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        Zbyr, Iryna 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 동유럽발칸연구소 2013 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.34 No.-

        The article analyzes extra‐ritual songlike Pokuttya folklore in O. Kolberg's records, namely ballads, songs about love and family life, humorous songs, Cossacks', recruits' (soldiers'), chumaky's, migrant workers' and lyrists' songs as well as kolomyyky. Particular attention has been paid to the nomination of these folklore genres, methods of researching the material and difficulties the folklorist had faced while compiling the records from Pokuttya. However, in this sphere O. Kolberg has demonstrated all his skills as a talented collector and researcher who has managed to study, publish and preserve such valuable material for the next generations.

      • KCI등재


        즈비르(Zbyr),이리나(Iryna) 한국외국어대학교 동유럽발칸연구소 2013 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.34 No.-

        본 연구는 우크라이나 포쿠탸(Pokuttya) 지역에서 콜버그(O. Kolberg)에 의해 수집된 노래들을 분석하였다. 콜버그가 수집한 노래들은 발라드, 사랑, 가족의 삶, 유머스러운 노래, 코자크 군대의 노래, 추막(소금 판매를 직업으로 가졌던 사람들을 부르던 용어), 이주노동자들의 노래뿐만 아니라 콜로미이카 등의 노래들도 포함한다. 본 연구는 콜버그에 의해 수집된 노래들이 어떻게 장르별로 구분되었으며, 또한 어떠한 방법으로 조사되었는지에 대해서도 연구하였다. 본 연구는 콜버그의 작품과 작업이 후대 민속연구의 방법론과 분석의 발전에 크나큰 영향을 미쳤음을 설명하고 있다. The article analyzes extra-ritual songlike Pokuttya folklore in O. Kolberg's records, namely ballads, songs about love and family life, humorous songs, Cossacks', recruits' (soldiers'), chumaky's, migrant workers' and lyrists' songs as well as kolomyyky. Particular attention has been paid to the nomination of these folklore genres, methods of researching the material and difficulties the folklorist had faced while compiling the records from Pokuttya. However, in this sphere O. Kolberg has demonstrated all his skills as a talented collector and researcher who has managed to study, publish and preserve such valuable material for the next generations.

      • KCI등재

        Oskar Kolberg’s Informers and Correspondents from Volyn’

        Iryna Zbyr(이리나 즈비르) 한국외국어대학교 동유럽발칸연구소 2015 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.39 No.6

        오스카 콜베르그(1814-1890)는 폴란드의 위대한 민족학자, 민속학자였다. 또한 그는 크라쿠프 과학 아카데미의 회원이기도 했다. 초기 연구시기에 그는 민속학에 심취해 있었으며 폴란드인들뿐만 아니라 우크라이나인들의 민속을 방대하게 수집했다. 그는 평생38권의 민속학 서적을 발간했는데 그 중 유명한 서적들은 다음과같다: Lud. Jego zwyczaje, sposób życia, mowa, podania, przysłowia, obrzędy,zabawy, pieśni, muzyka i tańce (People. Their Customs, Way of Life, Language,Traditional Stories, Proverbs, Rituals, Games, Songs, Music and Dances, 1857–1890), which included research into Ukrainian folklore and material culture,namely: Pokucie (Pokuttia, 1882, 1883, 1888, 1889), Chełmskie (From Chełm,1890–1891), Przemyskie (From Przemysl, 1891), Wołyń. Obrzędy, melodie,pieśni (Volyn’. Rituals, Melodies and Songs, 1907), Tarnowskie-Rzeszowskie(From Tarnów and Rzeszów, 1967), Białoruś–Polesie (From Belorus and Polissia, 1968), Ruś Karpacka (The Carpathian Rus, 1970–1971), Sanockie-Krośnieńskie (From Sanok and Krosno, 1972–1974), Ruś Czerwona (The RedRus, 1976, 1979) and Podole (Podillia, 1994). 본 논문은 오스카 콜베르그가 실행한 볼린(Volyn’)지역에서의 민속자료수집 중 그에게 정보를 제공한 ‘informers’, 즉 정보 제공자들과 자료출처에 대해 다루고 있다. 콜베르그의『볼린』(Volyn’)은 이지역에 살던 우크라이나인의 정신 및 물질 문화에 대한 독특하고 고유한 연구이다. 이 지역에서의 자료 수집을 위한 작업은 오랜시간에 걸쳐 지속되었다. 오스카 콜베르그는 볼린지역에서 민속자료의 수집을 위해 1862년 여름에서 가을 사이 단 한번 방문했다. 그러나 그는 단 한번의 방문 기간 동안 그 지역 주민들과 친분을 넓히면서 그들로부터 엄청난 양의 민속자료를 수집했고 이를 바탕으로『볼린』(Volyn’) 저서를 탄생시켰다. 이 저서는 콜베르그가 사망한 후 17년 후에 많은 사람들의 도움으로 출판될 수 있었다. 볼린 지역의 수많은 사람들, 즉 민요를 불러주었던 일반인, 음악가, 민속 예술의 애호가들이 민속학 저서『볼린』출판의 숨은 기여자 들이다. 뿐만 아니라 시인, 번역가 및 민속학자 프루시노우스키(JanPrusinowski), 빌체(Bil’che)마을의 대표 솔탄(Michał Sołtan), 갈리시아임원 두느데르 (Wacław Dunder), 로자리브카(Rozaliivka) 마을 대표의 부인 피오트로우스카(Piotrowska)도 이 방대한 저서의 숨은 공헌자 라고 할 수 있다. The article explores O. Kolberg’s folkloristic activity in Volyn’ region, highlights the role of informers and correspondents in his preparation of the collection of folklore Volyn’1. On the basis of research, scholar’s correspondence and manuscripts the author briefly characterized the material which the folklorist obtained from his correspondents, mentioned their names etc. Volyn’ by Oskar Kolberg is a unique research into material and spiritual culture of the Ukrainians from the given region. The Polish scholar worked on this collection of folklore rather long. He visited Volyn’ only once (in summer-autumn of 1862) in order to collect folklore and ethnographic materials, to get acquainted with people of the region, and establish contacts with them. Then, O. Kolberg started to prepare a monograph, receiving materials from his informers and comparing his own records with those of other researchers. However, Volyn’ was published only seventeen years fter the folklorist’s death. Among O. Kolberg’s active informers and correspondents in Volyn’s there were poet, translator and collector of folklore Jan Prusinowski, the owner of the village Bil’che Michał Sołtan, the government official from Halychyna Wacław Dunder, the wife of the owner of the village Rozaliivka Mrs. Piotrowska as well as musicians and those who loved and performed folklore.

      • KCI등재

        Modern Interpretation and Written Heritage Publishing of Oscar Kolberg

        Iryna Zbyr 한국외국어대학교 동유럽발칸연구소 2011 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.27 No.1

        O. Kolberg (1814–1891) – is a famous Polish ethnographer, folklorist, composer, who collected folklore not only in Poland but in Ukraine, Lithuania, Byelorussia, and Russia as well. The whole collection of papers Działa wszystkie Oskara Kolberga (The full collection of O. Kolberg’s works) encompasses near 80 volumes, which have been processed till today. Still many notes of the folklore specialist remain unpublished and are kept in achieves under profound study and processing of the scholars from The Oscar Kolberg’s Institute and Polish Folklore Studies Society. The great job of several years standing by the group of scholars of this Institute is the additional longexpected volume to the collection Pokucie (Kоlberg O. Pokucie– Suplement do T. 29–32). Agata Skrukva was the compiler and the author of the preface of this publication. She is considered to be the researcher of O. Kolberg’s heritage within the frames of Dzieł wszystkich Oskara Kolberga. A. Skrukva deals with the written heritage of the folklore scholar, she researches the basic methods, and principles of his collecting and publishing activity, regional surveys of O. Kolberg as well as studies theoretic and methodological issues of modern folkloristic. The article dwells upon the modern stage of manuscripts of Pokucie collection. It comes to the conclusion which part was published and which was unpublished at all. The manuscript materials from other ethnographic regions containing notes about Pokuttia are analyzed.

      • KCI등재

        Totalitarianism and Ukrainian Literature: Traumatic Memory and Revelation of the Past

        Iryna Zbyr 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 동유럽발칸연구소 2022 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.46 No.3

        The article highlights the topic of totalitarianism in Ukrainian literature, in particular, shows the traumatic memory and exposure of the past, which is interpreted differently by writers of different generations. Particular attention is paid to the causes of totalitarianism in Europe after the World War I and its impact on modern post-totalitarian cultures. Such cultures include primarily Ukrainian. Numerous social protests, revolutions, the war in Donbass are not so much the consequences of geopolitical conflicts as permanent attempts to return to the Ukrainian identity, to express national traumas, to identify cultural and human losses, which did not happen immediately after the collapse of the USSR. The problem of totalitarianism is also key in determining the specifics of its modern literary interpretation, because most works of art, which to varying degrees appeal to the reconstruction of the past, for the first time clearly verbalize those relevant topics that are still inconvenient and provoke misunderstandings among Ukrainians themselves. Today Ukrainian literature demonstrates a double stance against the totalitarian past. First, we read in it a steady protest against the socialist-realist heritage, embodied in the long search for inherent forms of artistic self-expression; secondly, modern Ukrainian literature resorted to a total revision of the consequences of cultural stagnation provoked by the experience of many years of totalitarian terror. The article reveals the connections between this regime and the art of speech, in particular the birth of the pseudo-artistic literary trend of the time - social realism. The author analyzes the peculiarities of the use of literature as a tool of propaganda. In addition, one of the main problems of modern research is the modern ways of artistic rethinking and the process of elaboration of totalitarian experience. In particular, it is about the cultural trauma of oppressed peoples in the Soviet period, which is related to human rights and freedoms, concentration camps, desecration of the myth of victory in World War II, denial of God, etc., which affects the behavior of modern societies and often provokes unpredictable in European politics.

      • KCI등재

        The Image of Nature in the Works of Taras Shevchenko

        Iryna Zbyr 한국외국어대학교 외국학종합연구센터 동유럽·발칸연구소 2014 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.38 No.3

        타라스 쉐브첸코의 창의성은 우크라이나 낭만주의자들(L. 보로비코브스키, A. 메트린스키, I. 스레즈네브스키 등)의 작품과 관련이 있으며, 또한 일반적으로 유럽의 낭만주의 작품들과 관련이 있다. 타라스 쉐브첸코는 낭만주의적 전통에 따라 자신의 창작 시 속에 우크라이나 민족의 정체성을 성공적으로 표현했다. 낭만주의에 영향을 받은 쉐브첸코는 시적 표현에 있어 자신 만의 방법을 찾을 수 있었다. 동시에 타라스 쉐브첸코의 시에는 독창적인 문체와 상상력이 표출되어있다. 쉐브첸코는 민속에서 문체를 빌려왔으며, 여기에 심도깊은 상징적 의미와 사회적 내용을 부여했다. 이를 통해 그는 시에 생명력을 불어넣었으며, 추상적 사고를 의인화시켰다. 그의 초기 시에는 많은 자연경관이 나온다. 우크라이나를 벗어나 있었기 때문에 타라스 쉐브첸코는 대부분의 자연경관을 자신의 기억으로부터 그려냈다. 분명 자신의 조국으로부터 떨어져 있었기 때문에 그는 자연에 대한 신화적 이미지와 신성한 소리를 만들어낼 수 있었다. 쉐브첸코의 시에 나오는 자연은 민요에서 주로 나오는 방식으로 묘사되었다. 개별적으로 등장하는 별, 포퓰러 나무, 가막살나무, 플라타너스 단풍나무, 버드나무, 체리 과수원 등은 종종 우크라이나 전체를 나타내는 상징이 되곤했다. 고향에 대한 ‘향수병’의 모티브는 쉐브첸코의 시의 특징이 되었는데, 그 속에서 그는 자신의 고통을 이해해주는 자연과 소통을 시도했던 것이다. 타라스 쉐브첸코는 시를 자신의 향수병을 치유하는 일종의 약으로 생각했던 것이다. 그의 시는 우크라이나 민족의식을 부흥시키는데 커다란 역할을 했으며, 또한 우크라이나의 지성, 문학 그리고 민족의 삶 속 여러 방면에 끼친 그의 영향은 오늘날까지도 계속되고 있다. The article aims to focus on the analysis of the image of Ukrainian nature in the works of Taras Shevchenko. This is just one aspect of his versatile work. T. Shevchenko always turned to the images of his native nature because he was a real patriot and loved his country above all. T. Shevchenko considered poetry to be a kind of remedy for his homesickness. The motive of homesickness is characteristic of T. Shevchenko’s poetry in which he attempts at communicating with the nature as a single being that is capable of understanding his suffering. Shevchenko’s vision of the nature presupposes its vivification, or even anthropomorphization. The poet often depicts nature as an equal interlocutor. In addition to that, the images of nature frequently become metaphors of the poet’s feelings. The nature in T. Shevchenko’s poems is depicted in a way that is typical of folk songs. Its separate details, namely a star, a poplar tree, a viburnum, a sycamore maple tree, willow tree, and a cherry orchard very often become symbols of whole Ukraine. In his poems the poet mentions his native village and contrasts Ukraine’s beautiful nature with the hard life of its people. Such contrastive episodes can be found in many works by T. Shevchenko. Being a real patriot, a martyr and a person in exile T. Shevchenko has been still dreaming of returning to his beloved Ukraine, looking at its green fields and relieving his negative emotions. T. Shevchenko has depicted Ukrainian nature in a skillful, poetic and sentimental way, with deep love and regrets that such a harmony that one can see in the nature can hardly be possible in the society of his time.

      • KCI등재

        The Issue of Bilingualism in Ukraine: Sociocultural Aspect

        Iryna Zbyr 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 동유럽발칸연구소 2019 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.43 No.1

        policy elaboration and implementation. In Ukraine there studies have been gaining more importance because during long historical period of statelessness the language situation in Ukraine underwent considerable deformations. A characteristic feature of contemporary language situation in Ukraine is a co-existence on its territory of two languages, Ukrainian and Russian, along with various forms of Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism. Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism developed during the preceding historical period when Ukraine was incorporated into the Russian empire in its two forms, autocratic tsarism and communism. On all of its territories the Russian empire inculcated a forced language and cultural assimilation policy towards the non-Russian population. Ukrainians were exposed to even greater pressure of Russification due to their language belonging to the Eastern Slavic language group. Consequently, Ukraine came to its independence with a considerably distorted language situation. Russian as a language spread throughout the former empire ousted the national language on the vast territory of Ukraine, primary in the large industrial centers. Ukrainian-speaking communities in the Eastern and Southern regions of the country and to a lesser extent in the Central regions are limited to rural localities. The territory of Ukraine is far from being homogeneous. Narrowing down the spheres of use the Ukrainian language and the strong interferential influence of Russian have led to the emergence of the hybrid of Ukrainian-Russian forms of the everyday language known as surzhyk.

      • Oskar Kolberg’s Records from Pokuttya in Academic Editions of Ukrainian Folklore

        Iryna Zbyr 아시아중동부유럽학회 2012 동유럽발칸학 Vol.14 No.2

        Oskar Kolberg (1814–1890) is an outstanding Polish ethnographer, folklorist and composer. He was born in Przysucha of Kielce province in Poland. He was a member of Krakow Academy of Sciences. On the early stages of his research activity O. Kolberg turned to folklore, took interest in folklore and ethnography of the Polish people and their close neighbours, namely the Ukrainians. During his lifetime he published thirty‐eight volumes of his monumental work “Lud. Jego zwyczaje, sposób życia, mowa, podania, przysłowia, obrzędy, zabawy, pieśni, muzyka і tańce” (“People. Their Customs, Way of Life, Language, Traditional Stories, Proverbs, Rituals, Games, Songs, Music and Dances”) (1857–1890), which included researches into Ukrainian folklore and material culture, namely: “Pokucie” (“Pokuttya”) (1882, 1883, 1888, 1889), “Chełmskie” (“From Chełm”) (1890–1891), “Przemyskie” (“From Przemysl”) (1891), “Wołyń. Obrzędy, melodie, pieśni” (“Volyn’. Rituals, Melodies and Songs”) (1907), “Białoruś‐Polesie” (“Byelorussia‐Polissya”) (1968), “Ruś Karpacka” (“The Carpathian Rus’”) (1970–1971), “Sanockie‐Krośnieńskie” (“From San and Krośne”) (1972–1974), “Ruś Czerwona” (“The Red Rus’”) (1976, 1979), “Podole” (“Podillya”) (1994). A full collection of O. Kolberg’s works includes more than eighty volumes. “Pokuttya” is a four‐volume collection of O. Kolberg’s works, the publication of which was preceded by assiduous collecting process. Numerous expeditions of Krakow Academy of Sciences, an established network of correspondents and communicants, organization of Pokuttya ethnographic exhibition in Kolomyya in 1880 – all this together has contributed to the monograph being monumental and rich in contents; up till now it is viewed as the only rather full research into the given ethnographic region. Z. Boltarovych claims that “Pokuttya” by O. Kolberg appears to be a detailed picture of everyday life and culture of the people from this area” Болтарович, Зоряна (1976) 83. . The work is subordinated to a strict plan, and the researcher has kept to it in all his writings. Throughout the 20th century folklore materials and musical notations from the collection of works “Pokuttya” by O. Kolberg with corresponding references were republished in different papers by Polish and Ukrainian researchers. This once again underlines the fact that O. Kolberg’s records have a scholarly character, demonstrates application of the comparative method in order to systemize oral folklore. A great number of folklore materials by O. Kolberg were used when compiling academic editions of folklore of the series “Oral Folklore”.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Surzhyk and Surzhykisms in Ukrainian Literature

        Iryna Zbyr 세계문학비교학회 2018 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.65 No.-

        The given article explores surzhyk as a linguistic phenomenon and a mixture of the Ukrainian and Russian languages, as well as its nature, time of origin and evaluation by various scholars who have examined it from the social, political and cultural aspects. Due to the fact that both languages have been spoken on the territory of Ukraine for a long time, surzhyk and surzhykisms (i.e. borrowings from the Russian language which can be identified as interferences into the Ukrainian language) have become integral parts of everyday speech of the Ukrainians, and later developed into semantic and stylistic units of belles-lettres texts. On various stages of Ukrainian literature surzhyk has served as an expressive means of cultural and educational level, characters’ social status and characteristics of the society. These non-standard elements quite often created a humorous, satirical or ironical effect, and expressed the author’s views on urgent social and political issues. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate how surzhyk was used in different periods of Ukrainian literature, as well as to characterize social and political conditions and stereotypes which it was based on. Taking into account previous studies and scholars’ experience in classification, I suggest my own division into four periods which will embrace a much wider range of Ukrainian fiction texts between the late 18th and early 21st centuries. In each period I have examined works by Ukrainian writers who used surzhyk and analyzed how the Ukrainians were russified, since it was a necessary part of the policy that the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union enforced on the territory of Ukraine.

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