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      • 四七論爭에서의「四端」解釋

        宋兢燮 慶北大學校 文理科大學 1974 文理學叢 Vol.2 No.-

        This essay treats the theoretical disputes over '4 Dan-7 Jong' theory in 'Ri-ki' philosophy between Lee Toigye (1501∼1570) and Ki Ko-bong (1527∼1572) The controversy begun in 1559 and continued for 7 years, can be devided into 3 periods in its development in content, the first of which, the theoretical developments of the two philosophers, has been treated here in their mutual comparisive aspects. Ki Ko-bong refuted Toigye's theory, and Toigye on his side refuted Kobong's refutation supporting his own theory. I here support Toigye on this point on several grounds. I go on thereafter to present the following problems of importance. (1) the Being, defined as 'Thin' in general, is devided into real and ideal Beings. (2) Everything is derived from, and explained by 'Thing', to which is applied Ri-ki logic, the logic which is plane-level logic, unlike the one which goes through contradiction to unification. (3) The method of philosophy is regarded as the way to the progressive realization of Goodness through introspection; the way includes nothing of the conversion from quantity to quality, but only the quantative development. (4) The principle on which to define good and bad is, here, 'Ju-Ri' (Ri as the main role), or 'Ju-Ki' (Ki as the main role), the theory of mutual appearance of Ri and Ki. (5) The problem of the systemic order of values (goodness). The five problems above are very important in establishing Toigye philosophy on a newer and richer ground.

      • 南韓에 있어서의 豪雨 : 그 分布와 傾向을 中心으로 Its Distribution and Trend of Appearance

        李炳坤,林永大 慶北大學校 文理科大學 1974 文理學叢 Vol.2 No.-

        This study puts the main purpose on the clarification of the distribution, factors and trend of appearance of heavy-rainfall in South Korea, and its relation to precipitation. For this study, I have used the data of heavy-rainfall appearance which had been observated at 14 meteorological observatories in South Korean during last 30 years(1941-70) The results may be summarized as follows: 1. Many heavy-rainfalls come in summer which is the rainy season, particularly it peaks in July when typhoon and the rain-front periods are overlapped. 2. Regional distribution of heavy-rainfall is corresponded with that of precipitations. That is to say, it forms the minimum appearance region in the central southern inland around Chopungnyong, and it increases gradually going from here to north and south, and finally forms some maximum appearance regions in the southern part of Seoul to the west and of Kangnung to the east. 3. Except Ullung island where has low frequency of appearance in spite of being a region of heavy precipitation in Korea owing to its particular precipitation type, generally the more precipitation a region has, the higher the frequency of heavy-rainfall' appearance is. 4. However, the precipitation of the whole year except those of heavy-rainfalls are the main factor deciding the annual precipitations of each region, though the heavy-rainfalls are stronger in intensity. 5. Most heavy-rainfalls are caused by the rain-front and typoon, particularly by the typoon. 6. Owing to the attack direction of the rain-fronts and typoons, and land-forms (the arrangement of mountains), in the coastal regions(Mokpo, Pusan, Yosu, Ulsan, Kangnung, Pohang) but central western coast, and islands (Cheju, Ullung), the heavy-rainfalls of typoon type are frequent, in the central western coast, i.e., Kyungin regions(Seoul, Inchon) the heavy rainfalls of the rain-front are frequent. On the other hand, in inland (Chopungnyung, Taegu, Chonju, Kwangju), heavy-rainfalls of various types are mixed. 7. During the last 30 years, the heavy-rainfall in South Korea has increased insignificantly in its frequency of appearance. The regional distribution may be summarized as follows; it forms a decrease region in the central southern region part around Chopungnung, and in islands; to north and south from here it shows an increasing trend, and finally it peaks in the south eastern coast around Ulsan, southern coast around Yosu and in Kyungin region around Seoul.

      • 철(Ⅱ)에 依한 클로로코발트(Ⅲ) 錯物의 還元反應에 關한 硏究

        朴裕哲,吳相午 慶北大學校 文理科大學 1974 文理學叢 Vol.2 No.-

        The kinetics and mechanisms for the reduction of cis-[Co(NH_3)_4H_2OCl]^+2 complexion by Fe^+2 have been investigated. The rate constants in various Fe^+2 concentration an the activation parameters of Co(Ⅲ)-Fe(Ⅱ) reaction have been measured at 14.1℃ and ionic strength of 1.0. It is estimated from a result of the entropy of activation (-43cal mole^-1 deg^-1 at 14.1℃) that the effect upon the surrounding solvent-the electrostriction effect-is a prime factor in determining the entropy of activation in this reaction. And all kinetic experiments were run under pseudo-first-order conditions with respect to Fe^+2 concentration. The reaction order in Fe^+2 varied from first order to zero order.

      • A Review of the Family Pyrolaceae of Korea

        Oh, Soo-Young 慶北大學校 文理科大學 1979 文理學叢 Vol.6 No.-

        筆者는 現在까지 發表된 韓國産維管束植物에 聯關되는 文獻 및 地域的 植物相調査報告書를 바탕으로 하여 韓國産 노루발科를 構成하는 屬과 種에 對한 그 學名, 異名 및 韓國名과 産地 및 分布等을 再檢整理하였다. 그 結果 韓國産 노루발科 6屬 10種을 얻을 수가 있었으며 그 內容은 다음과 같다. 1) Chimaphila japonica Miquel 매화노루발 2) Moneses uniflora (Linn.) A. Gray 홀꽃노루발 3) Montropa hypopitys Linn. 나도수정초 4) Monotropastrum globosum H. Andres ex Hara 수정초 5) Orthilia secunda (Linn.) House 새끼노루발 6) Pyrola dahurica (H. Andres) Komarov 호노루발 7) Pyrola incarnata fischer ex De Candolle 분홍노루발 8) Pyrola japonica Klenze ex Alefeld 노루발풀 9) Pyrola minor Linn. 주걱노루발 10) Pyrola renifolia Maximowicz 콩팥노루발 韓國産 노루발科 6屬 10種을 整理한 結果 얻어진 分布學的 特徵을 다음과 같다. ① 濟州道와 鬱陵島를 包含하는 韓半島全域에 널려 分布하는 全韓國分布型(吳, 1977a)에 屬하는 것은 노루발풀(Pyrola japonica)이다. ② 노루발科中에서 中南部分布型(l.c)에 屬하는 것은 매화노루발(Chimaphila japonica)이며 이 種의 北限界點은 加里山이다. ③ 北韓에서만의 分布를 나타내는 것은 홀꽃노루발(Moneses uniflora), 새끼노루발(Orthilia secunda) 및 호노루발(Pyrola dahurica)이다. ④ 北韓과 鬱陵島에서만의 分布를 나타내는 것은 콩팥노루발(Pyrola renifolia)이다. ⑤ 韓半島內陸에서 뿐만 아니라 鬱陵島에서도 그 分布가 알려진 것은 매화노루발(Chimaphila japonica), 노루발풀(Pyrola japonica) 및 콩팥노루발(Pyrola renifolia)이다. The work reported here was taken to clear the taxa of the Family Pyrolaceae of Korea, their scientific names, the history of recognition of individual species in Korea, and the distribution of individual species in Korea and the world. The enumerated species of the Family Pyrolaceae of Korea are are as follows: (1) Chimaphila japonica, (2) Moneses uniflora, (3) Montropa hypopitys, (4) Monotropastrum globosum, (5) Orthilia secunda, (6) Pyrola dahurica, (7) Pyrola incarnata, (8) Pyrola japonica, (9) Pyrola minor (10) Pyrola renifolia. Obtained phytogeographical features in this work are as follows: (1) Plant occurs nearly all over the Korean Peninsula; Whole Korean pattern (Oh, 1977 a) is Pyrola japonica. (2) Among the Family Pyrolaceae, the plant of Central Southern Part pattern (Oh, l.c.) is Chimaphila japonica and the northernmost locality of this species is Mt. Garisan in Gangweondo Province. (3) Plants distributed only in northern part of Korea are Moneses uniflora, Orthilia secunda and Pyrola dahurica. (4) Plant distributed both in northern part of Korea and in Dagelet Island is Pyrola renifolia. (5) Plant occur not only in the places of the Korean Peninsula Proper but also in the Dagelet Island are Chimaphila japonica, Pyrola renifolia.

      • Covariant Harmonic-oscillator 波動函數의 直交關係

        洪翰植,金英子 慶北大學校 文理科大學 1978 文理學叢 Vol.5 No.-

        Orthogonality relations for the Kim-Noz covariant harmonic-oscillator wave function are discussed. It is shown that the wave functions belonging to different Lorentz frames satisfy an orthogonality relation. That is Φ_0^n(x)Φ^n'_η(x)d^4x=σ^nn'(1-β^2)^n+1/2 can be given following physical interpretalion: If η=0, the inner product becomes the three-dimensional inner product of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. If η≠0, this means that the rest-frame wave function should see the Lorentz contraction.

      • Xerxes의 決心

        金鎭京 慶北大學校 文理科大學 1973 文理學叢 Vol.1 No.-

        Herodotus deseribes how Xerxes makes up his mind to go on expedition against Greece as follows. Xerxes did not want to attack Greece, but the dream frightened him into it and it even forced Artabanus, who persuaded Xerxes to give up the expedition, to withdraw his objection to Campaign. In short the dream brought the decision to attack Greece, What does then this dream mean? Xerxes believes that war or expedition is the Nomoi (law, custom) of Persia which made the Persia the great prosperous impealist empire. If the does not make his Greek compaign, he will be changing the Nomoi radically, and therby endangering himself and his empire. The dream therefore simbolizes the Nomoi. The Hybris which Xerxes commit was not a result of his foolish temerity but his belief in Nomoi. his tragic fate was the fate of Nomoi of Persian empire.

      • 臥龍山 地形의 形成過程

        金又寬,曺明姬,田迎權,朴湘記 경북대학교 문리과대학 지리학회 1990 地理學論究 Vol.- No.10-11

        Mt. Waryong situated on the western part of Daegu City is a monadnock (299.6m), which is formed erosional basin in the center of it. The main aim of this study is to clarify formation processes through analyzing the geological and geomorphological characteristics of study area. The summary of the characteristics are as follows; 1. The study area had been formed sedimentary rocks of Kyoungsang series at the Mesozoic era, and later, the intrusion of Bulguksa granite had occured. 2. In the center of the area, there is distributed Bulguksa granite, as it is the plutonic rocks which is weak to weathering that was formed erosional basin. 3. The surroundings of the area is formed ridge that is consist of metamorphic rocks(Hornfels) which is strong to weathering. And we can find rockfall zone of breccia here and there at the upper-slope. 4. As the result, the landform of mountain block is formed concave like 'U' letters open to northward. From the characteristics mentioneo above, we can classify formation processes in the Waryong mountain as follows; 1. Pre-forming period of the mountain. 2. The intrusion of granite and contact metamorphism period. 3. Differential erosion period.

      • Minneapolis CBD의 土地利用 pattern

        金元經 경북대학교 문리과대학 지리학회 1990 地理學論究 Vol.- No.10-11

        This study concern with the land use pattern in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. Land is one of the most valuable resources of the city. It is even more valuable in an area such as downtown Minneapolis where diverse and intensive activity is compressed within a limited and fixed area. In Central Minneapolis land and space uses are among the major determinants of such urban features as traffic patterns, traffic intensity, tax base, population density, visual appearance and image. A distinctive land use pattern is taking the corner of Seventh and Nicollet as a center of the area, it can be seen that a concentration of retail activity exists at the core, alongside a concentration of office and service facilities. Mist hotel-motel use is found to the south of the retail and office core, and warehouse and industrial uses are agglomerated to the west of the core and to the east to a lesser extent. Social-cultural uses primarily located at the southwest end of the study area. The five concentric zones indicate a general pattern of development, a pattern of similar functions clustering together. In the view point of land use changes, some of these changes are natural, routine adjustments within a downtown, others are more the results of guided change. Minneapolis skyways were intended as a way for pedestrians to travel between office buildings without experiencing the area's harsh winter. The skyway system has expanded rapidly and gained wide acceptance, branching out to include almost all of the downtown core, capturing a significant portion of pedestrian traffic. The skyway system has introduced highly desirable retail and service-related space to the second level of existing buildings. However, such retail space usually consists of small, shallow increments and generally accomodate service and convenience facilities. Tenants types and locations in the area served by skyways appear to be logical based on normal market and location criteria. In general, retail stores-particularly shopper goods stores-are located in the retail area, and firms located in the office area serve primarily employees and downtown business. Rents for commercial spaces appear extremely sensitive or responsive to location with respect to employee concentration and the primary retail area. Overall, it appears that market forces and locational considerations are the primary determinants of rent levels for commercial spaces in the downtown area, be they located on skyway system, the ground floor of buildings connected to skyways, or in building not connected to skyways. The skyway system has had a positive impact on downtown retailing. The skyway system's major impacts include encouraging longer and more frequent shopping trips, increasing the distance walked on shopping trips, and stimulating shopping trips during inclement weather. In addition, the skyway system expands the functional downtown retail trade area for downtown employees by providing attractive weather-protected access to the retail area.

      • 日帝下 大邱府의 都市構造

        崔奭周 경북대학교 문리과대학 지리학회 1990 地理學論究 Vol.- No.10-11

        This reserch is to present an aspect to the fundamental data for the coming city planning and a study of modern-community-formation, examing into the cause of changes through the history. At this time, under political, economical, and social situation, the formation-process of urban structure of Taegu must be observed, and so connection with recent urban form of Taegu can be groped for. And it also can be found connection with development of a modern city and can show us the changes of moving process in it. Taegu, having the characteristic of the previous industrial community as well a walled city is going to bring a change on the urban structure, it commences on the introduction of modern civilization, and wave of modernization by Japanese colonial rule, however, cities of those days, like every other social economical elements in the colonial and imperialistic binding, were in such an opration as an abnormal. Therefore, as the imperialistic ignored inhabitants spontaneous desire for living, who were living in their own land, a distorted capitalistic elements were overrun. From this point of view, a development as faced to a new city must be pursue recognizing this very historical urban-form-process.

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