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      • KCI등재

        Optical Technique to Measure Five-Degree-of-Freedom Error Motions for a High-Speed Microspindle

        Hiroshi Murakami1,Norio Kawagoishi,Eiji Kondo,Akira Kodama 한국정밀공학회 2010 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol. No.

        We present an optical technique to measure five-degree-of-freedom error motions of a high-speed microspindle. The measurement system consists of a rod lens, a ball lens, four divided laser beams, and multiple divided photodiodes. When the spindle rotates with its concomitant rotation errors, the rod and ball lenses, which are mounted to the chuck of the spindle, are displaced, and this displacement is measured using an optical technique. For this study, we decide the design parameters of the optical system using ray tracing, fabricate a prototype of the measurement system, and evaluate it experimentally. The results show that the measurement system has a resolution of 5 nm and can be used to evaluate high-speed microspindle rotation errors.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        An Economic Analysis of Duopolistic Competition between Gulliver and Dwarf Airlines : The case of Japanese Domestic Air Markets

        Murakami, Hideki 한국해운학회 2002 해운물류연구 Vol.36 No.-

        This paper theoretically analyses the effects of an alliance by two small (dwarf) airlines on their own profit, their rival's profit, and the economic welfare. The rival is assumed to be a gigantic Gulliver. The Gulliver and the dwarves' profits will change in a different direction in the post-alliance situation. With regards to the social welfare, as long as the dwarf airline's alliance leads to the simultaneous achievement of strong economies of density, thorough product differentiation, seamlessness, and cost reduction, the social welfare would presumably be improved. The political implication is that firms' asymmetric factors (cost difference and product differentiation) should be maintained in the post alliance situation: otherwise, we cannot tell whether the dwarves' alliance will improve the social welfare or not.


        Setting the scene: CFD and symposium overview

        Murakami, Shuzo Techno-Press 2002 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.5 No.2

        The present situation of CWE(Computational Wind Engineering) and the papers presented to the CWE 2000 Symposium are reviewed from the following viewpoints; 1) topics treated, 2) utilization of commercial code (software), 3) incompleteness of CWE, 4) remaining research subjects, 5) prediction accuracy, 6) new fields of CWE application, etc. Firstly, new tendencies within CWE applications are indicated. Next, the over-attention being given to the application field and the lack of attention to fundamental problems, including prediction error analysis, are pointed out. Lastly, the future trends of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) applications to wind engineering design are discussed.

      • Near Net Shape Processing of RE-Ba-Cu-O Bulk Superconductors

        Murakami M.,Fujishiro M.,Miyazaki T.,Nariki S.,Sakai N.,Hirabayashi I. 한국분말야금학회 2006 한국분말야금학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2006 No.1

        Several practical applications of melt-textured bulk superconductors require the complex-shaped products such as curved, ring-shaped, and drilled blocks rather than simple shaped pellets. However, melt-textured bulk superconductors are often damaged when they are cut, grinded, or drilled. With the aim of reducing such damages, we have investigated the preparation of the complex-shaped bulk superconductors by previously machining binder-added precursors and pre-sintered precursors. We could produce various complex-shaped bulk superconductors without cracking from these machined precursors

      • 日本における初期鐵器文化の特質 -彌生時代の冶金なき金屬文化-

        ( Murakami Yasuyuki ) 단국사학회 2013 史學志 Vol.46 No.-

        유라시아 대륙 동쪽 끝에 위치하는 일본열도에서는 야요이시대(彌生時代)전기부터 중기로의 이행기(기원전 3세기)에 철기를 사용하기 시작한다. 구주를 중심으로 하는 서일본으로 확산된 철기는 대부분이 중국 혹은 한반도로부터 들여온 주조철기 파편을 재생한 소형철기이다. 1단계의 철기는 소위 단야로에서 생산된 것이 아니고, 석기생산기술과 동일하게 마연하여 생산된 것이다. 단, 이 소형철기의 분포는 한정적이고, 마제석기의 보완적 존재에 지나지 않았다. 단야로에서 철기를 생산하기 시작한 것은 야요이시대 중기 말부터이다. 이후 단야공방은 구주북반부에 밀도 높게 분포하고, 서일본 각지에 점재한다. 다만, 일본열도를 동진할수록 재지생산 가능한 기종은 한정되어 소형철기가 많아지고, 공존하는 마제석기류도 많았다고 보여진다. 이기(利器)조성, 철기조성, 철기생산기술 등 지역 격차가 확인된다. 이러한 전체적인 경향 속에서 종종 집중적으로 대량의 철제품이 출토되는 유적이 동해연안지역, 동부 세토우치(세토우치)지역, 그리고 태평양연안지역에서 확인된다. 동해연안의 산인지방(山陰地方)에서는 아오야카미지치(靑谷上寺地)유적과 같이 대량의 철제품이 출토되었고, 철제품은 박재철기(舶載철器), 구주산 철기, 재래철기의 세 종류가 확인된다. 조잡한 제작방식을 보이는 재래철기는 지역 특산품인 정교한 목제품의 가공구로서 사용되었다고 보여지고, 지역 교역을 뒷받침해 왔다. 그러나 목제품생산에 종속된 철기생산은 그 발전에 한계가 있었다. 한편, 이러한 한계는 철기를 대량으로 생산하고 소비한 구주북부지역에서도 관찰된다. 쿠마모토현(熊本縣) 아소(阿蘇)지역은 일본에서도 철제품과 단야공방이 가장 밀집하는 지역이지만, 야요이시대 종말기에는 철기생산 흔적이 전혀 보이지 않고, 취락자체도 현저하게 쇠퇴한다. 철기를 대량으로 생산하고 소유하는 경제적 우위성이 차세대의 부와 번영을 보증하지 않았음을 보여주는 예이다. 이러한 야요이시대에는 철기와 철기 생산은 지역격차가 크고, 다음 단계로의 발전과 번영의 기초가 되지 않았음을 보여준다. In the Japanese Islands located in the east edge of the Eurasian Continent, use of iron implements started in the transition from the former stage to the middle stage of the Yayoi period (3rd centuries BC). These iron implements diffused on the western part of Japan centering on Kyushu were small tools which were made from the fragments of imported casted iron implements from China or the Korean Peninsula. They were reproduced by polish. The iron implements of this first phase were not produced using what is called blacksmith furnaces, and were produced by the same polish technique as the manufacturing of stone tools. However, this small ironware had deviation in distribution, and were only a complementary existence of the polished stone tools. The iron implements produced by a blacksmith started in the end of the middle stage of the Yayoi period (1st century BC). After the blacksmiths emerged at that time, they were densely distributed in northern Kyushu. In another places in western part of Japan, they were thinly distributed. However, there were regional gaps also in the productional capacity of such factories and the areas which can produce large-sized iron implements and iron farm implements were limited. In the eastern part of Japan, the varieties of iron implements produced in the local areas are limited and small iron implements increases in number. It is remarkable that also polished stone tools lived together with small amount of iron tools. The regional gaps were accepted in many respects, such as composition of sone tools and iron tools, iron implements composition and technique of iron tool making. In the Sea of Japan coastal area, an eastern part Setouchi area and a Pacific coast area are dotted with settlement sites which have a lot of iron implements often intensively in such an overall tendency. For example, Aoyakamijichi site located in San`in region, yield a lot of iron implements. They are classified into three claster, imported, made in Kyushu and local production. Although native iron tools were poor made, they were regarded as having been used as a processing implement of elaborate wooden goods which is a specialty of the area and supported trade of the area. However, the blacksmith section itself subordinate to wooden-goods production had a limit in the development. On the other hand, such a limit is observed also in the northen Kyushu where iron tools were produced and consumed in large quantities. Although the Aso area in Kumamoto Prefecture is an area where iron implements and factories of blacksmith are the most densely distributed in Japan. However, the number of iron implements and factories of blacksmith decreased after this stage and finally even settlement sites disappeared. The economic advantage of producing iron implements in large quantities and possession of them guaranteed neither wealth nor prosperity in this area. Thus, in the range of the Yayoi period, the regional gaps of iron implements and their making are still large. It is noticed that production and possession of iron implements did not guarantee the development and prosperity of the society.

      • The Initial Enzyme for Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Biosynthesis Requires PIG-Y, a Seventh Component

        Murakami, Yoshiko,Siripanyaphinyo, Uamporn,Hong, Yeongjin,Tashima, Yuko,Maeda, Yusuke,Kinoshita, Taroh American Society for Cell Biology 2005 Molecular biology of the cell Vol.16 No.11

        <P>Biosynthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) is initiated by an unusually complex GPI-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GPI-GnT) consisting of at least six proteins. Here, we report that human GPI-GnT requires another component, termed PIG-Y, a 71 amino acid protein with two transmembrane domains. The Burkitt lymphoma cell line Daudi, severely defective in the surface expression of GPI-anchored proteins, was a null mutant of PIG-Y. A complex of six components was formed without PIG-Y. PIG-Y appeared to be directly associated with PIG-A, implying that PIG-Y is the key molecule that regulates GPI-GnT activity by binding directly to the catalytic subunit PIG-A. PIG-Y is probably homologous to yeast Eri1p, a component of GPI-GnT. We did not obtain evidence for a functional linkage between GPI-GnT and ras GTPases in mammalian cells as has been reported for yeast cells. A single transcript encoded PIG-Y and, to its 5′ side, another protein PreY that has homologues in a wide range of organisms and is characterized by a conserved domain termed DUF343. These two proteins are translated from one mRNA by leaky scanning of the PreY initiation site.</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Erratum to 'Some Limits of the Colored Jones Polynomials of the Figure-eight Knot'

        Murakami, Hitoshi Department of Mathematics 2016 Kyungpook mathematical journal Vol.56 No.2

        In [3] the main theorem was erroneously stated. We needed to assume that the irrationality measure of 1/r is finite to prove the theorem.


        Photosynthetic Performances of Temperate Sargassum and Kelp Species Growing in the Same Habitat

        Murakami, Hiroshige,Serisawa, Yukihiko,Kurashima, Akira,Yokohama, Yasutsugu The Korean Society of Phycology 2004 ALGAE Vol.19 No.3

        Characteristics of photosynthesis-light and photosynthesis-temperature relationships were seasonally compared among 4 species, two temperate Sargassurn (S. ringgoldianum and S. spathulophyllum) and two temperate kelp (Ecklonia cava and Eisenia bicyclis), growing in the same habitat in Oura Bay, Shimoda, central Japan. The photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) curve of each species at the in situ temperature and the photosynthesis-temperature (P-T) curve at near saturation irradiance (400μmol·m^(-2)·s^(-1)) were determined by using differential gas-volumeters. Maximum photosynthetic rates (Prnax) for P-I curves of the two Sargassurn species were higher from summer to autumn than from winter to spring, while those of the two kelp species showed little difference among seasons. Net photosynthetic rates (Pn) at 100-400μmol·m^(-2)·s^(-1) of the Sargassurn species were higher than those of the kelp species in autumn, spring and summer, while in winter the rates were about the same between the Sargassurn and kelp species. Among seasons, the light saturation index (1k) values, dark respiration rates and light compensation points of Sargassurn species differed more than those of kelp species. Optimum temperature for P-T curves of Sargassurn species was 29℃ and that of kelp species was 27℃ in summer, while in winter the former was 27℃ and the latter was 25℃. Pn at 400 μmol·m^(-2)·s^(-1) at 10-33℃ of Sargassurn species were considerably higher than those of kelp species from spring to summer, while from autumn to winter the rates at 5-27℃ were about the same between the two. At supra-optimum temperatures, Pn of kelp species decreased more sharply than those of Sargassurn species in each season. These facts indicate that the two temperate Sargassurn species have a higher potential photosynthetic performance under warmer conditions than the two temperate kelp species even though they grow in the same habitat.

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