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      • CIM to PIM Transformation in MDA : from Service-Oriented Business Models to Web-Based Design Models

        Yassine Rhazali,Youssef Hadi,Abdelaziz Mouloudi 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Software Engineering and Vol.10 No.4

        Models transformation is the main key of MDA. The first transformation in MDA is CIM to PIM transformation, the second is PIM to PSM transformation. Most searches deal the transformation from PIM level to PSM level, since there are multiple common points between these two levels. However, the transformation from CIM level to PIM level is rarely addressed in search subjects because they are two distinct levels. Our objective in this paper is to represent an approach that allows controlling transformation from CIM level to PIM level in accordance with the MDA approach. More precisely, we propose a methodology for transforming service-oriented business models, to web-based design models. Despite the importance of service-oriented models and web-based models, the transformation between them is not addressed in MDA researches. Our methodology is based on creating a good CIM models service-oriented, through construction rules, to facilitate transformation towards PIM models web-based. Next, our transformation rules allow a semi-automatic transformation from CIM to PIM. Our approach conforms to MDA recommendations, because it allows considering the business dimension in the CIM level, and it allows modeling this latter level by using SoaML, the OMG standard for modeling services. However, we based on UML 2 to model PIM level, because UML is advocated by MDA in PIM level. Our proposal results a set of web-based design models from service-oriented business models, through semi-automatic transformation in accordance with MDA approach.

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