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      • Studies on Filariasis in Kinmen (Quemoy) Islands, Republic of China


        1972年 7月 1日부터 1973年 6月 30日까지 1年間 中華民國 臺?省 金門鳥에서 絲狀 症에 關한 調査硏究를 實施한 바 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 金門鳥 55村落에 居住하는 20,018 住民을 對象으로 調査한 바 血中 microfilariae (mf.) 兩性率은 8.8%였고 血液 20立方mm當 mf농도는 16.2였으며 絲狀 感染으로 因 臨床例 는 19.2%였다. 金門鳥 駐屯 軍人 2,428名에서 mf.양성율은 0.1%, mf. 감염농도는 20立方mm當 26.3이었으며 臨床例는 없었다. mf.感染濃度 및 臨床例에 있어 확실히 女性보다는 男性에서 高率을 보였으나 mf.陽性率은 兩性間에 差異가 없었다. mf.陽性率과 臨床例는 年齡의 增加와 一致하였으나 mf. 감렴농도는 年齡의 증가와 無關하였다. 2. 金文鳥 駐屯 軍人에 있어 주둔 其間과 絲狀 感染과는 關係가 없었으며 駐屯基地와 村落과의 距離와도 無關하였다. 軍人들은 모기에 물리지 않도록 잘 保護되어 있었고 주둔지역은 完全히 住民들과 격리되어 있었다. 3. 51村落으로부터의 血液檢査를 받은 1,470名의 絲狀 感染陽性者 中에서 臨床病勢르 보인 例는 19.2%였으며 女性보다는 男性에서 約 5倍가 많았다. 男性에 있어서의 大部分의 臨床例는 生殖器에 症狀을 보였는데 其中 10%는 象皮症을 가진 例는 2名뿐이었다. 4. 43村落의 家屋內에서 잡힌 모기는 4屬 14種(Culex 10種, Aedes 2種, Anopheles 1種, Armigeres 1種)이었으며 이들中 Cules P. fatigans와 Armigeres subalbatus가 大部分이었으나 其他 12種은 매우 적었다. Culcx mimesticus, C. (L) vorax, C. fuscocephala 및 Acdes nocturnus등 의 4新種은 처음으로 發見되었다. Culex p.fatigans는 現存「반크롭트」 絲狀 만을 옮기는 媒介昆 으로 알려져 있다. 治療前 8個 村落으로부터 잡은 438마리의 Culex p. fatigans에서 幼 을 內包하고 있는 모기는 1마리 平均 5.9마리의 絲狀 幼 을 갖고 있는 셈이었으며 全體 感染率은 11.9%, 感染期 幼 을 가진 모기는 10.5%이었다. 上記 8個 村落 住民을 治癒한 後의 樣狀은 治療前과 아주 달라서 모기 1마리當 平均 2.1마리의 幼 을 갖고 있었고 全體感染率은 2.2%, 感染期幼 內包率은 0.09%였다. 平均 pH가 7.4(6.4∼8.0)인 8個處의 모기 産卵場所에서 잡힌 모기 幼 은 모두 11種이었다. 有機燐劑의 一種인 Sumithion을 1平方m當 0.2gm의 농도로 모기 産卵場所 水面에 撒布하였던바 모든 모기 幼 에 對한 殺 果가 좋았다. 5. 總 1.590名의 絲狀 感染者에게 成人當 總量 5gm의 diethylcarbamazine을 10∼12日 間 服用시켜 보았다. 治療率은 80.6%, mf. 減少率은 96.9%였고 反應率는 67.2%였다. 여러 가지 副作用은 있었으나 一般的으로 輕微하였으며 患者가 참을 수 있었으므로 最高用量으로 投藥했을 경우에도 大部分 거절 하지 않았다. 8個 部落에서 捕獲된 Culex P. fatigans의 絲狀 幼 全體感染率, 感染期幼 內包率 및 感染濃度는 患者治療前에 各各 11.9%, 10.5%, 5.9였는데 治療後에는 2.2%, 0.09%, 2.1로 떨어져서 diethylcarbamazine은 microfilariae에 對한 殺충효果가 높을 뿐 아니라 絲狀충 만延을 組止시키는데 좋은 藥劑라고 思料된다 The present investigation is a serial study on “Filariasis in Kinmen (Quemoy) Islands”, which was performed from July 1, 1972 to June 30, 1973. The results are summarized as follows; 1. Parasitological investigation: Of 20,018 Kinmen Chinese in 55 villages examined, the microfilariae (mf.) rate of 8.8%, mf. density of 16.2 per 20cmm blood and clinical rate 19.2% were found: the corresponding figures for a total of 2,428 military personnel were 0.1%, 29.3 and 0.0% respectively. The mf. density and clinical rate were obviously higher in the males than in the females, but no difference was found for the microfilarial rate. The mf. rate and clinical rate were correspondingly increased with age, but there was no difference in mf. density. 2. Transmission of filariasis: It seems no any relation to the length of stationing of the Chinese troops on Kinmen Islands, and also no relation to the distance between the villages and camps; because the servicemen are well protected from the mosquito bites and bites and the camps are completely isolated, to and off limit to the villagers, though they have common places of entertainment. 3. Clinical investigation: Of 1,470 filarial carriers in 51 villages examined physically, the clinical rate of 19.2% was detected. It was about 5 times higher in males than in females. In the males, most of the cases the trouble in their reproductive organs, and 10% had elephantiasis; but in the females, the lymph nodes enlargement and chyluria were more common, only 2 cases had elephantiasis. The clinical rates increased corresponding with age. 4. Entomological investigation: Fourteen(14) species of 4 genera (10 Culex, 2 Aedes, 1 Anopheles and 1 Armigeres) of household mosquitoes were collected from indoor resting sites of 43 villages on kinmen Islands, in which, Cules P. fatigans and Armigeres subalbatus were the most common species, but the remaining 12 species are faily rare. Four (4) new species: Culex mimeticus, C. (L) vorax, C, fucocephala and Aedes noturnvs were found for the first time. Culex p.fatigans is still the only vector. in transmission of bancroftian filariasis. The infection rate of 11.9%, infective rate of 10.5% and 5.9 filarial larvae per infected mosquito were detected in 438 Culex p. fatigans from 8 villages before treatment. The corresponding figures were much lower in the above same villages after treatment (2.2%, 0.09% and 2.1). Eleven (11) species of moswquito larvae were collected from 8 kinds of breeding sites; where, the pH value of 7.4(ranged 6.4∼8.0) was measured. “Sumithion”is one of the organophosphorous compounds, which was first used on the water surface with the dosage of 0.2gm per square meter.A high insecticidal effect against different species of mosquito larvae was observed. 5. Chemotherapy of filariasis: Of 1.590 filarial carriers scheme, with a total does of 5 gm of diethylcarbamazine per adult case for a period of 10∼12 days schedule was performed. The cure rate of 80.6%, mf. reduction tate of 96.9% and reaction rate of 67.2% were found. Although many kinds of side effects were encountered, they were usually mild or transient and could be tolerated by the patients, thus there was almost no refused to the administration of the drug even if the drug was increased to the maximum dosage. The natural infection rate, infective rate and filarial larval density of Culex P. fatigans in 8 villages were found much higher before control measure (11.9%, 10.5% and 5.9%) than after control (2.2%, 0.09% and 2.1). It showed that diethylcarbamazine is a powerful microfilaricidal drug in eliminating the filarial infection and reducing this transmission.

      • Structural RC computer aided intelligent analysis and computational performance via experimental investigations

        Y.C. Huang,M.D. TuMuli Lulios,Chu-Ho Chang,M. Nasir Noor,Jen-Chung Shao,Chien-Liang Chiu,Tsair-Fwu Lee,Renata Wang 국제구조공학회 2024 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.90 No.3

        This research explores a new finite element model for the free vibration analysis of bi-directional functionally graded (BDFG) beams. The model is based on an efficient higher-order shear deformation beam theory that incorporates a trigonometric warping function for both transverse shear deformation and stress to guarantee traction-free boundary conditions without the necessity of shear correction factors. The proposed two-node beam element has three degrees of freedom per node, and the inter-element continuity is retained using both C1 and C0 continuities for kinematics variables. In addition, the mechanical properties of the (BDFG) beam vary gradually and smoothly in both the in-plane and out-of-plane beam’s directions according to an exponential power-law distribution. The highly elevated performance of the developed model is shown by comparing it to conceptual frameworks and solution procedures. Detailed numerical investigations are also conducted to examine the impact of boundary conditions, the bi-directional gradient indices, and the slenderness ratio on the free vibration response of BDFG beams. The suggested finite element beam model is an excellent potential tool for the design and the mechanical behavior estimation of BDFG structures.

      • 고속 분할법에 의한 교류-직류 전력계통의 조류계산에 관한연구

        안병철,정형환,이권순,이준탁,정동일,왕용필 東亞大學校 海洋資源硏究所 1992 硏究論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        The active and reactive power transfers to and from nodes connected to h.v.d.c. links do not obey the general rules of a.c. power transmission, the active power is independent of phase angle relationships and the reactive power is not directly related to voltage variation. Under such circumstances it is difficult to visualize h.v.d.c. model compatible with the behaviour of the fast decoupled algorithm. However, acknowledging the general acceptance of fast decoupled programes and the existence of some h.v.d.c. links(particularly considering their large power-carrying capacitors) a model of the h.v.d.c. transmission link suitable for incorporation with fast decoupled loadflow programes is described in the following sections.

      • KCI등재

        Electronic properties of graphene on the C-decorated Si(111) surface:An ab initio study

        J. Liu,C.Y. He,W. Wang,N. Jiao,C.X. Zhang,L.Z. Sun 한국물리학회 2013 Current Applied Physics Vol.13 No.7

        First principles calculations based on the density functional theory are performed to study electronic structures of graphene adsorbed on clean or C-decorated Si(111) surface. Two types of surface reconstructions,2 x 2 and ffiffiffi 3p x 3p , are considered to be decorated by carbon atoms with different concentrations. We find that graphene adsorbed on ideal clean Si(111) surface tends to induce a 2 x 1reconstruction, and its electronic dispersion characteristics are preserved. Moreover, the decoration of carbon atoms on the Si(111) surface can effectively passivate the Si dangling bonds on the surface. Such decoration effects make the carbon deco

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Annealing Temperature on Binary TiO2:SiO2 Nanocrystalline Thin Films

        F. Mei,C. Liu,J. B. Wang,L. Zhou,W. K. Zhao,Y. L. Fang,Y. Y. Ren 한국물리학회 2006 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.48 No.6

        Binary TiO2:SiO2 nanocrystalline thin films were prepared using liquid phase deposition at 35 C and annealed in air at temperatures ranging from 100 C to 500 C. The microstructural and the optical properties of the thin films were characterized by using an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer, a Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer, a scanning electron microscope, and a transmission electron microscope. The photocatalytic performance of the thin films was evaluated by using photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue. The results showed that most TiO2 nanocrystallites were uniformly dispersed onto an amorphous SiO2 matrix and that nanopores had been formed on top of the TiO2 nanoparticles, resulting in an improved photocatalytic efficiency due to an increase number of effective adsorption sites. As we increased the annealing temperature, the small crystallites progressively aggregated into larger clusters, reducing the specific surface area of the TiO2 nanocrystallites. Moreover, SiO2 nanopowders moved towards the surface and covered the TiO2, resulting in a decreased photocatalytic activity.e


        The effect of water pressure on the texture and morphology of MOD-YBCO films on buffered metal substrates

        Chung, K C,Yoo, J M,Kim, Y K,Wang, X L,Dou, S X IOP Publishing Ltd 2009 Superconductor science & technology Vol.22 No.2

        <P>The influence of water pressure in the metal–organic deposition (MOD) method on the texture and morphology of YBa<SUB>2</SUB>Cu<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>7−<I>X</I></SUB> (YBCO) films grown on buffered metal substrates was investigated. The water pressure was varied from 4.2% to 10.0%, with the other process parameters, such as annealing temperature and oxygen pressure, kept constant. In this work, a YBCO precursor solution was prepared using a fluorine-free Y and Cu precursor solution with the addition of Sm. MOD-YBCO films were fabricated by continuous slot-die coating and calcination, followed by high temperature annealing. Using x-ray diffraction analysis, unreacted phase peaks, such as BaF<SUB>2</SUB> peaks, were found in the samples made at a water pressure of 4.2%; however, the BaF<SUB>2</SUB> peak intensity was much reduced as the water pressure was increased. The higher water pressure of about 10.0% in this experiment led to the poor crystallinity of MOD-YBCO films, possibly due to the fast reaction with the supplied water vapor. Meanwhile, the morphologies of the YBCO films were not much different from each other in the range of water pressure of this work. The maximum critical current density of 3.8 MA cm<SUP>−2</SUP> was obtained when the sample was made at the water pressure of 6.2% and the annealing temperature of 780 °C.</P>


        First-principles study of the crystal structures and physical properties of H<sub>18</sub>-BN and Rh6-BN

        Ren, X.Y.,Zhao, C.X.,Niu, C.Y.,Wang, J.Q.,Jia, Y.,Cho, J.H. North-Holland 2016 Physics letters. Section A. Vol.380 No.46

        <P>As the analog of carbon allotropes, new three-dimensional (3D) boron nitride (BN) allotropes have attracted much attention of researchers due to their great importance in fundamental sciences and wide practical applications. Here, based on first-principles density-functional theory calculations, we predict two new stable BN allotropes: One is H-18-BN with the P (6) over bar m2 (D-3h(1)) symmetry containing eighteen atoms in the hexagonal unit cell and the other is Rh6-BN with the R (3) over barm (C-3v(5)) symmetry containing six atoms in the rhombohedral primitive unit cell. The dynamic stabilities of the two structures are examined through the phonon spectrum analysis as well as molecular dynamics simulations, whereas the mechanical properties are analyzed by elastic constants, bulk modulus and shear modulus. From the analysis of the enthalpy evolution with respect to pressure, we find that h-BN can be transformed into either H-18-BN or RH6-BN structure under a higher pressure of similar to 15 GPa. We also find that both the H-18-BN and Rh6-BN allotropes are brittle materials with indirect band gaps of 2.31 and 4.48 eV, respectively. The simulated XRD spectra provide detailed structural information of H-18-BN and Rh6-BN for future experimental examinations. Our findings not only greatly enrich the existing structural family of 3D-BN materials but also stimulate further experiments. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.</P>

      • KCI등재

        The high thermal stability induced by a synergistic effect of ZrC nanoparticles and Re solution in W matrix in hot rolled tungsten alloy

        Zhang T.,Du W.Y.,Zhan C.Y.,Wang M.M.,Deng H.W.,Xie Z.M.,Li H. 한국원자력학회 2022 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.54 No.8

        The synergistic effect of ZrC nanoparticle pining and Re solution in W matrix on the thermal stability of tungsten was studied by investigating the evolution of the microstructure, hardness and tensile properties after annealing in a temperature range of 1000e1700 C. The results of metallography, electron backscatter diffraction pattern and Vickers micro-hardness indicate that the rolled W-1wt%Re-0.5 wt% ZrC alloy has a higher recrystallization temperature (1600 Ce1700 C) than that of the rolled pure W (1200 C), W-0.5 wt%ZrC (1300 C), W-0.5 wt%HfC (1400e1500 C) and WeK-3wt%Re alloy fabricated by the same technology. The molecular dynamics simulation results indicated that solution Re atoms in W matrix can slow down the self-diffusion of W atoms and form dragging effect to delay the growth of W grain, moreover, the diffusion coefficient decrease with increasing Re content. In addition, the ZrC nanoparticles can pin the grain boundaries and dislocations effectively, preventing the recrystallization. Therefore, synergistic effect of solid solution Re element and dispersed ZrC nanoparticles significantly increase recrystallization temperature

      • KCI우수등재


        You, D.W.,Feng, Y.C.,Wang, Y.,Kuang, Y.Z. The Korean Vacuum Society 1995 Applied Science and Convergence Technology Vol.4 No.s2

        The broad beam ion sources of hot filament plasma type have widely used for modifications of materials and thin films, and the new type intensive current broad beam metal ion source including reactive gaseous ion beams is needed for preparing the hard coating films such as DLC, $\beta-C_3N_4$ Carbides, Nitrides, Borides etc. Now a electorn beam evaporation(EBE) broad beam metal ion source has been developed for this purpose in our lab. CN film has been formed by the EBE ion source. Study of the CN film shows that it has high hardness(HK=5800kgf/$\textrm {mm}^2$)and good adhesion. This method can widely changes the ratio of C/N atom's concentrations from 0.14 to 0.6 and has high coating rate. The low energy pocket ion source which was specially designed for surface texturing of medical silicon rubber was also developed. It has high efficiency and large uniform working zone. Both nature texturing and mesh masked texturing of silicon rubbers were performed. The biocompatibility was tested by culture of monocytes, and the results showed improved biocompatibility for the treated silicon rubbers. In addition, the TiB2 film synthesized by IBED is being studied recently in our lab. In this paper, the results which include the hardness, thickness of the films and the AES, XRD analysis as well as the tests of the oxidation of high temperature and erosion will be presented.


        Effect of Oral Administration of Intact Casein on Gastrointestinal Hormone Secretion and Pancreatic α-Amylase Activity in Korean Native Steer

        Lee, S.B.,Choi, C.W.,Jin, Y.C.,Wang, T.,Lee, K.H.,Ku, M.B.,Hwang, J.H.,Kim, K.H.,Vega, R.S.A.,Lee, H.G. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2013 Animal Bioscience Vol.26 No.5

        Three Korean native steers ($779{\pm}24$ kg) fitted with duodenal cannulas were used in a $3{\times}3$ Latin square design to investigate the influence of oral administration of soluble proteins, intact casein (IC) and acid hydrolyzed casein (AHC), on gastro-intestinal hormone (GIH) secretion in the blood and pancreatic ${\alpha}$-amylase activity in the duodenum. Oral treatment consisted of a basic diet (control), IC (C+100% protein), or AHC (C+80% amino acid, 20% peptide) for 21 d. Blood and duodenum samples were collected for measurement of serum GI hormones, and pancreatic ${\alpha}$-amylase activity was determined at 900, 1030, 1330, 1630, and 1930 h after feeding on d 21 of treatment. The levels of serum cholecystokinin (CCK) and secretin in the IC treatment group were higher compared to the other treatment groups (p<0.05). In addition to the changes in CCK and secretin levels upon IC treatment, the pancreatic ${\alpha}$-amylase activity in the duodenum was higher in the IC group compared to the control diet group (p<0.05). The response of serum ghrelin to IC and AHC treatment was in accordance with the response of serum secretin. The level of peptide fragments flowing in the duodenum was higher in the IC treatment group than the other treatment groups (p<0.05). In conclusion, this study demonstrated that an increase in duodenal CCK and secretin upon IC oral administration increased pancreatic ${\alpha}$-amylase secretion. In addition, ghrelin may be associated with GI hormone secretion in Korean native steers.

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