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      • KCI등재후보

        Nervus terminalis and nerves to the vomeronasal organ: a study using human fetal specimens

        Zhe Wu Jin,조광호,Shunichi Shibata,Masahito Yamamoto,Gen Murakami,Jose Francisco Rodríguez-Vázquez 대한해부학회 2019 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.52 No.3

        The human nervus terminalis (terminal nerve) and the nerves to the vomeronasal organ (VNON) are both associated with the olfactory nerves and are of major interest to embryologists. However, there is still limited knowledge on their topographical anatomy in the nasal septum and on the number and distribution of ganglion cells along and near the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. We observed serial or semiserial sections of 30 fetuses at 7–18 weeks (crown rump length [CRL], 25–160 mm). Calretinin and S100 protein staining demonstrated not only the terminal nerve along the anterior edge of the perpendicular lamina of the ethmoid, but also the VNON along the posterior edge of the lamina. The terminal nerve was composed of 1–2 nerve bundles that passed through the anterior end of the cribriform plate, whereas the VNON consisted of 2–3 bundles behind the olfactory nerves. The terminal nerve ran along and crossed the posterior side of the nasal branch of the anterior ethmoidal nerve. Multiple clusters of small ganglion cells were found on the lateral surfaces of the ethmoid’s crista galli, which are likely the origin of both the terminal nerve and VNON. The ganglions along the crista galli were ball-like and 15–20 µm in diameter and, ranged from 40-153 in unilateral number according to our counting at 21-μm-interval except for one specimen (480 neurons; CRL, 137 mm). An effect of nerve degeneration with increasing age seemed to be masked by a remarkable individual difference.

      • KCI등재

        Fetal Topographical Anatomy of the Pancreatic Head and Duodenum with Special Reference to Courses of the Pancreaticoduodenal Arteries

        Zhe Wu Jin,조백환,김형태,Wataru Kimura,Mineko Fujimiya,Gen Murakami,유희철 연세대학교의과대학 2010 Yonsei medical journal Vol.51 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide better understanding as to how the “double” vascular arcades, in contrast to other intestinal marginal vessels,develop along the right margin of the pancreatic head. Materials and Methods: In human fetuses between 8-30 weeks, we described the topographical anatomy of the vessels, bile duct, duodenum as well as the ventral and dorsal primordia of the pancreatic head with an aid of pancreatic polypeptide immunohisto-chemistry. Results: The contents of the hepatoduodenal ligament crossed the superior side of the pylorus. Moreover, the right hepatic artery originating from the superior mesenteric artery ran along the superior aspect of the pancreatic head. An arterial arcade, corresponding to the posterior pancreaticoduodenal arteries, encircled the superior part of the pancreatic head, whereas another arcade, corresponding to the anterior pancreaticoduodenal arteries, surrounded the inferior part. The dorsal promordium of the pancreas surrounded and/or mixed the ventral primordium at 13-16 weeks. Thus, both arterial arcades were likely to attach to the dorsal primordium. Conclusion: The fetal anatomy of the pancreaticoduodenal vascular arcades as well as that of the hepatoduodenal ligament were quite different from adults in topographical relations. Thus, in the stage later than 30 weeks, further rotation of the duodenum along a horizontal axis seemed to be required to move the pylorus posterosuperiorly and to reflect the superior surface of the pancreatic head posteriorly. However, to change the topographical anatomy of the superior and inferior arterial arcades into the final position, re-arrangement of the pancreatic parenchyma might be necessary in the head.

      • KCI등재후보

        Topographical relationships of the yolk sac remnant and vitelline vessels with the midgut loop in the extra-embryonic coelom of human embryos

        Zhe-Wu Jin,Ji Hyun Kim,Masahito Yamamoto,Gen Murakami,Shin-ichi Abe,José Francisco Rodríguez-Vázquez 대한해부학회 2022 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.55 No.3

        The yolk sac is supplied by the vitelline artery and vein (VA, VV), which run through the yolk stalk in combination with the omphaloenteric duct. Moreover, the VV takes a free posterior course outside the midgut mesentery containing the secondarily-developed superior mesenteric vein (SMV). However, the regression process of these structures has not been demonstrated photographically. The present study evaluated serial histological sections from 20 embryos of stages 15–19 or crown-rump length (CRL) 7.5–20 mm. All specimens carried the SMV as sequential tissue slits. However, an omphaloenteric duct with epithelia continuous with the midgut loop was not observed. In smaller embryos (CRL <13 mm) the VA extended distally or anteriorly from the midgut apex in the extra-embryonic coelom, whereas in larger embryos (CRL 16–20 mm) the artery was absent from the distal side of the apex. The entire course or part of the VV outside the mesentery was always seen, but four larger embryos lacked the venous terminal near the duodenum. A vacuole-like remnant of the yolk sac was present in all smaller embryos (CRL <10 mm), but was absent from 7 of the 11 larger embryos. The size of the remnant was equal to the thickness of the VA or VV, with the remnant being sandwiched between the VA and VV. Moreover, the regressing yolk sac often communicated with or opened to the VV. Consequently, the yolk sac regressed first, followed by the regression of the VA until 6 weeks. The yolk stalk was clearly observed until 5 weeks.

      • KCI등재

        Descent of mesonephric duct to the final position of the vas deferens in human embryo and fetus

        Zhe Wu Jin,Hiroshi Abe,Nobuyuki Hinata,Xiang Wu Li,Gen Murakami,José Francisco Rodríguez-Vázquez 대한해부학회 2016 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.49 No.4

        Because the ureter arises from the mesonephric or Wolffian duct (WD), the WD opening should migrate inferiorly along the urogenital sinus or future urethra. However, this process of descent has not been evaluated morphometrically in previous studies and we know little about intermediate morphologies for the descent. In the present work, serial sagittal sections of 15 specimens at gestational age 6-12 weeks and serial horizontal sections of 20 specimens at 6-10 weeks were analyzed. Monitoring of horizontal sections showed that, until 9 weeks, a heart-, lozenge- or oval-shape of the initial urogenital sinus remained in the bladder and urethra. Thus, the future bladder and urethra could not be distinguished by the transverse section or plane. The maximum width of the urogenital sinus or bladder at 6-10 weeks was 0.8 mm, although its superoinferior length reached 5 mm at 10 weeks. During earlier stages, however, the medial shift of the WD was rather evident. Depending on the extent of upward growth of the bladder smooth muscle, the descent of the vas deferens became evident at 10-12 weeks. Development of the urethral rhabdosphincter likely resulted in the differentiation of urogenital sinus into the urethra and bladder before formation of the bladder neck with 3-layered smooth muscles. Development of the prostate followed these morphological changes, later accelerating the further descent of the WD opening. Because of their close topographical relationships, slight anomalies or accidents of the umbilical cord at 10-12 weeks may have a significant effect on normal anatomy.

      • KCI등재후보

        Perineal raphe with special reference to its extension to the anus

        Zhe Wu Jin,Yu Jin,Xiang Wu Li,Gen Murakami,José,Francisco Rodrí,guez-Vá,zquez,Joerg Wilting 대한해부학회 2016 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.49 No.2

        The raphe of the human penis and scrotum is considered to develop secondarily after disappearance of the initial midline seam by fusion of the bilateral genital folds. However, the fetal development was still obscure. We examined histological sections of 30 fetuses (17 males and 13 females) at 10–15 weeks. In male fetuses, the scrotum was not yet clearly identified because of no descent of testis. The perineal raphe was thin and wavy at 10 weeks, and it was continuous with and took a direction same as the inferior wall of the closed penile urethra after physiological hypospadias. Depending on growth of the bulbospongiosus muscle and corpus spongiosus penis, the midline intermuscular septum obtained a connection to the subcutaneous wavy raphe and made the latter thick and straight at 12–15 weeks. Notably, the perineal raphe extended posteriorly to attach to the external anal sphincter. In female fetuses, an epithelial fusion occurred along a short distance at the posterior end of the vestibule. However, in front of the external anal sphincter, a large midline mesenchymal tissue from the urorectal septum did not contain a raphe-like structure. Moreover, since the bilateral bulbospongiosus muscles were separated widely by the vestibule, they did not provide a midline septum. Fetal development of the perineal raphe was accelerated by reinforcement from the muscular septum. In contrast, without such a muscular support, the female raphe could not maintain its growth even if the seed appeared at the posterior end of the vestibule.

      • KCI등재후보

        Relationship of the fabella with the origins of the plantaris and gastrocnemius lateral head muscles in late-term fetuses: a histological study

        Zhe-Wu Jin,Ji Hyun Kim,Daisuke Suzuki,Namiko Sugai,Gen Murakami,Hiroshi Abe,José,Francisco Rodrí,guez-Vá,zquez 대한해부학회 2021 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.54 No.2

        Previous studies of midterm fetuses indicated that a cartilaginous fabella appeared to be embedded in the plantaris (PL), and was fused with the gastrocnemius lateral head (GL). We re-examined the topographical anatomy of the fabella or its analogue (a tight fibrous mass) originating in the GL and/or PL by evaluating histological sections of the unilateral knees of 15 late-term fetuses. Regardless of whether the cartilaginous fabella was present (6 fetuses) or absent (9 fetuses), the origins of the PL and GL muscles each had three parts. In each fetus, the fabella or its analogue was embedded in a thick common tendinous origin of the GL and PL. PL1 (whose origin is similar to that of the adult PL) originated from the femoral condyle immediately above the common tendon; PL2 originated from the posteromedial aspect of the fabella or its analogue; and PL3 originated from the inferior aspect of the fabella or its analogue. The muscle fibers of PL1, PL2, and PL3 joined to provide a thick plantaris. GL1 (which is adjacent to PL2) originated from the common tendon in the superior side of the fabella or its analogue and GL2 originated from the inferior side of the fabella or its analogue. GL1 and GL2 joined to provide a thick bundle, whereas GL3 (located far below the fabella or its analogue) originated from the posterior surface aponeurosis. Therefore, drastic reconstruction at these muscle origins was necessary during development. Due to the strong mechanical stress from the GL and the space-occupying effect of the muscle, we hypothesize that PL2 and PL3 are degraded or absorbed into the GL1 and GL2 during the postnatal period, so that the remaining PL1 was likely the remaining PL in adults.

      • KCI등재


        吴欣颖 ( Wu Xinying ),金哲 ( Jin Zhe ) 중국어문연구회 2024 中國語文論叢 Vol.- No.116

        Jokes are an important component of popular literature and a precious resource for improving the overall development of literature. Jokes contain the humanistic style and ideology of people in ancient society, and are important materials for studying Ancient literature and culture. In the history of the development of Chinese jokes, the joke of “not knowing the mirror” is one of the most typical jokes. It not only has a long history and a variety of variants, but also contains rich philosophical ideas, which are widely circulated. “Don’t know the mirror” joke not only has a profound impact on the development of Chinese joke literature, but also has a great impact on the development of South Korean literature. This paper takes the joke of “not knowing the mirror” in China and South Korea as the starting point, categorizes the books that recorded the joke of “not knowing the mirror” in ancient China and South Korea, and conducts a dissemination analysis of the joke of “not knowing the mirror” in China and South Korea through literature comparison method. In particular, through the analysis of the similarities and differences between the jokes of “not knowing the mirror” in China and South Korea, this paper determines that the jokes of “not knowing the mirror” in China and South Korea are consistent in key characters, story props, story plots, etc. At the same time, influenced by the reception period and background, the sense of Cultural identity, national literature characteristics, and other reasons, the jokes of “not knowing the mirror” in South Korea also have a unique variation. That is to say, the joke of “not knowing the mirror” in South Korea has typical transitional characteristics.

      • Meta-analysis of Associations of the Ezrin Gene with Human Osteosarcoma Response to Chemotherapy and Prognosis

        Wang, Zhe,He, Mao-Lin,Zhao, Jin-Min,Qing, Hai-Hui,Wu, Yang Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.14 No.5

        Various studies examining the relationship between Ezrin overexpression and response to chemotherapy and clinical outcome in patients with osteosarcoma have yielded inconclusive results. We accordingly conducted a meta-analysis of 7 studies (n = 318 patients) that evaluated the correlation between Ezrin and histologic response to chemotherapy and clinical prognosis (death). Data were synthesized in receiver operating characteristic curves and with fixed-effects and random-effects likelihood ratios and risk ratios. Quantitative synthesis showed that Ezrin is not a prognostic factor for the response to chemotherapy. The positive likelihood ratio was 0.538 (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.296- 0.979; random-effects calculation), and the negative likelihood ratio was 2.151 (95% CI, 0.905- 5.114; random-effects calculations). There was some between-study heterogeneity, but no study showed strong discriminating ability. Conversely, Ezrin positive status tended to be associated with a lower 2-year survival (risk ratio, 2.45; 95% CI, 1.26-4.76; random-effects calculation) with some between-study heterogeneity that disappeared when only studies that employed immunohistochemistry were considered (risk ratio, 2.97; 95% CI, 2.01- 4.40; fixed-effects calculation). To conclude, Ezrin is not associated with the histologic response to chemotherapy in patients with osteosarcoma, whereas Ezrin positivity was associated with a lower 2-year survival rate regarding risk of death at 2 years. Expression change of Ezrin is an independent prognostic factor in patients with osteosarcoma.

      • KCI등재

        Association between Initial Chest CT or Clinical Features and Clinical Course in Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pneumonia

        Liu Zhe,Jin Chao,Wu Carol C.,Liang Ting,Zhao Huifang,Wang Yan,Wang Zekun,Li Fen,Zhou Jie,Cai Shubo,Zeng Lingxia,Yang Jian 대한영상의학회 2020 Korean Journal of Radiology Vol.21 No.6

        Objective: To identify the initial chest computed tomography (CT) findings and clinical characteristics associated with the course of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia. Materials and Methods: Baseline CT scans and clinical and laboratory data of 72 patients admitted with COVID-19 pneumonia (39 men, 46.2 ± 15.9 years) were retrospectively analyzed. Baseline CT findings including lobar distribution, presence of ground glass opacities, consolidation, linear opacities, and lung severity score were evaluated. The outcome event was recovery with hospital discharge. The time from symptom onset to discharge or the end of follow-up (for those remained hospitalized) was recorded. Data were censored in events such as death or discharge without recovery. Multivariable Cox proportional hazard regression was used to explore the association between initial CT, clinical or laboratory findings, and discharge with recovery, whereby hazard ratio (HR) values < 1 indicated a lower rate of discharge at four weeks and longer time until discharge. Results: Thirty-two patients recovered and were discharged during the study period with a median length of admission of 16 days (range, 9 to 25 days), while the rest remained hospitalized at the end of this study (median, 17.5 days; range, 4 to 27 days). None died during the study period. After controlling for age, onset time, lesion characteristics, number of lung lobes affected, and bilateral involvement, the lung severity score on baseline CT (> 4 vs. ≤ 4 [reference]: adjusted HR = 0.41 [95% confidence interval, CI = 0.18–0.92], p = 0.031) and initial lymphocyte count (reduced vs. normal or elevated [reference]: adjusted HR = 0.14 [95% CI = 0.03–0.60], p = 0.008) were two significant independent factors that influenced recovery and discharge. Conclusion: Lung severity score > 4 and reduced lymphocyte count at initial evaluation were independently associated with a significantly lower rate of recovery and discharge and extended hospitalization in patients admitted for COVID-19 pneumonia.

      • KCI등재

        CD57 (Leu-7, HNK-1) immunoreactivity seen in thin arteries in the human fetal lung

        Satoshi Ishizuka,Zhe Wu Jin,Masahito Yamamoto,Gen Murakami,Takeshi Takayama 대한해부학회 2018 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.51 No.2

        CD57 (synonyms: Leu-7, HNK-1) is a well-known marker of nerve elements including the conductive system of the heart, as well as natural killer cells. In lung specimens from 12 human fetuses at 10‒34 weeks of gestation, we have found incidentally that segmental, subsegmental, and more peripheral arteries strongly expressed CD57. Capillaries near developing alveoli were often or sometimes positive. The CD57-positive tissue elements within intrapulmonary arteries seemed to be the endothelium, internal elastic lamina, and smooth muscle layer, which corresponded to tissue positive for a DAKO antibody reactive with smooth muscle actin we used. However, the lobar artery and pulmonary arterial trunk as well as bronchial arteries were negative. Likewise, arteries in and along any abdominal viscera, as well as the heart, thymus, and thyroid, did not express CD57. Thus, the lung-specific CD57 reactivity was not connected with either of an endodermal- or a branchial arch-origin. CD57 antigen is a sugar chain characterized by a sulfated glucuronic acid residue that is likely to exist in some glycosphingolipids. Therefore, a chemical affinity or an interaction might exist between CD57-positive arterioles and glycosphingolipids originating from alveoli, resulting in acceleration of capillary budding to make contact with the alveolar wall. CD57 might therefore be a functional marker of the developing air-blood interface that characterizes the fetal lung at the canalicular stage.

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