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      • KCI등재

        Environmental factors have a strong impact on the composition and diversity of the gut bacterial community of Chinese black honeybees

        Yazhou Zhao,Yanping Chen,Zhiguo Li,Wenjun Peng 한국응용곤충학회 2018 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.21 No.1

        Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) plays a pivotal role in synaptic transmission by hydrolyzing the neurotransmitteracetylcholine. In addition to the classical function of AChE in synaptic transmission, various non-classicalfunctions have been elucidated. Unlike vertebrates possessing a single AChE gene (ace), invertebrates (nematodes,arachnids, and insects) have multiple ace loci, encoding diverse AChEs with a range of different functions. In the field of toxicology, AChE with synaptic function has long been exploited as the target of organophosphorusand cabarmate pesticides to control invertebrate pests for the past several decades. However, many aspects of theevolution and non-classical roles of invertebrate AChEs are still unclear. Although currently available informationon invertebrate AChEs is fragmented, we reviewed the recent findings on their evolutionary status,molecular/biochemical properties, and deduced non-classical (non-neuronal) functions. The Chinese black honeybees is an ecotype of the European honeybee that is formed by the natural hybridizationof Apis mellifera mellifera and A. m. carnica. It is distributed in nature reserves in North China and has been animportant breeding resource for disease resistance and other desirable traits. Compared to the areas outside ofreserves, the nature reserves offer significant biodiversity benefits not only to the Chinese black honey bees butalso to the other valuable plants and animals. In recent years there has been growing evidence that environmentalfactors including food choices play an important role in shaping the composition and activity of gutmicrobiota, which in turn can impact host health. In the previous studies on Chinse black honeybees, littleattention has been paid to the diverse population of microbes in the gut that play a vital role in host health. Inorder to achieve a better understanding on the role of environmental factors in diversity and composition of gutmicrobiota of honey bees, in the present study, we analyzed the gut bacterial communities of Chinese blackhoneybees using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). The results showed that thesamples from the national nature reserves that are protected and managed so as to preserve and enrich theirnatural condition and resources for Chinese black honeybees had higher variety and richness of gut bacteria thanthat collected from unreserved regions that also harbor populations of Chinese black honeybees. The fourterminal restriction fragments (T-RFs), 201, 223, 247 and 320 bp, were identified to be the dominant bacteria ofChinese black honeybees. Of which 247 and 320 bp had greater differences between bee groups sampled indifferent regions and therefore could be used as genetic markers to separate samples collected from the nationalnature reserves to samples collected from unreserved regions. The results clearly indicate that national naturereserve protects biological diversity and ecological and evolutionary processes which have had a significantinfluence on the diversity of gut bacteria of Chinese black honeybees. The ubiquity of gut symbiotic bacteriaidentified in Chinese black honeybee suggests that environmental factors could play an important role in diversityand composition of gut bacteria and warrant further investigation into the functional significance of thesegut bacteria for the honeybee health.

      • KCI등재

        Enhanced electrical conductivity of pitch-derived carbon via graphene template effects for high electrically conductive composites

        Zhiping Lei,Yazhou Li,Zhao Lei,Xue Yang,Jingchong Yan,Zhanku Li,Hengfu Shui,Shibiao Ren,Zhicai Wang,Ying Kong,Shigang Kang 한국공업화학회 2023 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.117 No.-

        Large-scale preparation of cheap and high-performance carbonaceous materials is in urgent need due tothe huge demand of carbonaceous materials-organic binder composites for Joule heating. Here, carbonbasedelectrothermal composites with high electrical conductivity were fabricated by adjusting the morphologyand structure of pitch-based carbonaceous materials (PC) through the use of graphene asstructure-directing agent to tune the orientation and carbonization of coal pitch. It is demonstrated thatthe addition of graphene can effectively promote the formation of graphitized carbon, increase the contentof sp2C, reduce defective carbon and increase the graphite interlayer spacing. 1% graphene-added PCPVDFcomposite exhibits 290% increase in the carrier concentration, 190% enhancement in mobility, and67% reduction in the volume resistivity compared to PC-PVDF composite. Molecular simulations elucidatethat the graphene edges favor pitch carbonization and improve the orientation factor and energy gap ofcarbon materials. This study provides clues for design of low-cost pitch-derived carbon materials-bindercomposites.

      • KCI등재

        Parasite-insecticide interactions: The impact of Nosema ceranae and fenpyroximate on honeybees (Apis mellifera)

        Zheng Xing,Wang Xue,Yang Jialin,Peng Wenjun,Zhao Yazhou 한국응용곤충학회 2024 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.27 No.1

        Honeybees are susceptible to parasitic infections. As a consequence, beekeepers often apply pesticides in their hives. This approach will also affect the health of bees while eliminating parasites. We used Nosema ceranae (2 × 10 7 spores/mL), 0.002 % fenpyroximate, and the combination of N. ceranae-fenpyroximate to respectively treat newly emerged worker bees, to assess their survival curve, spore number and the expression levels of genes related to oxidative stress in the midguts. As a result, chronic exposure to N. ceranae and/or fenpyroximate significantly decreased honeybee survival. However, there were no different effects between the N. ceranae and fenpyroximate treatments (P > 0.05). Fenpyroximate inhibited the reproduction of N. ceranae in the early stage, but the number of N. ceranae increased gradually in the later stage (P < 0.01). Furthermore, the expression levels of genes related to oxidative stress were constantly changing with time under different treatments. In particular, the expression of the catalase gene was upregulated, and that of the ROS modulator 1-like gene and the superoxide dismutase gene was downregulated. In conclusion, this study indicated that the negative impact of N. ceranae and/or fenpyroximate on the health of honeybees caused the activation of their antioxidant system. Moreover, the redox status of the bees could increase their susceptibility and mortality.

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