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        묘지 조성사업지의 비탈면 보호공법에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) : 강릉시 시범 공설묘지 조성사업을 중심으로

        전근우,유남재,차두송,이명종,박완근,한상균 강원대학교 삼림과학연구소 2000 Journal of Forest Science Vol.16 No.-

        강릉시 시범 공설묘지 조성사업은 경사 30˚ 의 표고차가 심한 산지를 절 · 성토하여 계단식 묘역단을 조성하는 공사로 수직고 15m이상의 대절토 및 성토부가 산재하고 있다. 특히 묘역단장후 주변 유입수 및 표면 유출수에 의한 비탈면 붕괴, 묘역단 유실 등의 피해가 발생할 경우 보수 또는 보강이 사실상 어려운 실정이며, 사회적 여론으로 확대될 가능성이 크므로 비탈면 보호에 필요한 녹화공법을 검토하였다. 구체적인 연구내용으로는 설계도면 및 현장답사를 통한 문제 비탈면 추출, 비탈면의 물리적 특성과 식생의 생육상황 파악, 비탈면 주변부의 식생조사와 유용식생 선발, 비탈면의 토양조건 분석 및 비탈면 토사의 기본물성 조사 등이며, 이를 기초로 하여 비탈면 현황 및 문제점을 파악하고, 그 대안을 제시하였다. The construction of a public cemetery in Kangnung city includes terraced graveyard with cutting or banking in mountain which has severe altitude differences with a slope of 30˚. Therefore, there are scattered cutting and banking sections with vertical height more than 15m. Especially, if the slope failure or the loss of a graveyard happens after graveyard establishment due to surface flow and inflow around, it is difficult to repair, causing serious public censure. Accordingly. revegetation works were examined that need protection of slope. The specific content of the study was the selection of slopes requiring special care through blueprint and field investigation the measurement of the physical property of slope and the situation of vegetative growth, the investigation of vegetation in slopes and the selection of vegetation, and the analysis of soil condition of slopes and the physical condition of slope sediment. On the basis of investigations some alternatives were proposed.Key words: public cemetery, slope protection works, revegetation works

      • KCI등재

        The electrical properties of ZnO/Si heterojunction diode depending on thin film thickness

        Akın Ümmühan,Houimi Amina,Gezgin Bahri,Gündoğdu Yasemin,Kılıç Sümeyye,Mercimek Bedrettin,Berber Adnan,Gezgin Serap Yiğit 한국물리학회 2022 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.81 No.2

        In this work, ZnO thin flms have been produced on p-Si wafer depending on number of laser pulses applied using pulse laser deposition (PLD) technique at room temperature conditions. Three diferent thicknesses of ZnO thin flms (ZnO1, ZnO2 and ZnO3) have been produced by applying 18,000, 36,000 and 54,000 laser pulses and thicknesses of these produced three thin flms have been measured to be 41 nm, 70 nm, 197 nm, respectively. It is observed in this work that while thicknesses of ZnO thin flms increases, crystal structure of thin flms develops, their grain size increase while their band gaps decrease. Ag/ZnO/ Si/Au heterojunction diodes have been produced based on ZnO1, ZnO2 and ZnO3 thin flms. After that, efect of thickness of thin flm on electrical properties of diodes produced depending on number of laser pulses has been analyzed in detail. I–V characteristics of ZnO/Si heterojunction diodes produced have also been measured in darkness environment and under illumination conditions (AM 1.5 solar radiation of 80 mW/cm2 ) and results obtained have been interpreted and a conclusion has been made in this work. Furthermore, ideality factors, barrier heights and serial resistivities of these diodes have been calculated using conventional thermionic emission theory, Norde and Cheung-Cheung methods and then results obtained from analytical methods have been interpreted in detail in the present article. ZnO heterojunction diodes have exhibited photovoltaic properties under illumination conditions. It has been observed that as thickness of ZnO thin flm is increased, Jsc and η values of the hetero junction diodes are increased. ZnO-3A hetero junction diode has exhibited the most improved photovoltaic performance. We have also theoretically investigated photo-electric properties of ZnO-3A heterojunction diode using SCAPS-1D packed software. The resulted J–V characteristics have been found very similar to measured counterparts.

      • KCI등재

        Identification of a Novel Streptomyces chattanoogensis L10 and Enhancing Its Natamycin Production by Overexpressing Positive Regulator ScnRII

        Yi-Ling Du,Shi-Fei Chen,Liang-Ying Cheng,Xue-Ling Shen,Yuan Tian,Yong-Quan Li 한국미생물학회 2009 The journal of microbiology Vol.47 No.4

        A novel Streptomyces strain, L10, which is capable of producing natamycin, was isolated from a soil sample collected from Zhejiang province, China. On the basis of phylogenetic analysis of rpoB gene and 16S rDNA sequences, as well as phenotypic comparison, strain L10 (CGMCC 2644) is proposed to be a previously uncharacterized strain of S. chattanoogensis. By screening a cosmid library of strain L10 and primer walking, a partial sequence of scnRI and the entire sequence of scnRII were obtained, which are orthologues to the pathway-specific positive regulator genes of natamycin biosynthesis in S. natalensis. The engineered S. chattanoogensis D1, generated by inserting an additional copy of scnRII into the chromosome of strain L10, increased its natamycin production by 3.3 fold in YSG medium and 4.6 fold in YEME medium without sucrose.

      • KCI등재

        An integrated dendrite-free zinc metal electrode for corrosion inhibition in aqueous system

        Yi-Fan Hu,Li-Feng Zhou,He Gong,He Jia,Peng Chen,Yi-Song Wang,Li-Ying Liu,Tao Du 한국화학공학회 2022 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.39 No.9

        Zinc ion batteries have gotten increasing attention as a potential candidate for lithium-ion batteries, due totheir high specific capacity (820 mAh·g1), energy density, and safety. Inevitably, dendrite and corrosion create sometrouble for this system. Herein, an integrated Zn electrode coated by Zn-Al metal oxides prepared by a simple spincoatingmethod was utilized to increase the rechargeability for aqueous zinc ion batteries. By coating the Zn anodewith an artificial electrolyte interface, the wettability of Zn anodes was improved and impedance was reduced. Thecoating suppressed not only the appearance of dendrite but also the formation of corrosion products. The symmetricalcells with coating have a low overpotential (43mV) and an excellent life span. Meanwhile, the applied full batteriesexhibit an improved capacity retention rate (86.67% after 120 cycles), great rate performance and low apparent activationenergy (24.6 KJ·mol1). The simple production methods and superior corrosion suppression effects provide newideas for the anode protection of aqueous system batteries.

      • KCI등재

        임진왜란초기 조선군의 기병전술

        이홍두(Yi, Hong-Du) 백산학회 2006 白山學報 Vol.- No.74

        The Chosun-Japan War began as the Japanese Army landed at the Busan Port on April 13 1592. At that time, Chosun had deployed its main force along the Duman River in preparation against the invasion of Jurchens, the defense of the southern front line was loose. As the Japanese Army moved northward rapidly, the Chosun government threw General Shin Rip into the battle line. Considering whether to line up the defense force at the rough Joryeong pass and launch a surprise attack or to wage a cavalry battle at Tangeum-dae, the general pitched a camp at Tangeum-dae because the Chosun Army had been defeatedin every engagement at the Joryeong pass until that time. Eight thousand Chosun cavalry soldiers fought bravely against Japanese force of 50,000 but all of them fell in the battle. The Pyeongyang-seong Battle fought by the combined forces of Chosun and Ming lasted three days from the 6th to the 8th of January 1593. Ming General Nak Sang-ji and Chosun General Lee Yil attacked the Hamgu Gate of the Pyeongyang-seong Wall, and Lee Yeo-song attacked the Chilseong Gate. The Japanese Army dug the ground in front of each gate on the outer wall and the inner wall, and deployed firelock units. Around the dugouts were deployed spear and sword units, cavalry and archery. Although the Chosun-Ming Allied Forces suffered great damages by the firelock units, the Ming Army recaptured Pyeongyang-seong using advanced weapons such as Bangpae(防牌), Rangseon (狼筅), Jangchang(長槍), Dangpa(鏜鈀). On the other hand, Chosun cavalry pursued and destroyed Japanese remnants running away out of Pyeongyang-seong. General Gwon Yool pitched a camp with 2,300 monk and patriotic soldiers at Haengju-seong on February 12 1593. The Japanese Army divided its 30,000 soldiers into the right and left forces and attacked the wall with firelock units and artillery at the front. However, the Chosun Army lured them close to the fortress and then shot arrows, threw stonesand fired all kinds of cannons. Japanese forces attacked by turns, but as Gyeonggi-do governor Lee Bin supplied tens of thousands of arrows and cargo vessels from Jolla-do also supported, the battle was won by the Chosun Army. The great victory at Haengju-seong led by General Gwon Yool was due to the defense tactic leaning against the wall. Since then, the Chosun Army took the wall defense tactic as the foundation of national defense.

      • KCI등재

        고려의 몽골전쟁과 기마전

        이홍두(Yi Hong-Du) 역사실학회 2007 역사와실학 Vol.34 No.-

        The present study examined chivalry battles between Goryeo and Mongolia. According to the results when it attacked a fortress the Mongolian Army used the tactics of taking the fortresses swiftly with stone artillery fire artillery and crashing machines(衝車). On the contrary the Goryeo Army defended the wall through clearing the field with no food left(淸野守成) and established a cooperative system with surrounding walls. Since the 3rd War when the capital was transferred to Ganghwa do the Goryeo Army faced the Mongolian Army at mountain walls and islands. Against Mongolian Army's destructive siege strategies the Goryeo Army reacted in two ways. First the defending army waged a chivalry battle outside the Anbuk Wall but was defeated. However General Park Seo concentrated on defending the Gwiju Wall and watching for a chance he launched a unit of chivalry outside the wall and made surprise attacks. His strategy was successful. In 1232 the Goryeo government transferred the capital to Ganghwa do and issued the command of'Sanseonghaedoipbo(山城海島入保),' which meant'Escape into a mountain wall or an island if finding Mongolian forces,' and at the same time installed Sanseong Banghobyeolgam(山城防護別監). People who took refuge the Gwangju Wall and the Cheoin Wall waged a chivalry battle with a Mongolian force and won a great victory. In the 3rd War the Mongolian Army attacked the northwest region and the northeast region at the same time aiming to occupy the whole country. Then the Goryeo Army maintained the strategy of defending mountain walls and at the same time made raids at night using small units of chivalry. In order to take the Jukju Wall the Mongolian Army approached the wall with oil pine wood and dry straws. Then the Goryeo Army inside the wall opened the gate and its chivalry made a raid all at once. In addition special units in the wall including those armed with hatchets killed Mongolian soldiers countlessly through close combats. In the 5th War in October 1253 the Mongolian Army surrounded the Chungju Wall for around 70 days but Banghobyeolgam Kim Yoon hoo(金允侯) defeated it in cooperation with a unit of low class soldiers(賤民軍) in the Chungju Wall. Instead of concentrating defending the Chungju Wall he ambushed chivalry outside the wall and confronted the approaching enemies. On the other hand in the 6th War when Charade attacked the Chungiu Wall in September 1254 the Goryeo Army defeated them by launching chivalry taking advantages of an opportune storm.

      • KCI등재

        고려전기의 화폐 주조와 유통정책

        이홍두(Yi Hong-Du) 역사실학회 2005 역사와실학 Vol.28 No.-

        In the Goryeo Dynasty, King Seongjong minted iron coins, and King Sukjong minted and circulated copper coins and silver bottles. At that time, the issue of coinage was demanded by the development of goods distribution. The mintage and circulation of coinage in the early Goryeo Dynasty had two purposes. One was to disintegrate major clans' united political power and to strengthen the king' s sovereignty, and the other was to restore economy that had been impoverished by wars. King Seongjong issued iron coins in the 15th year of King Dong (996). It was to meet financial demand for waging six times of war against Georan. Using coinage for financial expenses, the government could preserve goods of real value such as rice and textile. King Mokjong who ascended the throne in 998 inherited Seongjong's coinage circulation policy but the circulation of coins, which had been used for 7 years, was almost stopped except partial use at restaurants selling teas and liquors. During the reign of King Sukjong after around 90 years since the stoppage of circulation, Jujeondogam(鑄錢都監) was installed and minted copper coins and silver bottles, and established laws related to mintage. The reason for Sukjong to mint coinage was the development of commerce and industry, which demanded the expansion of goods distribution. Particularly from the period of King Munjong, economic power was enhanced rapidly and this required the efficient circulation of coinage. Copper coins were named by combining 'Haedong,' 'Dongguk' or 'Samhan,' which meant Goryeo, with 'Tongbo' or 'Jungbo.' Copper coins were shaped round and had a square hole at the center, and their name was embossed on the surface. On the other hand, the country minted silver bottles from the 6th year of King Sukjong and circulated them until the end of the Goryeo Dynasty. During the reign of King Sukjong, mintage was led by Chief Priest Euicheon and Yoon Gwan, the king's closest aides, but it was opposed strongly by Gwak Sang, the governor of Seogyong. The reason for the opposition was that the prohibition of the use of flax would make it difficult for people to exchange goods. However, the real reason was the fear of a high increase in taxes resulting from the circulation of coinage. The introduction of coinage is a reform of object economy, reflecting the flexibility and compositeness of economy admitting the coinage. Thus, the mintage and circulation of coinage in the early Goryeo Dynasty was a rare opportunity for reforming object economy in those days and developing the distribution of goods further. However, the circulation of copper coins failed. The reasons for the failure can be found in immaturity of goods manufacturing and distribution, underdevelopment of mines, limited trade with outsides, nondistinction between the high and low grades of copper coins, etc.

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