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      • Cement 粉碎에 있어서 Ethylamine類 粉碎助劑가 미치는 影響

        金昺圭,梁斗錫,金石柱 成均館大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        所要 粉碎動力費를 節減하기 위하여 有機溶媒를 粉碎助劑로 擇하고 液相接觸으로 그 粉碎效果를 向上시키는 硏究는 여러 학자들에 의해 進行되어 왔다. 筆者는 이에 立脚하여 우리나라에서 動力費節減이 要求되는 Cement 製造를 대상으로 하여 Ethylamine 類를 粉碎助劑로 택하고 더욱 接觸確率을 증가시키기 위하여 氣相으로 接觸시켜 Cement 粉碎效果를 硏究하였다. 또한 그 原因으로 추정되는 吸着現象을 아울러 測定하여 粉碎效果와의 관계를 檢討하였더니 粉碎가 시작된 후 0∼6 時間內에서는 각종 첨가물이 거의 없는 상태, 즉 Clinker 單一系의 粉碎現象과 비슷한 粉碎傾向을 보여 주었고, 6∼8時間 사이에서 급격한 吸着能의 증가현상을 보여주었다. 이 때부터 粉碎率이 첨가물질에 의한 特有의 증가현상을 보여주고 이Td서 吸着能이 粉碎率과 깊은 관계가 있음을 알았고, 吸着能이 큰 물질일수록 粉碎效果가 더욱 좋은 結果를 보여주어서 粉碎效果는 吸着能과 吸着量에 比例됨을 認知하였다. 더욱 構造物材料로서의 本質인 物性을 測定하여 이에 따르는 使用許容範圍를 提示하였으며 結果的으로 1. 이들 粉碎助劑의 添加量이 증가하면 粉碎效果도 증가한다. 2. 粉碎效果는 Ethylamine 類가 Ethanol보다 떨어졌고, 沸點이 높은 tri-Ethylamine이 di-Ethylamine 보다 좋았으며, Ethanol>tri-Ethylamine>di-Ethylamine順으로 됨을 알았다. 3. Ethyamine 類의 Cement 粒子에 對한 吸着現象은 Ereundilich 吸着等溫式과 恰似했으며, 어느 범위내에서는 粉碎助劑의 吸着量이 증가함에 따라 粉碎效果가 좋아진다. 4. 粉碎效果가 좋을수록 Cement의 物性을 다소 감소시키고 있으나 構造物의 原資材로 사용하는 경우 그 使用分野에 따라 큰 지장이 없이 사용할 수 있는 것으로 看做된다. Most expenses of production in cement industry are electric power, therefore, many scientists had researched through various ways for saving power cost. Especially, they are an urgent problem, for Korea electric power costs so expensively. As one of the means of saving power, by crushing aid of organics (i.e. primary, secondary alcohol series, fat, or resins), it was attempted to prevent the growth of secondary particles on liquid contacting system. But it was not sufficient on heterogeneous dispersion system. In this experiment, the increasing of crushing effect was investigated in gaseous contacting system and 100℃ of not influencing upon cement products. Then, organic crushing aid were used di-Ethylamine (bp 55.4℃) and tri-Ethylamine (bp 89.7℃) in range of 0.1-0.5wt. % concentration. Thus, saving power and properties of structures depend on factory data. On the standard of compared data, a continuous method in dry crushing was adopted to a practical operation condition. Therefore, it must be analysed by batch method in a possible application because it is better than continuous method. The computation on power should be done by crushing ratio, directly, and it become clear tendency of specific surface mean diameter of particles to be decreased according to hour limit. Also, the increment of crushing effect had been referred to the adsorption phenomena on cement particles by the vapor of organic substance with crushing aid in the experiment of crushing. Then, the adsorption phenomena has researched by Gas-chromatograpy method, because of it's convenience and accuracy. Organic substance had been used as the adsorbate (i.e. di-Ethylamine and tri-Ethylamine). Through the experimental investigation, the following results were obtained: 1. Power saving of the cement crushing system added organic substance is 2.6% better than that of a simple system of clinker crushing. 2. In crushing, the order of effectiveness are Ethanol tri-Ethylamine and di-Ethylamine. i) Ethanol is 20.8%(in range of 0.4-0.5wt%) ii) di-Ethylamine is 13.7% (in range of 0.4-0.5wt%) iii) tri-Ethylamine is 15.4% (in range of 0.4-0.5wt%) 3. The compressible strength of the cement organic substance the order of decrease are Ethanol, tri-Ethylamine, di-Ethylamine. ⅰ) Ethanol is 5-6% (decrease) ⅱ) di-Ethylamine is 4.1% (decrease) iii) tri-Ethylamine is 4.3% (decrease) 4. Absorbed amount of the organic solvents is an important factor of cement crushing system; the grinding rates are increased when the amount of grinding aid are increased. 5. The adsorptivity increased in the order of Ethanol, tri-Ethylamine, di-Ethylamine, di-Ethylamine. 6. Adsorption phenomena of Ethylamines on cement have been adsorbed to show a tendency similar to the Freundlich's adsorption isotherm equation. 7. After 6 hours of the crushing time when the increase in the crushing efflciency has taken place, the amount of adsorption has rapidly increased, while the amount of adsorption has shown almost negligible increase. 8. Crushing efflciency has been increased with the increasing amount of Ethylamines absorbed on cement i.e, the higher the absorptivity is, the better the crushing efflciency is.

      • 라블레 소설과 구전문학의 전통

        유석호 연세대학교 인문과학연구소 1997 人文科學 Vol.76-77 No.-

        Le roman rabelaisien commence toujours par l´appellation aux lecteurs imaginaires que le narrateur essaie d´instaurer a、 l´exte´rieur de l´espace romanesque. Ce besoin du contact imme´diat avec le lecteur est partiellement le re´sultat de la situation nouvellement impose´e aux e´crivains du 16^e sie、cle, gra^ce a、 l´invention de l´imprimerie. Car Rabelais e´crit pour la premie、re ge´ne´ration d´acheteurs de livres, ce monde he´te´roge´ne et anonyme que l´e´crivain doit fac??onner et attirer au cours de son e´criture. La situation narrative de la litte´rature orale du Moyen a^ge est en fait le reflet de la situation re´elle de l´auteur devant son public, qui cherche a、attirer l´attention de l´auditoire et a、 maintenir le contact avec lui. La fiction de l´oralite´ telle que conc ??oit Rabelais re´ve、le aussi la ne´cessite´ de nouer une complicite´ ludique avec le lecteur a、 travers le dialogue permanent et familier. Ce n´est donc pas une lecture passive voire consciente au cercle joyeux des Pantagrue´listes pur appre´cier a、 son gre´ le monde plein de fantaisie et de verve comique du roman rabelasien. Car pur Rabelais, narrer une histoire est aussi un acte pour entrer en propos et en vin. Kittay fait remarquer que le roman rabelaisien se caracte´rise surtout par le changement de la situation narrative au cours du re´cit : un e´pisode commence souvent par le dialogue servant a、 le motiver, auquel est relie´e ensuite la narration proprement dite et se termine enfin dans une situation dialogique nouvellement introduite par le narrateur pour ane´antir lui-me^me la cre´dulite´ du lecteur. L´attitude ironique du narrateur sugge、re ainsi qu´il ne s´agit pas d´une histoire ve´ritable qu´il raconte nais une sorte de jeu qui ne´cessite la complicite´ ludique avec le lecteur. Au fur et a、 mesure que l´identite´ fictive du narrateur disparai^t a、 partir du Tiers Livre, il se produit une se´rie de modifications sur le plan narratif. La fiction de l´oralite´, qui reliait auparavant le conteur a、 son public, s´approche de、s lors de celle de devis, anime´e principalement par les personnages a、 l´inte´rieur de l´espace romanesque. De la、 vient donc l´importance des histoires intercale´e chez Rabelais, qui, au dela、 de leur unite´ se´mantique, servent peu ou prou a、 apporter de nouvelles visions au sein des e´ve´nements et ainsi tiennent lieu de commentaires directs du conteur. Me^me si Rabelais a commence´ le cycle pantagrue´lique avec l´intention limite´e d´une parodie, sa perspective litte´raire ne tarde pas a、 l´associer avec sa profondeur intellectuelle ; et c´est san doute dans la fiction de devis, qui favorise des spe´culations de toute tendance sans se soumettre a、 la line´arite´ d´une intrigue, qu´il trouve la frome narrative plus libre et mieux adapte´e a、 sa veine verbale que la narration lie´e principalement a、 la personne du conteur. Ainsi l´oeuvre de Rabelais montre-t-elle-une sorte d´enque^te permanente sur les possibilite´s de l´e´criture et des formes narratives d´une varie´te´ e´tonnante, ce qui constitue sans doute sa modernite´.

      • 原子力發電所의 所內負荷의 電源切換에 관한 硏究

        黃錫永 단국대학교 1978 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        The analysis on the inrrush current due to a nondelayed interrupted circuit transfer is presented theoritically. The inrrush current is devided into two parts i,e, exciting current and load current. The inrrush current is interpreted to be caused by the initial conditions which are given by the transient behavior of motor group during bus dead time. The motor behavior gives only two conditions i,e, residual exciting flux and load resistance value by motor speed. Under such assumption, the analysis showed that the power source breaker should be closed within to±π/2 of phase angle difference between the source and the bus to reduce the inrrush current and also the vectorial difference of voltage is not always. dominant factor for the inrrush current.

      • 南北韓關係 變化實相과 向後 展望 硏究

        강석승 안양대학교 복지행정연구소 2002 福祉行政硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        지난 2000년 6월에 이루어진 남북정상회담과 이를 통한 '6.15남북공동선언'은 남북의 양 정상이 직접 서명하였다는 점에서 민족통일의 새로운 지평(地坪)을 연 '역사적 문건'이라 할 수 있으며, 이렇기 때문에 이 선언의 채택-발효를 지켜보는 우리 모두의 기대와 희망은 '가히 하늘을 찌를 듯' 높기만 하였고, 그 이후 남북관계는 다른 어떤 시기 보다 질-양적으로 큰 변화를 보여 왔다. 그러나 이후의 남북관계는 과거와 같이 북측의 일방적인 약속 파기나 합의불이행으로 때때로 소강상태를 보이면서 ????을 나타나게 되었고, 그 때마다 우리는 적지 않은 실망과 비관적인 마음을 감출 수 없었다. 이후 임동원대통령특사의 방북(2002.4.3-4.6)으로 인해 '4.5공동보도문'이 발표되고 북측이 '서해교전(2002.6.29)에 유감을 표명하면서 중단된 남북장관급회담 재개제의를 하게 되고, 이를 우리 측이 전향적 차원에서 받아들임에 따라 6.15공동선언의 이행·실천을 위한 남북대화·회담은 정상궤도에 진입하여 제8차 남북장관급회담을 비롯한 각급 회담·대화가 진행되어 현재에 이르고 있는 것이다. 그러나 '제임스 캘리' 미특사의 방북으로 인한 북한의 '핵개발 프로그램'에 대한 문제가 좀처럼 진정될 기미를 보이지 않고, 북한 스스로가 이 문제에 관하여 '신속하고도 분명한 입장과 조치'를 밝히지 않는 한 남북관계의 질적인 개선은 어려울 것으로 보이기 때문에 그 ??은 북측의 '상응하는 조치'에 달려 있으며, 바로 이런 조치를 전제로 하여 '6.15남북공동선언'에서의 합의사항이 한치의 빈 틈이나 차질없이 이행되고 실천될 수 있도록 북측이 보다 큰 誠과 熱을 갖고 대하는 입장과 자세를 보여야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        충전탑에서 흡수에 따른 물질전달과 수력학적 거동에 관한 연구

        김석택 한국환경과학회 2000 한국환경과학회지 Vol.9 No.5

        Packing tower has been used in the chemical industry and the protection of environment for a long time. In the view of environmental protection, purification of exhaust gas can be performance effective by gas absorption in counter-current packing tower. In this study, characteristics of hydraulic and mass transfer were investigated in D. 0.3m × H. 1.4m packing tower with 50mm plastic Hiflow-ring. This study was carried out "Test systems were experimented in conditions of Air, Air/H_2O, NH_3-Air/H_2O, NH_3-Air/H_2O- H_2SO_4, and SO_2 -Air/H_2O-NaOH under steady state". The extent of test included dry and wetting pressure drop, physical law, separation efficiency, and hold-up as function of gas and liquid load.

      • 16세기 프랑스 서술문학의 장르 체계 연구

        유석호 연세대학교 대학원 1987 延世論叢 Vol.23 No.1

        Cet article a pour but d'analyser les traits constitutifs du genre narratif au 16e sie`cle, notamment ceux des trois genres fondamentaux: nouvelle, conte et roman. Pour cela, nous nous proposons d'e´tudier ces genres dans leur contexte historique en tenant compte e´galement du syste`me avec lequel ils sont en corre´lation. La nouvelle, introduite nouvellement en France a` la fin du 15e sie`cle sous l'influence du De´came´ron de Boccace, re´ve`le une fe´condite´ extraordinaire dans le domaine de la litte´rature narrative. Au cours de la premie`re moitie´ du 16e sie`cle, la nouvelle, conside´re´e au de´but comme une simple histoire plaisante caracte´rise´e par l'authenticite´, la nouveaute´ et la nature anecdotique de la matie`re et aussi par la brive`vete´ du re´cit, finit par s'appliquer a` des sujets plus divers de nature re´aliste. A cert e´gard, l'Heptame´ron de Marguerite de Navarre marque un sommet des recueils de nouvelles au 16e sie`clne; ses nouvelles parfois longues contrastent avec les nouvelles-fabliaux pre´ce´dentes et montrent un certain type de nouvelle sentimentale et litte´raire, plus proche de la notion moderne du genre. Par rapport a` la nouvelle, les deux autres genres, influence´s plus directement par la litte´rature orale et me´die´vale, occupent une place assez re´duite dans le syste`me du genre narratif au 16e sie`cle. Le seul exemple du recueil de contes, les Comptes amoureux de Jeanne Flore sont une re´invention litte´raire a` partir des oeuvres e´crites, qui est fondamentalement diffe´rente du conte proprement dite, issu de la tradition folklorique. De me^me, malgre´ la popularite´ conside´rable des romans de chevalerie qui sont une forme vulgarise´e du roman me´die´val, si l'on met a` part les tentatives isole´es d'He´lisenne de Crenne et de Rabelais, un nouveau type de roman n'acquiert pas encore l'autonomie suffisante pour former un nouveau genre. En conclusion, les trois genres narratifs du 16e sie`cle ne parviennent pas encore a` use syste´matisation comparable a` celle de l'e´poque classique ou` la norme des genres e´crits commence a` s'imposer, ce qui montre la limite et aussi la valeur historique de la litte´rature narrative du 16e sie`cle en tant qu'e´tape pre´paratoire de la litte´rature moderne.

      • 同期發電機의 電壓變動率 算出에 관한 硏究

        黃錫永 단국대학교 1987 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        In this paper, a new calculation method for the voltage regulation of a synchronous generator is proposed. The new method extends the theory of the conventional zero power factor method in order to be applied to salient pole synchronous generator, introducing saliency index and locus for quadrature axis increment of exciting current due to the saliency. Therefore the proposed method can be applied to both salient and nonsalient pole synchronous machines without error and results in zero power factor method in case of nonsaliency.

      • 테니스경기 내용에 관한 분석 연구 : 한국 대학 테니스선수를 중심으로 Focus on Korean University Elite Athletes

        김석환 韓國體育大學校 1999 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        An investigation of the points earned by various strokes in various domestic tennis competitions, as previously suggested in the methodology section, the following conclusions were made: 1. For the male university athletes, various strokes' contribution to the points earned is high in the order of smashing, drop shot, ground smashing, passing shot, forehand volley, backhand volley, lob, half volley, forehand stroke, backhand stroke, and serve return. In general, the points earned were much higher than the points lost. 2. For the female university athletes, various strokes' contribution to the points earned is high in the order of ground smashing, passing shot, drop shot, lob, backhand volley, forehand volley, smashing, half volley, forehand stroke, backhand stroke, and serve return. In general, the points earned were much higher than the points lost. Considering the above conclusions, playing near the net is safer, and playing near the baseline is less safe. Therefore, coaches must help their athletes reinforce such attack skills as volley, smashing and more, while introducing and developing scientific and systematic training methods to help their athletes' ground stroke and lob become safer and stronger.

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