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      • 정보화사회에서 지역 벤처산업(Local Venture Business)육성을 통한 지역사회개발 연구

        정종기 聖潔敎神學大學校 社會科學硏究所 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        AbstractThe twenty first Century Environment of Information Society will be effected in character by Venture Business Spirit of variety change Also every fields of communities have a interesting lure of Venture Business that consisted of SOHO( small office Home office) small and medium industries corporate with University or instituted also idea business.Before, Industries society of three Factors composed that capital, Labors and markets or mass production are important. But 21 century request knowledge power for CIM(Computer Integrate Manufacturing) and FMS(Flexible manufacturing System) business.So, the study of community development through the bring up with Local Venture Business in Information society is very important to IMF environment situation.This report studies about that principle of Ventures business:a) take of best techniques and know-how, b) watch for chance market,c) manufacture of FMS ,d) confirm of competitive venture business ,e) always have Idea of new Business modelling ,f) cooperation of University instituted in Community,g) have a chance profits rather than that chance amounts of loss. For Venture Business foundation of future community development is fixed idea of Industries society and change of idea that about FMS, CIM, FL(free lancer)and using of cyber market with CALS.

      • 지역정보센터 구축과 그 활성화를 위한 시민의 역할

        문원식 聖潔敎神學大學校 社會科學硏究所 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        AbstractThis paper examines the establishment and management of Regional Information Center(RIC) covering Anyang, Kunpo and Uiwang City. This kind of inter-regional information SYSTEM is unprecedented in Korea.After reviewing concepts, types, cases and implementation SYSTEM of RIC, I propose the alternativesof institutional enhancement for RIC and the role of citizen in establishing the RIC.The role of citizen is examined in the context of informatization process, which is devided into the phases of building, spreading, and maturity.The citizen, especially NGOs have to pay attention to guaranteeing the equity in PUBLIC information service. The benefit of informatization should be shared alike among all level of social groups. And this paper demonstrates the importance of mayor's initiative for regional informaization. Finally the implementation system of RIC should be designed on the base of PUBLIC and private partnership.

      • 자아개념의 발달적 변화에 대한 연구

        정수자 聖潔敎神學大學校 社會科學硏究所 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        AbstractThis study is based on a multifaceted and hierarchical model of self-concept and is concerned with assessing the developmental and differentiated changes of the within-construct facets of self-concept across ages. A self-concept inventory was administrated to 284 boys and girls selected from one middle school and one high school. The relative importance of sub-self concept dimensions on general self-concept was analysied by multiple regression.The mean scores of general self-concept and most of lower order self-concept of middle schooler measured by SCQ were signficantly higher than high schooler. The relative predictive power of second order factors of middle schooler differ from high schooler. The results demonstrated that the developmental changes in self-concept can be viewed in terms of the change in the relative importance of lower order factors and whether the factor was included in the equation.

      • 주제극 환상놀이가 유아의 이야기 구조 개념에 미치는 영향

        이경화 聖潔敎神學大學校 社會科學硏究所 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        AbstractThe purpose of this study is to find out the effect of the thematic fantasy play on story concept in young children. This study compared the effect on story concept of thematic fantasy play treatment group to control group. The subject of this study twenty four children(five years old) of private S kindergarten. The experimental procedure were pre-test, participation in thematic fantasy activites and post-test. The results of study is that thematic fantasy play expericnce brought an effective result to story concept.

      • 청소년 자원봉사활동의 새로운 방안

        박용순 聖潔敎神學大學校 社會科學硏究所 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        AbstractThe current Education Ministry is activating youth volunteer activities in an effort to hammer out the problems the youth faces. These activities were expected to increase of public benefits and rebuilding of community as well as ego-realization and promotion of social mind of the youth.But, due to lack of appropriate preparation for the enactment of the program, there have not been satisfactory relationship and cooperation among education authorities, schools, and related institutions. some students wrongly think that, because all they have to do is getting a designated point on these mandatory activities, they may idle away their time, not working hard or heartily.Thus, the focus of the present treatise is to study on the new plan for youth volunteer activities through an analytical study on the essence of volunteer activities, the level of domestic youth volunteer activities, the case of foreign youth volunteer activities, and the practical measures of youth volunteer activities.

      • 음악성 발달을 위한 음악놀이 프로그램에 관한 연구

        김인실 聖潔敎神學大學校 社會科學硏究所 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        AbstractThe purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the play-centered-musical education-program(hereafter PCMP), with reference to the improvement of children's creativity.The subjects in this study were sixty-five five year old kindergarten children(twenty -nine males and thirty-six females) and eighty-two seven year old first graders in elementary school(forty-three males and thirty-nine females). Subjects were randomly sampled and assigned to the PCMP according to age and sex. The program had sixteen sessions of 30-40 minutes for eight weeks.In order to monitor the effects of PCMP, tow kinds of measurement procedures were used: Measures of Creativity in Sound and Music(Wang, 1985) and Torrance Test of Creativity in Thinking-Figural Form A(Cho, 1983), both of which were translated and adapted by the researcher.In this experimental design of the study, the indepenent variable was PCMP, the intermediate variales were age and sex, the depennet variables were post-test score of musical creativity(fluency, imagination, originality), and general creativity(fluency, originality, elaboration, abstraction).The three-way MANCOVA and ANCOVA procedures in SPSS-PC were applied to test the hypotheses of this study.Major conclusions of this research are as follows: First, for the improvement of musical creativity, 1. In musical fluency, PCMP was found to be effective. However, there was no difference was noticed in the two classification of the children by age and sex. 2. In musical imagination, PCMP was more effective on five year old children than on seven year olds, and more on girls than on boys. 3. In musical originality, however, PCMO showed no difference among the children. Secondly, for the improvement of general creativity, 1. In general fluency, PCMP was more effective on seven year olds than on five year olds. 2. In general originality, five year olds were effected more by PCMP than seven year olds. 3. In general elaboration, all the children did not show improvement by PCMP. No noticeable sex and age differences were found. 4. In general abstraction, all the children showed generally identical improvement by PCMP, however, no noticeable sex and age differences. Finally, it was found that PCMP was effective in the development of general creativity of the children, as well as in the development of musical creativity, through the improvement of musical sensibility of the children.

      • 地方自治時代에 있어서 21세기 住宅政策方向

        김영수 聖潔敎神學大學校 社會科學硏究所 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        AbstractWe really had a localization period in 1995. As a result, the necessity of establishing housing policy which reflects the opinions of regional inhabitants became highly powerful.From now on, housing policy by Central Government is expected to be changed into that by Local Government.Thus this study aims to change housing policy in step with localization and set up a direction in business distribution between Central Government and Local Government in the 21st century. We also intend to construct a welfare society by presenting a long-term housing policy efficiently.

      • 우리나라와 프랑스의 大統領制 比較硏究 : 選擧ㆍ權限代行ㆍ任期ㆍ高位公職者任命 制度를 中心으로

        김광선 聖潔敎神學大學校 社會科學硏究所 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        Abstract This is the comparative study on the presidential goverment systems of Korea and France. Comparing with the presidential government system of France, the presidential government system of Korea is evaluated as follows: Comparing with the presidential power of France, the fourth Republic of Korea is powerful and the third/the fifth is similar and the sixth is weak. Taking the scale of Korea into consideration, the direct election of president is reasonable. And the election by majority voting like France is more reasonable. When the president appoints to the first acting president, that is, the prime minister, the agreement procedure of the national assembly needs to be made substantial by bring in the U. S. congressional personnel hearing system. And the presidential term needs once more to evaluate the government policies.

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