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        NF-κB decoy potentiates the effects of radiation on vascular smooth muscle cells by enhancing apoptosis

        Shu-Ying Zhang,박경우,오세일,조현주,조현재,박진식,조영석,구본관,채인호,최동주,김효수,이명묵 생화학분자생물학회 2005 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.37 No.1

        NF-κB promotes cell survival gainst external stress such as radiation. We examined whether NF-κB decoy transfection enhances the antiproliferative effects of radiation on vascular sm ooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in vitro. The irradiation induced activation or nuclear translocation of NF-κB p65 in VSMCs was confirmed by mmunofluorescence. NF-κB decoy transfection resulted in inhibition of the radiation-induced NF-κB activation in VSMCs and the subsequent reduction of transcription and translocation of ICAM, iNOS, and TNF-α, downstream molecules under the control of NF-κB. By using MTT assay, NF-κB decoy augmented the antiproliferative effects of radiation, where the effect of low dose radiation (2 and 8-Gy) of the cells transfected with NF-κB decoy was equivalent to the high dose (16-Gy) irradiated non-transfected cells at 48 h after irradiation: 1.06 ± 0.16, 1.11 ± 0.22, 1.20 ± 0.25, respectively. The decrease in proliferation and survival of the radiation treated cells by flow cytometry analysis showed that NF-κB inhibition did not show any additive effects on the cell cycle of the irradiated VSMCs, while apoptosis was significantly increased after NF-κB decoy transfection in the irradiated VSMCs (apoptosis fraction: 13.33 ± 2.08% vs. 26.29 ± 7.43%, for radiation only vs. radiation+NF-κ B decoy transfection, P < 0.05). In addition, at 48 h, NF-κB decoy transfection dose dependently (10 µM vs. 20 µM) inhibited proliferation of 16Gy-irradiated VSMCs, and showed greater antiproliferative efficacy than 100 µM sulfasalazine, a specific NF-κB inhibitor. These results indicate that NF-κB inhibition reduces proliferation and survival of irradiated VSMCs, likely by increased apoptosis rather than additive cell cycle arrest and suggest the possibility of adjunctive gene therapy using NF-κB decoy to improve efficacy and to decrease the adverse effects of intracoronary radiation therapy.

      • An Analysis on the Experiences and Enlightments for Reliefing Disaster Disadvantaged Minority in Japan

        Ying-Shu Jin 위기관리 이론과 실천 2016 위기관리 이론과 실천 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.08

        Types of natural disasters frequently outbreak in China, and often cause significant economic losses and casualties. The typical case is “5.12” Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008, in which more than 80 million people affected, and nearly 70 thousand were killed, nearly 20 thousand missing, more than 400 thousand were injured, and more than 1 million lost their home. In fact, most of the victims were disadvantaged minority, including disabled children, elderly, pregnant women, etc. And it standed by the research findings and reminded us it’s so important to protect the rights of disadvantaged minority in the reliefing process. From the rescuing measures and programs of Chinese government in disasters, giving priority to rescue children, women, elderly is conventional. However, compared with Japan, the consciousness of protecting the rights of disadvantaged minority when rescuing in disaster in China is still inadequate. The following can confirm this judgement: (1) lacking systematic statistics about the disadvantaged minority in the disaster report; (2) neclecting the special demands of the disadvantaged minority in rescuing process; (3) having no gender awareness in reliefing process; (4) being short of rights and interests protecting for special social groups in the development-oriented policies after disaster,etc. In fact, early in the 1980s, the Japanese government began to pay great attention to the disadvantaged minority in reliefing process, and developing a systematic theory for protecting the rights and interests of disadvantaged minority. In my opinion, for improving the level of disaster administration, Chinese government and academia shall learn from Japan’s experiences and practices. The purposes of this paper are the followings: (1) to introduce the theory of disaster disadvantaged minority in Janpan, including its generation, core concepts and changes; (2) to analyse the types of disaster disadvantaged minority and their special needs in reliefing process; (3) to clarify with typical cases that how the Japanese to protect and relief disaster disadvantaged minority in the periods of emergency preparing before disaster, emergency evacuating in disaster, refuge living during disaster, and recoverying after disaster. Meanwhile, pointing out its experiences and enlightments for China how to protect and relief disaster disadvantaged minority.

      • KCI등재

        The Influence of Resilience on the Coping Strategies in Patients with Primary Brain Tumors

        Shu-Yuan Liang,Hui-Chun Liu,Yu-Ying Lu,Shu-Fang Wu,Ching-Hui Chien,Shiow-Luan Tsay 한국간호과학회 2020 Asian Nursing Research Vol.14 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the amount of variance in the coping strategies of patients with brain tumors that could be accounted for by resilience. Methods: This cross-sectional survey involved 95 patients who had experienced surgical, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy therapies for their brain tumors at least 1 month before data collection. The investigator collected data using the scales of the Ways of Coping Checklist-Revised and Resilience Scale. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t tests, analysis of variance, Pearson product–moment correlation, and hierarchical multiple regression. Results: The results revealed that resilience was significantly positively associated with patients' problem-focused coping (r = .65, p < .001) and total coping (r = .49, p < .001). In addition, resilience accounted for 27% (R2inc = .27, p < .001) and 16% (R2inc = .16, p < .001) of the distinct variances in predicting patients’ problem-focused coping and total coping. Conclusion: The current results provide evidence to support the importance of resilience in shaping the coping strategies of relevant patients. As resilience shows a crucial element in patient coping with brain tumors, health team members should develop and employ appropriate strategies to improve the resilience of patients with brain tumors.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Combinatorial Interactions of Two cis-Acting Elements, AT-Rich Regions and HSEs, in the Expression of Tomato Lehsp23.8 upon Heat and Non-Heat Stresses

        Shu-ying Yi,Jian Liu 한국식물학회 2009 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.52 No.6

        We previously cloned and analyzed the 1,893-bp promoter region (−1,915 to −23) of the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Lehsp23.8 gene, whose expression is induced by treatment with high or low temperatures, heavy metal, or abscisic acid (ABA). In our present work, we examined how this expression is regulated. A comprehensive quantitative promoter deletion and base-substitution analysis was conducted under various environmental conditions. The proximal region (−565 to −23 bp) of the Lehsp23.8 promoter harbors cis-regulatory elements that conferred high levels of heat-induced expression in transgenic tobacco. Mutation of the five proximal HSEs (HSE1 to 5) of that promoter led to an absence of heat inducibility. The AT-rich regions between −255 bp and −565 bp (AT-rich1 to 4) in the promoter might serve as enhancers for such heat-induced expression. Deletion and HSE mutation analysis indicated that other cis-acting elements also function in response to low temperature, heavy metal, and ABA and that HSE1 to 5 act at least as cis-acting elements in multiple-stress responses of Lehsp23.8. These results reveal that those five proximal HSEs and AT-rich regions function interdependently in the expression of Lehsp23.8 in response to non-heat stresses. Furthermore, the putative elements CRT/DRE, AP-1, and ABRE in that promoter are not required for multiple-stress induction.

      • KCI등재

        Reconsideración sobre el cuento hispanoamericano y su influencia en la literatura chino-taiwanesa

        Luisa Shu-Ying, Chang 고려대학교 스페인 라틴아메리카 연구소 2021 스페인라틴아메리카연구 Vol.14 No.2

        This research is aimed to study the influence of Latin American literature on Taiwanese literature or literature in Chinese starting from the 1980s. The impact comes mainly from the so-called “magical realism” by the “Group Boom” of the 1960s like Gabriel García Márquez, as well as the short fantastic stories initiated predominantly by Jorge Luis Borges and Julio Cortázar since the 1940s. Current studies on such influence have focused on novels but still very few, let alone other artistic representations or short stories which have aroused great interest from readers. This investigation is intended to look into certain concrete and eminent examples, based on some theoretical studies so as to re-examine the impact and how the great Chinese community has assimilated such theme into local representation. El presente artículo pretende estudiar la influencia de la literatura hispanoamericana en la creación literaria de Taiwán o la literatura en chino a partir de los años ochenta. Dicha influencia se enraíza en el llamado “realismo mágico” por el grupo “boom” de los años sesenta del siglo XX, encabezado por Gabriel García Márquez, así como el género fantástico iniciado muy predominantemente a partir de los años cuarenta por Jorge Luis Borges y Julio Cortázar. Los estudios sobre la huella patente que han dejado estos escritores hispanoamericanos en la literatura chino-taiwanesa van hacia la novela, y siguen siendo escasos, aún menos hacia otras representaciones literarias o artísticas como el cuento o el cine. El presente estudio intenta enumerar algunos eminentes ejemplos concretos, basado en algunos estudios teóricos, como reconsideración de la deuda que deben estos escritores de lengua china y cómo asimilar esa influencia a una representación propia.

      • KCI등재

        Memoria, politica e identidad: una elegia/ parodia de iAy, Carmela!

        ( Luisa Shu Ying Chang ) 고려대학교 스페인·라틴아메리카연구소 2010 스페인라틴아메리카연구 Vol.3 No.-

        El presente articulo toma la pelicula de Carlos Saura(1932- )-iAy, Carmela!(1990), basada en la obra de teatro homonima(1987) de Jose Sanchis Sinisterra(1940- ), como eje central para tratar de sus vertientes relevantes: memoria, politica e identidad, en pleno ambiente belico de la Guerra Civil espanola. La pelicula trata de un grupo de comicos, Carmela, Paulino y Gustavete, que amenizan como pueden la vida de los soldados republicanos durante la Guerra Civil, pero estan cansados ya de pasar penalidades en el frente. El grupo intenta ir a Valencia, pero, por error, se pasan a la zona nacional. Alli los militares nacionales les cogen presos y les amenazan de fusilamiento si se niegan a ofrecer un espectaculo para ellos. El cual va a chocar de lleno con la ideologia del grupo comico. La tesis del presente trabajo enfoca la memoria e identidad de estos comicos frente a la politica de dos bandos(las ``dos Espanas``). Carmela, una mujer valiente y resistente, Paulino, prudente y pusilanime, y Gustavete, un chico mudo que recobro su voz al ver la muerte de Carmela en plena representacion. El trasfondo social es belico y los protagonistas representan teatro comico. El mundo real es una elegia ante la guerra civil, mientras que el mundo teatral es una comedia para la diversion de los militares. Los personajes ``juegan`` el papel de la doble identidad e ideologia para echar al olvido y recobrar una y otra vez su propio ser. El unico salvoconducto de su vida es la parodia teatral que se ha convertido en una tragedia real. A traves de esta obra de ``teatro-cine``, esperamos abordar los estudios interdisciplinares entre el arte del cine y el teatro, asimismo indagar esos temas recurrentes a lo largo del periodo del posfranquismo, tal como la identidad femenina, la politica y la memoria que reflejan vividamente la sociedad espanola en la guerra y en la posguerra. El cine de Saura tiene gran variedad de temas, argumentos y estilos. Es uno de los directores de cine espanoles que se enfrenta a los mayores desafios y experimentos esteticos. iAy, Carmela! es por una parte, un reto entre el marco teatral y la adaptacion cinematografica y por otra parte, un drama que conjuga el genero tragicomico por antonomasia.


        <i>Yersinia pseudotuberculosis</i> Exploits CD209 Receptors for Promoting Host Dissemination and Infection

        He, Ying-Xia,Ye, Cheng-Lin,Zhang, Pei,Li, Qiao,Park, Chae Gyu,Yang, Kun,Jiang, Ling-Yu,Lv, Yin,Ying, Xiao-Ling,Ding, Hong-Hui,Huang, Hong-Ping,Mambwe Tembo, John,Li, An-Yi,Cheng, Bing,Zhang, Shu-Sheng American Society for Microbiology 2019 Infection and immunity Vol.87 No.1

        <P><I>Yersinia pseudotuberculosis</I> is a Gram-negative enteropathogen and causes gastrointestinal infections. It disseminates from gut to mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs), spleen, and liver of infected humans and animals.</P><P><I>Yersinia pseudotuberculosis</I> is a Gram-negative enteropathogen and causes gastrointestinal infections. It disseminates from gut to mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs), spleen, and liver of infected humans and animals. Although the molecular mechanisms for dissemination and infection are unclear, many Gram-negative enteropathogens presumably invade the small intestine via Peyer’s patches to initiate dissemination. In this study, we demonstrate that <I>Y. pseudotuberculosis</I> utilizes its lipopolysaccharide (LPS) core to interact with CD209 receptors, leading to invasion of human dendritic cells (DCs) and murine macrophages. These <I>Y. pseudotuberculosis</I>-CD209 interactions result in bacterial dissemination to MLNs, spleens, and livers of both wild-type and Peyer’s patch-deficient mice. The blocking of the <I>Y. pseudotuberculosis</I>-CD209 interactions by expression of O-antigen and with oligosaccharides reduces infectivity. Based on the well-documented studies in which HIV-CD209 interaction leads to viral dissemination, we therefore propose an infection route for <I>Y. pseudotuberculosis</I> where this pathogen, after penetrating the intestinal mucosal membrane, hijacks the <I>Y. pseudotuberculosis</I>-CD209 interaction antigen-presenting cells to reach their target destinations, MLNs, spleens, and livers.</P>

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