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        환자호소에 대한 해결시간 단축을 위한 기초조사연구

        김용순,박지원,박연옥 한국의료QA학회 1997 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Background : An important issue in health care today is in trying to center service around the hospitalized patient. There is a "kindness Movement" developing now. Where in the focus of Health Care is being changed from simply treating the basic physical needs of the patient with sophisticated technology. to keeping emotional well being healthy with more humane and attentive treatment. In our attempt to reach the goal of a completely satisfied patient, we undertook a study of the common complaints of patients, and the subsequent nature of the interventions. Method : The study was carried out in two stages, first the patients made known their complaints by filling out questionnaires, then we collected data on the attempts to alleviate the complaints. The questionnaire provided 19 different complaints, which were then analysed for such variables as content, source of complaint, persons treating the complaint, and length of time and method used to solve the complaint. Result : 1. The Chief complaints made by patients(99.1%) were of physical discomfort, such as pain, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea and constipation. 2. The complaints were vioced primarily by either a member of the patient's family, or by the patients themselves(78.4%). 3. The complaints were intervened by nurses alone(53.5%), physicians alone(25.5%), or by nurses and physicians together(19.25%). 4. The method by which the complaints were resolved included the utilization of prescriptions(55.7%), turther explanation and education (25.5%) and notification after treatment(13.2%). 5. Most complaints were voiced during the dayshift (42.6%, 7:00~15:00), followed by the evening shift(36.0%, 15:00~22:00) ;and then the nightshift(21.3%, 22:00~07:00). 6. The time required for successful resolution of the patient's problems varied from 10~88.9mi, according to the nature of the complaint. Conclusion : Hopefully by knowing beforehand the nature of both complaint and intervention, we can anticiapte problems and shorten reaction time, in order to provide for a more satisfied patient.

      • Steinbeck의 集團組織主義의 協同精神에 關한 硏究

        金容淳 진주여자전문대학 1989 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck's masterpiece, appeared at the end of a decade of social protest writing and was read mostly as a protest novel attacking a national evil of the time. But reconsidered half way across the globe thirty years later, the sad story of the displaced Dust Bowl farmers impresses us with an affirmative of optimism, a tonic sanity behind its burning expression of wrath. In spite of the radical situations Steinbeck reflected his organismic human fellowship through his works. The conception of group organism is employed as a central feature of his novel, according to Fontenrose, owes more to actual observation-his own and Rickette-than to books of social science. He means that one man alone can never have a chance, this is to emphasize the inportance of human fellowship mutual cooperation of individuals. The Joads from The Grapes of Wrath learn the same lesson through their sustained suffering all through their sustained suffering all through their blind emigration. The Joads were at first really primitive, both physically and spiritually. They were egotistic and self-centered. And the isolated attitude at the beginning of the story is remarkable. But the Joad family-unit began to break down and was in the mist of the real negative pessimistic situation. But they never gave up their life and found the way to lead it into possibility. Finally they made friends and it is communicated to and awareness of humanity with human-fellowship. This affirmation of life as such seems to be in the tradition of the American elan that makes for the great procession of the big and powerful group-animal that is that John Steinbeck's human-fellowship.

      • 서비스직 從事員의 葛藤原因에 관한 理論的 考察

        김용순 진주여자전문대학 1995 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        In order that the discipline of hospitality management is adequately understood, researched and taugght, the development of theory must underpin practice and experience. Interdepartmental conflict seems to be a common feature of the hospitality industry and its prevalence appears to be little understood. As business is going slow, if managers have poolicy to lay off employees, employees will reduce their morale and a lot of guests will apprecitate low the quality of sservice. Therfore, managers will get lost their guests. Their guests will never use that enterprise again. Maybe, this will bring on a vicious circle. Conflict, it is suggested, emerges because of factors connented with interdependence, environment, rewards or status and stigma, or a combination of these factors. We have made no attempt to apply value judgements as to whether these conflicts are desirable or undesirable, or to attach any relative importance to any of the factors. There is now a need for further research into the phenomena of interdepartmental conflict in hospitality to establish its frequency, the reasons for its occurrence and its value.

      • 觀光호텔 勞使關係에 관한 實證的 硏究

        김용순 진주여자전문대학 1997 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        The Purposes of this study are to find out various significant factors impinging on the stability of labor-relations. Specifically, the management system of tourist hotels was selected as independent variables, and the stability of labor-relations was employed as subordinate variables. The samples of this study were 57 hotels in Seoul. Pusan, Taigu, Taijun, Kyeongju, and Kyeongnam province. It was found that the management system of tourist hotels and the employee s characteristics have significant on labor harmony. Labor harmony appeared to be affected in the order of reward system, management policies, and job attitude of the employees. Rationalization of reward system lower frequency of labor strifes, and thus higher stability of labor-relations may be obtained when tourist hotel employees feel that the rewards for their successfully accomplished tasks are equal compared with other employees' reward, and when the welfare policies for the employees are felt satisfactory.

      • Christian Symbolism in The Grapes of Wrath

        金容淳 진주여자전문대학 1985 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        It is novel of the 1930s that John Steinbeck is indubitably at his best, He opened his world as a novelist with his first work, Cup of Gold(1929), and established his position and this work is important in his career. Establishing himself as an important writer with his background, he had begun to score successive hits with in Dubions Battle (1936), Of Mice and Men(1937), The Red Pony(1937), The Long Valley(1938), and The Grapes of Wrath(1939) Which are great works, Among the works of Steinbeck's especially, The Grapes of wrath Steinbeck's masterpiece, appeared at the end of a decade of social protest writing through his thoughts. Steinbeck reflected biological thoughts, non-teleological thoughts, organismic human fellow ship and bibilical symbols and meanings among his thoughts which are mentioned above. As Shockey has point out, the meaning of the works shall be revealed through the examination of Christian symbols which are pervasive in his works. As we have seen plenty of symbols and images from the Bible in the characters and stories in this work, many of the characters have their counterparts in the Bible in some respect. Despite all these affiliations with the Bible, however, the overall effects of the novel are negative to the purpose of the Bible, Instead, all the characters and stories were carefully arranged to bring about Steinbeck a belief of transcendental over soul, love of brotherhood. In order to represent this Christianity, Steinbeck created Casy, "It's all men and women we love : that's the Holy Spiritall man got one big sonl over body's part of, it" is actual proof of Steinbeck's conception of the thought.

      • Huckleberry Finn에 나타난 旅行 Motive에 關한 考察

        金容淳 진주여자전문대학 1991 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        Mark Twain's the Adventure of Hucklebery Finn is the story of a journey. So I wanted to study the travel motive, image of this work. Huckleberry Finn tells a story about real human figures, it is the suggestion that river journey can have a reality, that it can be a journey of natural human life. Twain also suggests that the human individual is a more automation without choice as to birth or as to any impulse or thought or action. The next, appeared as a strong hatred of hypocricy, and resistance to the injustice and absurdity of society and also a call for the recovery of the original nature of man. In this meaning, it can reach the conclusions that the travel motive through the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is nostalgia toward the natural human by the hero, Huck and creation of natural human, the next is a escape from hatred against civilization, civilized people, the travel image appeared as a life's journey which was symbolized by Mississippi river.

      • 호텔從事員 서비스敎育에 관한 理論的 硏究

        金容淳 진주여자전문대학 1993 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        As the economical importance of service industry is escalating with the rapid development of Korean economy, the tendency to serve the economy has been intensified. Also, the future society is expected to become an off-industrialization society as the new society, with the value creation center, is changed from tangibles to intangibles. One of the biggest features apperaing to us in the process of this change is the service phenomena in economy. Currently, the modern hotel business is tending towards the large-scale internationalization. And the tourism industry is pursuing development as a new grand enterprise effective in culture, economy and society by contributing to national economic development caused by the the national income growth as well as the improvement of the balance of international payment. The hotel business, which forms the main axis of the tourism industry, especially requires vast expert knowledge and is also an enterprise tremendously dependant on man power. The main hotel business package consists of quest rooms and the food & beverage department. However, it also needs additional goods and services. It has become time for us to make an effort for edveloping projects and effective management of reasonable service evaluation, supervision, as well as employee deucation, which contributes to the growth of competitiveness and development of hotels with new recognition and interest in the hotel business. Service management is a total management process related to all kinds of activity which its objective is to satisfy patrons desires and expectations through service. Since patrons are the business in service industry, every direction of policy should be directed toward patrons and also begin and end with them. Seeing from the characteristics of hotel business, the focal point of this research lies in presenting a system of education training for hotel employees order to provide effective service.

      • 觀光과 環境保全에 關한 硏究

        金容淳 진주여자전문대학 1992 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to discribe the impact of tourism on environmental conservation. Ascessing the impact of tourism on environment is notoriously difficult, and is often hindered by emotional factors or considerations of private interest. Further, data on tourist internal movements and impact itself is scarce. But the discription of this thesis is to explain natural environment and the impact of tourist and tourism developments. As a result, circusmstance is various so widely that general conclusions about the relationship of tourism and conservation are in limitted value. And then, the environmental impact of tourism must be perspective. So, conservation for natural enviroment must approach the focuse of problems by the systemetic and holistic method.

      • 우리나라 觀光團地의 開發과 問題點에 關한 硏究

        金容淳,李承炯 진주여자전문대학 1987 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        "Tourist-Complexe" may put definition on the concept of area which is done function arrangement of all sorts of facilities intensively within the limits of fixed area to develop tourist resort scientifically and rationally as tourist-complexe is more definite concept than tourist resort, providing that tourist resort is tourism object (tourism resources and convenience facilities) to satisfy tourist's desire which is comparatively massed area. The development of tourist-complexe has a meaning from the point of view of efficient using of a territory including natural scene, protection and application of cultural assets, proper arrangement and security of recreation space as well as promoting healthy recreation activity of the people. In special, tourist-complex has a positive meaning when it's corresponded with social benefit adopting the productive proper developing plan. This study has described synthetically revealed all problems of tourist-complex development in Korea up to date. As the result of that, 1. In the legislation aspect, it has needed to reform, to supplement the law in view of desiring increase of tourist activity of the people and changing increase of tourist activity of the people and changing of policy for publie welfare society by the government. 2. In the main body of development aspect, has regarded it as only making the play of guidance and the supervisory office with system of leading to spontaneours participation of civilian with a maximum making the main body government. 3. In the investment aspect, it is proper that leade to be more economical efficiency investment through the benefits of tax system or financial support enlarging the civilian investment. 4. In the enforcement aspect, it needed a system to protect vested rights of concerned persons, to investigate effect upon environment of near region as well as ecosystem in advance. Also studied the motive and process of development, political, and social back ground of Kyong-Joo, Che-Joo Choong-Moon, Choong-Moo, Do-Nam, and Nam-Won Tourist-Complex which are developing under named tourist-complex by the Ministry of Transportation. In conclusion, above results of study are not whole problems of tourist-complexes in Korea. They are able to have a significance when they have a suggestion meaning and it required to study hard about the study of a continued actual proof and estimation in accordance with a method of study of conditions of location in tourism geography.

      • KCI등재후보

        병원내 안전관리 향상을 위한 항목 및 지침 선정

        박지원,김용순,진혜영 한국의료QA학회 1996 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        Background : The goal of this study was to establish the QA items and guidelines for preventing and improving of safety management. Therefore we investigated the nurses' recognition and knowledge of the safety and risk procedures and policies, and the agreement between the nurses beliefs on the degree of miportance of those procedures and policies, with actual implementation in hospitals. Method : The subjects of this study were 201 nurses who participated in a program called continuing education for nurses, which held in December, 1993. Result : The results of this study were as follows: 1. Among 18 types of hospital risks, the items that scored highest or the need of closer attention in safety management was the needle stick, medication errors, falling, and bed sores. 2. In most questions of the 18 incidences, the nurses showed that the estimated result would have positive signs except for hospital infections, burns, and bed sores. 3. Even though the survey shows that incidences and types of occurences varies according to the person's age and the time of incident, they mostly occur between midnight to 6AM. Falls and bed sores can be seen more in the elderly. Medication errors, hospital infections and bums are frequently found between the ages of one through twenty. 4. There was a higher mean score for recognizing the importance of those items than the importance of implementing them. Conclusion : In summary, nurses did perceive the need of safety management but the hospital policy for proper safety management was not established. So we recommended that the hospital administration would undertake an early detection and proper management system for hospital precautions, based on QA items & guidelines presented in this study.

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