that time, will be selected in the local council of the units of city and province on the coming july, the local educational board be formed and it comes to revive again. This study aims at preserve the political nautrality of education, putting vigor into the autonomy and specialty of educational autonomy system which can reflect the opinions of local community residents into educational policies. 2. Purpose of this study 1) To grope for its theoretical background on the basis of the concept of the educational autonomy system. 2) To inquire into the matters on the organization, body and operation of the local educational autonomy system. 3) To present the stable plan of securing finance for local education 4) To analyze the derived controversial points and propose the developmental plan of the local educational autonomy system in korea. On the basis of the above-mentioned statement, the important controversial points and reformative plan can be suggested in relation with the current local educational autonomy system in korea. 3. Controversial points and their reformative plan 1) The representativeness of local inhabitants should be strengthened in the constitution of the local educational board, and its members be directly elected by local inhabitants in order to heighten the consciousness of participation. 2) The most significant legislative right, budgetary right and the right to the settlement of accounts, of matters for deliberation in the local educational board, are supposed to be ultimately deliberated by the local council, but the local educational board will have to be made to resolve and deliberate such matters. 3) The critenon(standard) of qualification for the post of the vice-superintendent of education supposed to be placed on the Educational Board Situated in city or province is regarded as the civil servant of regular goverment service, but the requirement of qualification for such post should require the educational career for a given time of period as well. 4) The financial foundation of the local education autonomy system should be intensified in order to effectuate the local educational autonomy system. As a result of this study the following matters would be suggested. 4. Suggestion 1) The authority and responsibility of the head of local government for education should be reinforced. 2) The members on the education board should be selected by local inhabitants directly, and the substantial authority on decision on educational policies be exercised. 3) As to the qualification of the superintendent of education and the vice-superintendent of education the academic background of more than the degree of M.A should be added together with the career of educational special staff. 4) The autonomous budgetary right of the education board should be in a direction of its expansion. 5) Local community should be made to take active part in the development of local schools.

      • 中學校 國語科 敎育에 있어서의 進路敎育 授業模型開發에 관한 探索的 硏究

        金賢玉 건국대학교 교육대학원 1986 敎育論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        Through the vocations chosen, man lives on, seeks the joy of life, confirmatives his social role and contributes to his community and nation. Career education is unified programs, which give the youth learning environment on their interest and ability. The schools provide fundamental in a terials for information of vacation, research of career and should help students with understanding themselves and world of works through career education with elements of school education. Career education is the most effectual to do in class by regular curriculum. Students investigate about vocation, information of vacational society and compare aptitude as well as capacity of oneself. So doing this, students will see how the career education helps on dong their job. In this thesis, a vocation is selected from among 38 jobs which are introduced in Korean text book. The contents are as follows ; 1. jobs contents 2. aptitude 3. school career and training 4. payment and condition of work environment 5. prospect From the above, 4 teaching models are deviced. Proposition 1. Korean language education cultivates the functions which heeds all the vocation. So it should be reconstructed to related with vocational society. 2. Various material should be producted which need financial supply, in order to help student's vocational maturity, awareness, attitudes and making decision. 3. Field work or famous person in community should be made the best use of talent. 4. Teachers should be reeducated on importance of career education. 5. Healthy view of value on vocation should be established at social and national level for vocation.

      • 中學校 新ㆍ舊科學敎科書의 比較分析에 關한 硏究

        安美貞 건국대학교 교육대학원 1990 敎育論叢 Vol.14 No.-

        Comparing with the old and new science curriculum of middle school, analysing and comparing with a sort of science state textbook for each grade and five kinds of testbook,(which are newly revised and pubished), for 1,2,3-year-grade of official approval of textbooks : therefore, at the result of such analyses, We reached such a following conclusion : 1) The old and new curriculum have no great differences, but the curriculum of the new textbooks put the chief aim into fostering of the fundamental experiment and the skill of practice and the development of science-technology, and the recognition of the influence on the society development. 2) The divisional proportion of physical geography, biology, chemistry, was nearly similar. 3) Analysing the old and new science textbook, in the new textbook, the number of pages increased by 7.2%, of experiment decresed by 10%, of observation decreased by 41.2%, and of research deareased by17%, of table decreased by 28% of picture decreased 2%, of question increased by 71.5%, of things to be read increased 25%, and the oppendices are edited only in the textbook. 4) Within the limit of chemistry division, the small section among the contents of 2-year-grade are transferred into the curriculum of 3-year-grade. The grand unit (Chemistry reaction and heat is deleted. 5) The chemistry experiment the old and new textbook is all similar

      • 外國大學의 敎養敎育 改革動向 : England, Harvard and Columbia

        金億煥 건국대학교 교육대학원 1986 敎育論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        This article describes the recent trends in general education of new universities in England, Harvard University, and Columbia University, in an attempt to suggest a new direction for curriculum revision in general education for Korean universities. The article surveyed the background history of each institution in general education program to show how the current status of the program has emerged, and, on the basis of the recent trend and the logic of implementing new general education program, suggested what the direction should be for our universities.

      • 翰西 南宮 檍의 敎育思想 管見

        安商元 건국대학교 교육대학원 1987 敎育論叢 Vol.8 No.-

        In this study, I made a short survey on Namgung-Uk's(His pen name is Hanseo) life, writings, various activities, and educational thoughts. After the survey, 1 sought to clear the significance of the Hanseo's educational activities and thoughts in the history of korean education. Hanseo lived in the transition period from the end of the Yi dynasty to the Japanese domination. Through the review of Hanseo's life in this period, I found that he was an all honest civil servant, an independence fighter who exerted himself to restore the nation's autonomy, that he as a journalist tried to enlighten his people by journalism, and that he as a christian or educationist also attempted to change his fatherland into a brighter and happier country with the help of education and religion. Haneo made various activities in his life (for example: officer, independence fighter, journalist, christian, educationist etc.) But the most important activity arena was the educational activities. On the other hand, he wrote many writings (for example: DongSaRyak, Tales about Chosun, many songs and verses etc.). And then, the final aim of his various activities and many writings was the recovery of the national sovereignty. Hanseo beleived that the only way to recover the national sovereignty consist in the advancement of national education and social enlightenment. Therefore, especially, Hanseo led the campaign for recovery of the national sovereignty with the help of education and religion. As a result, the aim of the Hanseo's educational thoughts was that rearing a man who can recover the national sovereignty. In the curriculum and teaching method, Hanseo stressed modernistic method and patriotic curriculum such as korean history and korean language, etc. The fundermental signigicance of the Hanseo's educational thoughts in the history of korean education is that his educational activity was the self-reliant effort to accept the western modern educational theory. Of course, in th Hanseo's educational activities, Some shortcomings are found. But, it is because of the periodic background, we must consider deliberately.

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