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      • Plant Regeneration and Bulblet Formation of Allium wakegi Araki

        Song,Won-seob,Yang,Deok-Chun,Yoon,Jae-Ho,Ryu,Sang-Hyun 한국자원식물학회 2004 Plant Resources Vol.7 No.1

        Allium wakegi was cultured shoot tip in the condition of light culture. The Allium wakegi added plant growth regulator was observed of plant regeneration and bulblet formation. Callus Induction and growing rate was the best of 78% when added alone 2,4-D 0.5mg/L. In the formation of shoot, its regeneration rate was 96% when added BA 0.5mg/L in the light culture condition. When BA 0.5mg/L and NAA 0.5mg/L mixed and BA 0.5 mg/L and NAA 1.0mg/L mixed, the rates were 99% and 97% respectively, and these conditions were suitable for forming shoot. In the formation of roots, when added NAA 2.0mg/L in the light culture condition, the regeneration rate was 90.6 % and the roots were abnormal. When added NAA 1.0mg/L, the rate was 82 % and the highest. In the formation of bulbs, when BA 05mg/L and NAA 1.0mg/L mixed, the root generantion and its size in the bulbs was the best compare to other treatment experiments.

      • KCI등재

        Overexpression of Zoysia ZjCIGR1 gene confers cold stress resistance to zoysiagrass

        Yang‑Ji Kim,Dae‑Hwa Yang,Mi‑Young Park,Hyeon‑Jin Sun,Pill‑Soon Song,Hong‑Gyu Kang,Seok‑Cheol Suh,Yong‑Eok Lee,이효연 한국식물생명공학회 2020 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.14 No.1

        Zoysia japonica Steud. is a warm-season lawn grass popular in Korea and elsewhere. They are cultivated in many places such as river banks, roadside, and play grounds. However, there still is a disadvantage of frequent mowing, and the grass grows poorly under the chilly conditions. To develop a grass variety that circumvents these drawbacks, we cloned the chitininducible gibberellins-responsive1 gene (CIGR1) from zoysiagrass. The full length of the ZjCIGR1 (Zj; Zoysia japonica Steud.) gene was obtained by 5′/3′ RACE PCR and the phylogenetic tree showed that it belonged to the CIGR1-subgroup in the PAT1-group of GRAS protein family. Expression of the ZjCIGR1 in wild-type plants was confirmed in roots, meristems, leaves, and flowers, especially high in the flowers. The transgenic zoysiagrass was confirmed by PCR using gene-specific primers, phosphinothricin-acetyl-transferase (PAT) strip test, and Southern blot analysis. ZjCIGR1-overexpressing plants acquired tolerance to cold stress displaying morphological phenotypes characteristic of stress resistance. In addition, in the transformants, expression of the ZjCIGR1 as well as cold-regulated (COR) gene was increased compared to the wild-type plants under cold stress condition. These results suggest that ZjCIGR1 gene is an important candidate for regulating cold stress resistance.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 지방재정과 계방의 출현 : 제역 및 제역촌과 관련하여

        송양섭(Song Yang-seop) 湖西史學會 2011 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.59

        The Gye-Bang is a form of financing administration reluctantly adopted by local governments as a protocol of Je-yeok witnessed the Daedong Act and the Gyunyeok Act during the eighteenth century. The old practice of Je-yeok, however, was extensively adhered in procuring local incomes even after the enactment of Daedong and the Gyunyeok because the financial compensation was limited to the central government and the local finance was still in trouble. In the meantime, with the background of both communal taxing and the practice of Yang-ho, a various ways of Bang-nab (a sort of proxy tax payment) were widespread; the traditional Jye-yeok Villages (the tax-exempt communities) were, as a result, transformed into a new form of Gye-bang. Same in the cases of contemporaneous Min-go and Gunpogye practices, the Gye-bang was a kind of proxy-taxing agent between local government and community; it was highly propagated with the merits of both evading military duties and financing local institutes though. As a result, the Gye-bang played a significant role in collecting local revenue and this explains why it was strongly customized in the local administration in spite of its banning by central government.

      • 위절제술 후 절제연 양성으로 진단된 진행성 위암 환자의 임상적 경과

        양송이,이상호 고신대학교의과대학 2012 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.27 No.1

        Objectives: Many investigators have recommended adequate resection margin and lymphadenectomy for radical curative resection. The aim of this study is to evaluate clinical characteristics of positive resection margin (proximal or distal) of postgastrectomy in advanced gastric cancer. Methods: We studied 17 patients with gastric cancer who were diagnosed positive resection margin by intraoperative frozen biopsy or permanent biopsy report from January 2005 to December 2007, retrospectively. Surgical margin monitored by endoscopy. Results: Distal gastrectomy was performed in 13 patients and total gastrectomy in 4. Gastrectomy with combined resection including splenectomy was performed in 3, distal pancreatectomy in 2, transverse colon segmental resection in 1, and cholecystectomy in 2. Positive Proximal margin was found in 12, positive distal margin in 3, and both in 2. Palliative chemotherapy was performed in 8 patients. Postoperative follow up endoscopy was established in only 8 patients. Malignant results from endoscopic biopsy in gastroenteric or esophagoenteric anastomotic line were proven in 2 patients during follow up. 9 patients were not performed follow-up endoscopy. Among total 17 patients, 2 patients are alive. Fifteen patients died of aggravation of disease in 13 and postoperative complication in 2. Conclusions: Although positive surgical margin in far advanced gastric cancer were found, it can consider that does not further resection to obtain microscopic clear anastomotic margin.

      • 播種量差異가 決明의 主要特性에 미치는 影響

        宋昌吉,朴良門,姜炯式 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 1993 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        濟州地方에서 播種量을 달리하였을 때 決明의 主要 特性變異를 究明하기 위하여 遂行한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 播種量이 많아짐에 따라 草長은 增加하는 傾向이었고, 播種量과 草長은 高度의 正의 相關이 있었으며, 이에 대한 回歸式은 y=87.1+1.33x+4.78x²으로 나타낼 수 있었다. 稈徑, 分枝數, 個體當 乾物重 등 生育形質과 個體當 莢數, 莢重, 莢長, 莢當粒數등의 收量關契形質은 播種量을 增加시킬수록 減少되는 傾向이었다. 收量은 14g播種區에서 가장 높게 나타났고, 이보다 많거나 적은 區에서는 낮게 나타났는데, 收量에 대한 曲線의 回歸方程式은 y=17.0+175.0x-58.3x²이었다. 播種量 變化에 따라 草長은 高度의 相關을 보였으나, 稈徑, 分枝數, 個體當 乾物重, 莢數, 莢重, 莢當粒數, 千粒重, 收量과는 負의 相關이 認定되었다. 本 試驗結果로 미루어 볼 때 濟州地方에서 決明에 대한 適正播種은 6.6㎡當 14g 內外로 思料된다. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of seeding rates on major agronomic characteristics in sickle senna (Cassia tora L.). The results obtained are summarized as follows; As the seeding rates was increased, plant height was increased. It was the highly positively correlated with plant height. Significant regression equation of plant height was y=87.1+1.33x+4.78x². As the seeding rates was increased, stem diameter, weight of dry matter, number of pods per plant, weight of pods plant, length of pods, and grain number of pods were decreased. In point of the response of grain yield to seeding rates, yield was observed to be the highest on the level of seeding rates (14g/6.6㎡). Significant regression equation of yield was y=17.0+175.0x-58.3x². The seeding rates was the highly positively correlated with plant height, but it was negatively correlated with stem diameter, number of branches, weight of dry matter, number of pods per plant, weight of pods per plant, weight of 1000 grains, and grain yield. This experiment was showed that the adequate seeding rates was about 14g per 6.6㎡.

      • KCI등재

        國際프랜차이즈契約上 加盟契約者 保護問題

        宋陽鎬 한국기업법학회 2001 企業法硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        In Anbetracht der vielen unterschiedlichen Ausgestaltungen von Franchisevertra¨gen in der Praxis kann man kaum von dem zu definierenden Franchising sprechen. Dennoch kann in allgemeinster Form des Frachising festgehalten werden. Es stehen sich als Vertragsparteine der Franchisegerber(franchisor), der dem Franchisenehmer gengen Entgelt das Recht, im Rahmen eines Dauerschuldverha¨ltnisses bestimmte vom Franchisegeber u¨bernommene Waren/Dienstleistungen zu vertreiben, unter Benutzung von Image, Marken, Schutzrechten, technischem und gewerblichem Know-how gewa¨hrt udn der Frachisenehmer(franchisee), der rechtlich selbststa¨ndig bleibt und auf eigene Rechnung handelt, gegenu¨ber. Der Franchisegeber gewa¨hrt Ausbildung, Rat und Beistand. Der Franchisegeber u¨berwa¨cht die Einhaltung der gescha¨ftlichen Systempolitik und setzt diese durch Weisungen durch. Ein eigentlicher Franchise-boom erfolgt jetzt in Korea, als vermehrt auf Marktpansion gedra¨ngt und die Bereitschaft vieler Kaufleute, fremde Produkte auf eigene Rechnung zu vertreiben, ausgenu¨tzt wude. In dieser Zeit fallen auch die Gru¨ndungen der heute als klassische Beispiele fu¨r Franchising geltenden Unternehmugen der schnellimbiβbranche wie Burger King, McDonald's oder Kentucky Fried Chichken. In den folgenden Jahren breitete sich die Franchise-Idee in immer gro¨βerem Masse aus, sodaβ zur Zeit fast in jeder Branche Franchise-System zu finden sind. Zahlen u¨ber die Ha¨ufigkeit von Fanchise-Systmen in Korea sind daum erha¨ltlich. Gema¨β Scha¨tzungen der Koreanischen Franchise-Verinigung gibt es 2001 rund 1500 Franchise-Organisationen mit gegen 150,000 Franchisenehmern, wobei die Tendenz steigend sein soll. Ortmals wird asl mo¨gliche Schwa¨che des Franchise-Systems die relative starke Abha¨ngigkeit des Franchisenehmers vom Franchisegeber angesehen. Daher sollte der Franchisenhmer unter dem Aspekt des Fairplays beim Bestehen eines wirtschaftlich oder sozial unterlegenen Vertragspartners behandelt wereden. Deshalb wird die internationalprivatrechtliche Behandlung des typischen Franchisevertrags unter sozialen Beru¨cksichtigung dargestellt. Anschlieβend wird, ausgehend von der grundsa¨tzlichen Stellungnahme hinsichtlich eines mo¨glichen kollisionsrechtlichen Schutzes des Franchisenehmers, auf die einzelnen Problembereiche der Entscheidungszusta¨ndigkeit und des anwendbaren Rechts eingegangen.

      • KCI등재후보

        국제계약에 있어서 계약언어의 선택과 효과

        송양호 韓國仲裁學會 2005 중재연구 Vol.15 No.1

        When closing an international contract, both contract parties endeavor to convey their intentions from the stage of negotiation to the moment of signing the contract. Of the many problems presently related to contract language, the first one to consider is which contract party will run the risk of the language deficiencies occurring as a result of the misunderstanding and misinterpretation between different languages. The second problem to consider is whether the interpretation and translation of the contract language is needed and, if so, which party is going to bear the expenses and assume responsibility of the misinterpretation in the translation of, the contract language. The third problem is related to the obligation of explaining to both contract parties the contents and details of the international contract written in different languages. The fourth issue is which language of both contract parties becomes the standard contract language in the procedure of arbitration. The fifth, but not the last problem, is how to solve the language defects in interpreting and translating the contract languages. These five problems can be easily solved by the approval of the contract parties in scrutinizing and selecting the contract languages. However, this research mainly focuses on which effects of the contract language and as how io define and select the contract language.

      • 부안 계화도 산상유적 재검토

        양성혁,김왕국 한국고고미술연구소 2018 고고학지 Vol.24 No.-

        부안 계화도 유적은 故 전영래 선생에 의해 소개된 유적으로, 신석기시대 다른 유적과는 달리 산 정상에 입지하고 있다는 점이 특이하다. 출토된 토기는 신석기시대 중서부지역의 단사선문계 구분계토기와 남해안지역 전기를 대표하는 영선동식토기이다. 영선동식토기는 당시에는 서해안지역에서 처음으로 확인되었다. 또한 석기 중 옥부와 전면마연 장방형석부 역시 당시 출토 예가 많지 않았다. 발표 당시 고고학적 지식의 한계로 유적과 유물에 대한 평가가 부족한 점이 없지 않았다는 점에서 계화도 산상유적에 대한 재평가가 필요하다. 이에 계화도 산상유적에 대한 현지답사를 하고 새롭게 유물을 실측하여 유적과 유물을 재보고하였다. 처음 소개 당시 이미 유적이 훼손되어 유구에 대한 정확한 정보를 획득할 수 없었다. 이에 새롭게 현지답사를 한 결과, 유적이 있었던 계화산 정상에는 조선시대 봉수시설이 복원되어 있었으나, 주위에는 돌과 풀이 무성하여 지표상에서는 별다른 유구의 흔적을 찾을 수 없었다. 계화도 산상유적에서 출토된 토기는 이른바 영선동식토기로 불리는 것으로 남해안지역 전기에 해당되는 것들이다. 석기는 석부 중심인데, 옥질의 석재를 정밀 마연한 옥부와 장방형석부가 주목된다. 이 석기는 비실용적인 것으로 판단되는데, 계화도 산상유적의 성격을 이해하는 데 주요한 자료로 판단된다. 이와 관련하여 산 정상 혹은 능선의 평탄면에 조성된 신석기시대 유적인 부산 다대동 유적, 용호동 유적, 인천 시도 유적, 영종도 는들 유적, 울진 후포리 유적의 입지와 출토 유물의 상관관계를 검토하여 이 유적들이 신석기시대 의례 행위와 관련성이 높다고 판단하였다. The site of Gyehwa-do, Buan, was first made known to the archaeological community by the late Jeon Yeong-rae. It is distinctively located at the summit of a mountain, presenting a contrast to other typical Neolithic sites. Yeongseondong-type pottery, which is the representative pottery type of the Early Neolithic of the southern coastal regions, was recovered at this site, representing the first discovery this pottery type in the western coastal region. The jade axe and rectangular axe polished on all sides are also rare finds for the time. Due to lack of archaeological knowledge at the time that the site first came to be known to the wider archeological community, there is need to re-examine the mountain based site of Gyehwa-do and its artifacts. This paper represents an up-to-date report of the site, based on the re-survey of the site and the re-drawing of the artifacts. The site had already been destroyed at the time of its discovery, making it difficult to obtain detailed information on its archaeological features. A re-survey of the site made it possible to establish that Joseon period beacon facilities had been constructed at the summit of Mount Gyehwa, where the Neolithic site had been located. The surrounding area was densely covered with stones and grasses, making it difficult to find any traces of archaeological remains. The pottery from the mountain based site of Gyehwa-do is of the Yeongseondong-type, which is attributed to the Early Neolithic of the southern coastal regions. The lithic assemblage consists of stone axes; of particular interest are the finely polished rectangular axe and jade axe. Given that these axes would not have served a practical function, their presence provides important information on the nature of this site. Other examples of Neolithic sites situated at mountainous locations (on summits or relatively flat locations along ridges), and their associated artifacts were examined. These sites are as follow: Dadae-dong and Yongho-dong (Busan), Shi-do and Yeongjong-do Neundeul (Incheon), Hupo-ri (Uljin). It is proposed that it is highly likely these sites, along with the mountain based site of Gyehwa-do, were associated with Neolithic ritual activities.

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