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        A Kinetic Study of Fatty Acid Composition of Embryos, Oviductal and Uterine Fluids in the Rabbit

        Yahia Khandoker, M.A.M.,Tsujii, H.,Karasawa, D. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1998 Animal Bioscience Vol.11 No.1

        The different developmental stage embryos and oviductal and uterine fluids of rabbit were analyzed by gas chromatography. Myristic (C 14:0), palmitic (C 16:0), palmitoleic (C 16:1), stearic (C 18:0), oleic (C 18:1), linoleic (C 18:2), linolenic (C 18:3), arachidic (C 20:0), arachidonic (C 20:4), docosahexaenoic (C 22:6) and lignoceric (C 24:0) acids were the common fatty acid constituents with little exception. In most of the samples palmitic, oleic, linoleic and arachidonic acids were observed in high concentration. Moreover, linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids were the three poly-unsaturated fatty acids in both type sample except day-1 oviductal fluids. Similarly, in both day-1 and day-2 oviductal and uterine fluids myristic, palmitoleic, stearic, linolenic, arachidic and docosahexaenoic acids were in less composition or undetected.


        Effect of Exogenous Fatty Acids on in vitro Development of Rat Embryos

        Yahia Khandoker, M.A.M.,Tsujii, H. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1999 Animal Bioscience Vol.12 No.2

        Studies were made to evaluate the specific and combined effects of different fatty acids on the in vitro development of 8-cell rat embryo in culture media with and without carbohydrate substrate. Palmitic, oleic, linoleic and arachidonic acids were added singly and in combination to media which contained fatty acid-free BSA. Cell numbers in blastocysts cultured in the media were counted and compared with cell numbers in blastocysts at the corresponding stage collected from the uterus. Oleic, linoleic and arachidonic acids promoted the rat embryo development from 8-cell to the blastocysts. especially in the absence of carbohydrate substrates. Among these three, oleic acid was the most effective but embryo development was not accelerated by the addition of palmitic acid in either the presence or the absence of carbohydrate substrates. Addition of the mixture of four fatty acids was more effective for rat embryo development than single treatment with any of fatty acids tested. Cell numbers per blastocyst in the presence and absence of carbohydrate substrate were similar, and did not differ from those for blastocysts obtained from the uterus.


        Fatty Acid Compositions of Oocytes, Follicular, Oviductal and Uterine Fluids of Pig and Cow

        Yahia Khandoker, M.A.M.,Tsujii, H.,Karasawa, D. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1997 Animal Bioscience Vol.10 No.5

        The fatty acid compositions of oocytes, follicular, oviductal and uterine fluids of pig and cow were analyzed using gas chromatography. Myristic (C 14: 0), palmitic (C 16: 0), palmitoleic (C 16: 1), stearic (C 18 : 0), oleic (C 18: 1), linoleic (C 18: 2), linolenic (C 18: 3) and arachidonic (C 20: 4) acids were identified as the common fatty acid constituents with little exception. Oleic acid composition was the highest (21.90 to 36.24%) in both pig and cow followed by palmitic (18.61 to 31.90%) and stearic (10.34 to 20.39%) acid. The three polyunsaturated fatty acids like linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids were detected in both pig and cow reproductive fluid samples. Myristic acid was not detected in pig oviductal fluid. Similarly, in cow oocytes myristic, palmitoleic and linolenic acids were not detected. Moreover, palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acid comprised about 80% (73.74 to 88.00%) of the total fatty acids in the different samples analyzed in both animals.


        Effect of Dipeptides on In vitro Maturation, Fertilization and Subsequent Embryonic Development of Porcine Oocytes

        Tareq, K.M.A.,Akter, Quzi Sharmin,Tsujii, Hirotada,Khandoker, M.A.M. Yahia,Choi, Inho Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2013 Animal Bioscience Vol.26 No.4

        The effects of amino acids and dipeptides on in vitro production of porcine embryos and accumulation of ammonia in culture medium during developmental stages were examined in this study. The maturation, fertilization and development of embryonic cultures were performed in modified Tissue culture medium (mTCM)-199 supplemented with 10% (v/v) porcine follicular fluid, modified Tyrode's albumin lactate pyruvate (mTALP) medium, and modified North Carolina State University (mNCSU)-23 medium, respectively. In addition, amino acids and dipeptides of different concentrations and combinations were used to treat the embryos. The addition of L-alanyl-L-glutamine (AlnGln)+L-glycyl-L-glutamine (GlyGln) significantly (p<0.05) improved oocyte maturation, fertilization and the incorporation and oxidation of 14C(U)-glucose when compared to the control group and other treatment groups. Additionally, 2-4 cell, 8-16 cell, morula and blastocyst development increased significantly (p<0.05) following treatment with AlnGln+GlyGln when compared to the control group and other treatment groups, while this treatment reduced the accumulation of ammonia. Taken together, these findings suggest that treatment with AlnGln+GlyGln may play an important role in increasing the rate of porcine oocyte maturation, fertilization and embryonic development by reducing the level of accumulated ammonia measured in the culture media.

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