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      • KCI등재

        Study on biological control model of Empoasca onukii Matsuda ‐take tea garden ecology as an example

        Sun Jiazhao,Zhang Lin,Li Zizhao,Zou Yunding,Bi Shoudong 한국곤충학회 2021 Entomological Research Vol.51 No.12

        The closeness of the spatial relationship between natural enemies and target pests directly affects the control effect of natural enemies on target pests. Therefore, we here use both geostatistics and cluster sample variance analysis methods to investigate the six kinds of natural enemies and pests in Huangshan large-leaf tea garden at fall and winter of 2020. In this study, we firstly use the geostatistics method to calculate the geostatistical semivariogram variation range and then conduct the Grey correlation analysis on six main natural enemies of Empoasca onukii Matsuda. Our results indicate that the larger the correlation value is, the closer the natural enemy is to the target pest in space, and the top three natural enemies Clubiona japonicola, Oxyopes sertatus and Tetragnatha squamata are more closely related to Empoasca onukii Matsuda in space through the comprehensive judgment. Secondly, we use the cluster sample variance analysis method to calculate the basic sample square number and then perform the Grey correlation analysis on them. Our findings demonstrate that the top three natural enemies O. sertatus, T. squamata and Erigonidium graminicolum are more closely related to Empoasca onukii Matsuda in space via the comprehensive judgment. Remarkably, both O. sertatus and T. squamata have been revealed to be vital enemies of the Empoasca onukii Matsuda in tea garden. Overall, our study not only uncovers the spatial relationship between natural enemies and Empoasca onukii Matsuda, but also provides a scientific basis for further protecting and utilizing natural enemies to control pests in the tea garden.

      • KCI등재

        Differences in the closeness of spatial relationship between Ricanidae in their prime and natural enemies in five kinds of tea gardens

        Cheng Xian,Zhang Lin,Wu Xiaomeng,Xu Yue,Sun Jiazhao,Zhou Xiazhi,Zou Yunding,Bi Shoudong 한국곤충학회 2022 Entomological Research Vol.52 No.8

        To identify the natural enemy species which are close to Ricanidae in spatial relationship and to provide scientific basis for biological control and reasonable protection of natural enemies, geostatistics and the angular cosine coefficient method were used to analyze the population of Ricanidae in their prime and their natural enemies in the Anji white tea garden, the Longjing43 tea garden, the Nongkangzao tea garden, the Pingyangtezao tea garden and the Wuniuzao tea garden. The spatial relationship between six natural enemies and Ricanidae was also studied. The angular cosine coefficients were normalized to obtain the intimacy index. According to the sum of the intimacy index and the serial number of the intimacy index of each natural enemy in five tea gardens, the following conclusions could be drawn: the top three natural enemies closely related to Ricanidae in spatial relationship were Clubiona reichlini, Clubiona japonicola and Misumenops tricuspidatus; at least two species of the top three natural enemies in each tea garden were the same as the top three natural enemies in the comprehensive analysis of the five tea gardens; one of the factors that determined the spatial relationship between natural enemies and Ricanidae was the ratio of the number of Ricanidae and natural enemies. The results of this study identified the spider species of natural enemies which should be rationally used and protected in the five tea gardens.

      • KCI등재

        Prediction of peak occurrence of Dendrolimus punctatus larvae based on Bayes discriminant method

        Qian Guangjing,Song Xueyu,Sun Jiazhao,Zhang Shuping,Zhou Xiazhi,Zhang Guoqing,Zou Yunding,Fang Guofei,Zhang Zhen,Yan Ping,Bi Shoudong 한국곤충학회 2020 Entomological Research Vol.50 No.8

        To improve the accuracy of forecasting the peak occurrence of Dendrolimus punctatus Walker, we here used the Bayes discriminant analysis to predict this peak occurrence for the first and second generation of Dendrolimus punctatus larvae based on these data from 1983 to 2016 in Qianshan County, Anhui Province. Our present results showed that this discriminant equation for the first generation was as follows: f (1) = 3.2588-6.2700x1 + 1.2870x2 + 0.7920x3 + 0.4152x4; f (2) = 14.5215- 8.5710x1 + 2.9790x2 + 2.0280x3 + 0.5031x4; f (3) = 3.5264; f (4) = 66.8312- 12.5216x1 + 5.1740x2 + 4.7162x3 + 0.6033x4. And that the prediction accuracy for the first generation was 97.22%. Whilst this discriminant equation for the second generation was as follows: f (1) = 3.536-1.192x5 + 1.338x6 + 0.638x70.025x8; f (2) = 7.317-1.337x5 + 4.240x6 + 1.010x70.295x8; f (3) = 16.488- 3.192x5 + 4.955x6 + 1.900x7–0.411x8; f (4) = 34.502- 4.184x5 + 7.484x6 + 2.583x7–0.443x8. The prediction accuracy for the second generation was 85.71%. Overall, our findings revealed that the Bayes discriminant analysis could screen out key factors to significantly improve the prediction accuracy of peak occurrence of Dendrolimus punctatus larvae.

      • KCI등재

        The status of neutral insects, mosquitoes in the food of natural enemies in tea gardens

        Guangjing Qian,Xueyu Song,Shang Li,Zhenxing Wang,Shoudong Bi,Xiazhi Zhou,Yunding Zou 한국응용곤충학회 2019 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.22 No.4

        In order to provide scientific basis for the comprehensive pest management in tea garden, the status of the main natural enemies, Tetragnatha squamata and T. maxillosa in their prey on neutral insects, mosquitoes and mayflies in tea garden from spring to summer was verified. The quantity, temporal and spatial relationships of mosquitoes, mayflies, five main pests and T. squamata, T. maxillosa were analyzed by angle cosine coefficient, temporal niche similarity coefficient and the ranges of spatial dependence of theoretical model of semivariogram in geostatistics. The assay was conducted in Huangshan large-leafed tea gardens in 2013 and 2014, Anji white tea gardens in 2014 and 2015, and, Wuniuzao and Baihaozao tea gardens. The results showed that the top three preys, Monolepta hieroglyhpica, thrips and mosquitoes, had a close relationship with two types of natural enemies. The top three preys had a close relationship with T. squamata, mayflies were the sixth. The top three prey M. hieroglyhpica, thrips and mosquitoes had a close relationship with T. maxillosa. Neutral insects, mosquitoes were the main prey of the potential natural enemies, T. squamata and T. maxillosa from March to May in tea gardens, mayflies were the fifth to sixth. There was no significant difference in the individuals of mosquitoes in different tea gardens.

      • KCI등재

        Comprehensive evaluation of natural enemy dominant species of Breuipalpus oboyats in tea garden in autumn and winter

        Zhang Lin,Sun Jiazhao,Wu Xiaomeng,Xu Yu,Bi Shoudong,Zou Yunding 한국곤충학회 2021 Entomological Research Vol.51 No.12

        The purpose of this study was to comprehensively evaluate the dominant natural enemies of Breuipalpus oboyats in autumn and winter tea gardens. The relationship between natural enemies and B.oboyats in time and space was studied by niche analysis and geostatistics combined with angular cosine coefficient method. According to the comparison of the sum of closeness index, it is found that the top three natural enemies (from large to small) that are most closely related to B.oboyats in the “Nongkangzao” tea garden are Plexippus paykulli, Clubiona japonicola,and Xysticus ephippiafus; “Pingyangtezao” tea garden are X.ephippiafus, Plexippus setipet,andOxyopes sertatus. In front of the two tea gardens, one of the three natural enemies is the same. The evaluation of the comprehensive closeness index of the two tea gardens shows that the top three natural enemies most closely related to B.oboyats are X.ephippiafus, P.paykulli, and O.sertatus. X.ephippiafus is the most important natural enemy of B.oboyats in tea gardens in autumn and winter; the dominant natural enemies of the same pests in different varieties of tea gardens in the same area are often different.

      • KCI등재

        The four models for forecasting the peak period of Dendrolimus punctatus (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampiade) for the second generation egg

        Zhang Nan,Qian Guangjing,Zhang Lin,Song Xueyu,Zou Yunding,Bi Shoudong 한국곤충학회 2021 Entomological Research Vol.51 No.7

        To improve the accuracy of forecasting the peak period of Dendrolimus punctatus, stationary time series, periodic distance method, stepwise regression model and the Bayes discriminant analysis were used. RSME value, kappa coefficient and accuracy were used as evaluation criteria to predict the peak period for the second generation egg of D. punctatus with over 33 years from 1983 to 2016 in Qianshan County, Anhui Province. The predictions of these models were verified in 2017 and 2018. The prediction of the stationary time model and Bayes discriminant analysis for 2017 was one level lower than the actual result and for 2018 was one level higher than the actual result, while the prediction of the periodic distance method was identical to the actual result for 2017 and greatly different from the actual result for 2018. The accuracy for stationary time series (RMSE = 0.92 kappa = 0.76) and periodic distance method (RMSE = 2.96, kappa = 0.81) from 1983 to 2018 were 87.88% and 85.71%, respectively. When taking into consideration the standard error was based on differential, the accuracy for the prediction of stepwise regression model (RMSE = 0.25, kappa = 1.00) from 1983 to 2018 was 100%. The accuracy of Bayes discriminant method (RMSE = 0.71, kappa = 0.96) was 97.14%. Comparatively speaking, the stepwise regression model and Bayes discriminant analysis method were better than the stationary time series and periodic distance method in RMSE value, kappa coefficient and accuracy. So they were relatively ideal forecast methods.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of the following effect of the natural enemies with Frankliniella intonsa in tea garden

        Cheng Honghao,Chen Shiyan,Wu Xiaomeng,Xu Yue,Zhang Lin,Sun Jiazhao,Zhou Xiazhi,Zou Yunding,Bi Shoudong 한국곤충학회 2022 Entomological Research Vol.52 No.8

        In order to reasonably protect and utilize natural enemies for comprehensive control of Frankliniella intonsa, a systematic investigation was conducted on F. i n t o n s a and natural enemies in tea gardens in Hefei, Anhui Province, and the spatial following effect of natural enemies on F. intonsa was studied. The semi-variogram of natural enemies and thrips was obtained by the geostatistics method, and the correlation degree between them was analyzed by the grey correlation degree analysis method. The higher the correlation degree between natural enemies and F. intonsa, the closer the relationship between natural enemies and F. intonsa was. In this study, we analyzed the relationship between 11 natural enemies of F. i n t o n s a in tea gardens from October 28, 2020 to November 20, 2020 and from August 22, 2021 to November 19, 2021. The top five natural enemies with the largest closeness index to F. intonsa in Huangshan Dayezhong tea garden are Oxyopes sertatus, Theridion octomaculatum, Plexippus setipes, Xysticus ephippiafus and Erigonidium graminicolum. The top five natural enemies with the largest closeness index to F. intonsa in Pingyang Tezao tea garden are Erigonidium graminicolum, Plexippus setipes, Xysticus ephippiafus, Oxyopes sertatus and Clubiona japonicola.Among the top five natural enemies in the two tea gardens, those in common are Oxyopes sertatus, Erigonidium graminicolum, Xysticus ephippiafus and Plexippus setipes. According to the summation of the closeness index and the sum of the serial numbers, the top five natural enemies closely related to the spatial following of F. intonsa in the tea gardens were Oxyopes sertatus, Plexippus setipes, Erigonidium graminicolum, Xysticus ephippiafus and Theridion octomaculatum. One of the factors closely related to the space of F. i n t o n s a in the same tea garden was the ratio of F. i n t o n s a to a certain natural enemy. The smaller the ratio was, the closer the following relationship was. The results of this study provide scientific basis for biological control and natural enemy protection of F. intonsa.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of the close degree of the spatial relationship between natural enemies of tea gardens and Frankliniella intonsa based on variance analysis of cluster samples

        Honghao Cheng,Shiyan Chen,Xiaomeng Wu,Yue Xu,Lin Zhang,Jiazhao Sun,Xiazhi Zhou,Yunding Zou,Shoudong Bi 한국곤충학회 2022 Entomological Research Vol.52 No.6

        The aim of this paper is to clarify the difference of spatial closeness between natural enemies and Frankliniella intonsa, and to provide a scientific basis for rational protection and utilization of natural enemies. This paper applied the block-sample square difference analysis method, Gray correlation degree method, the aggregation intensity index method and ρ index method to study the difference in the closeness of the spatial relationship between F. intonsa and natural enemies when the number of F. intonsa and their natural enemies was the highest and the minimum area occupied by F. i n t o n s a individuals and colonies in five tea plantations in Hefei, Anhui province in 2021 and four tea plantations in 2020. The results were as follows: 1) Tetragnatha squamata Karsch, Xysticus ephippiafus, Erigonidium graminicolum and Theridion Octomaculatum were the top four natural enemies closely related to F. intonsa in 2021. The top three natural enemies closely related to F. intonsa in 2020 were Tetragnatha squamata Karsch, Xysticus ephippiafus and Theridion Octomaculatum. Tw o y e a r s a g o , Tetragnatha squamata Karsch and Xysticus ephippiafus were the same. 2) Cluster size did not change the distribution patterns of natural enemies and F. intonsa. 3) The aggregation of F. intonsa was caused by their own causes or some environmental factors, and the aggregation of natural enemies was caused by environmental factors. 4) In 2021, the minimum area occupied by individuals and groups of F. intonsa in tea gardens was 2m2, and in 2020, it was 8 m2.

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