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      • KCI등재

        Different divergence events for three pairs of PEBPs in Gossypium as implied by evolutionary analysis

        Youjun Lu,Wei Chen,Lanjie Zhao,Jinbo Yao,Yan Li,Weijun Yang,Ziyang Liu,Yongshan Zhang,Jie Sun 한국유전학회 2019 Genes & Genomics Vol.41 No.4

        Introduction The phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (PEBP) gene family plays a crucial role in seed germination, reproductive transformation, and other important developmental processes in plants, but its distribution in Gossypium genomes or species, evolutionary properties, and the fates of multiple duplicated genes remain unclear. Objectives The primary objectives of this study were to elucidate the distribution and characteristics of PEBP genes in Gossypium, as well as the evolutionary pattern of duplication and deletion, and functional differentiation of PEBPs in plants. Methods Using the PEBP protein sequences in Arabidopsis thaliana as queries, blast alignment was carried out for the identification of PEBP genes in four sequenced cotton species. Using the primers designed according to the PEBP genome sequences, PEBP genes were cloned from 15 representative genomes of Gossypium genus, and the gene structure, CDS sequence, protein sequence and properties were predicted and phylogenetic analysis was performed. Taking PEBP proteins of grape as reference, grouping of orthologous gene, analysis of phylogeny and divergence of PEBPs in nine species were conducted to reconstruct the evolutionary pattern of PEBP genes in plants. Results We identified and cloned 160 PEBPs from 15 cotton species, and the phylogenetic analysis showed that the genes could be classified into the following three subfamilies: MFT-like, FT-like and TFL1-like. There were eight single orthologous group (OG) members in each diploid and 16 double OG members in each tetraploid. An analysis of the expression and selective pressure indicated that expression divergence and strong purification selection within the same OG presented in the PEBP gene family. Conclusion An evolutionary pattern of duplication and deletion of the PEBP family in the evolutionary history of Gossypium was suggested, and three pairs of genes resulted from different whole-genome duplication events.

      • KCI등재

        Fusion Expression and Immunogenicity of EHEC EspA-Stx2A1 Protein: Implications for the Vaccine Development

        Yan Cheng,Youjun Feng,Ping Luo,Jiang Gu,Shu Yu,Wei-jun Zhang,Yan-qing Liu,Qing-xu Wang,Quan-ming Zou,Xu-hu Mao 한국미생물학회 2009 The journal of microbiology Vol.47 No.4

        Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2) is a major virulence factor for enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), which is encoded by λ lysogenic phage integrated into EHEC chromosome. Stx2A1, A1 subunit of Stx2 toxin has gathered extensive concerns due to its potential of being developed into a vaccine candidate. However, the substantial progress is hampered in part for the lack of a suitable in vitro expression system. Here we report use of the prokaryotic system pET-28a::espA-Stx2A1/BL21 to carry out the fusion expression of Stx2A1 which is linked to E. coli secreted protein A (EspA) at its N-terminus. Under the IPTG induction, EspA- Stx2A1 fusion protein in the form of inclusion body was obtained successfully, whose expression level can reach about 40% of total bacterial protein at 25°C, much higher than that at 37°C. Western blot test suggested the refolded fusion protein is of excellent immuno-reactivity with both monoclonal antibodies, which are specific to EspA and Stx2A1, respectively. Anti-sera from Balb/c mice immunized with the EspA-Stx2A1 fusion protein were found to exhibit strong neutralization activity and protection capability in vitro and in vivo. These data have provided a novel feasible method to produce Stx2A1 in large scale in vitro, which is implicated for the development of multivalent subunit vaccines candidate against EHEC O157:H7 infections.

      • 《清议报》所见近代日俄在韩国的角逐

        聂,友军,(Nie Youjun),张,桂荣,(Zhang Guirong) 강원한국학연구원 2017 국제한국학저널 Vol.3 No.-

        戊戌政变失败后梁启超等维新派在日本横滨创办的旬刊《清议报》(1898.12~1901.12)中包含许多有关韩国的刊载。近代伴随着欧美列强在东亚扩张势力,日本与俄国为一己之私而在韩国展开激烈角逐,明争暗夺各种特权,并且日俄两国与其他列强之间也纠葛纷争不断,多方连横合纵以制约彼此。《清议报》的撰稿人与办刊者通过刊载日俄在韩国角力的情况,对列强环伺的韩国处境表达同情与忧虑,更在实质上或明确或隐晦地对中国时局与未来走向予以警策,表现出高度的自觉自省意识。 After the failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 in late Qing dynasty,Liang Qichao and his colleagues of the reform group fled to Yokohama and established a Chinese newspaper,The China Discussion (Qing Yi Bao). The China Discussion contained a vast amount of expatiations about Korea. A considerable part of the content concerned about Japan and Russia s competing in Korea due to their own interests. And accompanied by the expansion in East Asia of other imperialist powers, as well as the mutual disputes and entanglements among Japan, Russia and other imperialist powers. By combing the coering of aggressive competition in Korea by Japan and Russia, a more comprehensive understanding the situation of Korean Peninsula at the turn of 19th to 20th century can be formed. Through talking about Korea, both arguers and editors of The China Discussion expressed their sympathy and worry about Korea s situation, meanwhile, they conveyed great political and national crises in modern China, and were alert to its future trend.

      • KCI등재

        Infection of tomato by Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus alters the foraging behavior and parasitism of the parasitoid Encarsia formosa on Bemisia tabaci

        Xin Liu,Yanyan He,Wen Xie,Qingjun Wu,Youjun Zhang,Yong Liu,Shaoli Wang 한국응용곤충학회 2018 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.21 No.2

        Encarsia formosa Gahan is a solitary endoparasitoid that is commercially reared and released for augmentative biological control of whiteflies including Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Bemisia tabaci biotypes B and Q are two most invasive species that greatly reduce crop yields in China by feeding on plant sap and by transmitting Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV). The effects of TYLCV infection of tomato on E. formosa foraging on B. tabaci B and Q are unknown. In Y-tube olfactometer assays in the present study, E. formosa significantly preferred TYLCVinfected tomato plants over TYLCV-free plants. The wasp females also significantly preferred TYLCV-infected tomato plants infested with 3rd-instar nymphs of B. tabaci biotype Q over TYLCV-free plants with biotype Q nymphs. However, no significant differences were observed when B. tabaci biotype B was infested on tomato plants. The oviposition bioassays confirmed that TYLCV infection on tomato plants resulted in the recruitment of parasitoids. These results indicate that TYLCV-infection of tomato increase the foraging of E. formosa on B. tabaci, as differs on the B and Q biotypes.

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