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        Phenyl 2‐pyridyl ketoxime induces cellular senescence‐like alterations via nitric oxide production in human diploid fibroblasts

        Yang, Kyeong Eun,Jang, Hyun‐,Jin,Hwang, In‐,Hu,Chung, Young‐,Ho,Choi, Jong‐,Soon,Lee, Tae‐,Hoon,Chung, Yun‐,Jo,Lee, Min,Seung,Lee, Mi Young,Yeo, Eui‐,J BLACKWELL PUBLISHING 2016 AGING CELL Vol.15 No.2

        <P><B>Summary</B></P><P>Phenyl‐2‐pyridyl ketoxime (PPKO) was found to be one of the small molecules enriched in the extracellular matrix of near‐senescent human diploid fibroblasts (HDFs). Treatment of young HDFs with PPKO reduced the viability of young HDFs in a dose‐ and time‐dependent manner and resulted in senescence‐associated β‐galactosidase (SA‐β‐gal) staining and G2/M cell cycle arrest. In addition, the levels of some senescence‐associated proteins, such as phosphorylated ERK1/2, caveolin‐1, p53, p16<SUP>ink4a</SUP>, and p21<SUP>waf1</SUP>, were elevated in PPKO‐treated cells. To monitor the effect of PPKO on cell stress responses, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was examined by flow cytometry. After PPKO treatment, ROS levels transiently increased at 30 min but then returned to baseline at 60 min. The levels of some antioxidant enzymes, such as catalase, peroxiredoxin II and glutathione peroxidase I, were transiently induced by PPKO treatment. SOD II levels increased gradually, whereas the SOD I and III levels were biphasic during the experimental periods after PPKO treatment. Cellular senescence induced by PPKO was suppressed by chemical antioxidants, such as N‐acetylcysteine, 2,2,6,6‐tetramethylpiperidinyloxy, and L‐buthionine‐(<I>S</I>,<I>R</I>)‐sulfoximine. Furthermore, PPKO increased nitric oxide (NO) production via inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in HDFs. In the presence of NOS inhibitors, such as L‐NG‐nitroarginine methyl ester and L‐NG‐monomethylarginine, PPKO‐induced transient NO production and SA‐β‐gal staining were abrogated. Taken together, these results suggest that PPKO induces cellular senescence in association with transient ROS and NO production and the subsequent induction of senescence‐associated proteins<B>.</B></P>

      • KCI등재

        中學 科學敎育의 探究學習에 대한 評價問項 開發 (Ⅱ)

        閔庚德,楊洪準,李善行,鄭遠佑,이병교,金裕漢,羅長薰 경북대학교 과학교육연구소 1985 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.9 No.-

        This study was accomplished to develope the evaluation items for inquiry learning in the 2nd grade Middle School Science for the consecutive study of the evaluation items for inquiry learning in the 1st grade Middle School Science(U-Hang Ki et al, 1984). In this study, paper and pencil test items and performance test items are made by analyzing the abilities of inquiry according to the contents and four basic experiments from each unit in the 2nd grade Middle school science. These evaluation items were applied to tke five classes of the 2nd grade of middle school to test their validity. It is desirable that performance test schuld be used for the evaluation for the abilities of inquiry which can not be evaluated by paper and pencil test. In the evaluation methods of performance test, tester evaluation, peer evaluation and self-evaluation can be applied to the science class in a multi-student class. In higher grade, however tester evaluation is more desirable than peer and self evaluation. It is found that peer evaluation and self-evaluation make possible the perfect study by feedback.

      • 정신병리적 언어행위의 형식적 특징규명을 위한 기초연구

        민형원,홍성기,정승아,이장한,양병환 大韓神經精神醫學會 2001 신경정신의학 Vol.40 No.4

        연구목적 : 정신분열병집단과 정상집단의 사고형태의 차이를 언어철학적으로 접근하여 이해하고 이를 바탕으로 사고형태를 측정하는 도구를 개발하고자 한다. 방 법 : 1997년의 예비실험에서 얻은 결과를 중심으로 새로운 작품사진(具象, 抽象의 彫刻과 繪畵)을 약 50장을 선정한 후 반응의 용이성과 다양성을 기준으로 최종 10개의 작품을 실험도구로 결정하였다. 피검자는 1999년 2월부터 동년11월까지 대학병원 신경정신과에 입원한 24명(정신분열병)과 정상대조군으로 19명의 일반인들이 실험에 참가하였다. 피검자들은 제시되는 작품의 제목을 붙이도록 요구받았으며, 피검자의 세 가지 반응측면 즉 반응의 방식, 반응이 지칭하는 작품의 범위, 그리고 반응이 지칭하는 대상의 구체성 혹은 추상성 여부로 구분하여 전체 7가지 양상으로 기호화하였고 각 반응를 직접과 간접으로 구분하였다. 피검자에게 실험을 실시한 후 기호화하여 집단간 빈도분석을 실시하였다. 결 과 : 1) 정신분열병집단이 정상집단보다 직접속성, 단순기술의 반응이 많은 반면에, 정상집단의 경우 투사가 결합된 직접속성, 간접속성, 간접연상, 그리고 개념의 형성에 필요한 일반화가 많았다. 2) 제목과 이 제목이 지칭하는 작품의 범위관계에 대한 정신분열병집단과 정상집단의 반응빈도는 의미 있는 차이를 보이지 않았으나 두 집단 모두 작품의 부분보다는 전체를 보고 제목을 정하는 경향이 높았고, 비교적 정신분열병집단이 제목을 작품전체를 보고 단순하게 반응하는 경향이 있는 반면에 정상집단은 작품의 일부분을 보고 이를 일반화하는 경향이 많았다. 3) 정신분열병집단과 정상집단 모두 제목의 추상성보다는 구체성이 우세한 경향을 보였으나, 정신분열병집단(95.3%)이 정상집단(71.4%)에 비해서 보다 더 제목의 구체성이 두드러졌으며 정상집단(28.6%)은 정신분열병집단(4.7%)에 비해서 전체 반응빈도에서 제목의 추상성이 더 우세하였다. 4) 정신분열병집단이 정상집단보다 사고의 직접성이 더 높았고(73.5%), 정상집단은 사고의 간접성이 더 높았다.(58.7%). 결 론: 1) 정신분열병집단이 정상집단에 비하여 추론과정과 사고의 단계성이 없는 직접적이고 단순한 형태의 사고형태나 언어표현이 확연히 드러났다. 또한 정신분열병집단이 사물을 지각하고 이를 표현하는데 있어서도 사물의 전체를 보고 단순하게 반응하거나, 구체적이고 직접적인 표현이 많은 것으로 보인다. 2) 본 연구를 통해 개발된 실험도구를 좀 더 넓은 범위의 대상자에게도 반복 적용하여 연구함으로써 지속적인 신뢰도와 타당성을 높일 수 있을 것이다. 또한 개별적 차이에 대한 연구를 병행함으로써 개인간의 혹은 동일한 인물의 시간경과에 따른 사고방식의 차이를 검사할 수 있는 방법으로 정착될 필요가 있다. 3) 비록 양집단 사이의 확연한 차이에도 불구하고 실험도구의 신뢰성을 객관적으로 확보하기 위하여 사고형태 및 언어적 표현에 영향을 미치는 것으로 추정되는 지적능력, 교육연한, 그리고 문화적 경험을 좀 더 고려한 추가연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. Objective : The purpose of this study was to identify differences in thinking between schizophrenic patients and healthy subjects with linguistic-philosophical approach and to develop a tool to measure pathological thinking. Methods : Approximately 50 cards(pictures of either representational or abstract sculptures and paintings) from the previous experiment(1997) were carefully examined and 10 cards were selected based on their variety and promptness of the response. Twenty-four schizophrenic patients and 19 healthy subjects participated in this experiment. Participants were required to give a title to each picture. Their responses were analysed based on the forms of thinking, abstractness(or concreteness) and the category of the title. Each response was also coded either direct of indirect. Results : 1) Schizophrenic patients emitted more direct and simple descriptive responses whereas healthy subjects showed projection-related direct traits, indirect traits, indirect association and generalization. 2) Both groups tended to utilize the whole rather than parts. Schizophrenic group depended more on the whole pictures than healthy group. Healthy subjects showed more generalization tendency with parts. 3)Both groups preferred concrete titles to abstract ones. Schizophrenic group(95.3%) used more concrete titles than healthy group(71.4%) and healthy group(28.65%) used more abstract titles than schizophrenic group(4.7%). 4) Schizophrenic patients(73.5%) showed more directness in thinking than healthy subjects, whereas healthy subjects(58.7%) more indirectness. Conclusions : 1) Schizophrenic patients clearly showed direct and simple forms of thinking and expressive language, lacking reasoning, and systematic processing. Additionally, schizophrenic patients simply responded to the whole and used concrete and direct expression. 2) Replication study is warranted to improve reliability and validity of the tool we developed. Research on individual differences needs to be conducted to measure differences among individuals and change over time in an individual. 3) Further study on the factors which might be related to forms of thinking and language expressions, such as intelligence is warranted.

      • 박람회 여행상품 선택속성과 만족도에 관한 연구

        정민의,장양례 문화관광연구학회 2000 문화관광연구 Vol.2 No.1

        When developing tour products exposition, the most overriding concern should lay on the attribute of choice and satisfaction of tourists; principal of consumption. Accordingly, overall research on choice attribute of the principal should be carried out, and through a better combined marketing system, all travel agencies should both satisfy their customers and maximize their profit. The study is designed to establish a marketing strategic base to maximize profitability of travel agencies by making surveys and analyzing factors of choice, satisfaction and attraction to visit again. For that purpose, this study utilized both documentary and empirical studies. The empirical study through questionnaire resulted in as follows. First, when they select tour product exposition, tourists' overriding concern is usefulness to their businesses, avoiding stereotyped tour products exposition. So, they want to obtain professional and profitable information from the exposition, and travel agencies should make their best to develop such products. second, as tourists are satisfied more with tour products exposition provided, their intention to re-purchase and recommendation to others recorded higher rate. So marketers should understand how any product satisfies customers, and strive to improve it through the combined marketing system. Finally the marketers can secure fixed circle of customers, create new customers, extend market chances, make positive oral publicity, enhance reliability of travel agencies' trademark, improve images, and reinforce competitiveness. So, the marketers are required to maintain a customer-oriented philosophy in their business.

      • 성인 지역사회 폐렴의 원인 미생물에 대한 전향적 다기관 연구 : Legionella, Leptospira, Hantaan virus and Orientia tsutsugamushi

        김민자,정희진,손장욱,심희선,박대원,박승철,우준희,강재명,김유겸,신완식,김양리,이환종,김지희 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.1

        Background : Despite rigorous investigations, the etiology of community-acquired pneumonia remains unknown in about 50% of hospitalized patients. The diagnosis of the etiological agent is becoming more challenging and more critical as number of newer pathogens have been recognized in recent years. In the 3-year period prospective study we investigated adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia for Legionella, Leptospira, Hantaan virus and Orientia tsutsugamushi as potential etiologic agents. Methods : A prospective multicenter study was performed from May 1997 to April 2000. A total of 431 patients with community-acquired pneumonia under the inclusion criteria were examined for specific microbial diagnosis; sputum culture and PCR, and serologic teats including indirect immunofluorescence antibody (IFA) test for Legionella, and hemagglutination tests for Leptosoira, Hantaan virus and O. tsutsugamushi. Etiologic diagnosis was determined on the basis of the review of case record forms and specific laboratory diagnostic criteria. Results : During the study period a total of 385 sputum and 283 serum samples were examined. Legionella pneumonia was diagnosed in 2.3% (10/431) of the cases examined : 1.4% cases with PCR-positive (5/367) and 2.1% with positive IFA test (6/283). Leptospirosis and scrub typhus were diagnosed in 0.4% (1/252) and 2.0% (5/252), respectively. All 5 cases with scrub typhus occurred in late fall, and rash or eschar was not found. None of cases was Hantaan virus infection. Conclusion : The results suggest that Legionella, Leptospira, and O. tsutsugamushi should be considered in the etiologic diagnosis and empirical antibiotic therapy of community-acquired pneumonia. (Korean J Infect Dis 32:24∼31, 2001)

      • 해외여행상품에 대한 관광자 만족에 관한 실증적 연구

        정민의,장양례 문화관광연구학회 2000 문화관광연구 Vol.2 No.3

        Many companies in the tourism business selects "Customer Satisfaction Policy" as their new policy of management, and makes best efforts to carry it out. However, complaints of dissatisfaction with the travel agency reported to the Tourism Bureau in July ran into as many as 114, Including schedule fixing, hotel changes, violation of contacts, bad guidance services, unreasonable asking for tips and so on. It shows lncrease of dissatisfaction of tourists. If a company fails to satisfy customers the company cannot survive. In particular, in terms of re-purchasing and creation of new customers, the research into the degree of satisfaction of customers and purchasing behavior of tour products can be considered very important. But in the conventional researchers and studies, the opinions about the influences of expectations and perceived results vary. Accordingly, its is necessary to delve into the influences that expectations, perceived results, disagreement make. In addition, I will analyze the interrelation between satisfaction and repurchasing-intention, suggestion to others in order to find out effective marketing suggestions. To attain those goals, theoretical and practical researches were carried out at the same time. Objects of the inquires for the research were those who have experienced to purchase tour product more than once. 147 copies in total were distributed and 121 copies of effective samples were used for the statistical analysis. For the analysis, I used SAS (statistical analysis system) package, and performed frequency analysis, Cronbach's Alpha analysis, dispersion analysis (ANOVA) and recurrence analysis. Such analysis showed the following results. First, expectations appeared to directly affect the satisfaction of tourists. Second, disagreement appeared to have direct definition relation with the satisfaction. That is, if the satisfaction of tourists is in low level, they can evaluate very positively, but those who have excessively high expectations, come to have a large disagreement and evaluate very negatively. Third, the results of the product has direct definition relations with the satisfaction, but that does not necessarily lead to suggestions or recommendations to others. Thus, marketers should focus their concern on the satisfaction of tourists, not on the managers. I think more specific follow-up research should be carried out in order to create more satisfactory products and to satisfactorily meet the needs of tourists.

      • 신발산업용 모바일 포탈 서비스 구현

        이양민,이병문,임장수,김창민,강동우,심현숙,이재기 동아대학교 정보기술연구소 2003 情報技術硏究所論文誌 Vol.11 No.1

        Cases that apply mobile technology in own company's business processing in various industry area are increasing. In this paper, we propose a Mobile Portal constructin method accepting that flowing these age. Analyze instance that is applying mobile service in another industry to achieve Mobile Portal service and we chose core technology with this result. As focus of research, we implemented interaction interface between web page and database, conversion skill between wire and wireless contents, communicatin method between web page and contents conversion server, and application technology on Mobile service target Business and implemented Mobile service that applicable.

      • 순음의 위상차를 이용한 스테레오 시스템에서의 음상 정위 특성 연구

        박영민,박양우,장주석 경운대학교 산업기술연구소 2000 産業技術硏究論文誌 Vol.3 No.1(B)

        In the AV system, stereophonic system has been studied to produce a realistic sound effect. The width of stereo AV system speakers is narrow, to have the spatial impression of sound effect, widening the sound image is necessary. The direction of sound image depends on the phase delay and the sound pressure level difference between two channels. In this paper, we analyze the relationship between the phase delay and the direction of the sound image relating to the frequency of sound source. Also we experimented to directionally localize the sound image of the pure tone with shifting phases and controling sound pressure level between two channels when the sound is reproduced by two speakers to make a spatial impression of sound effect.

      • KCI등재

        일부농촌지역의 농약사용실태 및 농약중독 요인 조사

        이경민,송주희,장재혁,심수정,강양화,안재경,이숭호,박미영,정문호 대한보건협회 2002 대한보건연구 Vol.28 No.4

        Object The usage of agricultural chemical is on the increasing. Use of pesticides has increased agricultural production. However, negative externalities from such use have increased too. Pesticide poisoning is a major public problem. The purpose if this study is to find out the relationship between keeping the safety rules or protective equipments or attending safety education or dose of pesticides use , and poisoning experience. Methods For Gu, H.M. and Pack, S.G. study , we obtained questionnaire data concerning pesticides poisoming. A person interviews on 203 were conducted in two villages in Sinmeari and woulbonri Chunchun , Kangwon province, July 2002. Result 1. 144 people(70.9%) have sprayed pesticides and the rata of experiences of pesticide poisoning was 26% among 144. Spraying time of pesticides was 1-2 hours in 63.9% of farmers. Rate of using the protective equipment was 25.7% (protective clothes), 49.3% (Mask), 48.6 (Gloves), 7.0 (Protective glasses), 64.6% (boots) respectively. 2. Chi-square and multiple logistic regression analysis showed that Duration of spraying per day (<2hr) and using of mask(protective equipment)are significantly association with poisoning experience.(x^2=5.2684 p=0.0217, CI=0.140-0.5853 OR=0.346 p=0.0211 respectively). But no association between poisoning experience and keeping safety rule, attending of safety education. 3. Spraying pesticides. Duration of spraying pesticides, reading manuals and no spraying at fatigue (keeping safety rule) are significantly association with symptom experience(x^2=14.0621 p=0.0002, x^2=7.0639 p=0.0079, CI01.395-10.950 OR=3.908 p=0.0095, CI=0.101-0.726 OR=0.271 0.0094 respectively). But no association between symptom experience and protective equipments, attending of safety education.

      • Buffer/CoFe/Cu/Co 샌드위치 박막의 자기저항 특성

        김희중,김미양,오미영,이장로,송은영,김경민 숙명여자대학교 자연과학연구소 1996 자연과학논문집 Vol.- No.7

        DC magnetron sputtering방법으로 Corning glass 기판위에 버퍼층을 Fe와 ??로 바꾸어가면서 보자력이 다른 ??와 Co를 이용하여 buffer/CoFe(35Å)/Cu(tÅ)/Cu(35Å)의 형태로 샌드위치 박막을 제작하고 자기저항비의 버퍼층 두께 및 비자성층 Cu층 두께, 자성층 두께 의존성을 조사하였다. 자기저항비와 포화 자기장(??)은 버퍼층의 두께가 두꺼워짐에 따라 증대하다가 극대치 3%를 보인 후 완만하게 감소하였다. NiFe, Fe버퍼층을 갖는 시료를 비교한 경우, 각각 CoFe층과 Co층 사이의 결합 자기장(??)은 큰 차이가 없었으나 NiFe버퍼층을 갖는 시료가 minor자기저항 곡선의 반가폭 ??는 감소하고 자기저항(MR) slope와 관련된 field senditivity(%/Oe)는 향상되었다. Buffer(tÅ)/CoFe(35Å)/Cu(50Å)/Co(35Å) sandwiches prepared by dc magnetron sputtering on a corning glass substrate using ?? and Co possess different coercivities. Dependence of magnetoresistance on the type and thickness of buffer layer, thickness of Cu and thickness of magnetic layer in buffer/CoFe/Cu/Co sandwiches were investigated. Magnetoresistance ratio and saturation field ?? increased as the thickness of buffer layer becomes thicker, then decreased smoothly after maximum value. Improved field sensitivity was realized by the use of ?? buffer layer.

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