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      • Game-Theoretic Approach To Social Trust

        Yoosik Youm(염유식) 한국사회학회 2007 한국사회학회 사회학대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Although health-related studies has been successful to reveal and confirm the effects of social trust on health, especially at community level based on ecological approach, they failed to elaborate the game-theoretic property of social trust. The benefit of social trust is dependent on other people’s behavior and thus, sometimes people with low trust could get better-off. This can help us to explain a counter-intuitive negative relationship between social trust and health (or mortality rates) in Korea. Korea seems like to have an equilibrium of short-range trust as Fukuyama described as low-trust society while US has an equilibrium of long-range trust. Ecological approach is very useful and even essential to detect effects beyond individual-level, but when we need to explain detected phenomenon, we have to go down to individual-level to be equipped with individual incentives and behaviors.

      • KCI우수등재

        Latent Classes of Social Closure and Their Effects on the Subjective Well-being among Korean Adolescents

        Yoosik Youm,Hyojung Seo 한국사회학회 2011 韓國社會學 Vol.45 No.3

        Unlike many studies of social closure that examined only a couple of social ties, our study conceptualizes social resources of adolescents as a multidimensional entity consisting of five different social ties and thus, examine these five dyadic ties as a whole by using the 2009 Korean Child Well-Being Index(KCWI): ‘Parent-Friends,’ ‘School Teacher-Student,’ ‘School Teacher-Parent,’ ‘School Teacher-Friends,’ and ‘Private Tutor-Parent.’ A latent class analysis successfully identifies six distinctive latent classes or sub-populations: ‘No tutoring-Rich,’ ‘No tutoring-Poor,’ ‘Tutoring-Rich,’ ‘Tutoring-Rich but Teacher-Student,’ ‘Tutoring-Poor but Parent-Friends,’ and ‘Tutoring-Poor.’ Based on these six latent classes of Korean adolescents with regard to their social closure, we examine the effects of social closure on diverse aspects of youth lives, especially on the subjective well-being. Three findings are revealed. First, adolescents with more closures enjoy better subjective well-being coupled with less urges for deviant behaviors such as suicide or running away from home even after controlling for other factors. Second, in Korea where many mothers act as educational managers for their children due to fierce competition, closures around a parent are the most important factors in order to predict adolescents’ subjective well-being. The closures around parents were much more important than closures around school teachers. The results imply that social closures are beneficial for adolescents’ subjective well-being in general, while types of closures that are crucial could differ depending on social and cultural settings .Third, as long as the closure around parents exists, it has positive effects on adolescents’ lives regardless of the mother’s educational level. The size of the benefit from the closure does not change depending on the mother’s educational level.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparison of the Determinants of Low Marital Fertility between Korea and Japan

        Yoosik Youm,Kazuo Yamaguchi 한국사회학회 2016 韓國社會學 Vol.50 No.3

        Using panel survey data with comparable variables, this study tests whether certain sets of hypotheses that are related to rational-choice and purposive-action theories of birth behavior hold in Korea as well as in Japan. First, we found that the negative interaction effect between parity and income on fertility rate predicted by Gary Becker’s theory regarding the quality price of children exists for both Japan and Korea. The theory is supported more strongly for Korea than for Japan, however. This indicates that policies to reduce the costs of attaining “high-quality children,” such as the expenses of high-quality education and daycare, will be effective in raising fertility, but more efficiently so in Korea than in Japan. Second, we found that the availability of childcare leave increases the rate of marital fertility in both Japan and Korea. This tendency, however, holds more strongly in Japan than in Korea. It indicates that childcare leave policies in Japan have been more successful than their Korean counterparts in raising fertility.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        두 불평등 이야기 : ‘직종 간 불평등’과 ‘직종 내 불평등’으로 검토한 노동시장에서의 성 불평등

        염유식(Yoosik Youm),Kazuo Yamaguchi,성기호(Kiho Sung) 한국사회학회 2021 韓國社會學 Vol.55 No.4

        노동시장에서의 남녀불평등은 크게 보아 직종 간 불평등과 직종 내 불평등으로 나눌 수 있다. 직종분리는 직종에 따라 남성과 여성의 참여 비율이 현저하게 차이가 나는 것을 의미하는데, 직종별로 임금 수준의 차이가 크다면 이러한 직종분리가 남녀임금의 불평등을 야기할 수 있다. 직종분리와는 별개로 동일한 직종내에서 남녀간에 불평등이 존재한다면 이 역시 임금의 불평등을 가지고 오게 된다. 이 논문은 반사실적 분해 분석(counterfactual decomposition)을 사용하여, 성별 임금격차를 직종 간, 직종 내 격차로 나누어 다년간(2009~2019) 추이를 분석하고 직종 내 격차의 한 원인인 직급분리(유리천장)의 장기간 추세(1990~2019)를 검토한다. 그 결과 1) 한국 노동시장의 성별 임금불평등은 직종간 격차보다는 직종 내 격차에서 훨씬 더 크게 기인한다. 반사실적 기법으로 인적자본에 차이가 없다고 가정하였을 때, 직종 간 성별 월급의 차이는 10만 원 이하였지만 직종 내에서는 80만 원 정도에 이르렀다. 2) 또한 직급분리에 따른 반사실적 임금분석의 결과, 동일직급 내에서는 여성이 남성보다 평균 약 30만 원 정도의 월급을 적게 받았는데 관리직으로 진급한 여성에 비해 그러지 못한 여성은 평균 약 210만 원 정도 월급을 적게 받았다. 즉, 한국 노동시장에서 직종 내 성별 임금격차는 여성들이 진급을 하지 못해 남성보다 적은 월급을 받는 데에서 상당 부분 영향을 받는다고 판단된다. 인적자본이 동일하다고 통계적으로 처리를 했을 때, 관리직 진급에서의 남녀 차이는 적어도 약 70%는 설명할 수 없었다. 3) 이러한 경향은 검토기간동안 대체적으로 큰 변화가 없었으며, 최근 몇 년 동안 악화되는 추세를 보였다. 4) 반사실적 기법을 이용하여 남녀사이의 인적자본을 동일하다고 가정하면 직종 분리가 도리어 더 악화되는 ‘직종분리의 역설’이 일본처럼 확인되었다. We examined two types of gender inequalities in Korea’s labor market: Inter-(between) and Intra-(within) occupational inequalities. We employed counterfactual statistical methods utilizing multi-year data sets (2009~2018 for decomposing gender wage gap into Inter- and Intra-occupation gap, and 1990-2019 for glass ceiling (rank segregation) as a major cause of Intra-occupation gender inequality), then measured the magnitude of inequalities in terms of the monthly wage. The results we found are as follows. First, the Intra-occupation gender wage gap has a much bigger effect on wage than Inter-occupation wage gap in Korea. Second, about 70% of the gender gap for managerial positions could not be explained even after controlling for human capital utilizing a counterfactual decomposition method. Third, although the trend was stable to a large degree during the period analyzed, it became exacerbated in recent years. And lastly, an ‘occupational paradox’ was confirmed, meaning occupational segregation becomes stronger, under the counterfactual situation where there were no human capital difference across gender.

      • KCI등재

        북한이탈주민의 사회연결망 형성과 유형에 대한 근거 이론 연구

        염유식(Yoosik Youm),김여진(Yeojeen Kim) 한국사회학회 2011 韓國社會學 Vol.45 No.2

        이 연구는 북한이탈주민의 사회연결망 유형에 대한 근거 이론 연구이며 이를 위하여 “북한 이주민의 정체성과 사회 적응에 대한 패널 연구”로부터 구축된 북한이탈주민에 대한 설문 자료(NKIP: North Korean Immigrant Panel)에 대한 접근을 허가받아 연구대상자를 선정하였다. 2007년에 남한에 입국한 500명의 북한이탈주민을 대상으로 한 원자료를 검토한 후, 30대에서 50대의 응답자 중 사회연결망의 크기나 남한사회만족도에 있어서 다양한 분포를 보이는 15명을 선정하였다. 이렇게 선정된 15명을 대상으로 심층면접을 통한 근거이론을 이용하여 이들의 사회연결망 유형을 파악하였다. 기존의 연구와는 다르게 사회연결망의 효과보다는 형성의 과정을 심층면접을 통하여 검토하고자 하였다. 우선 적극적으로 남한인들과 사회연결망을 형성하고자 하지만 그 범위는 매우 제한적인 유형이 발견되었다. 특히 비혼(非婚)의 자녀가 없는 여성의 경우에는 남한인 배우자를 만나기 위해 적극적인 노력을 보이기는 하나 그 범위는 이성친구 또는 배우자라는 비교적 제한적 사회연결망을 형성하고자 한다. 적극적인 연결망 구축 노력을 보이는 또 다른 유형은 몇몇 남성들에게 발견되었는데 이들 남성의 경우에는 가족에게 제한되지 않은, 보다 다양한 사회연결망을 형성하고자 적극적으로 노력한다. 이들은 일반적으로 북한에서 사회적 지위가 상대적으로 높았던 이들로 북한에서의 지위를 생각하며 남한에서 자신도 남한인과 동등한 사회연결망을 갖고자 노력하는 것으로 여겨졌다. 흥미롭게도 일반적으로 이들의 경우에 남한에서의 만족도는 도리어 낮은 것으로 드러났다. 반면 소극적 사회연결망을 형성하고자 하는 경우는 북한출신가족들 중심으로 연결망을 구축하거나 아니면 가족에 한정된 연결망을 형성하는 두 가지 경우였다. 전자의 경우에는 북한에 있는 가족을 초청하거나 먼저 입국해 있었던 북한출신가족들과 사회연결망을 형성하며 다른 사람들과의 연결망형성에는 노력하지 않는 모습을 보였다. 후자의 경우에는 자녀가 있는 여성들의 경우로서 자녀와의 연결망 외에는 자발적으로 사회연결망을 절연하는 모습을 보였으며 이는 주로 자녀의 사회연결망 구축에 방해가 되지 않기 위해서 행하는 행동으로 해석되었다. 이러한 연구 결과는 입국한 지 3년 남짓으로 오랜 기간이 지나지 않은 북한이탈주민 사이에서도 서로 구별되는 몇 가지 사회연결망 유형이 이미 발전되어 있음을 보여주며, 이러한 사회연결망 유형은 성별차이에 따라 가장 크게 나눠지며, 사회연결망과 적응 (또는 생활 만족도)의 관계가 일반적으로 알려진 것과는 다르게 드러났다. Out of 500 respondents in the North Korean Immigrant Panel Data Set(NKIPD), this study chose 15 North Korean Immigrants(NKIs) for in-depth interview to examine the social networking processes of North Korean Immigrants based on grounded theory(Glaser, 1992; StraussㆍCorbin, 1990). Unlike previous studies that focused on the effects of social networks of NKIs, this study tried to probe the processes of social network developments of them. All the respondents in the NKIPD entered South Korea in the same year, 2007 and in that sense, we could compare different social network developing strategies and patterns after controlling for the duration in South Korea. The first pattern was identified among the people who actively seek social networks with South Korean but within a very limited range, ie. marriage. Some non-married women without children focused on finding potential South Korean spouse but didn't show much interest in building other types of social networks. The second type of active strategy was found among male whose socio-economic status were relatively high in North Korea and search for many South Korean ties with diverse backgrounds. They even avoid meetings with North Korean to build up South Korean only networks. The third strategy was employed by the people who brought their North Korean families or relatives into South Korea. Or they were moved into South Korea by the arrangement of their North Korean families or relatives who already lived in South Korea. They usually didn't try to extend their networks outside their own North Korean families. The last one was found among women with children. Their ties are extremely limited to North Korean and they even actively sever their ties with South Korean in order to leave their chidlren's ties with other South Korean untouched. This result reveals that NKIs didn't share a single mode of social networking. They showed four distinctive patterns, instead. Gender seemed to be most essential factor to decide a specific pattern and the relationship between social network types and satisfaction seemed to be more complicated than usual.

      • 북한이탈주민의 사회연결망과 정착 수준의 변화

        염유식 ( Yoosik Youm ) 남북하나재단 2010 연구총서 Vol.2010 No.0

        This study examined the social networking patterns of North Korean refugees and its possible relationship with settlement and adjustment of them in South Korea. Without proper social embeddedness through social ties, North Koreans cannot be assumed to be settled in South Korea. We used the data that contained 1,200 North Korean refugees who entered South Korea from year 2,000 to 2,010. Especially we utilized their socio-demographic characteristics and two layers of social networks: family networks and social intimates. Family structure and networks turned out to be very important because North Korean refugeees’ family structure is quite different from South Koreans because during several years of stay in China (or other foreign countries) before arrival in South Korea, there usually were many re-marriages and multiple-marriages. Important findings with regard to four dimensions were made: (1) family formation, (2) social intimates, (3) female-headed household, and (3) economic adjustments. While many female North refugees were married to South Koreans, other females remained being single especially when they are old. This issues leads to the issue of high prevalence of female-headed households. Femal-headed household are well-known as being more likely to be poor and unemployed. Also their social intimates showed strong homophily in terms of occupation, sex, age, and employment status. This type of strong homphily implied that the ties of North Korean refugees were still limited to specific section of South Korea. As a result of all these limitations in social networks, North Korean refugees seemed like suffering from high proportion of unemployment, low incomes.

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