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        Shakespeare and Korean Literature during the Japanese Colonial Rule

        Yongjae Cho(조용재),Boyoung Lee(이보영) 한국셰익스피어학회 2013 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.49 No.2

        수감생활과 결핵으로 인해 28세의 짧은 생을 살았지만 56편의 시, 1편의 장편소설, 15편의 단편소설, 그리고 35편의 수필과 같은 방대한 작품을 남긴 이상(李箱 1910-1937)은 한국의 일제 강점기 작가 중에서 셰익스피어의 영향을 지속적으로 받은 거의 유일한 작가이다. 셰익스피어의 작품들 중에서 특히 왕권의 탈취와 정치적 암살이 핵심적 사건이 되는 『햄릿』과 『맥베스』와, 사극 중에서는 난세의 풍자극인 『트로일러스와 크레시더』와 『줄리어스 시저』가 그에게 많은 영향을 주었다. 그리고 앞의 네 작품 중에서도 그에게 제일 중요한 작품은 두말할 나위 없이 『햄릿』이었다. 셰익스피어의 『햄릿』은 실로 이상의 많은 작품들, 즉 비정치적 경향의 작품들인 장편소설 『12월 12일』, 시집 『오감도』 「시 제5호」, 단편소설 『지주회사』와, 정치적 경향의 작품들인 단편소설 『실화』, 수필 「슬픈 이야기」, 시 「객혈의 아침」, 시 「출판법」, 시 「파첩」, 시 「정식」, 그리고 메타픽션 (극중 극) 경향의 작품들인 단편소설 『휴업과 사정』, 단편소설 『종생기』, 수필 「슬픈 이야기」 등에 지대한 영향을 끼쳤다. 또한 셰익스피어의 『오셀로』는, 이상의 비정치적 경향의 초기 시 「광녀의 고백」에, 『트로일러스와 크레시더』는 비정치적 경향의 단편소설 『동해』에, 『맥베스』는 정치적 경향의 작품들인 시 「파첩」과 단편소설 『날개』에 영향을 주었다. 한국의 일제 강점기의 천재적 작가였던 이상은 그가 직면한 식민지적 허무주의 또는 패배주의를 초극하기 위하여 고뇌하였으며, 셰익스피어의 작품은 그에게 커다란 영향을 주었고 의미심장했다. 그가 필요로 했던 것은 그의 반체제적 정치 소설 『실화』의 주인공인 “불우(不遇)의 천재”의 신화적 원형으로서의 햄릿이었다. 그것은 매사에 회의적이며 과민한 자의식을 소유하고 우유부단한 사색형의 햄릿이 아니라, 소설 『종생기』의 “위풍당당 일세를 풍미할 만한 참신 무비의 햄릿”이었다. 그는 햄릿을 “참신무비”의 지도자, 혁명의 화신과도 같은 “불우의 영웅”으로 변신시키고자 하였던 것이다. 이상은, 그에게 부단한 영감을 안겨준 셰익스피어의 작품들, 특히 『햄릿』과 함께, 일제 강점기의 허무와 좌절을 극복하기 위해 고군분투했던, 식민지 출신의 “불우의 천재”로서 우리 곁에 영원히 함께 할 것이다.


        Evaluation of Global Sagittal Balance in Koreans Adults

        Cho, Yongjae The Korean Neurosurgical Society 2017 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.60 No.5

        Objectvie : The global sagittal postural patterns as characterized by Roussouly classification have been previously described in various ethnicities, there were no studies investigated in Koreans. To analyze the distribution of the global sagittal postural patterns in Korean adults using Roussouly classification, the author prospectively studied. Methods : 252 asymptomatic Korean adults was recruited. Data was obtained by reviewing the films for each subject. Spinopelvic parameters were measured and sagittal postural patterns were then determined according to Roussouly classification. We compared the data across different ethnicities from our study and a previous study to further characterize Korean sagittal postures. Results : The subject included 151 males and 101 females, with mean age of $33.2{\pm}8.2years$. The average descriptive results were as below : thoracic kyphosis $28.6{\pm}7.7^{\circ}$, lumbar lordosis $48.3{\pm}10.2^{\circ}$, sacral slope $37.8{\pm}5.8^{\circ}$, pelvic incidence $45.1{\pm}7.5^{\circ}$, pelvic tilt $9.4{\pm}6.7^{\circ}$, spinosacral angle $130.1{\pm}5.4^{\circ}$, and sagittal vertical axis $16.25{\pm}22.5mm$. 125 subjects among 252 (49.6%) belonged to Roussouly type 3 (namely neutral). There were also 58 (23%), 33 (13.1%), and 36 (14.3) subjects in type 1, 2, and 4 (namely non-neutral), respectively. Conclusion : Enrolling 252 asymptomatic Korean adults, this prospective study found that 49.6% of asymptomatic Korean adults possessed a sagittal posture of Roussouly type 3. All radiologic parameters follows general concept of spinal sagittal balance pattern. Overall, this study might be a basis for further investigation of spinal sagittal balance.


        Clinical Features and Treatment Outcomes of Acute Multiple Thoracic and Lumbar Spinal Fractures : A Comparison of Continuous and Noncontinuous Fractures

        Cho, Yongjae,Kim, Young Goo The Korean Neurosurgical Society 2019 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.62 No.6

        Objective : The treatment of multiple thoracolumbar spine fractures according to fracture continuity has rarely been reported. Herein we evaluate the clinical features and outcomes of multiple thoracolumbar fractures depending on continuous or noncontinuous status. Methods : From January 2010 to January 2016, 48 patients with acute thoracic and lumbar multiple fractures who underwent posterior fusion surgery were evaluated. Patients were divided into two groups (group A : continuous; group B : noncontinuous). We investigated the causes of the injuries, the locations of the injuries, the range of fusion levels, and the functional outcomes based on the patients' general characteristics. Results : A total of 48 patients were enrolled (group A : 25 patients; group B : 23 patients). Both groups had similar pre-surgical clinical and radiologic features. The fusion level included three segments (group A : 4; group B : 5) or four segments (group A : 19; group B : 5). Group B required more instrumented segments than did group A. Group A scored 23.5 and group B scored 33.4 on the Korean Oswestry Disability Index (KODI) at the time of last follow-up. In both groups, longer fusion was associated with worse KODI score. Conclusion : In this study, due to the assumption of similar initial clinical and radiologic features in both group, the mechanism of multiple fractures is presumed to be the same between continuous and noncontinuous fractures. The noncontinuous fracture group had worse KODI scores in long-term follow-up, thought to be due to long fusion level. Therefore, we recommend minimizing the number of segments that are fused in multiple thoracolumbar and lumbar fractures when decompression is not necessary.

      • Systematic Analysis on Transcription Unit Architecture of Streptomyces avermitilis

        Yongjae LEE,Namil LEE,Soonkyu HWANG,Woori KIM,Suhyung CHO,Bernhard O. PALSSON,Byung-Kwan CHO 한국생물공학회 2021 한국생물공학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        Streptomyces avermitilis holds industrial importance as the producer of avermectin, a widely used anthelmintic agent. Despite its importance, S. avermitilis’ genome organization and regulation of gene expression remain poorly understood. To understand the genome-scale gene expression landscape, four types of next-generation sequencing techniques, including dRNA-Seq, Term-Seq, RNA-Seq, and Ribo-Seq, were exploited, determining a total of 1,601 transcription units (TUs) in S. avermitilis. Integrative analysis of the TU information with gene expression datasets revealed diverse regulatory elements, including promoters, ribosome binding sites and transcription terminators. The TU architecture also suggests the presence of novel small RNAs and cis-regulatory elements in the genome. Our findings will elevate S. avermitilis’ potential as a production host for a diverse set of secondary metabolites.

      • KCI등재

        『리어왕』과 『얼음장수 오다』에 나타난 사랑과 죽음과 구원

        조용재 ( Cho Yongjae ) 대한영어영문학회 2016 영어영문학연구 Vol.42 No.2

        William Shakespeare’s King Lear shows the perplexity of life like death through such figurative expressions as “a wheel of fire” and “the rack of this tough world.” Eugene O’Neill’s The Iceman Cometh is a play on Salesman Hickey’s death and deals with the theme of death brought about by the fact that the self-images, which guide the characters’ lives, turn out to be illusions made by themselves. Hickey in The Iceman Cometh is an iceman who invites the peace of death with him, and another iceman who is not coming yet but breathing hard is the bridegroom who is going to die bravely, that is to say, King Lear in King Lear. The aim of this study is to understand love, death, and salvation between father and daughter, husband and wife, and mother and son in King Lear and The Iceman Cometh. Cordellia's real love for her father, King Lear and Lear's devotional love for his daughter, Cordelia, Evelyn's blind love for her husband, Hickey and Hickey's devotional love for his wife, Evelyn, Parritt's excessive love for his mother, Rosa and Rosa's deficient love for her son, Parritt, and the Christian salvation of Cordellia and Hickey as the symbol of saviour, Christ or the Messiah, all of them, ultimately, can come to perfection through their deaths like an actual sacrifice and downfall. Shakespeare and O'Neill present this love, death, and salvation as an important theme in King Lear and The Iceman Cometh. (Wonkwang University)

      • KCI등재

        마더 콤플렉스와 부자 갈등의 극복: 유진 오닐의 『느릅나무 밑의 욕망』 읽기

        조용재 ( Cho Yongjae ) 대한영어영문학회 2013 영어영문학연구 Vol.39 No.4

        Three remarkable characteristics of Eugene O’Neill’s plays, especially his autobiographic ones can be summed up as follows. First, they are autobiographical both in a literal and in a spiritual sense. Second, most of the sons in them are caught in Mother Complex. Third, the fathers inflict pain on their wives, which creates a conflict between them and their sons. The Mother Complex in Desire Under the Elms appears between Eben’s dead mother and Eben. It is overcome by the strong maternal instinct and the sacrificial love of his stepmother Abbie, an embodiment of ‘Mother God,’ ‘Earth Mother,’ and ‘Easy God,’ for Eben and their sexual relationships. And the father-son conflict appears as a struggle between Cabot and his son Eben to win the ownership of the farm. It is overcome by Eben’s change as a new man and his transcending both his desire of possession of it and his father-son conflict in virtue of Abbie, especially her sacrificial love, as well as by Cabot’s new recognition of the farm and his turning to his ‘Hard God’ as before. (Wonkwang University)

      • KCI등재

        구원의 어머니상: 유진 오닐의 『이상한 막간극』과 『잘못 태어난 자의 달』 읽기

        조용재 ( Cho Yongjae ),권승기 ( Kwon Seungki ) 대한영어영문학회 2011 영어영문학연구 Vol.37 No.2

        Eugene O’Neill, through his research of modern man’s conflict and suffering, hoped to find the meaning of existence and salvation. The female characters in his plays have a cold recognition as to the reality and play an important role for the male characters and help them acquire salvation through awakening. Both Nina, a mythologized woman and an active, positive mother in Strange Interlude, through her Life Force, and Josie, a perfect woman god and Earth Mother in A Moon for the Misbegotten, through her pity, forgiveness, and love, lead the male characters of the former, who suffer from mother-complex, and Tyrone of the latter, who suffers from his mental anguish and conflict caused by his mother’s death, to salvation for the return of true reality. Nina and Josie, as a mother and a helper, play a decisive and important role leading the male characters to salvation beyond the tradition and the restriction of mask. Therefore, the female characters, in the long run, enable the male characters to draw hope, brightness, affirmation, victory, and delight from despair, darkness, negation, defeat, and sorrow. (Wonkwang University · Cheongam College)

      • KCI등재

        재매개 이론을 이용한 증강현실(Augmented Reality)과 콜라주(Collage)의 시각구조 비교

        조용재(Cho Yongjae) 한국디지털디자인학회 2011 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.11 No.1

        고사양 스마트폰의 급속한 보급이 최근 디지털 미디어가 본격화되는 시대상황과 함께 이루어졌으며 이와 함께 미래기술이 집약된 새로운 매체로서의 증강현실(Augmented Reality : AR)이 주목받기 시작했다. 그러나 여타 다른 디지털 디자인 매체처럼 증강현실 역시 실용적 디자인 테크닉으로 인식될 뿐 아직 철학적 인문학적 미학적인 측면에서 학문적 기반이 확고히 자리 잡히지 않은 상황이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 구미디어를 기반으로 진행되었던 예술사조인 콜라주(Collage)와 증강현실의 시각구조를 비교 고찰하여 동질성을 찾아냄으로서 구미디어의 속성 및 사조에서 뉴미디어인 증강현실의 학문적 철학적 인프라를 차용할 수 있는지 그 가능성을 알아본다. 학문적 비교를 위한 도구로서 뉴미디어의 특성은 물론 뉴미디어와 구미디어 사이의 관계규명을 위해 정립된 Jay David Bolter와 Richard Grusin의 재매개(Remediation) 이론을 사용한다. 그 결과 증강 현실과 콜라주는 그 시각구조에서 매우 유사한 동질성이 발견되었다. The rapid distribution of a smart phone with high specifications has been realized along with the situation of today in which the digital media have been pursued. With this trend augmented reality (AR) came to draw attention as a new medium with intensive futuristic technology. However just as other digital design media AR also has been merely perceived as a technique for practical design and its scientific foundation has not been firmly established in terms of philosophical humanistic and aesthetic aspects as yet. Therefore this study identified whether it is possible to borrow the academic and philosophical infrastructure of AR as new media amidst this trend as well as the attribute of old media by discovering homogeneity through the comparison and consideration of the visual structure of AR with collage which is an artistic trend that was pursued on the basis of old media. In order to unearth the relationship between new media and old media as well as the characteristics of new media as a tool for academic comparison the study introduced the remediation theory by Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin. As a result a very similar homogeneity was found in the visual structure between AR and collage.

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