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      • KCI등재

        중국의 ISD 분쟁 사례 및 그 시사점에 관한 연구

        유예리(Yoo, Yeri) 국제법평론회 2013 국제법평론 Vol.0 No.37

        The Chinese Government recently had a case against Malaysian investor and Chinese companies also filed against the Belgium Government and Mongolian Government regarding their investment to the International Arbitrage Court. A Malaysian company Ekran Berhad against China (Ekran Berhad v. People's Republic of China) is the first case ever filed against the Chinese government before the ICSID. There can be two points from the three cases that we have to pay attention. One of them is that the Chinese companies were active and assertive enough to use ISD settlement whether the Contracting Parties are a developed or non-developed countries. And the other one is that the Korean investors need to study on measures of the Chinese Government including local governments and their consistency to the investment treaties. The paper suggests that Korean and Chinese investors should have different attitudes on the utilization of ISD settlement and its possibility. From the Korea’s perspective, it is preferred to be defensive. The reason that Korea has tried not to resolve trade and investment disputes with China through international organizations is not that we had no disputes at all but that we were afraid of a reprisal action. On the other hand, China might have an active and assertive attitude to use ISD settlement. China has signed more than 140 BITs with other countries since the early 1980s, and recently concluded FTAs and BITs includes ISD Settlement. Beyond that, the Chinese Government had a case against Malaysian investor and also Chinese companies filed against the Belgium Government and Mongolian Government regarding their investment to the International Arbitrage Court. Therefore, it is very likely that the Chinese Government and state-owned companies supported by the government have a high possibility to file against the Contracting Party because of the breach of the treaty. It seems that ISD must be reasonable when disputes occurs between countries which has similar economic or political power like between developed countries or between developing countries. However, ISD is not always useful and reasonable when the disputes occur between developed country and developing country which has unbalanced power, and even between developed countries which can be applied to economic or political reasons. The paper considers that Korea and China just has the relations like power unbalanced. By understanding merits and demerits of ISD and its timely utilization might be able to play an key role to develop future two countries investment.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 지적재산권 사법심사제도에 관한 고찰

        유예리(Yoo, YeRi) 한양법학회 2010 漢陽法學 Vol.31 No.-

        China made a commitment in regards to the judicial review through legal documents including Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China. China's commitment of the judicial review is stricter and broader than what WTO asks. There are two reasons why China made such a broad and strict commitment of the judicial review. One reason is that WTO demands WTO new members stricter judicial review system because of doubts that might be low rule of law in the new members. Hence, new WTO members like China, Armenia, Nepal and Cambodia have a separate section of judicial review in their commitment to the entry of WTO. The other reason is that the Chinese government wanted to show the international community that China's trade policy and rule of law are established and especially WTO members which invest in China can be protected by law in the area of trade, investment and intellectual property rights. From the perspective of Chinese international business transaction law, study on China's judicial review is very important. Because the party can be Korean and Korean companies that uses the China's domestic judicial review. For example, a Korean corporation is able to appeal the People's Court of China against decision of antidumping by China's commerce ministry. However, the point that we have to pay attention is that there has not been even one judicial review on 40 cases of trade remedy exercised by the Chinese government. It means that China's judicial review has a institutional and procedural problems which makes difficult to use. If we have confidence that improved Chinese judicial review are fairly processed, then we should use well the system. The paper, first of all, reviews general rules of China's judicial review, and especially focuses on the regulations and application of Judicial Review in Intellectual Property Rights. It includes that what China made a promise related to Judicial Review in Intellectual Property Rights, and also what should be revised compared to WTO TRIPs. The paper, finally, shows how Judicial Review in Intellectual Property Rights effects Korean and Korean companies.

      • KCI등재

        생물유전자원의 접근 및 이익의 공평한 공유(ABS) 국제레짐에 대응한 중국의 법제와 정책

        유예리(YOO, Yeri) 대한국제법학회 2011 國際法學會論叢 Vol.56 No.3

        생물유전자원은 식량, 건강과 환경문제를 해결하는데 있어서 중요한 작용을 할뿐만 아니라 경제적으로도 엄청난 가치가 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 2011년 9월 20일 나고야의정서에 서명한 우리나라는 나고야 의정서가 효력을 발생하는 경우 특히 동종의 생물유전자원 연관 전통지식을 공유하고 있는 중국과는 생물 유전자원 분쟁을 예고하고 있다. 우리나라의 많은 한방기술은 중국에서 유래한 것이 많다는 점에서 보건의료산업에서 특히 상당한 우려가 제기되고 있다. 중국은 생물유전자원부국이자 유전자원 연관 전통지식강국으로 향후 생물 유전자원의 이용과 관련하여 그 이해관계가 첨예하게 대립될 여지가 높다. 중국은 생물유전자원의 보호와 이용을 국가의 주요 전략적 목표로 접근하고 있다는 점에서 이 분야에 대한 중국의 깊은 관심을 보여주고 있다. 중국은 생태계에 존재하는 거의 모든 동식물을 식용 또는 약물로 사용하고 있는 상황이다. 따라서 동아시아에 존재하는 동식물에 대한 연구는 대부분 자국의 전통지식에 해당한다고 주장할 가능성을 배제할 수 없다. 특히 한국, 일본과 한방기술의 많은 부분을 중국과 공유하고 있다는 점에서 향후 생물유전자원 관련 전통지식의 범위에 관한 논쟁에 논리적 대응과 사전 준비가 필요하다고 본다. 중국은 생물다양성협약 당사국으로서 의정서 협상에는 꾸준하게 참가하여 왔지만, 의정서가 요구하는 ABS 법률을 제정하고 있지는 않다. 그러나 ABS의 중요성만큼은 지도성 정책 문건을 통해서 수차례 강조하고 있고, 「특허법」과 「특허법시행규칙」에서 생물유전자원의 정의 및 특허제도를 통한 생물유전자원 보호에 관한 약간의 규정이 있다. 또한 중국이 그동안 체결한 여러 FTA 가운데 중-뉴질랜드 FTA와 중-페루 FTA에서는 환경 챕터가 아닌 지적재산권 챕터에 “유전물질, 전통지식과 민속문화(foklore)”에 관해서 규정하고 있다는 특징이 있다. 따라서 본고는 아직까지 ABS 국제레짐에 대응하여 구체적인 내용은 많지 않으나, 산발적으로 규정되어 있는 관련 정책과 법률규정을 통해 중국의 ABS 주요 정책과 법제를 살펴보고, 향후 어떻게 규정될 가능성이 있는지 등에 관해서 가늠해 보고자 한다. Genetic resources are known to possess considerable economic value and also play a critical role to resolve food, health and environmental concerns. When Nagoya protocol, Korea signed in September 20, 2011, comes into force, genetic resources disputes can be expected with China especially in the area of traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources. This is because we have shared many similar kinds of traditional knowledge with China such as oriental medicine hence, some concerns are raised by health and medical industry. China as a providing country of genetic resources and especially is rich at traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, it has high possibility to affect our interests in food and health areas. Since China has approached to preserve and utilize genetic resources as a strategic target, it shows that China"s interest in this area and lessons that how to countermeasure. China utilizes almost all animals and plants in the planet as food and medicine. Therefore she may insist that study on animals and plants in East Asia is all included in her traditional knowledge. Especially, like mentioned above, since Korea and Japan are under the situation of sharing oriental medicine with China, we needs to prepare for future disputes about scope of traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources. China has not made ABS legislation although she is a party of Convention on Biological Diversity, and also participated ABS negotiations. China has emphasized, however, the importance of ABS through instruments of policy repeatedly. And also there are some important provisions to protect genetic resources by defining definition of genetic resources and patent in 「Patent Law」and 「Regulation on Patent Law」. And also there can be found a characteristic that genetic materials, traditional knowledge, and foklore are provisioned in intellectual property chapter not in environment chapter in China-New zealand FTA and China - Peru FTA. Hence, this paper provides China"s ABS important policy and legislation overlapped and scattered here and there and shows a possibility how China arranges those ABS policy and legislation in the future.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국-원자재 사건(China-Raw Materials)과 희토류 수출제한 분쟁과의 연관성에 관한 연구

        유예리(YOO Yeri) 대한국제법학회 2012 國際法學會論叢 Vol.57 No.2

        중국의 WTO 가입은 중국경제와 국제경제질서에 가장 큰 영향을 미친 사건으로 평가된다. 중국이 그동안 미국, EU 등 선진국을 상대로 제소한 사건의 내용을 살펴보면 대부분 반덤핑, 보조금, 세이프가드조치 등 무역구제와 관련 된 것이 제일 많은 부분을 차지한다. 반면 중국이 미국, EU, 캐나다, 멕시코, 과테말라, 일본 등으로부터 피소된 사건의 내용은 무역구제 외에도 지식재산권 문제, 서비스무역, 수출제한조치의 WTO 규칙 위반 등 비교적 다양하다. 본 연구에서는 2012년 1월 13일 미국, EU, 멕시코가 제소하여 중국의 패소가 확정된 중국-원자재 사건에 대해서 패널과 상소기구의 판결을 중심으로 분석하고자 한다. 또한 중국-원자재 사건과 유사한 쟁점의 중국-희토류 사건에 대한 WTO 사건에 대해서 알아보고자 한다. 본 사건은 미국, EU, 일본이 2012년 3월 13일 중국의 희토류 수출제한조치가 WTO 규칙 위반이라며 WTO에 각각 제소하였다. 중국-원자재 사건에서 중국은 환경 및 자원 보호를 위해서는 규제가 필요하며 중국의 수출 규제는 WTO협정에 위반되지 않는다고 주장하였으며, 중국-희토류 사건에서도 동일하게 주장할 것으로 예상된다. 중국-희토류사건은 우리나라와도 상당한 이해관계가 예상되는 만큼 중국-희토류사건에서도 우리나라가 제3국 자격으로 사건에 참여할 가능성은 높다. 한국은 현재 자원을 중국에 의존하고 있고 미래에는 식량을 중국 수출에 의존할 수 있다. 이에 대비하여 중국의 수출제한조치 및 제도를 사전에 알아볼 필요가 있다. 본고에서는 먼저 중국-원자재 사건의 사실관계와 패널 및 상소기구의 판결을 중심으로 살펴보고자 한다. 패널과 상소기구는 중국의 WTO 가입의정서 11.3조를 근거로 중국의 수출제한조치가 GATT 20조를 정당화하지 못한다고 하여, 가입의정서와 WTO 협정문의 관계를 명확히 하였다. 그 외에도 GATT 11조를 포함한 쟁점들이 중국-희토류 사건에도 적용될 수 있는지 그 쟁점과 결과를 예측하고자 한다. 또한 미국, EU, 일본의 중국의 희토류 수출제한조치에 제소하자 중국이 법과 제도를 제정하여 대응하고 있는 것으로 보이는데 이는 GATT 20조에 부합하기 위한 사전 준비 및 대응으로 보여 진다. 이에 대한 연구도 필요하다. 나아가 중국의 수출관리제도에 대한 이해도 필요하다. 매년 발표되는 중국의 수출쿼터관리 상품에는 어떠한 종류가 있으며, 중국 진출 한국기업 즉 외국기업이 차별받고 있지는 않은지, 그러한 조치가 WTO 협정문에는 부합되는 것인지 등을 예의주시할 필요가 있다. China’s entry into the wro is estimated as an event having an effect on Chinese economy and international economy order. Trade disputes that China appealed to the WTO almost all are related to trade remedy regarding to antidumping, subsidy and safeguard. And also some cases are about intellectual property rights, service and export restriction measures. This paper analyses and anticipates results of “China - Measures Related to the Exportation of Rare Earths. Tungsten and Molybdenum” based on the rulings of Panel and Appellate Body regarding “China-Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials”. China-Rare Earths is the case which the USA, EU and Japan appealed to WTO complaining that China’s measures related to the exportation of rare earths violated WTO rules March 13. 2012. China insisted in the case of China-Raw Materials which China needed restrictions to protect environment and natural resources and such measures did not violated WTO rules. And that kind of assertion will be repeated in China-Rare Earths case as well. It is expected that Korea would also participate in China-Rare Earths case as a third party which Korea has substantial interests. Korea counts on natural resources from and even food in the near future. To prepare for such situation we need to study on China’s export restriction measures and institutions. First of all , this paper describes fact of the China-Raw Materials case and the rulings of Panel and Appellate Body. Panel and Appellate Body made clear that the relationship between Protocol on the Accession of the People’s Republic of China and WTO ruling China cannot justify export restriction measures based on GAIT 20 because China violates the Protocol 11.3. Besides this paper also anticipates whether some points including GAIT 11 can be applied to the China-Rare Earths. As the USA. EU and Japan appealed to the WTO, China is preparing to be complied to GAIT 20 by legitimating. This is also to be needed to studied. Especially what kind of products are the list of China’s annual export quota. whether Korean companies invested in china have discriminative treatment, and furthermore such Chinese measures are complied with WTO.

      • P-N junction Photodiode from IGZO/p-Si Heterostructure

        Yeri Heo,Gunhoo Woo,Donghyeon Lee,Won Jae Lee,Taesung Kim,Hocheon Yoo 한국진공학회 2021 한국진공학회 학술발표회초록집 Vol.2021 No.2

        P-N junction heterostructure photodiodes obtained by combing different energy bandgap structures materials provide promising photo-sensing behaviors. Here, we demonstrated an indium gallium zinc oxide (IGZO)/p-Si heterostructure photodiode which shows clear difference along to light intensity and wavelength without gate. Through this study, we obtained a gateless photo-sensing behavior according to wavelength of light. As a result, we obtained considerably a high on/off current ratio as high as 52.71 A/A.

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