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      • 野山의 開墾方法 關한 硏究 : 葡萄團地 造成의 事例調査硏究 A Design Example of Grape growing Area

        權武男 慶北大學校 새마을硏究所 1978 農村과 科學 Vol.1 No.-

        This study was performed to establish the proper design method of grape growing area for mechanized farming in the land clearing of hillrock. The results obtained in this design example can be summarized as follows: 1. When the slope of ground surface are less than 8%, 8% to 15%, and 15% to 20%, the recommended grade of design slope was 6%, 11%, and 13% respectively. 2. In the above case, the width of terrace was determined to the values of 30m, 20m, and 15m, and the maximum cutting depth was determined to the values of 0.4m, 0.6m, and 0.8m respectively. 3. In this area, the route density of the road was determined to the 180m/ha and the longitudinal gradient of the road was less than 10%.

      • 迎日地區 砂防事業에 關한 調査硏究

        洪盛千 慶北大學校 새마을硏究所 1978 農村과 科學 Vol.1 No.-

        A largely devastated forest land(4,538ha) has been distributed in Young-il districts, Gyeong-Sang Buk-Do. The government invested about 3.8billion won from 1973 to 1977 to control soil erosion of this area and to reforest it. Thus the devastated forest land has been changed in to a good forest land. This investigation was conducted to know the cause of devastated forest land before reforestation, Socio-economic effects on the surrounding villages, and appropriate management practices for further. The results obtained are as follows. 1. Forest soil on the parent rock of the shale and mudstone is poor in infilteration, thin surface soil and low water holding capacity. Further, this area has relatively low precipitation, low humidity and strong wind from east sea directly. Once this forest land were devasted. It is very difficult to reforest. 2. In five years after planting the height of alders(Alnus spp.) was 390cm, black locast(Robinia pseudoacaciaL.) 400cm, pitch pine(pinus rigida Miller) 100cm in an average, respectively. The trees growned by direct seeding management were grown to 300cm in black locast, and shrub lespedeza (Lespedeza spp.) 160cm. The top growth and root development is so competitive each other among trees that the silvicultural techniques such as pruning and thinning should be practiced to provide enough space for growth in up and under ground. 3. Forestation shall play important role in producing about 1.8million M/T of ground water and in preventing approximately 220,000M/T of soil erosion every year in quantity with progress of forestation. In addition, it is expected to be used as fish shelter forest and protection forest from wind. 4. The forest physiognomy is in colonies of both Japanese red pine(Pinus densiflora S. et Z.) and Japanese black pine (Pinus Thunbergii Parlat.) and the growth is in good condition. However, the invasion by pine midge and possibility of fire occurance are always existing in these pure status of forest. Further, sice the artificial low vegetation and shrub lespedeza are dying with decrease in light intensity under over wood. If such situation become more sereous, the forest in Young-il districts shall be returned to devasted land. Therefore, firstly it is desirable to urgently form the mixed hardwood forest using trees of climatic optimum species such as trees of heaven (Ailanthus altissima Swingle), chenese hackberry(Celtis sinensis persson), oaks(Quercus spp.). Secondly, the thinning and pruning of the overwood shall be halpful for conservating low vegetation.

      • 웨버의 家産官僚制 硏究

        權圭植 慶北大學校 새마을硏究所 1980 農村과 科學 Vol.3 No.-

        In his books, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft and Konfuzianismus and Taoismus, Weber analyzed structural features of Chinese society that could impede the development of capitalism in China and concluded that patrimonial bureaucracy of China inhibited socioeconomic innovation in the direction of Western capitalism. This paper tries to pin down the impeding factors of patrimonial bureacracy comparing the encourging factors of feudalism and modern bureacracy in Western society.

      • 園藝作物 (果樹)의 營養生理에 關한 硏究 : 사과의 Mn過剩障害에 對한 Ca 및 熔成燐肥의 效果 Effects of CaCO_3 and Fused Phosphate on the Excess Mn Disorder of Apple Tree

        愼英範 慶北大學校 새마을硏究所 1979 農村과 科學 Vol.2 No.-

        矮性사과나무의 Mn 過剩의 障害에 對한 對策을 세우기 위하여 용성인비 및 CaCO_3를 處理한 結果 나타난 效果를 다음과 같이 要約한다. (1) 용성인비의 處理에서 三葉, MM106 및 M26이 全部 處理量이 많을수록 Mn 含量의 減少量이 많으며 矮性台木 中에서도 M26이 MM106보다 減少量이 적었으며 三葉은 MM106 이나 M26보다 減少量이 많았다. (2) CaCO_3 處理에서는 10g 處理區에서 3品種 全部 Mn 處理區보다는 매우 적은量이 增加하였으나 50g과 100g 處理區에서는 減少되었으며 處理量이 많을수록 減少量이 많았고 品種別로 보면 용성인비의 경우와 같은 傾向으로 矮性台木 中에서 M26이 MM106보다 減少量이 적었으며 三葉은 MM106이나 M26보다 많았다. (3) 症狀은 CaCo_3 處理는 50g과 100g區는 거의 正常으로 回復되었으며 10g 處理는 停止狀態였고 용성인비 處理區는 50g과 100g에서 回復되었으며 10g 處理는 三葉과 MM106은 症狀이 줄어들었으나 M26은 많아졌다. Effect of fused phosphate and CaCO_3 treatment on excess Mn disorders of the dwarf apple tree was studied. Fused phosphate application at the rates of 50g and 100g per pot markedly reduced Mn content in the leaves of Malus sieboldii, MM 106 and M26 root stocks, showing the highest reduction with Malus sieboldii followed by MM106 and M26. 10g of CaCO_3 application slightly increbsed Mn content in all treatments, but Mn content decreased as CaCO_3 rates increased, showing the highest CaCO_3 rate with the lowest Mn content. Response of CaCo_3 to various rootstocks was similar to the tendency obtained by the fused phosphate application. 50g and 100g of CaCO_3 application almost normally recovered the internal bark necrosis symptom in all treatment, but 10g of CaCO_3 stopped only futher development of internal bark necrosis. Fused phosphate treatment at 50 and 100g rates showed also good recovery of internal bark necrosis, but 10g of fused phosphate application slightly reduced it in both Malus sieboldii and MM106, and was not effective on M26.

      • 사과 Golden delicious 品種의 동녹 發生에 關하여

        鄭三澤,金浩烈 慶北大學校 새마을硏究所 1979 農村과 科學 Vol.2 No.-

        The authors studied on the reasons of russeting development of Golden delicious apple growing at attached orchard in Kyungpook national university in 1979. Calyx cavity, cheek and stalk cavity were investigated to know the development of russeting on the fruit surface of Golden delicious and also investigated according to four directions on the tree. The results are as follows. Calyx cavity was more russeted by 90.3% than cheek and stalk cavity portion of Golden delicious fruit. Most of the fruits among 30 fruits were russeted in calyx cavity portion while non-russeted fruit can be found from cheek and stalk cavity plot of the experiments. The type of russeting in most of observed Golden delicious apples were not band type but patch type, Development of fruit russeting was the most severe on the southern and western part of the tree than northern part because of longer light hours per a day.

      • 靑果物 貯藏에 관한 硏究 : Polyethylene Film의 條件이 사과후지의 品質에 미치는 影響 Effect of Conditions of Polyethylene Film on the Storage of Fuji Apple Fruits

        孫泰華,崔鍾旭,成宗煥 慶北大學校 새마을硏究所 1979 農村과 科學 Vol.2 No.-

        후지果實의 polyethylene Film 包裝貯藏에 對한 最適條件을 空明하기 위하여 P.E.Film 두께 0.04mm, 0.06mm, 0.08mm에 3개체씩 포장하여 Film內部의 酸素濃度를 0.5∼2%, 5∼10%, 20%로 조절하고 常溫과 低溫에서 각각 貯藏하였을 때 Film 包裝內 氣體組成 및 외관변화와 成分變化를 調査한 結果는 다음과 같다. (1) Film 包裝內 氣體組成은 산소농도 0.5∼2%區가 P.E.Film 0.06mm와 0.08mm區에서 저장 전반에 걸쳐 산소 3∼6%, 탄소가스 3∼5%의 농도를 유지하였다. (2) 외관의 조사 결과 상온구에서는 저장기간의 한계가 120∼150日이었으나 저온구에서는 210∼240일까지 품질면에서 양호하였다. (3) 경도, 중량의 변화 및 酸度, 糖度의 변화에서 상온구는 0.06mm의 0.5∼2%區와 0.08mm의 5∼10%區 그리고 저온區에서는 0.08mm의 0.5∼2%區가 가장 변화가 적었으며 외관의 조사에서도 같은 결과를 얻었다. This study was carried out to investigate the optimal conditions of polyethylene film in storage of apple. Thickness of polyethylene film used was 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08mm, respectively. The condition of internal atmosphere in film bags was adjusted to maintain 0.5∼2.0, 5.0∼10.0 and 20.0% of oxygen, respectively, through nitrogen gas. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The gas composition in film bag treated to 0.5∼2.0% of oxygen was equilibrated to the concentration of O_2;3∼6% and CO_2; 3∼6% during the storage packing with film thickness; 0.06 and 0.08mm. 2) Apple fruits stored in films; 0.06mm thickness at 25℃ and 0.08mm at 0℃ and 0.5∼2.0% of oxygen treatment gave the best quality during storage. 3) It was suggested the maximum storage duration in apple was 120∼150 days at 25℃ and 210∼240 days at 0℃ from the external appearance in fruits.

      • 菊花에 發生하는 Chrysanthemum Mild Mottle Virus의 分類同政

        李起運,金文鎬 慶北大學校 새마을硏究所 1979 農村과 科學 Vol.2 No.-

        모자익과 mottling 病狀을 나타내는 菊花 罹病株를 採集하여 Chrysanthemum mild mottle virus(CMMV)를 分類同定 하였다. 分離된 CMMV를 地標植物에 接種한 結果 명아주, 동부, 잠두에는 局部病斑이 形性되었고 담배(Ky-57), 담배(N, glutinosa), 菊花, 쑥갓, 페추니아에는 모자익으로 나타났고 오이에서는 아무 病徵이 나타나지 않았다. 分離된 CMMV의 不活化 限界溫度(耐熱性)는 60∼65℃ 이었다. 罹病담배 (Ky-57)의 잎을 部分純化하여 抗原으로 하고 CMMV의 抗血淸과의 反應에서 陽性으로 나타났다. 罹病담배엽(N, glutinosa)을 DN 染色法으로 試科를 製作하여 電子顯微鏡에서 檢鏡한 結果 大部分이 直徑 30nm을 球形 粒子가 觀察되었다. 栽培圃場에서의 CMMV의 感染率은 大邱, 水原, 金海에서 平均 7.3%이었다. The infected chrysanthemums showing faint mosaic symptom were collected and confirmed that the causal agent was chrysanthemum mild mottle virus(CMMV). In host reaction, that virus caused local lesion on the inoculated leaves of Chenopodium amarnticolor, Chenopodium quinoa, Vigna sesquipedals and Vicia faba, and developed mosaic symptoms on Nicotiana tabacum(Bright yellow Ky-57), Nicotiana glutinosa, Chrysanthemum morifolium, Chrysanthemum coronarium and Petunia hybrida, but did not show any symptom on Cucumis sativus. The extracted crude sap showed 60∼65℃ of thermal inactiviation point in physical property test. In agar gell-diffusion test, the virus showed positive reaction with CMMV antiserum. The virus particles were spherical type with size of approximatly 30nm in diameter among the cucumovirus group by means of direct negative staining method in electron microscope.

      • 韓國産 天然沸石의 開發에 關한 硏究 (Ⅰ) : 天然沸石의 土壤改良劑로서의 利用 Utilization of natural seolite as the soil conditioner

        張南日,崔炡,張淳德 慶北大學校 새마을硏究所 1978 農村과 科學 Vol.1 No.-

        本校 演習林에 材積表를 만들기 위하여 標本点法으로 標準木을 求하고 이들의 算出 材積을 가지고 材積式을 만들어 보고자 하였고 이것을 다시 山林廳 材積表와 比較 해본 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 演習林의 材積式은 V=0.0000499·D^2.2396·H^0.5023이다. 2. 山林廳式과 연습림式에 依한 材積 차이는 극히 작으나 演習林의 材積式을 他 林分에 適用하면 一定한 直徑에 對하여 樹高가 작으면 過大値, 反對로 樹高가 크면 過小値를 가져다 주므로 演習林에 서만 使用 해야된다. 그러나 地位가 良好한 곳에 있어서는 어디서나 使用이 可能할 것으로 생각 한다. Enormous amounts of natural zeolitic rocks has been found in the wide areas covering Yongil and Wolseong Gun. This study was conducted to examine the possibility of natural zeolite, considering it's high capability to adsorb cations and water, to be used as the soil conditioner. With 1 ton/10a application of zeolite powder, Milyang 21, rice variety, increased its yield by 4-7%, and yield of apple fruit by 21%. Further, the price of zeolite powder is not so expensive that zeolite can have good qualification to be used the good soil conditioner to improve the poor conditions of sandy soils.

      • Electron Microscopic Observation of the Apple Fruits Cell : Effects of Storage Temperature on Ultrastructure 貯藏溫度가 超微細構造에 미치는 影響

        Ha, Young Sun,Sohn, Tae Hwa 慶北大學校 새마을硏究所 1979 農村과 科學 Vol.2 No.-

        本 實驗에서는 收穫後 3週間 0℃, 10℃ 및 20℃에서 各各 貯藏한 climacteric-onset, climacteric-maximum 및 post-climacteric段階의 사과果實(홍옥)을 試科로 사용하였다. 摘出한 組織은 즉시 0.07M 燐酸緩衛溶液 (NaCl 3.4%, CaCl_2 0.4mM 含有)에 녹여 pH 7.4로 調定한 4.2%-glutaraldehyde溶液에 의하여 前固定시킨 후, 同一한 緩衡溶液으로 調定(pH 7.4)한 1%-osmium tetroxide 溶液으로 再固定하였다. 電子顯微鏡的 觀察結果는 다음과 같다. 1) 0℃에서 貯藏한 climacteric-onset 段階의 사과果實의 原形質은 비교적 定常的인 形態를 나타내었다. 2) 10℃에서 貯藏한 climacteric-maximum 段階의 사과果實의 原形質은 0℃에서 貯藏한 사과果實의 原形質에 비하여 상당히 變形된 形態를 나타내었다. 즉, plasmalemma는 細胞膜으로부터 分離되어 있으며, 粒子狀의 細胞質的 基質內에는 작은 液胞가 다소 나타났으며, 또한 endoplasmic reticulum이 어느정도 나타났다. mitochondria의 크기는 萎縮되었으나, cristae는 아직도 분명히 알아볼 수 있었다. 또한 chloroplast의 膜構造도 상당히 變形되었으며, parallel lamellae와 starch grain도 stroma 內에서 찾아 볼 수 없었다. 3) 20℃에서 貯藏한 熟成된 post-climacteric 段階의 사과果實의 原形質은 0℃에서 貯藏한 사과 果實의 原形質에 비하여 매우 심하게 變形된 形態를 나타 내었다. 즉, 膜構造의 崩壞와 아울러 엷은 膜으로 둘러싸인 커다란 液胞들이 細胞質內部에 상당히 나타났으며, plasmalemma는 細胞膜으로부터 分離되었다. 또한 endoplamic reticulum도 상당히 발달되었다. 또한 mitochondria와 chloroplast도 심히 崩壞된 形態를 나타내었는데, 이는 사과 果實의 熟成으로 因한 permeability의 變化에 起因된 것으로 추측된다. 4) 結論的으로 收穫後 10℃ 및 20℃에서 3週間 貯藏한 climacteric-maximum 및 post-climacteric 段階의 사과 果實은 대부분의 膜構造를 포함하는 細胞構造上, 심히 變形된 形態를 나타내었다. 즉, 이들의 電子顯微鏡寫眞들은 呼吸의 climacteric과 더불어 細胞原形質의 超微細構造上의 變形(崩壞)이 광범위하게 나타난다는 것을 잘 나타내고 있다. Climacteric-onset, climacteric-maximum and post-climacteric apple fruits stored at 0℃, 10℃ and 20℃ for 3 weeks after harvest, were used in this experiment. Tissues were immersed immediately in to 4.2% redistilled glutaraldehyde in 0.07M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 containing 3.4% sodium chloride and 0.4 mM calcium chloride and fixed for 1∼2 hours at 4℃. The material as postfixed with 1% osmium tetroxide in the above buffer solution for 3∼5 hours at 4℃. The results of electron microscopic observation were following. 1). Protoplasts of climacteric-onset apple fruits stored at 0℃were normal aspect. The cytoplasmic matrix, bounded by the plasmalemma and tonoplast, was granular and contained very small vacuoles and occasional paired membranes, possibly part of the endoplasmic reticulum. Mitochondria and plastids were normal aspect and found in the thick areas of the cytoplasm. 2). Considerable changes in submicroscopic structure were detected in protoplasts of climacteric-maximum apple fruits stored at 10℃. The plasmalemma is withdrawn from the cell wall. The granular cytoplasmic matrix contained a few small vacuols and a few paired membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum. The size of mitochondria are clearly shrinked but the cristae was still distinct. The membrane structure of cloroplast were considerably disorganized. The parallel lamellae and starch grains disappeared from the stroma. 3). Drastic changes in submicrospic structure were detected in protoplasts of ripening post-climacteric apple fruits stored at 20℃. Vacuolation occured in the cytoplasm of the ripening post-climacteric apple fruits cell, following breakdown of membrane structure. Large vacuoles bounded by thin membrane structure. The plasmalemma was withdrawn from the cell wall. The granular cytoplasmic matrix contained a few paired membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum. Disorgranization of the mitochondria and the chloroplasts, presumably caused by changes in permeability of the membranes during ripening, was obvious. 4). Finally, drastic changes in cell structure involving most membranes occured in climacteric apple fruits stored at 10℃ and 20℃. The electron micrographs showed that the climacteric rise in respiration is coincedent with an extensive disorganization of the elaborate ultrastructure of the protoplasts. At the structural level, this breakdown appeared to be due to extensive vacuolation resulting in rearrangement of the membrane systems. The existence and breakdown of an elaborate ultrastructure and the changes in cytoplasmic membranes of the apple fruits raise the possibility of membrane barriers affecting metabolism during the climactric.

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