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        Rethinking Illegal Immigrants from a Critical Perspective -Whether or not to Blame Illegal Immigration and the Government Capability to Manage Illegal Immigration-

        Yongho Cha 중앙대학교 문화콘텐츠기술연구원 2020 다문화콘텐츠연구 Vol.0 No.35

        This study explores the criminality of illegal immigration from the lens of critical theory. As of November 2020, the number of illegal immigrants more than doubled from 168,515 in 2010. The conflicting dichotomous views on the matter are linked to the contentious ‘immigration debate.’ In the process, ‘Frame Effect’ results in structured communication, which allows illegal immigration to be regarded or restricted in a particular way. The social structure of illegal immigration is not fixed but constantly changing, so illegal immigration policies are evolving. This study investigates how the concept of ‘unpunished crime’ can be applied to the criminality debate on illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is punishable as a type of crime; however, the possibility that illegal immigrants can avoid criminal punishment remains. This study then scrutinizes how the issue relates to forms of ‘unpunished crime,’ how it triggers ‘social dangers,’ and what constitutes ‘unpunished deviant behavior.’ In addition, the existing argument that government policy on illegal immigration constitutes an ‘easy policy’ is reassessed through two criteria: salience and procedural complexity. Overall, this study critically examines the government capability to stop illegal immigration based on migration attributes such as migration industry, migration agents/sub-agents, and immigrants’ life.

      • KCI등재

        이주노동자 인권 및 소수자행정의 새로운 지향: 민주주의, 관료제의 상충과 적용을 중심으로

        차용호 ( Cha Yongho ) 단국대학교 융합사회연구소(구 단국대학교 사회과학연구소) 2021 공공정책과 국정관리 Vol.14 No.4

        본 연구는 장기간 거주한 이주노동자가 공동체로부터 배제되는 상황에서 민주주의와 관료제가 이주노동자의 인권에 딜레마적 관계를 갖는 것을 분석하고, 이주노동자를 위한 소수자행정의 역할과 위상을 재정립해야 함을 주장한다. 첫째, 민주주의 원리의 이상은 소수자가 의지할 수 있는 보호 이론이 될 것으로 기대되지만, 이주노동자의 인권은 다수결의 원칙으로 인해 교란된다. 둘째, 이주노동자 행정·정책은 정부체제 중시로부터 신공공관리가 적용되는 방향으로 변화되고 있지만, 이주노동자는 집단적으로 자신들의 요구와 주장을 반영시킬 응집력이 약하다. 이주노동자는 공동체에 속하는 구성원으로서의 권리를 얻지 못하고 국가 중심의 민주주의로 인하여 민주적 공공성에 근접하지 못한다. 관료는 이주노동자의 요구와 주장에 대응할 필요를 느끼지 못하는 것으로 나타난다. 본 연구는 민주주의와 이주노동자 인권의 딜레마적 관계에서 이주노동자의 민주성과 인권이 개선될 수 있는 실천적 방안을 관료제라는 렌즈를 통해 모색한다. This study explores the contradictory disturbance of democracy and bureaucracy to Migrant Workers’ human rights in situations long-term migrant workers are excluded from the community, and presents the role and status that the policy toward ethnic minorities. First, the ideals originally pursued by the democracy are the protection theory that minorities can rely on and are expected to be the ideological support, but the human rights of migrant workers are disrupted by majority principles. Second, the ethnic minority policy is changing from superior status to NPM(New Public Management), but migrant workers have a weak cohesive power to reflect their needs and claims. Migrant workers do not have the right to get membership in the community and are not close to democratic publicness due to state-centered democracy. Officials do not seem to feel the need to respond to the demands and claims of migrant workers. Through the bureaucracy as a Lens, this study seeks a practical way to improve the democracy for migrant workers in the contradictory disturbance between democracy and human rights.

      • KCI등재

        한국 이민정책의 문제점과 개선 과제: 국내적 정책과정과 국내ㆍ국제 연계정치 반영

        차용호 ( Yongho Cha ),우영옥 ( Youngok Woo ) 성결대학교 다문화평화연구소 2021 다문화와 평화 Vol.15 No.2

        본 연구는 한국에서 이민 논의가 본격화된 시점에서 이민정책에 영향을 미치는 정책과정(환경, 조정, 결정, 집행, 평가)의 분석 틀을 통해 그 문제점을 다면적으로 분석하고, 이민정책이 제대로 정립되기 위한 새로운 개선 과제를 제시한다. 역사나 지정학적 국제요인이 국내 요인과 연계되어 이민정책(이민의 규모, 질, 대상지)을 형성한다는 것을 ‘국내와 국제 연계정치’를 통해 제시한다. 정책과정의 주된 행위자인 대통령과 참모의 딜레마 및 비공식 행위자의 구조화된 갈등을 분석하고, 이를 극복할 방안으로 청와대 참모실의 조직구조 개편과 공론조사 방식 도입을 제안한다. 이민정책이 중앙정부 차원에서 제대로 조정되고 지역에서는 효과적으로 집행되기 위해 ‘조정위원회형’ 정책위원회의 개편을 제시한다. 또한, 이민정책 전담조직을 설치하는 것은 부성화의 원리에 따라 동질적이거나 연관된 업무들이 하나로 묶여 새롭게 중앙정부의 분화가 이루어지는 것으로 고용노동부의 외국인력정책 일부(도입 규모 결정)나 외교부의 동포정책 일부(국내동포 지원)와 여성가족부의 다문화가족정책을 이관받아 형성될 ‘구성 부처’, ‘단독 부처’ 두 유형에 대한 장단점을 분석하여 바람직한 대안을 제시한다. 지역전달체계의 구조 조정을 위해 ‘분권화 절충형’과 ‘가상조직’을 새로운 대안으로 제안한다. 평가도구로서 학문적 유용성이 떨어지는 국가이익의 문제점을 지적하고 이민정책 평가의 신뢰성 회복을 위해 ‘지역경제(성장, 고용/실업)’ 측정, 밀집 지역과 거주지 분리에 따른 ‘좋은 분리, 나쁜 분리’ 평가를 국가이익 측정의 대리지표로 주장한다. This study explores the problems of immigration policy in Korea through the framework of the policy process, arguing for new ways to improve immigration policies. In addition to the domestic policy, historical or geopolitical international factors are linked to affect the immigration policies (the size, quality, and destination of immigration). This study analyzes the dilemmas of the presidential secretary's office and structured conflicts of the informal actors, which are as major political variables in the policy process, and proposes a reorganization of the presidential secretary's office and the Deliberative Polling. In order for immigration policies to be properly coordinated within the central governments and effectively implemented in the regions, the coordination committee-type Policy Committee is proposed. Furthermore, this study analyzes the pros and cons of the types for the establishment of unified organizations in immigration policy, and proposes decentralized tradeoff model and virtual organizations as new alternatives for restructuring regional systems. This study points to the problem of national interest, which is of poor academic usefulness as an evaluation tool, and presents proxy indicators to measure national benefits from local economies, good segregation or bad segregation of immigrant neighbourhood to restore the reliability of immigration policy assessments.

      • Changes in Cytokine Expression after Electroacupuncture in Neuropathic Rats

        Cha, Myeoung Hoon,Nam, Taick Sang,Kwak, Yongho,Lee, Hyejung,Lee, Bae Hwan Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2012 Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medic Vol.2012 No.-

        <P>The production of proinflammatory cytokines including interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-<I><I>α</I></I> (TNF-<I><I>α</I></I>) plays a key role in chronic pain such as neuropathic pain. We investigated changes in cytokine expression in injured peripheral nerves and dorsal root ganglia (DRG) following electroacupuncture (EA) treatment. Neuropathic pain was induced by peripheral nerve injury to the left hind limb of Sprague-Dawley rats under pentobarbital anesthesia. Two weeks later, the nerve-injured rats were treated by EA for 10 minutes. The expression levels of IL-1<I><I>β</I></I>, IL-6, and TNF-<I><I>α</I></I> in peripheral nerves and DRG of neuropathic rats were significantly increased in nerve-injured rats. However, after EA, the cytokine expression levels were noticeably decreased in peripheral nerves and DRG. These results suggest that EA stimulation can reduce the levels of proinflamtory cytokines elevated after nerve injury.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Epidemiology and Outcome of Powered Mobility Device-Related Injuries in Korea

        Yongho Shin,Won Cul Cha,윤희,황승연,신태건,심민섭,조익준,김태림 대한의학회 2020 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.35 No.9

        Background: This study described and analysed the features of powered mobility device (PMD)-related injuries and compared elderly and younger adult injuries. Methods: Data from Korea Emergency Department-based Injury In-depth Surveillance (EDIIS) database involving eight emergency departments in 2011–2016 were analysed. The inclusion criteria were injuries sustained during the use of PMDs. The variables were compared between adults aged ≥ 65 years and younger adults. Primary and secondary outcomes were severe trauma and poor clinical course accordingly. The logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors for study outcomes. Results: A total of 231 adults were enrolled, of whom 150 were ≥ 65 years of age. The total number of PMD-related injuries and the proportion of elderly injured patients increased annually, and most injuries occurred on the roadway and did not involve crash opponents. By multivariate analysis, patients aged ≥ 65 years had a higher injury severity score (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 2.78; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.50–5.40) and had a higher incidence of intensive care unit admissions, surgery, and death (AOR, 2.42; 95% CI, 1.16–5.28). Conclusion: Given the higher number and severity of injuries sustained among elderly adults ≥ 65 years of age shown in this study, we recommend that safety educations, such as the use of protective equipment and the safe driving on the roadway, are considered for PMD users ≥ 65 years of age.

      • 1996년도 인두편도염 환아와 정상소아에서 분리된 A군 연쇄구균의 혈청학적 분류에 관한 연구

        차성호,서진태,박용호,Johnson, Dwight 대한감염학회 1998 감염 Vol.30 No.1

        목 적 : 연쇄구균 감염의 발생크기와 전파정도, 감염된 여러 개체로부터 분리된 연쇄구균의 항원성의 차이 그리고 이 질환의 병원론를 이해하는데 A군 연쇄구균의 항원성 즉 세포벽을 구성하고 있는 M 및 T 단백질의 분석이 필요하다. 저자들은 같은 시기에 서로 다른 지역에서 분리된 A 군 연쇄구균의 혈청학적 타입을 시행하여 그 차이를 알아 보았다. 방 법 : 1996년 4월 동작구에 거주하는 23명의 인두편도염 환자들과 1996년 4월 23명의 정상 소아들에서 분리된 A 군 연쇄구균을 미국 미네소타대학에 있는 WHO Collaborative Center for Reference and Research on streptococci에서 Opacity factor 및 T 및 M 형의 분석을 시행하였다. 결 과 : 46개 균주중 T형의 분리는 41(89.1%), M형의 분리는 26(56.5%)이며, OF를 동반한 M형의 분리는 39(84.8%)개 균주였다. OF 양성률은 46중 24개(52.2%) 균주에서 양성을 나타냈다. 가장 흔하게 분리된 T형은 T-1, T-25, T-28, T-12, T-4순이었고, M형은 M-1, M-75, M-28, M-4, M-12 순이었다. 인두편도염 환아에서 분리된 균주의 T형 분포는 T-1, T-25, T-4, T-12가 65.2%를 차지하였고, 동대문구의 정상소아에서는 T-12, T-25가 71.5%, 강서구의 정상소아에서는 T-28, T-6, T-3이 62.6%를 차지하여 지역별로 다른 타입의 연쇄구균이 분류되었다. 결 론 : 매년 또는 매계절마다 주기적으로 A군 연쇄구균 분리 균주들의 혈청학적 분석이 세균의 동태의 파악과 역학적 연구에 중요할 것으로 사료된다. Background : To evaluate serological typing of T(epidemiologic marker) and M protein(major virulence antigen) is important to understand pathogenesis and epidemiology of streptococcal infection. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there were major difference in distribution of serotypes isolated from healthy school children and patient with pharyngotonsillitis, and to characterize the geographical differences in distribution of the serotypes. Method : Twenty-three strains of group A streptococci were isolated from healthy school children in two different areas(Dongdaemun-Ku and Kangsuh-Ku) in Seoul in April and July 1996. 23 strains came from patients living in Dongjak-Ku with pharyngotonsillitis in April 1996. All isolated were serotyped by T agglutination, M prccipitation and opacity factor at the WHO Collaborative Center for Reference and Research on streptococci, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Results : 89.1% of the strains were typable by T agglutination, 56.5% by M precipitation, and 52.2% were positive in opacity factor. T types 1, 25, 4 and 12 accounted for 65.2% of patients with pharyngotonsillitis, T types 12, and 25 accounted for 71.5% of healthy children in Dongdaemun-Ku, and T types 28, 6 and 3 accounted for 62.6% of healthy children in Kangsuh-Ku. T types 1, 25, 28, 12, 4 and M types 1, 75, 28, 4, 12 were typed in decreasing order. Conclusion : We characterized the differences in serotypes of group A streptocpcci between healthy children and patients. The periodic and seasonal serotyping analysis is important in monitoring and understanding of the epidemiologic patterns of group A streptococci.

      • KCI등재

        Characteristics of Dielectric Barrier Glow Discharges with Low Frequency Generator in Nitrogen

        Yongho Kim,Min Suk Cha,Song Young-Hoon,Wan-Ho Shin 한국물리학회 2003 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.43 No.51

        Two dierent methods are proposed for suppressing streamers when generating a dielectric barrier glow discharge with a low-frequency AC generator (< few kHz) at atmospheric pressures: (i) reducing the discharge gap distance and (ii) increasing the electrical conductivity of the barrier materials. These two proposed techniques are experimentally veried through several parametric tests, in which the applied voltage, the gap distance, and the electrical conductivity are the dominant variable parameters investigated. The test results show that reducing the gap distance can suppress streamer propagation, which results in an eectively sustained glow discharge. If barrier materials with a high electrical conductivity are used, the streamer formation is inhibited, and the glow discharge mode is maintained under high electric elds

      • Adenoviral vector-mediated glucagon-like peptide 1 gene therapy improves glucose homeostasis in Zucker diabetic fatty rats

        Lee, Yongho,Kwon, Mi Kyong,Kang, Eun Seok,Park, Young Mi,Choi, Seung Ho,Ahn, Chul Woo,Kim, Kyung Sub,Park, Chul Won,Cha, Bong Soo,Kim, Sung Wan,Sung, Je Kyung,Lee, Eun Jig,Lee, Hyun Chul John Wiley Sons, Ltd. 2008 The journal of gene medicine Vol.10 No.3

        <B>Background</B><P>Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a gut-derived incretin hormone that plays an important role in glucose homeostasis. Its functions include glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, suppression of glucagon secretion, deceleration of gastric emptying, and reduction in appetite and food intake. Despite the numerous antidiabetic properties of GLP-1, its therapeutic potential is limited by its short biological half-life due to rapid enzymatic degradation by dipeptidyl peptidase IV. The present study aimed to demonstrate the therapeutic effects of constitutively expressed GLP-1 in an overt type 2 diabetic animal model using an adenoviral vector system.</P><B>Methods</B><P>A novel plasmid (pAAV-ILGLP-1) and recombinant adenoviral vector (Ad-ILGLP-1) were constructed with the cytomegalovirus promoter and insulin leader sequence followed by GLP-1(7–37) cDNA.</P><B>Results</B><P>The results of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed significantly elevated levels of GLP-1(7–37) secreted by human embryonic kidney cells transfected with the construct containing the leader sequence. A single intravenous administration of Ad-ILGLP-1 into 12-week-old Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats, which have overt type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), achieved near normoglycemia for 3 weeks and improved utilization of blood glucose in glucose tolerance tests. Circulating plasma levels of GLP-1 increased in GLP-1-treated ZDF rats, but diminished 21 days after treatment. When compared with controls, Ad-ILGLP-1-treated ZDF rats had a lower homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance score indicating amelioration in insulin resistance. Immunohistochemical staining showed that cells expressing GLP-1 were found in the livers of GLP-1-treated ZDF rats.</P><B>Conclusions</B><P>These data suggest that GLP-1 gene therapy can improve glucose homeostasis in fully developed diabetic animal models and may be a promising treatment modality for T2DM in humans. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Laser Isotope Separation of 176Yb for Medical Applications

        Park Hyunmin,Han Jaemin,Jeong Do-Young,Kim Cheol-Jung,Kim Tak-soo,Kwon Duck-Hee,Nam Sungmo,Rhee Yongjoo,Yongho Cha 한국물리학회 2006 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.49 No.1

        The radioisotope, 177Lu, is emerging as a promising isotope for a variety of medical applications such as cancer treatment. Enriched 176Yb can be used as a source material for the production of 177Lu in an atomic reactor. For these applications, we have developed a laser separation technology based on isotopic selective photoionization to enrich the stable 176Yb isotope. Our separation system consists of three dye lasers, a Yb vaporizer, and an ion-extraction system. Especially, we use a compact diode-pumped solid-state laser as the pumping source of the dye lasers. With the developed system, we succeeded in producing enriched 176Yb with an abundance of more than 97 %.

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