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      • KCI등재

        Understanding the Internal Structure of the Sense of Place of Daehak-ro Cultural District in Seoul

        Yoonku Kwon 전북대학교 휴양및경관계획연구소 2016 휴양및경관연구 (J East Asian Landscape Studies) Vol.10 No.3

        Sense of place (SOP) has recently been considered an effective strategy through which to pursue sustainable place development. However, many urban spaces have not usually considered the contribution of built-environment factors to SOP and SOP’s contribution to people’s willingness to revisit for sustainable place. Therefore, this research aims to understand the internal structure of SOP at Daehak-ro, one of the most famous cultural district and tourism sites in Seoul, Korea. Through this study, the sociocultural factor was found to make the greatest contribution to Daehak-ro’s SOP, and SOP was itself found to be highly related to willingness to revisit. These results suggest that non-physical factors could be most important to developing an SOP in urban environments. This study will eventually lead to better understanding of developing SOP, and will contribute to Daehak-ro becoming more sustainable than at present.

      • KCI등재

        Interpreting Sense of Place in Insa-dong, a Cultural District in Seoul

        Yoonku Kwon,Shinha Joo 전북대학교 휴양및경관계획연구소 2016 휴양및경관연구 (J East Asian Landscape Studies) Vol.10 No.4

        This study aimed to explore and interpret the sense of place in Insa-dong a traditional street designated as a cultural district in Seoul through the thoughts and opinions of insiders who actually experience it. The study also aimed to identify a plan for the development and preservation of Insa-dong. Insa-dong was found to have the characteristic of an “unconscious sense of place,” which had formed naturally over time. This characteristic applies to most physical, social, cultural, and experiential elements that make up Insa-dong. It developed as a place of tradition and arts culture, and thus Insa-dong has continued to be a representative place of traditional and Korean culture until the present. While a uniform modern consumer culture is emerging as a result of the integrated designs and socioeconomic changes brought about by urban capitalism, these changes arguably fall within such a range that Insa-dong’s unique, unconscious sense of place is not greatly damaged. Accordingly, Insa-dong as a unique, attractive place where the new cultural characteristic of “modernity” blends appropriately with “traditionality” can be understood as a representative place that expresses Korea’s past and present life. This study is significant because it examined Insa-dong’s sense of place by moving away from expert perspectives and focusing on interviews with insiders. Based on the results, the study developed a plan for the preservation and formation of Insa-dong’s sense of place. Though this study’s results can suggest basic directions and processes for interpreting sense of place, they are limited in terms of suggesting specific planning and design elements. Therefore, a limitation exists in terms of drawing practical implications. Follow-up studies using this study’s suggestions for preserving and improving Insa-dong’s sense of place can formulate more concrete strategies.

      • KCI등재

        장소성 측정 형용사를 통한 서울시 대표 장소의 장소성 유형 분류

        권윤구(Kwon, Yoonku),임승빈(Im, Seungbin) 한국도시설계학회 2014 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        최근 도시개발 패러다임은 인간사이의 사회적, 문화적 교류를 활성화 할 수 있는 장소만들기에 집중하고 있으며, 장소만들기에 있어 도시민의 평가는 중요한 요소로서 다뤄지고 있다. 이러한 장소만들기를 위하여 장소에서의 인간을 고려한 환경계획 및 설계이론인 장소성에 관한 논의가 활발해지고 있으나, 여전히 효율적인 처리 및 정량화된 계획기준에 의한 도시공간의 획일화는 지속되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 도시공간의 획일화를 방지하고자 장소가 지니고 있는 의미와 특성을 파악할 수 있는 장소성 유형을 도시민의 이미지 평가를 통하여 정량적으로 도출하고자 하였다. 연구결과, 서울시 41곳의 대표 장소의 장소성 유형은 9가지로 구분되었고, 각 유형에 해당하는 장소의 물리적, 사회·문화적 특성을 고려하여 ‘상징성’, ‘자연성’, ‘문화성’, ‘유행성’, ‘일상성’, ‘비일상성’, ‘다양성’, ‘전통성’, ‘현대성’으로 명칭하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 도출된 장소성 유형은 추후 서울시의 다양한 장소의 특징(Characteristic), 가독성(Legibility)과 다양성(Diversity)을 형성하기 위한 방향을 제시할 수 있는 기초자료로서 활용 가능할 것이다. Recently, the paradigm of urban development has concentrated attention upon placemaking that vitalizes human social and cultural interactions in a place. Accordingly, citizen’s evaluation is dealt with an important factor in placemaking. For this reason, there have been many lively discussions about theories of environmental planning and design considered a human-being in a place, such as the sense of place. However the urban places are still unified continuously because of the antiquated planning and design methods considered only the efficient and quantitative planning guidelines. So, this article aims at finding the types of representative places’ sense of place in Seoul to be able to understand the meaning and characteristic of place for preventing the monotonous place. In order to determine the types of sense of place, citizen’s quantitative image evaluations were conducted. The results indicate that the forty-one representative places in Seoul are classified into nine types of sense of place, and then the types are named by considering their physical landscape and sociocultural characteristic; ‘symbolic’, ‘naturality’, ‘sense of culture’, ‘fashionableness’, ‘dailiness’, ‘sense of extraordinary’, ‘diversity’, ‘historicity’ and ‘modernity’. The results are possibly useful base data to suggest the future direction of placemaking in order to create the place’s characteristic, legibility and diversity in Seoul.

      • KCI등재

        The Legacy of Early Regional Planning: Patrick Geddes’ Theory of Urban Evolution and Ian L. McHarg’s Theory of Ecological Landscape Planning

        Soyoung Han,Yoonku Kwon 전북대학교 휴양및경관계획연구소 2018 휴양및경관연구 (J East Asian Landscape Studies) Vol.12 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to highlight the idea that the approach and methodology in Landscape Architecture and Urban Studies are rooted in regional planning, and to trace the legacy that can be borrowed from modern city and landscape planning. This study examines the academic relationship between Geddes’ Urban Evolution and McHarg’s Ecological Landscape Planning theory, and explores the significance of regional planning that can be accommodated in both Landscape Architecture and Urban Studies areas at present. As a result, the Geddes’ theory and the McHarg’s ecological landscape planning emphasized a scientific understanding of plans based on evolutionary theories and local research in regional planning. However, the McHarg’s theory was definitely different from the Geddes’ theory and offered its own unique identity and possibilities. First, it was completely focused on the environment. Second, it suggested a concrete methodology consisting of a technique of land suitability analysis to visualize an environmental or regional investigation. Third, McHarg advocated drawings as a visualization tool. McHarg’s theory of ecological landscape planning can be thought of as an evolutionary version of the theory of urban evolution. The study was limited to an applicable range to solidify the possibility of applying the theory in real situation, and more concrete and substantial approaches were suggested accordingly.

      • KCI등재

        A distribution pattern of the place identity in Daehak-ro

        Im, Seungbin(임승빈),Kwon, Yoonku(권윤구),Byeon, Jaesang(변재상),Choi, Hyungsuk(최형석) 한국도시설계학회 2012 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구는 서울시에서 고유한 장소정체성(공연ㆍ예술)을 지니고 있는 대학로의 장소정체성 분포패턴을 맵핑하고, 장소정체성과 관련 있는 요인과의 관계를 확인하기 위하여 수행하였다. 대학로 문화지구 경계 내부를 기준으로 32개의 설문지점을 선정하고, 각 지점이 대학로의 특성을 어느 정도 나타내는지를 10점 리커트 척도로 설문한 값을 크리깅 보간법을 통하여 대학로의 장소정체성 맵핑에 사용하였다. 또한 설문결과 값과 대학로의 1층부 건물용도 및 각 지점에서의 행태와의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 대학로의 장소정체성 분포패턴은 5개의 주요 구역으로 맵핑되었고, 둘째, 산점도 분석결과 대학로의 장소정체성은 문화, 식당, 상업ㆍ업무시설의 1층부 건물용도와 양의 상관관계를 지니고 있음을 확인하였으며, 마지막으로 장소정체성이 높은 구역은 다양한 행태를 수용하는 구역임을 확인하였다. This study intends to investigate the distribution pattern of place identity and to find the factors related to the place identity at various spots in Daehak-ro where has an inherent identity(the most famous cultural and art place in Seoul Korea). Thirty two subjects at each chosen location were randomly selected to respond to the question in the Cultural District: “To what extent does this locale represent the place identity of the Daehak-ro?” on a 10-point Likert scale. And the results of survey were used to map the place identity through Kriging interpolation mapping method. For the investigation of the variables related to the degree of place identity, types of building uses on the ground floor and behaviors at each locale in Daehak-ro were surveyed. The results of this study are as follows: First, five major zones were identified through the mapping of a distribution pattern of the place identity in Daehak-ro. Second, scatter plot analysis showed that cultural, food and commerce·business facilities play positive roles in providing the place identity in Daehak-ro. Lastly, diverse types of behaviors, in general, have observed at the spots with higher level of the place identity.

      • KCI등재

        현대 공공공간의 공공성 - 사유화 논의에 대한 흐름 -

        한소영 ( Han Soyoung ),권윤구 ( Kwon Yoonku ) 한국경관학회 2021 한국경관학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구에서는 현대 공공공간을 둘러싸고 있는 많은 담론의 흐름을 살펴보고, 그중에서도 핵심이 되는 공공공간 사유화에 대한 논의 흐름이 어떻게 전개되어 왔는지를 살펴보았다. 현대 공공공간에 대한 논의는 공공성의 위기, 관리 문제에 대한 논의 이렇게 두 축으로 나뉘며 이는 다시 물리적 및 사회적 요약, 사유화, 공간의 안전 및 보안, 접근성 이렇게 공공공간의 네 가지 측면에 대한 분석으로 이어진다. 지금까지의 공공공간의 사유화 논의는 주로 신자유주의, 시장경제의 채택, 자본의 논리에 따라 조성되게 된 반 공적, 반 사적 공간들의 조성 원인 및 이로 인하여 나타나게 된 현상들의 해석들이 주를 이룬다. 내용적 측면에서, 자본주의 체제의 도시에서 공공 공간이 사유화되고 상업화되는 것과 관련하여 ‘진정한 공공성의 소멸’이라는 논의와 눈에 보이지 않는 제한된 접근성에 대한 논의로’ 축약할 수 있다. 또한, 공공공간의 사유화와 상품화가 어떻게 이루어지고 있는지를 살펴보고 이를 비판하는 논의의 흐름이 또 다른 한 축을 이루고 있으며 이로 인해 나타난 공간 접근의 선택과 배제의 문제, 접근성에 대한 불평등 등의 문제 등이 논의되어 왔다. This study examines the flow of many discourses surrounding contemporary public spaces, and examines how the flow of discussion on privatization of public spaces, which is the core of them. The discussion of privatization of public spaces so far has mainly been the interpretations of the causes of the creation of semi-public and semi-private spaces created according to the logic of neoliberalism, the adoption of the market economy, and the logic of capital, and the interpretations of its following phenomena. In terms of content, in relation to the privatization and commercialization of public spaces in capitalist cities, it can be abbreviated to a discussion of ‘the disappearance of genuine publicness’ and a discussion of invisible limited accessibility’. In addition, the flow of discussions criticizing and examining how privatization and commercialization of public spaces is taking place is the main focus. Issues such as selection and exclusion of spatial access, inequality in accessibility, etc., arising from the privatization of the public domain, were also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        Landscape design methodology as perceived through memory schema with user experience

        Park Suji,Kim Hanbai,한소영,Kwon Yoonku 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2020 도시과학국제저널 Vol.24 No.2

        This study examined interrelationships between memory schema incised into landscapes pursued by designers and user’s responses by using multiple case study methods. We selected three cases according to three dimensions of landscape design method related to memory schema to examine each concept thoroughly; (1) Vietnam Veterans Memorial in USA as a context design, (2) Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain in England as a transformation design and, (3) Sutton Place which is imaginary design of Geoffery Jellicoe as an imagination design. Seonyudo Park in Korea has been selected to review with all the aspects of three type of memory schema. Our findings highlight that memory schema as a landscape design metaphor has been emphasizing the five human senses and internal experiences. Memories could be transformed into various forms and meanings in landscapes according to designers’ intentions. Furthermore, when one’s recalled experience is expressed through landscape, which is expressed through a schema, and the user who uses the landscape correlates to the memory. This study suggests that landscape design with a memory schema can serve as a creative design medium that applies the positive effects of design experience to landscapes with humans.

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