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      • KCI등재

        Changes in Diagnosis of Poisoning in Patients in the Emergency Room Using Systematic Toxicological Analysis with the National Forensic Service

        Lee Je Seop,Cha Yong Sung,Yeon Seonghoon,Kim Tae Youn,Lee Yoonsuk,Choi Jin-Geul,Cha Kyoung-Chul,Lee Kang Hyun,Kim Hyun 대한의학회 2021 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.36 No.18

        Background: It is difficult to diagnose patients with poisoning and determine the causative agent in the emergency room. Usually, the diagnosis of such patients is based on their medical history and physical examination findings. We aimed to confirm clinical diagnoses using systematic toxicological analysis (STA) and investigate changes in the diagnosis of poisoning. Methods: The Intoxication Analysis Service was launched in June 2017 at our hospital with the National Forensic Service to diagnose intoxication and identify toxic substances by conducting STA. Data were collected and compared between two time periods: before and after the initiation of the project, i.e., from June 2014 to May 2017 and from June 2017 to May 2020. Results: A total of 492 and 588 patients were enrolled before and after the service, respectively. Among the 588 after-service patients, 446 underwent STA. Among the 492 before-service patients, 69.9% were diagnosed clinically, whereas the causative agent could not be identified in 35 patients. After starting the service, a diagnosis was confirmed in 84.4% of patients by performing a hospital-available toxicological analysis or STA. Among patients diagnosed with poisoning by toxins identified based on history taking, only 83.6% matched the STA results, whereas 8.4% did not report any toxin, including known substances. The substance that the emergency physician suspected after a physical examination was accurate in 49.3% of cases, and 12% of cases were not actually poisoned. In 13.4% of patients who visited the emergency room owing to poisoning of unknown cause, poisoning could be excluded after STA. Poisoning was determined to be the cause of altered mental status in 31.5% of patients for whom the cause could not be determined in the emergency room. Conclusion: A diagnosis may change depending on the STA results of intoxicated patients. Therefore, appropriate STA can increase the accuracy of diagnosis and help in making treatment decisions.

      • Brand Price Elasticities with Tobit Censored Regression in the U.S. Seafood Products

        ( Yoonsuk Lee ),( Jae Bong Chang ) 한국농업경제학회 2018 KOREAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS(KJAT) Vol.59 No.3

        Using store-level scanner data representing three seafood products (shrimp, salmon, and tilapia) in the U.S., we estimate brand specific price elasticities. In order to avoid the main drawback of the scanner data, such as zero sales or purchases, the Tobit censored model is utilized. Based on the findings, price elasticities of the selected brands in shrimp, salmon and tilapia correspond to sales shares of a particular brand. Store brands dominate market sales for the chosen seafood products. For shrimp, among four brands, the three selected brands are elastic while one brand is inelastic. For salmon, own-price elasticity of a store brand is inelastic indicating that the store brand plays major role in retailer brand-building. For tilapia, however, the own-price elasticity of the store brand is unexpected to have a positive sign, implying that the shifting of the demand curve to the right. Such phenomenon is related to the increases in people’s purchase. These findings would provide insights to researchers and practitioners in need of research to improve marketing strategies and to understand consumers’ sensitivity to price changes.

      • KCI등재

        Traumatic hemoperitoneum and massive hematoma due to inferior epigastric artery injury after acupuncture therapy: a case report

        Lee Yoonsuk,Sun Kyung Hoon 조선대학교 의학연구원 2023 Medical Bilogical Science and Engineering Vol.6 No.1

        Unintentional damage to blood vessels has been reported to occur mainly while performing medical procedures; however, it has also been reported because of oriental medical acupuncture. Herein, we present the case of a 68-year-old woman who underwent acupuncture with long-needle treatment on the abdomen to treat back pain and complained of a large hematoma in the abdominal wall and hemoperitoneum caused by an inferior epigastric artery injury. The patient complained of abdominal pain, distension, and syncope after acupuncture and was admitted to the emergency department. Hematoma and hemoperitoneum were diagnosed, and bleeding was stopped using angiography and transarterial embolization (TAE). There are various treatment methods for inferior epigastric artery injuries. In this case, a life-threatening blood vessel injury occurred due to acupuncture therapy, which could be treated with TAE, a less invasive method that does not require general anesthesia.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on graft survival outcomes in composite grafting for amputated fingertip injury

        Yoonsuk Lee,Jae Won Heo,Jin Sil Moon,Sug Won Kim,Jiye Kim 대한성형외과학회 2020 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.47 No.5

        Background Fingertip injuries are the most common type of traumatic injury treated at emergency departments and require prompt and adequate interventions for favorable wound survival outcomes. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy is well known for its many positive effects on wound healing. We hypothesized that treatment with HBO2 would improve the graft survival outcomes of amputated fingertip injuries treated with composite grafts. Methods This retrospective observational study included fingertip amputations that were treated between January 2013 and December 2017. A conventional group and an HBO2 therapy group were statistically compared to evaluate the effect of HBO2 treatment. Graft survival was categorized as either success or failure. Results Among 55 cases (digits), 34 digits were conventionally treated, while 21 digits were treated with HBO2. No statistically significant differences were observed between the groups with regard to general characteristics. Among patients with guillotine-type injuries, the composite graft success rate was statistically significantly higher in the group that received HBO2 therapy than in the conventional group (P=0.0337). Overall, the HBO2 group also demonstrated a statistically significantly shorter healing time than the conventional group (P=0.0075). As such, HBO2 treatment facilitates composite graft survival in cases of fingertip injury. Conclusions HBO2 treatment was associated with an increased composite graft survival rate in guillotine-type fingertip injuries and reduced the time required for grafts to heal.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Fisheries Technological Innovation on Growth per Capita across OECD Countries

        Yoonsuk Lee(이윤숙),Jae Bong Chang(장재봉) 한국산학기술학회 2017 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.18 No.4

        최근 해양자원에 대한 환경적 제약에 대한 관심 증대와 다른 산업에 비해 상대적으로 뒤쳐진 수산부문의 성장으로 인해 많은 국가들은 수산부문의 다양한 성장 방안을 고려하고 추진하고 있다. 본 연구는 경제협력개발기구(OECD) 회원국들의 패널자료를 이용하여 수산부문의 기술혁신이 회원국 국민 1인당 국내총생산(GDP)에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 이를 위해 이중차분모형(DiD)과 Granger 인과성 검증방법을 이용하여 수산부문 연구개발(R&D) 지출, 특허, 고용 등의 수산부문 기술혁신과 경제 성장간의 상호 연관성과 파급효과를 분석하였다. 패널모형 분석에서는 24개 OECD 회원국들 가운데 수산부문의 기술개발 분야의 선도국가들인 노르웨이, 독일, 덴마크, 미국, 캐나다, 한국을 대상으로, 인과성 검증은 자료의 제약으로 OECD 회원국들 중에서 노르웨이, 미국, 캐나다, 한국만을 대상으로 국한하였다. 분석 결과, 수산부문에 대한 정부의 R&D 지출, 기술개발, 고용이 확대될수록 OECD 회원국들의 1인당 GDP는 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나, 이들 변수들 간의 상호연관성은 존재하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 인과성 검증 결과, GDP와 수산부문 기술발전 사이의 인과성은 국가마다 상당한 차이를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. The environmental problems affecting marine resources and slow growth in the fisheries industry is causing many countries to look for alternative inputs that can boost the fisheries sector. This study focuses on the effects of technological innovation in the fisheries industry on the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita across Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. Using a panel dataset, this study attempts to estimate the different effects of technological innovations in the fisheries industry from country to country using the differences-in-differences (DiD) method. After the DiD method, the Granger causality test is applied to determine the interactive relations between economic growth and the selected variables associated with technological innovation in the fisheries industry, such as government spending on fisheries R&D, the number of patents in fisheries, and employment. The results obtained from the DiD estimation show that government spending on fisheries R&D, fisheries technology development, and fisheries employment positively influences the GDP per capita across OECD counties. From the causality test, we found different bi-directional causal relationships between the GDP per capita and (spending) on fisheries technology development across countries.

      • KCI등재

        영화에서 나타나는 비가시적 공포요소의 카니발적 표현 연구

        이윤석(Yoonsuk Lee),진주현(Juhyun Jin) 한국콘텐츠학회 2011 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.11 No.3

        시각적 공포요소가 등장인물과 직접적으로 대치하고 물리적으로 영향을 끼치는 것과 달리 비가시적 공포요소는 암시와 상상을 통해 표현되며 그 실체가 드러나지 않는다. 비가시적 공포요소가 실체를 드러내기 위해서는 ‘디아더스’와 같이 공포의 주체와 피해자의 관계가 전복되거나, ‘해프닝’과 ‘파라노말 액티비티’에서처럼 신체강탈이라는 방법으로 표현된다. 관계의 전복은 갑작스러운 성격의 변화를 야기하고, 신체강탈은 타인의 신체를 취한다는 점에서 식인행위와 연결된다. 식인행위와 성격의 변화는 카니발리즘에서 따르는 하위질서의 공식화와 비논리성에 속하는 것이다. 영화에서 나타나는 비가시적인 공포요소가 지니는 의미는 유토피아적 자유의 영역으로 들어간다는 카니발리즘의 본래의 의미와는 상반되어 보이지만 역할을 뒤집어 공포로 인한 갈등과 긴장이 해소되고 공포로부터 해방된다는 면에서 볼 때, 카니발의 정신인 ‘자유의 영역’으로 들어간다는 것과 의미가 상통할 것이다. 저자는 본 연구에서 비가시적 공포요소가 나타나는 영화의 표현과 플롯이 카니발리즘과 어떠한 관계를 가지는지 분석해 보려고 한다. Different from visible horror elements that confront the characters directly and do physical harms, invisible horror elements are expressed through suggestion and imagination and their realities are not disclosed. For the disclosure of the realities of invisible horror elements, they are expressed through the overturned relation between the subject and victim of horror as in 'The Others' or through body snatching as in 'The Happening' and 'Paranormal Activity'. The overturn of relation and body snatching are connected to cannibalism in that the former causes a sudden change of personality and the latter takes the body of others. Cannibalism and the change of personality belong to the formalization and illogic of lower order resulting from cannibalism. The meaning of invisible horror elements in films seems to be contradictory to the original meaning of cannibalism, which is entering the sphere of utopian freedom, but considering that the reversed role resolves conflicts and tensions from terror and gives relief from fear, the meaning may be consistent with the spirit of cannibalism, namely, entering 'the sphere of freedom. In this study, the author attempted to analyze how the expression and plot of films showing invisible horror elements are related with cannibalism.

      • KCI등재

        유기인계 중독에 의한 심근손상 환자에서의 경흉부 심장 초음파검사를 사용한 심장기능평가

        이윤석 ( Yoonsuk Lee ),김오현 ( Oh Hyun Kim ),김형일 ( Hyung Il Kim ),차경철 ( Kyoung Chul Cha ),김현 ( Hyun Kim ),이강현 ( Kang Hyun Lee ),황성오 ( Sung Oh Hwang ),차용성 ( Yong Sung Cha ) 대한임상독성학회 2015 대한임상독성학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        Purpose: Cardiac complications may occur in cases of organophosphate (OP) poisoning. However, a few studies regarding patterns of cardiac toxicity as determined by transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) after exposure to OP have been reported. In the current study, the authors examined cardiac functions using TTE in patients with myocardial injury caused by exposure to OP. Methods: A retrospective review was conducted on 16 consecutive cases of OP poisoning with myocardial injury(defined as elevated troponin I within 48 hours of arrival at the regional emergency center in South Korea and diagnosed and treated at the center from January 2012 to November 2014. Results: TTE was performed in 11 (69%) of the 16 patients with an elevated troponin I (TnI) level within 48 hours. Of these 11 patients, 5 patients (45.5%) exhibited reduced ejection fraction (EF), and 3 exhibited regional wall motion abnormality (RWMA). Two patients (18.2%) had both reduced systolic function and RWMA. Two of the 5 patients with reduced EF returned to normal systolic function, however two patients did not regain normal systolic function after admission. One patient expired due to multiple organ failure, and 4 patients were transferred with a moribund status. Twelve of 15 patients who survived to discharge (at 4 to 35 months) were followed. Five of these patients died during follow-up and 7 survived without further complications. Conclusion: OP can cause reversible cardiac dysfunction including reduced systolic function and RWMA. Serum TnI may be useful for initial assessment of cardiac function during the workup of patients suffering from OP poisoning. After the initial assessment of cardiac enzyme, further evaluation with TTE in patients with abnormal cardiac enzyme will be necessary to understand the cardiac toxicity.

      • KCI등재

        한문방각본의 성격에 대하여

        이윤석 ( Yoonsuk Lee ) 한국고전문학회 2015 古典文學硏究 Vol.47 No.-

        방각본은 수요와 공급이라는 시장의 원리를 바탕으로 한 것이므로 책을 사고파는 시장이 없는 곳에서는 방각본이 생겨날 수 없다. 봉건질서가 해체되면서 나타나는 새로운 질서가 ‘신분’이 아닌 ‘돈’이 되는 시대의 산물이 방각본이다. 그러므로 방각본 연구는 이 새로운 사회질서와 관련시켜서 진행해야 한다. 한문방각본이 상층부 지식인의 교양을 요약한 상품이라면, 한글방각본은 하층의 오락을 상품화한 것이다. 방각본은 서민층의 독서물이므로 방각본 연구는 자연스럽게 조선 후기 서민문화 연구로 연결될 수 있다. 서민문화의 연구에 있어서 가장 큰 난점은 자료가 없다는 것이다. 역사 연구가 지배층 연구에 국한되는 가장 큰 이유는 남아 있는 자료가 지배층이 남긴 것밖에 없기 때문이다. 문화 연구에 있어서도 연구를 할 수 있는 구체적 자료가 남아 있는 것은 대부분 엘리트문화의 자료뿐이다. 서민들이 향유했던 문화가 무엇이었는지에 대해서는 기록도 별로 없고, 또 자료도 남아 있는 것이 거의 없다. 방각본이야말로 서민문화 연구를 위한 중요한 자료이므로, 방각본 연구를 통해 조선후기 서민문화에 접근할 수 있는 통로를 열어나갈 수 있을 것이다. 한글방각본은 고소설 연구자들에 의해 거의 완벽한 서지목록이 작성되었지만, 한문방각본은 아직 작품목록도 제대로 정리되지 않았다. 한문방각본의 연구를 위해서는 정확한 목록을 작성하는 일차적인 작업이 반드시 필요하다. 이 논문은 그런 작업의 일환으로 지금까지 알려진 한문방각본을 그 성격에 따라 세 가지 나눠서 검토한 것이다. 그 세 가지는, 한시를 짓는데 필요한 책, 격식을 위한 서적, 초보자의 학습서이다. The collapse of the traditional class system in the nineteenth century Chosun brought a new type of book market. It was the advent of commercial wood-block printed books in both Classical Chinese and Hangul. The commercial wood-block printed books in Classical Chinse usually represented the culture of the highly educated intellectuals but the ones in Hangul were mainly the products of popular entertainment, especially for the lower class people. As it became relatively easier to change one’s social class by paying money, the number of newly risen upper class increased and the demand for commercial wood-block printed books in Classical Chinese also arose. It can be said that since this new type of books were closely related to a new social order, its research should be advanced in relation to the historical background of this new social order. The commercial wood-block printed books are the materials to understand common people, therefore it is natural that researches on these books lead to the studies on the popular culture of the late Chosun dynasty. In doing so, not only the commercial wood-block printed books in Hangul should be regarded as the source materials to study it but also the ones in Classical Chinese should be, too. One of the most urgent tasks for such studies is to create a list of the actual works in Classical Chinese. In order to create the list, this paper aims to investigate the characteristics of the existing commercial wood-block printed books in Classical Chinese by classifying them into three groups. The three groups are as follows; the books needed for composing Chinese poems, reference books for rituals and the elementary books for learning the Chinese classics.

      • KCI등재

        회화의 복제를 통한 일러스트레이션으로의 변용 연구-육심원과 요시토모 나라를 중심으로

        이윤석 ( Lee Timothy Yoonsuk ),조윤주 ( Cho Youn-joo ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2009 한국디자인포럼 Vol.25 No.-

        미디어의 발전은 일러스트레이션의 영역을 확장시키는데 큰 도움을 주었다. 매체예술, 대중예술로서 매체의 제한을 받았던 일러스트레이션이 미디어의 발전을 통해 대중과의 소통의 장을 넓히는 역할을 한 것이다. 회화 또한 페인팅(painting)의 개념인 `그림을 그리는` 의미에서의 회화에서 매체를 이용하는 다양한 표현 형태를 가진 회화로 영역이 확대되었다. 하지만 이렇게 회화가 매체를 통해 복제되어지는 과정은 일러스트레이션에서의 `복제`의미와는 다르다. 일러스트레이션에서의 복제는 대중과의 소통을 위한 방법으로서 매체를 사용한다. 회화가 원본성에 의미를 둔다면 일러스트레이션은 복제를 통해 의미와 가치가 커지는 것이다. 하지만 최근 회화가 전략으로서의 복제가 아닌 일러스트레이션의 `복제`의미를 가지고 있는 현상을 발견할 수 있다. 육심원과 요시토모 나라의 활동이 일러스트레이션의 복제가 두드러지게 나타나는 경우라 할 수 있다. 이 두 아티스트는 대중과의 소통을 목적으로 작가의 의도에 따라 매체를 통해 작품을 복제하였다. 이는 매체예술과 대중예술로서의 일러스트레이션과 닮아있음을 알 수 있다. 저자는 그들이 활용하는 대중매체 분석을 통해 일러스트레이션 활용영역에서 그들의 회화콘텐츠가 사용되어진다는 것이 입증하였다. 복제, 소통이라는 일러스트레이션의 특성을 가진 육심원과 요시토모 나라는 일러스트레이션 활용영역에서 작업 활동을 하므로 그들의 작품이 일러스트레이션으로 인식하게 됨을 증명하는 것이다. Media development helped illustration to extend. The development widened the communication through the illustration, which had been limited in media arts and public arts. In addition, media influenced painting to expand simple `painting paintings` concept to representation using various media. However, this does not mean `replication` in illustration. Replication in illustration uses media to communicate with public. When painting lays its mean on originality, the mean and value of illustration grow through replica. Recently, such a phenomenon can be found: painting not only strategically replicates but also replicates in the meaning of illustration. Works of Yuk Sim Won and Yoshitomo Nara well displays the illustrative replica. These artists intensely replicated their works to communicate with public. It is similar to the illustration in media art and public art. By analyzing the mass media the artists use, the author demonstrated that their painting contents are used in illustration. As that the artists with replica and communication, the characteristics of illustration, Yuk Sim Won and Yoshitomo Nara, operate in illustration area proves, their works are recognized as illustration.

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