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      • 農業用排水計劃에 對한 水文統計學的 考察

        金 亨 洙 全南大學校開發硏究所 1964 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        This theses dealt with statistic data of evaporation with rainfall at Kwangju area. It is very important to calculate hydrologic statistics and intensity of rainfall with each probability year. The evaporation is concerned with runoff from ground surface, and also computation of displacement on irrigational drainage plan. For the intensity of rainfall, the influence of meteorological alteration will he considered in the future and presume the intensity of rainfall for each probability year. Today it is very important subject to calculate displacement and the statistic study of hydrology in this paper is planned at Kwangju area. Especially the intensity of rainfall for each hourly is not enough to have observation data at Kwangju meteorological and then needs Mononobe formula.

      • 갓노랑 비단벌레 Scintillatrix djingischani Obenberger에 關한 硏究(第一報) : 越冬幼충과 果樹被害에 關하여 The over wintering type of larvae and it's damages.

        尹 柱 敬 全南大學校開發硏究所 1964 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        1) The experimernts were made by monthly interval to know the ever wintering-type of larvae of Scintillatrix djingischani Obenberger and the severity in the injury of those larvae in five varieties of apple trees and Japanese pear trees at Bia and Nowan area in Chullanamdo in 1963 and 1964. 2) The maximum number of larvae of Scintillatrix djingischani was 84.4 in. American summer pearmain and the minimum number 10 in changsimlang the average number of larvae was 39.8 in five varieties of apple trees and Japanese pear trees. In the total number of 995 of the larvae, the U type was 80.9 percent file V type 15.3percent, and the I type 3.4 percent. All the larvae were found between phloem and xylem region. 3) Parasiting on these trees the direction of larval head was quite different on mansamkil 4.16% of total number was up 79.16% low. 16.66% side, which on American summer pearmain 29.17%, low 29.17%, side 41.66%. 4) In general the branches injured by larvae were lateral as 3 years old in pear trees while the scaffold limb as 8 years old in apple trees. Many of them were found on trunk in apple trees but not on trunk in Japanese pear trees. 5) In the parasiting parts of blanches, larvae were found signficantly on the upper part of branches as compered with the lower part in both apple and pear trees. 6) The diameter of branches cut back by the damage of larvae was smaller in pear trees than that of apple trees.

      • 飽和粘土의 變形率 推定

        李汶樹 全南大學校農漁村開發硏究所 1982 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.17 No.2

        This paper treats the deformation characteristics rather than the shear ones. On the reconsolidated and remoulded saturated clay sampled from the downstream of Yeongsan river in Cheollanamdo, it is investigated that the prediction of strains will be possible based on the theory considering the effect of dilatancy among the several prediction theories 1) developed so far through the undrained and drained triaxial compression test. The conclusions analized are as follows. 1. It is confirmed that the stress paths obtained from the undrained triaxial test with constant cell pressure are similar one another, and state path normalized with Pe(mean equivalent pressure) is overlapped on the same locus, so that there exists a unique state path on the specimens used in this experimental study. 2. The volumetric strain due to the model based on the characteristics of the dilatancy effects is similar to the experimental observation. 3. The prediction of shear strain due to both the incremental theory and the volumetric strain 2) is similar to the experimental observation.

      • 乳牛의 血液性狀과 泌乳量에 關한 硏究

        林貞澤,金宇權,李載洪,韓邦根 全南大學校農漁村開發硏究所 1982 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.17 No.2

        國內에서 飼育되고 있는 Holstein種의 血液成分値 그리고 血液成分値와 泌乳量과의 相關關係등을 檢討할 目的으로 全南地域에서 飼育되고 있는 外觀上 健康하다고 認定된 Holstein種 870餘頭를 對象으로 血液成分値를 調査檢討 하였고 한편 産乳量을 調査하여 血液成分値와 産乳量과의 關係를 檢討하여 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1. 平均 RBC數는 5.97(3.20~9.96)×10 6/㎕이었으나 成牝牛의 平均 RBC數는 6.06(3.20~9.74)×10 6/㎕이었으며 年齡別 平均 RBC數에서 1年牛가 5.19×l0 6/㎕로 特히 낮았다. 2. 平均 Hb量은 9.61(5.3-18.4)g/100ml 이었으나 成牝牛의 平均 Hb量은 9.42(5.3-18.4)g/100ml 이었으며 年齡別 平均 Hb量에서 2年牛가 8.97g/100ml로 特히 낮았다. 3. 平均 PCV値는 31.10(19~5)ml/100ml이었으며 成牝牛의 平均 PCV値는 31.04(19~55)ml/100ml 이었으며 年齡別 平均 PCV値에서 2年牛가 29.84ml/100ml로 가장 낮았다. 4. 平均 MCV値는 52.09(23.77~86.57) fl이었으나 成牝牛의 平均 MCV値는 51.22(29.77~86.57)fl 이었으며 1年未滿牛의 55.64fl 및 1年牛의 57.63fl 등 송아지에서 더 높았다. 5. 平均 MCH値는 16.10(8.21~28.96)pg 이었으며 成牝牛의 平均 MCH値는 15.54(8.21~28.96)pg 이었으며 1年未滿牛의 18.41pg 및 1年牛의 19.17pg 등 송아지에서 더 높았다. 6. 平均 MCHC値는 30.90(17.35~53.75)g/100ml 이었으나 成牝牛의 平均 MCHC値는 30.35(17.35~53.57)g/100ml 이었으며 1年未滿牛의 33.27g/100ml 등 송아지에서 더 높았다. 7. 貧血牛는 大部分이 大赤血球性이며 高血色素性이었으나 小赤血球性(MCV 37.15fl)이며 低血色素性(MCH 12.35pg)인 個體, 大赤血球性이며 低血色素性(MCHC 24.21g/100ml)인 個體 그리고 小赤血球性(MCV 35.71fl)이며 高血色素性(MCHC 40.83g/100ml)을 나타낸 個體도 發見되었다. 8. 平均 WBC數는 10.186(3,200~31,600)㎕ 이었고 成牝牛의 平均 WBC數는 10,408(3,200~31,600)㎕으로 어느 年齡層에서나 높은 値이었으나 2年牛가 12,647/㎕로 特히 높았다. 9. WBC鑑別計數의 平均値는 淋巴球가 66.95(36~91), 單核球가 3.08(0~12), 好中球가 25.69(2~54), 好酸球가 3.84(0~18) 그리고 好鹽基球가 0.44(0~5)%이었으나 成牝牛의 平均値는 淋巴球가 65.87(36~86), 單核球가 3.15(0~9), 好中球가 25.84(6~53), 好酸球가 4.73(0~15) 그리고 好鹽基球가 0.4(0~2)% 이었다. 10. 淋巴球는 1年牛를 頂点으로 年齡의 增加에 따라서 減少하고 있었으나 好中球는 1年牛가 가장 낮았으며 年齡의 增加에 따라서 增加하여 淋巴球와는 負의 相關關係를 나타냈고 單核球와 好酸球는 高齡牛에서 若干 높은 傾向이 있었다. 11. 平均血小板數는 252,429(93,000~964,000)/㎕이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血小板數는 245,658(110,000~570,000)/㎕이었으며 年齡別特徵은 認定할 수 없었다. 12. 平均血淸TP量은 6.88(4.10~10.20)g/100ml이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸TP量은 7.35(5.10~10.20)g/100ml이었으며 年齡의 增加에 따라서 점점 增加하는 傾向이 있었다. 13. 平均血淸Alb量은 3.43(2.00~4.40)g/100ml이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸Alb量은 3.51(2.00~4.40)g/100ml이었으며 1年未滿牛의 3.33g/100ml 및 1年牛의 3.31g/100ml등 송아지에서 若干 더 낮은 傾向이 있었으나 그 外는 거의 비슷하였다. 14. 平均血淸Glb量은 3.45(1.10~7.15)g/100ml이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸Glb量은 3.84(1.40~7.15)g/100ml이었으며 年齡의 增加에 따라서 점점 增加하는 傾向이 있었다. 15. 平均血淸A/G比는 0.99(0.40~3.33)이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸A/G比는 0.91(0.43~2.64)이었으며 年齡의 增加에 따라서 점점 減少하는 傾向이 있었다. 16. 平均血淸 cholesterol量은 145.65(44.0~336.0)mg/100ml이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸cholesterol量은 180.93(46.4~336.0)mg/100ml이었으며 年齡의 增加에 따라서 增加하여 4年牛를 頂点으로 다시 下向하는 傾向을 나타내고 있었다. 17. 平均血淸 glucose量은 46.00(27.0~96.0)mg/100ml이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸glucose量은 39.61(27.0~65.0)mg/100ml이었다. 血淸 glucose量은 全般的으로 낮은 値이었으나 年齡別 平均血淸glucose量에서 1年未滿牛가 58.07(39.7~96.0)mg/100ml로 가장 높았으며 特히 어린 송아지에서 높았다. 18. 平均血淸Mg量은 2.68(0.20~8.60)mg/100ml이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸Mg量은 2.72(0.20~8.46)mg/100ml이었으며 年齡別 平均血淸Mg量에서 7年以上牛가 2.27mg/100ml로 特히 낮았으며 老齡牛에서 Mg의 減少가 顯著하였다. 19. 平均血淸Ca量은 4.36(3.16~8.40)mEq/L이었고 成牝牛의 平均血淸Ca量도 4.37(3.16~8.40)mEq/L로 全般的으로 낮은 量이었으며 年齡別 特徵은 認定할 수 없었다. 20. 平均血淸P量은 6.27(3.10~9.78)mg/100ml이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸P量은 5.92(3.10~9.78)mg/100ml이었으며 年齡別 平均血淸P量에서 1年未滿牛가 7.50(4.70~9.40)mg/100ml로 特히 높았다. 21. 平均血淸Ca/P比는 1.39(0.68~2.64)이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸Ca/P比는1.48(0.68~2.64)로 全般的으로 낮은 値이었으며 年齡別 平均血淸Ca/P比에서 1年未滿牛가 1.21(0.83~1.93)로 가장 낮았다. 22. 平均血淸K量은 4.94(3.5~6.7)mEq/L이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸K量은4.84(3.5~6.2)mEq/L이었으며 年齡別 血淸K量에서 1年未滿牛가 5.22(4.0~6.7)mEq/L로 特히 높았으며 그外는 거의 비슷하였다. 23. 平均血淸Na量은 138.43(123~157)mEq/L이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸Na量은137.32(123~157)mEq/L이었으며 1年未滿牛의 139.74mEq/L 및 1年牛의 140.16mEq/L등 송아지에서 더 높았다. 24. 平均血淸Cl量은 99.96(84.6~123.0)mEq/L이었고 成牝牛의 平均血淸Cl量도 100.09(84.6~123.0)mEq/L로 年齡別差異点은 발견할수 없었다. 25. 平均血淸Na/K比는 28.02(21.49~37.14)이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸Na/K比에서 1年未滿牛가 26.77(21.49~35.00)로 特히 낮았다. 26. RBC數, Hb數, PCV値, MCH 및 MCHC는 모두 15~20kg群에서 第一 높았고 20~25kg群, 25kg以上 群으로 갈수록 낮아지는 傾向을 보였다. 卽 赤血球系 檢査値와 産乳量과는 負의 相關關係에 있는 것으로 보아진다. 27. WBC數와 産乳量과는 負의 相關關係가 있는 것으로 보아지며 血小板數와 産乳量과는 特別한 關係를 認定할 수 없었다. 28. WBC鑑別系數와 産乳量과의 相關에서는 淋巴球는 負의 相關關係에 있는 것으로 보아지며 好中球는 淋巴球와는 反對로 正의 相關關係에 있는 것으로 보아진다. 한편 單核球와 好酸球는 産乳量增加에 따라서 增加하는 傾向이 있었다. 29. 血淸TP量 및 血淸Glb量은 産乳量增加에 따라서 增加하는 傾向이 있었으며 血淸Alb量 및 血淸A/G比는 産乳量增加에 따라서 減少하는 傾向이 있었다. 30. 血淸glucose量과 産乳量과는 負의 相關關係에 있는 것으로 보아지며 血淸cholesterol量은 産乳量增加에 따라서 增加하는 傾向이 있었다. 31. 血淸Mg量은 産乳量이 가장 많은 25kg以上群에서 特히 낮았으며 血淸Ca 및 P量은 産乳量增加에 따라서 增加하는 傾向이 있었으나 血淸Ca/P比는 産乳量增加에 따라서 減少하는 傾向이 있었다. 32. 血淸Na量 및 血淸Na/K比는 産乳量과는 正의 相關關係에 있는 것으로 보아지며 血淸K量은 産乳量增加에 따라서 減少하는 傾向이 있었고 血淸Cl量과 産乳量과는 特別한 關係를 認定할 수 없었다. This work was conducted to determine the composition of the blood of Holstein cattle in Korea and the relationships between the blood composition and milk production. Blood samples were taken from 870 healthy cattle in Chonnam province. Milk yield was recorded, and the results obtained in this study are summarized as follows: 1. Mean red blood cell(RBC) count was 5.97(3.20~9.96)×10 6/㎕, whereas the RBC count of adult cows was 6.06(3.20~9.74)×10 6/㎕. The RBC count between age groups appeared to be especially lower in the age group of 1 year(5.19×l0 6/㎕) than in the other age groups. 2. Mean hemoglobin(Hb)content was 9.61(5.3-18.4)g/100ml, whereas the Hb content of adult cows was 9.42(5.3-18.4)g/100ml. The Hb content between age groups appeared to be especially lower in the age group of 2 years(8.97g/100ml) than in the other age groups. 3. Mean packed cell volume(PCV) was 31.10(19-5)ml/100ml. The PCV between age groups was lowest in the age group of 2 years(29.84ml/100ml). 4. Mean corpuscular volume(MCV) was 52.09(23.77-86.57) fl. whereas the MCV of adult cows 51.22(29.77-6.57) fl. Mean corpuscular hemoglobin(MCH) was 16.10(8.21-28.96) pg, whereas the MCH of adult cows was 15.54(8.21-28.96) pg. Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration(MCHC) was 30.90(17.35-53.57)g/100ml, whereas MCHC of adult cows was 30.35(17.35-53.57)g/100ml. The MCV, MCH and MCHC appeared to be higher in the calves and heifers than in the adult cows. 5. Most anemic cattle showed macrocytic, hyperchromic anemia. Various types of anemia were detected; microcytic(MCV 37.15 fl) hypochromic(MCH 12.35.pg); macrocytic hypochromic(MCHC 24.21g/100ml); microcyticfMCV 35.71 fl)hyperchromic(MCHC 40.83g/100ml). 6. Mean white blood cell(WBC) count was 10,186(3,200-31,600)/ l, which was high compared with other results. The WBC count between age groups appeared to be especially higher in the age group of 2 years(12, 647/yu.e) than in the other age groups. 7. Mean differential WBC count was lymphocyte 66.95(36-91), monocyte 3.08(0-12), neutrophil 25.69(2-54), eosinophil 3.84(0-18) and basophil 0.44(0-5%), respectively, while in the adult cows, it was lymphocyte 65.87(36-86), monocyte 3.15(0-9), neutrophil 25.84(6-53), eosinophil 4.73(0-15) and basophil 0.41(0-2)%, respectively. Lymphocyte count increased up to 1 year of age and thereafter it decreased with age, whereas the reverse was the case with neutrophil count. There was a negative correlation between lymphocyte and neutrophil counts. Monocyte and eosinophil counts tended to be slightly higher in the older age groups. 8. Mean platelet count was 252,429(93,000-964,000)/㎕; no differences were found in the platelet count between age groups. 9. Mean serum total protein(TP) content was 6.88(4.10-10.20)g/100ml, while the TP content of adult cows was 7.35(5.10-10.20)g/100ml. The TP content tended to increase with age. 10. Mean serum aIbumin(Alb) content was 3.43(2.00-4.40)g/l00ml, while the Alb content of adult cows was 3.51(2.00-4.40)g/100ml. The Alb content appeared to be lower in the calves and heifers than in the adult cows. 11. Mean serum globulin(GIb) content was 3.45(1.10-7.15)g/100ml, while the Gib content of adult cows was 3.84(1.40-7.15g)/100ml. The Gib conienc tended to increase with age. 12. Mean serum .albumin: globuIin(A/G) ratio was 0.99(0.40-3.33), while the A/G ratio of adult cows was 0.91(0.43-2.64). The A/G ratio tended to decrease with age. 13. Mean serum cholesterol concentration was 145.65(44.0-336.0)mg/100ml, whereas the scrum cholesterol concentration of adult cows was 180.93(46.4-336.0)mg/100ml. The serum cholesterol concentration increased up to 4 years of age and thereafter it decreased with age. 14. Mean serum glucose concentration was 46.00(27.0-96.0)mg/100ml, whereas the serum glucose concentration of adult cows was 39.61(27.0-65.0)mg/100ml, which was low compared with other results. The serum glucose concentration between age groups appeared to be especially higher in the age group of less than 1 year(58.07mg/100ml) than in the other age groups. 15. Mean serum magnesium(Mg) concentration was 2.68(0.20-8.60)mg/100ml, whereas the Mg concentration of adult cows was 2.72(0.20-8.46)mg/100ml. The Mg concentration between age groups appeared to be especially lower in the age group of more than 7 years(2.27mg/100ml) than in the other age groups. Decreased Mg concentration was shown in older cows. 16. Mean serum calcium(Ca) concentration was 4.36(3.16-8.40)mEq/L, which was low compared with other results. No differences were found in the Ca concentration between age groups. 17. Mean serum inorganic phosphate(P) concentration was 6.27(3.10-9.78)mg/100ml, whereas the P concentration of adult cows was 5.92(3.10-9.78)mg/100ml. The P concentration between age groups appeared to be especially higher in the age group of less than 1 year(7.50mg/100ml) than in the other age groups. 18. Mean serum calcium: inorganic phosphate(Ca/P) ratio was 1.39(0.68--2.64). The Ca/P ratio of adult cows was 1.48(0.68-2.64), which was lower compared with other results. The Ca/P ratio between age groups was lowest in the age group of less than 1 year(1.21). 19. Mean serum potassium(K) concentration was 4.94(3.5-6.7)mEq/L> whereas the K concentration of adult cows was 4-84(3.5-6.2)mEq/L. The K concentration between age groups appeared to be especially higher in rhe age group of less than 1 year(5.22mEq/L) than =n the other age groups. 20. Mean serum sodiurn(Na) concentration was 138.413(123-157)mEq/L> whereas the Na concentration of adult cows was 137.32(123-157)mEq/L. The Na concentration between age groups appeared to be higher in the calves and heifers than in the adult cows. 21. Mean serum chloride concentration was 99.96(84.6-123.0)mEq/L; no differences were found between age groups in the scrum chloride concentration. 22. Mean serum sodium: potassium(Na/K) ratio was 28.02(21.49-37.14), whereas it was 28.37(22.00-37.14) in the adult cows. The Na/K ratio between age groups appeared to be especially lower in the age group of less than 1 year(26.77) than in the other age groups. 23. The values of RBC count, Hb content, PCV, MCH and MCHC increased up to 15-20kg milk yielding group and thereafter they tended to decrease with higher milk yielding groups. In other words, there was a negative correlation between the values of erythrocytic series and milk production. 24. The leukocyte and lymphocyte count were a negative correlation with milk yield, while the neutrophil count was a positive correlation wirh milk yield. The monocyte and eosinophil count tended to increase as milk production increased. No relationships were found between the platelet count and milk production. 25. The serum total protein and globulin content tended to increase as milk production increased, while the reverse was the case with serum albumin content and A/G ratio. 26. The serum glucose concentration was a negative correlation with milk yield. The Serum cholesterol concentration tended to increase as milk production increased. 27. The serum calcium and inorganic phosphate concentration tended to increase as milk production increased, while the opposite was the case with Ca/P ratio. The serum magnesium concentration was especially lower in the highest milk yielding group than in the other milk yielding groups. 28. The serum sodium concentration and the Na/K ratio tended to increase as milk production increased. In other words, there was a positive correlation with milk yield. The serum potassium concentration tended to decrease as milk production increased. No relationships were found between the serum chloride concentration and milk production.

      • 改良메주 製造中의 成分變化

        鄭址炘,金龍斗 全南大學校農漁村開發硏究所 1982 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.17 No.2

        改良式 메주 製造中의 還元糖 amylase 力價, Protease 力價 및 脂肪酸조성의 變化등을 조사하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 醱酵 10일에 還元糖 含量은 3%, amylase 力價 70SP, Protease 力價 300SP, tyrosine 含量 0.33%, amino-nitrogen은 2.7%였다. 2. 脂肪酸조성은 linoleic acid가 53%에서 57.5%로 증가하였으며 다른 脂肪酸은 變化가 별로 없었다. Changes of reducing suger, amylase activity, protease activity, tyrosine, amino nitrogen, and fatty acid ddring fermentation of improvement processing Mae-ju were studied. The results are summarized as follows. 1. Reducing sugar content of Mae-ju was 3%. amylase activity was 70 sp, protease activity was 300 sp tyrosine content was 0.33% and amino-nitrogen was 2.7% in 10 days fermentation. 2. Contents of linoleic acid was increased 53% to 57.5% and other fatly acids contents were not changed.

      • 農村의 主要社會經濟團體調査에 依한 韓國農村이 停滯性에 關한 硏究 : 全南地力의 契 調査를 中心으로

        崔在律 全南大學校開發硏究所 1964 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        This paper is attempted to find the causes of poverty in Korean rural community by surveying the various socio-economic organizations, especially "Gyes"(so-called,mutual finance associations) In Western countries,as Max Weber pointed out, Capitalism was propelled by Protestant ehics. In Korea, however, it seems impossible to find such a spiritual impulse. Especially farmers are never trained to apply themselves to capitalistic competition, and they are adhered to feudalistic and pre-capitalistic ideology. Korean farmers' ideology is chiefly influenced by Confucianism. The ideology of Confucianism is based on rationalism of present world, with the assumption that character and essence of human being is originally honest and good. Korean farmers prefer thespiritual and social values to material wealths. It is the very reason why Korean farmers are so poor in economic aspect. But it is very difficult to find the causes of their poverty from that view of value because of its abstractness. This situation made me to survey the various socio-economic organizations to grasp their concerns and view of value. It seemed possible to find their view of value and the causes of thier poverty by observing and analysing the socio-economic organizations, especially"Gyes." Korean people have been organizing"Gyes"spontaneously without any interferences and orders. They have been enjoying their lives, helping to get rid of their lonely life and unhappy events through this organization. They have, for the last few centries ,made it a rule to organize"Gyes"when they wish to do something to be done by Cooperation. To-day, the movement of Cooperatives, so far as village cooperatives, it stagnant, while "Gyes"are prosperous and popular among the people. While cooperatives help to promote the economic development,"Gyes"prevent rural communities from it. This research is based on such a view point in finding the causes of poverty of Korean rural Communities. These surveys were performed by the country agencies of O.R.D and the pioneer workers of A.C., and students and the writer of this paper. Surveys were made on 29villages and 266 various socio-economic organizations,among which were 210"Gyes,17 agricultural Cooperatives, 18 4H clubs and 26 another associations Every organization was surveyed,according to the schedule, made in advance, by interviewing the leaders of every organization. Followings are the Conclusions made from the result of this survey: 1.There are many socio-economic organizations in rural Communities. Every village has 9 organizations, on an average. Above all the organizations, "Gyes"are absolutely numerous and the majority of farmers have joined in "Gyes". This fact make us consider that"Gyes" are still most prosperous. 2. Among the many "Gyes", those for funeral rite, marriage ceremony and recreation are most of all. The reasons why farmers organize so many"Gyes" are that these events causes them formidable expenses and that farmers are indulged in phylosophy of uneasiness. 3. Some of "Gyes" inhibit outsiders from joining and some limit the qualifications of membership. From this it is learnt that Gye has more or less exclusive nature in itself. According to the results of survey,"Gyes"-having 10.29 members-occupy overwhelmingly large number. This suggests that Korean farmers are more used to Cooperate in groups of smaller number of membership than in those of large number. 4. Usually the oldest member is selected as the head of every organization and the rest are selected in turn as manager without respect to their managerial ability As one of the major causes of the poverty in rural communities, it can be said that they are usually administrated by the aged. This fact is typically found in the system os "Gyes" 5. Almost all of the "Gyes" have considerable real and personal estates. Every Gyes lent their estates to their members or outsiders to get interest of high rate than that of Current band rate. The members of "Gyes"are indifferent to the high rate of interest for increasement of the fund of "Gyes" because they do not sense the evil practices of wasteful expenditure of "Gyes" This situation have brought to Korean rural communities the lack of motivation for the increasement of productivity

      • 流出解析에서의 有效雨量分離에 關한 硏究

        嚴柄鉉 全南大學校農漁村開發硏究所 1982 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.17 No.2

        In the runoff analysis, it has been recognized that a precise estimation of effective rainfall leads to a more accurate runoff analysis. Up until now, many methods for estimating effective rainfall have been proposed, however, none of them were evaluated as being adequate. A method utilizing the relation between cumulative rainfall and cumulative water losses is generally used as the most rational method. However, even this method has a crucial drawback in that the relation between cumulative rainfall and cumulative water losses is not always identified as a single-valued function because of the influences caused by the soil moisture condition in the catchment, differences in rainfall patterns and so on. In this paper, the function, Ld=(Smax-qb/K). (1-e -ap) is proposed, in which cumulative water losses (Ld) is related by cumulative rainfall (p) and discharge at the beginning of the storm (qb), to deal with the above problem (Smax,K and a are the constants inherent in the catchmets). Applying this method tothe hydrological data of the Geum River basin, Korea(Area = 7,179 m2) and the Kamigamo experimental catchment in Kyoto, Japan (4.39 ha), the adaptability of this method is higher than that of the previous method which is in ordinary use (Figs. 11, 12, 13 and 14). That is to say, the deviation of data is diminished and the relative srror decreases from i6% to 7% in the Geum River hasin and from 23% to 16% in the Kamigamo experimental catchment (Tables 3 and 4).

      • 光州地區 降雨量에 依한 雨水量算定의 考察 : 特히 農耕地의 排水에 關하여

        徐 採 演 全南大學校開發硏究所 1964 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        . In this thesis, discharge is calculated as a fundament in planning sewerage of Kwang-ju, expecting large enlargement in future. 1. From the last 18 years rainfall record, standard equation for intensity of rainfall is determined as following ?? 2. From the record showed in table 1, characteristic in rainfall in Kwang-ju area is appeared as statics on table 4. 3. Taking different runoff coefficient for each area, necessary maximum rainfall discharge is directly available for design depending on the table whiech involved maximum rainfall discharge of Kwang-ju city Sewerage.

      • 감물로 處理한 痲織物에 關하여

        蘇 秉 亮 全南大學校開發硏究所 1964 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        The properties of the hemp fabric treated with the astringent juice of the persimmon are experimented. The results obtained in this experiments are as follows: 1. The flexural rigidity of the hemp fabric treated with the astringent juice of the persimmon are greater than that of the untreated hemp fabric. 2. The sizing state of the hemp fabric treated with the astringent juice of the persimmon keep up for a long time than that of the untreated hemp fabric, therefore it need not to be washed so frequently as the untreated hemp fabric- 3. The breaking strength and elongation of the hemp fabric treated with the astringent juice of the persimmon is not differed from the breaking strength and elongation of the untreated hemp fabric. 4. The stains on the hemp fabric treated with the astringent juice of the persimmon are easily removed than that of the untreated hemp fabric.

      • 水萄 F₂世代에서 水熱病 抵抗性의 分離와 他形質 分離와의 關係

        朴淳直 全南大學校農漁村開發硏究所 1982 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.17 No.2

        水稻 品種間 組合에서 稻熱病 抵抗性의 分離와 他形質分離와의 關係를 檢討할 目的으로 稻熱病에 抵抗性인 長稈 메벼 品種과 罹病性인 短稈 찰벼 品種間 組合, 抵抗性인 普通葉 系統과 罹病性인 圓滑葉 系統間 組合 및 맑은 쌀의 抵抗性 品種과 罹病性 찰벼 品種間 組合을 供試하여 F2 世代에서 形質의 分離를 調査하고 그 해당個體의 F3 種子로 稻熱病 檢定苗垈에서 稻熱病 抵抗性 分離를 後代檢定하였다. 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 供試 組合中 同一한 罹病性 母本과의 組合이라도 抵抗性 母本에 따라 抵抗性의 分離 程度에 差가 있었다. 2. Tadukan과 Tetep으로부터 由來된 抵抗性을 가진 系統들을 母本으로한 組合에서는 Tadukan과 Tetep을 直接 母本으로한 組合에서 보다 抵抗性이 적게 分離 되었다. 3. 毛茸이 없는 圓滑葉特性은 毛茸이 있는 普通葉特性에 對하여, 찰은 메에 對하여, 맑은 쌀(clear)은 心腹白쌀에 對하여 單純劣性으로 分離되었다. 4. 本 試驗에 供試된 組合에 있어서 稻熱病 抵抗性의 分離는 稈長의 分離, 圓滑葉特性의 分離, 찰메의 分離 및 米粒心腹白의 分離와 各各 相互 獨立的인 것으로 나타났다. Investigations were made on the relationship between blast resistance and other agronomical traits such as culm length, glabrousness, endosperm characters for F2 generations in the crosses of eight resistant varieties and two susceptible varities to blast disease of rice plant in the farm nursery. Significant differences were observed in segregation of resistant lines to blast depending on the crosses. In the progeny of the crosses with the original resistant parents of Tetep and Tandukan to susceptible parents the resistant lines were more found than in the crosses between the resistant lines deriving from Tetep and Tadukan and susceptiple parents. Resistant lines to blast in the farm nursery was independently segregated with culm length, glabrousness, waxiness and chalkiness, respectively, in this experiment.

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