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        한강의 Microflora 에 관한 연구 (제2보 ) - 춘천 및 청평저수지를 중심으로 한 한강의 식물성 plankton 과 그 계절적 소장

        정영호(Yung Ho Chung),계응서(Eung Suh Kay),박덕환(Duck Whan Park) 한국식물학회 1968 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.11 No.2

        The Han River was investigated monthly from April through Septemher, 1967 at Chunchon reservoir, Shin-yean, So-yang, Chung-pyong reservoir, Yang-soo-ri and Gi-doo-won to clarify the phytoplankton and to study its seasonal variation. At the same time, vertical distribution of phytoplankton was also studied from June through September at Chun-chon and Chung-pyong reservoir. The results obtained are as follows: As the environmental conditions, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and transparency were determined. The plankton samples collected from six stations were identified and classified by Engler`s classification system. It resulted in 4 phyla, 4 classes, 3 subclasses, 13 orders, 27 families, 5 tribes, 71 genera, 222 species, 1 subspecies, 51 varieties and 2 forms. The total number of Phytoplankton identified was 276. Of them, 84 species, 1 subspecies 26 varieties, 2 forms were recorded in this paper for the first time. Considering with the habitat of the total number of phytoplanktons, the highest percentage of Limnoplankton existed in the Chung-pyong reservoir. It suggests that the Chung-pyong reservoir is becoming to have the character of lake. The planktons appeared comnonly during six months at six stations belong to Chrysophyta including 22 species in 11 genera. Among these 22 species. Navicula, consists of 6 species, was the most abundant. The number of species identified uniquely at each station were 5 species in the Chun-chon reservoir, 6 in Chung-pyong and Yang-soo-ri, 8 at Shin-yean, 11 at So-yang, and 18 at Gi-doo-won. The number of species occurred at all stations were 29 in spring, 42 in Autumn and during investigation period. The maximum production of total phytoplankton was generally shown in the late spring and the early fall with differences in quantity at six collecting stations. In the Chun-chon reservoir, the high concentration of approximately 1,190,000 cells per litter in the months of August and September was due to the increase of Chrysophyte genus, Melosira and the highest concentration of approximately 2,000,000 in July at Gi-doo-won was caused Chlorophyte genus, Secenedesmus. The Chun-chon reservoir of three years old was different from the Chung-pyong reservoir of 25 years old with respect to increase in Melosira genus in August and September. After the completion of the Ui-am reservoir, though there was an increase in total density, the number of species of phytoplankton was not changed. It suggests that Ui-am reservoir is similar to the Chun-chon reservoir under the influence of the latter. The density of total phytoplankton was generally high at the depth of 2m to 5m for the two reservoirs.

      • 國內藥草의 抗癌成分硏究 (1) : 馬兜鈴, 石蒜, 三稜, 無花果皮, 碧梧桐皮, 人參 등 70餘種에 對하여

        丁明鉉,李敦日,金永洙,朱興珪,劉永鐘,金成鎬,鄭鐘南 朝鮮大學校 1977 綜合論文集 Vol.1977 No.-

        Alcohol, water, ether, and petroleum ether extracts of 75 species Korean medicinal plants have been tested for their antitumor activity. Most of the extracts had slight activity only. Some extracts had more pronounced acitivity. For antitumor activity, ddD-Mice of weighing 18-25g were used. 0.2 ml of cell suspension in 0.9% saline-glucose solution containing 10?? ascites tumor cells of either Sarcoma 180, Ehrlich carcinoma was transplanted intraperitoneally into each mouse. The control group animals in a given experiment consisted of 14 mices and the experimental group, 7 mices. The materials to be tested were administered once a day by intraperitoneal injection, commencing the day after tumor transplantation until the test animal died, and then the control group was received only 0.5% carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC). The mean survival time of each group was calculated according to the formula indicated in the protocols of the Cancer Chemotherapy National Service Center. In the antitumor activity screening, extracts had pronounced greater prolongation of survival time (50%-100%) were Aristo-lochia contorta, Lycoris radiata, Scirpus maritimus, Ficus carica, Firmiana platanifolia, Panax ginseng, Piper nigrum among the 75 species. The antitumor screening result were tabulated in Table II.

      • 漢江 中心水域의 硅藻類에 대한 季節的 消長과 分布에 따른 相關關係

        鄭英昊,李鏡 聖心女子大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.14 No.2

        漢江 中心水域의 4개 정점에서 1980년 10월부터 1981년 12월까지 15개월간 硅藻類 現存量의 季節的 消長과 優占種들간의 分布에 따른 相關關係를 조사하였다. 現存量은 1월의 정점 4에서 900 cells/ℓ를 최소치로 하고 7월의 정점 2에서 1,478,600 cells/ℓ를 최대치로 하는 큰 변이를 보였으나 3월과 7월에 최고치를 나타내는 "Bimodal Pattern"을 나타내었다. 優占種에 있어서는 Melosira islandica subsp. helvetica가 全 季節을 통하여 주요 우점종으로 출현하였으나 冬季에는 Asterionella formosa가 주요 우점종으로 출현하였다. 그러나 정점 2에서는 Nitzschia acicularis가 주요 우점종으로 나타났다. 優占種들간의 상관관계에서는 정점 2에서만 주로 夏季에 출현하는 綠藻類인 Actinastrum hantzschii를 중심으로 하는 공간도형을 얻었다. 정점별로는 정점 2는 부착성이 있고 오염지수가 높은 種類들이 빈번히 출현하여 停滯性을 띄고 있으며 특히 夏季에는 오염될 소지가 있다. 반면에 정점 1, 정점 3, 정점 4는 流水의 성격을 띄고 있어 정점 2와는 구분되어 지나 夏季에는 下流 정점인 정점 3, 정점 4는 정점 2의 영향을 받고 있다. Diatom community was investigated in the Central area of the Han River from October, 1980 to December, 1981 at monthly interval. There was a general bimodal pattern showing maximum of diatom standing crop on March and July. The changes of dominant species indicated that Melosira islandica subsp. helvetica was a major dominant species during all the investigated periods and Asterionella formosa was during winter season at station 1, station 3 and station 4. It was particular that the major dominant species at station 2 was Nitzschia acicularis. According to the association analysis, the species constellation centred by Actinastrum hantzschii was obtained only at station 2. As the taxa which had a high pollution index and were epiphytic appeared frequently at station 2, the water body at station 2 was stagnant ; thereby apt to be polluted during summer. On the other hand, the flowing water type was observed at station 1, station 3 and station 4. But during summer, the water body at station 2 influenced that of station 3 and station 4 located in the lower stream of the investigated area.

      • 肉鷄 및 豚肉의 處理過程 중 Salmonella屬菌의 汚染에 對한 衛生學的 硏究

        鄭永健,梁成鎬 嶺南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1983 環境硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        The purpospe of this study was to determine the prevalence of salmonellae from the domestic animal meats and the environments of abattoirs. The hygienic conditions of the processing plants also were evaluated in this study. One hundred numbers of broiler chicken carcasses and fifty heads of hog carcasses were used in this study and total 4.6% of salmonellae were isolated from them. From the environments of the processing plants we also isolated as 9.3% of salmonellae. For the hygienic surveys on the environments of the processing plants the methods of total bacterial cell counts and coliform groups counts were carried out in our tests. The results were as follows: 1) 7 strains of salmonellae were isolaled from 100 samples of broiler carcass skins and deteced 2 strans from 100 samples of broiler carcass leg meats. From 50 samples of hog carcasses skins 3 strains of salmonellae were isolated and also detected 2 strains from 50 samples of hog carcass meats. 2) From the environments of the processing plants 6 strains salmonellae were isolated from 75 samples of the broiler slaughter plants and detected 8 strains from 75 samples of hog abattoir. 3) The most serotypes of salmonellae were A groups(14 strains) and followed D groups(8 strains), B groups (4 strains) and C groups (2 strains) in our surveys. 4) On MIC test for the antibiotics all strains were sensitive to kanamycin even in the concentration of 0.78㎍/ml but 71.4% of the isolates were resistant to oxytetracycline and ampicillin even though in the high concentrations. 5) In the evaluation of higienic conditions the defeathering machine was contaminated as the highest numbers of bacterial cells which were 2×?? per ㎠ in the broiler slaughter plant and the hog abattoir dehairing machine was contaminated as the highest numbers of organisms, 3×?? per ㎠, where also the highest numbers of coliform groups were harboured.

      • λ-경쇄형 다발성 골수종 1예

        박용관,김태원,장영,김진호,강정원,천영욱,박유환,정춘해 조선대학교 1995 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.20 No.1

        Multiple myeloma is a disease caused by neoplastic plasma cells that synthesize abnormal amouts of immunoglobulin or immunoglobulin fragments. Light chain myeloma are regarded as a separate category characterized by a more malignant clinical course. Light chain myelomas are said to grow fastest of all and are associated with more osteolytic lesions, more hypercalcemia, and a higher incidence of renal failure and amyloidsis than either the IgG, IgA varienties The authors experienced a case of patients with λ-light chain myeloma. A 43-year-old male patient admitted to our hospital with the chief complaint of both rib and lower back pain. The radiologic findings showed multiple pathologic fracture in ribs. osteolytic lesions in 2nd, 3rd cervical spineimmuture plasma cells. Serum electrophoresis showed normal finding. Urine electrophoresis evealed an M-spike. Urine immunoelectrophoress demonstrated λ-monoclonal protein. With the cycle of melphalan, prednisone and α-interferon chemotherapy improved of pain was observed. So we reported the case with brief review of previous literature.

      • 과도한 운동으로 발생한 횡문근융해증에 의한 급성신부전증 1예

        문철호,류보열,모성환,김태종,기장도,박용관,김용환,정종훈 조선대학교 1995 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.20 No.1

        Rhabdomyolysis may be defined as a clinical and laboratory syndrome which releases muscle cell contents into the plasma, such as creatine phosphokinase, due to skeletal muscle injuries. It can be the result of many diverse causes including muscle disease, ischemia, genetic disorder, metabolic disorder, infectious disease, drugs, comatose state, trauma or vigorous exercise that can lead to acute renal failure as a complication. Since first reported in 1941, rhabdomyolysis-induced acute renal failure has been documented many times, and the major causes of this disease are carbon monoxide poisoning, snake bites, and etc in Korea Reports of acute renal failure after exercise-related rhabdomyolysis with myoglobinemia are rare. We report a case of acute renal failure caused by exercise-related rhabdomyolysis in a 20 year old man.

      • 결핵성 육아종에서 Thioredoxin peroxidase-2 의 발현

        박근호,유형륜,정영진,윤기중,한원철,유대열,문형배 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1999 圓光醫科學 Vol.15 No.2

        Background: Thioredoxin peroxidase(TPX) is a kind of recently discovered antioxidant enzyme which react as rapid hydrogen ion donor for the removal of hydroperoxide. The action and distribution of the TPX was poorly understood in the human diseases. This experiments were designed for the study about the distribution of the TPX in the chronic granulomatous inflammation and about the correlation between the expression of TPX and the site of inflammation, histological activities of tuberculous inflammation or existence of mycobacterium in the inflammatory foci. Methods: The immunohistochemical stains were performed for the localization of the TPX-2 in the epithelioid cells, giant cells and lymphocytes in the chronic granulomatous inflammation. The tissue sections were obtained from the paraffin blocks of the 54 cases of tuberculosis (lung 21 cases, lymph node 12 cases, bone and soft tissue 12 cases, kidney 9 cases; active 33 cases, inactive 21 cases by the histologic classification; presence of mycobacterium 15 cases, no mycobacterium 39 cases by PCR reaction). Results: The expression of TPX-2 was 16.7% in the giant cells, 27.8% in the epithelioid cells and 100% in the lymphocytes of tuberculous inflammations. The expression of TPX-2 in the giant cells and epithelioid cells of the tuberculosis were 28.6% and 57.1% of the pulmonary tuberculosis; 33.3% in each cells of the renal tuberculosis; 0% in each cells of the lymph node or bone and soft tissue tuberculosis. The expression of TPX-2 in the giant cells and epithelioid cells were 9.1% in each cells of the active tuberculosis and were 28.6% and 57.1% in each cells of the inactive tuberculosis by histologic classification. The expression of TPX-2 in the giant cells and epithelioid cells was 40% in each cells of tuberculosis which mycobacteria were detected and the expression of TPX-2 was 7.7% and 23.1% in each cells which mycobacteria were not detected by PCR reaction in the paraffin embedded tissue. Conclusions: The above results were summarized that the TPX-2 in the giant cells and epithelioid cells were more frequently expressed in the inactive tuberculosis than in the active tuberculosis. These results suggest that the TPX-2 is a kind of regulating or suppressing factors in the activity of the tuberculosis.

      • Kimura Disease 치험예보고 : 이하선 종양과의 감별 Pitfalls in Parotid Gland Surgery

        류재현,정구용,한호성,최용만 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1997 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.20 No.4

        Kimura disease, which was initially described by Kimura et al. in 1948, is a rare entity that occurs primarily in Asian people characterized histopathologically by a lymphofolliculoid granuloma with infiltration of the mass and the surrounding tissue by eosinophils, often with concomitant peripheral blood eosinophilia and elevated serum Ig E. The kimura disease frequentlly involves head and neck region and reraly extrimities. When the disease involvews parotid gland, it is very difficult to differentiate clinically with parotid gland tumor. We have experienced a case of Kimura disease. The lesion was initially diagnosed as a parotid gland due to extensive fibrosis surrounding the mass. So, the mass excision was performed without clear identification of the facial nerve. The Kimura disease usually follows a benign course. But when this disease is confused with parotid gland tumor, there will be a danger of nerve injury due to difficulty in dissection of the extensive fibrotic soft tissue surrounding the parotid gland.

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