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      • KCI등재

        LncRNA A2M-AS1 lessens the injury of cardiomyocytes caused by hypoxia and reoxygenation via regulating IL1R2

        Xue‑Lian Song,Fei‑Fei Zhang,Wen‑Jing Wang,Xin‑Ning Li,Yi Dang,Ying‑Xiao Li,Qian Yang,Mei‑Jing Shi,Xiao‑Yong Qi 한국유전학회 2020 Genes & Genomics Vol.42 No.12

        Background: Myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury (MI/RI) is a complex pathophysiological process, which can lead to severe myocardial injury. The long noncoding RNA alpha-2-macroglobulin antisense RNA 1 (A2M-AS1) has been revealed to be abnormally expressed in MI, However, its function in MI and the potential mechanism are still unclear. Objective: To evaluate the functional role of A2M-AS1 in hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R)-induced neonatal cardiomyocytes and its potential molecular mechanism. Methods: Dataset GSE66360 was obtained from GEO database for analyzing the RNA expression of A2M-AS1 and interleukin 1 receptor type 2 (IL1R2). KEGG pathway enrichment analysis of the genes that co-expressed with A2M-AS1 was performed. Human neonatal cardiomyocytes were subjected to H/R to construct in vitro models. QRT-PCR and Western blot were adopted to test the levels of mRNA and protein. The viability and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes were tested by CCK-8 and flow cytometry assays, respectively. Results: The expression of A2M-AS1 was notably downregulated in H/R-treated cardiomyocytes. Overexpression of A2M-AS1 can notably enhance the cell viability of H/R-damaged cardiomyocytes, whereas knockdown of A2M-AS1 showed the opposite outcomes. Besides, a negative correlation was showed between A2M-AS1 and IL1R2 expression. In H/R-treated cardiomyocytes, overexpression of IL1R2 weakened the promoting proliferation and anti-apoptosis effects caused by overexpressing A2M-AS1, however, IL1R2-knockdown abolished the anti-proliferation and pro-apoptosis effects caused by silencing A2M-AS1. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the potential regulatory role of A2M-AS1/ IL1R2 axis in cardiomyocytes suffered from H/R, and provides insight into the protection of MI/RI.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Research of Selected Recordings of Piano “Solo Spring Dance” on Visualization Analysis

        Xue,Biyun,Jeon,Yoonhan 한국문화융합학회 2019 문화와 융합 Vol.41 No.5

        중국의 피아노 독주 작품인 <봄의 댄스>는 1949년 이후 중국 1세대 피아니스트인 순이강(孙以强)의 작품으로 2014, 2015년에 “중국 백년 걸작 피아노곡 모음집”에 선정되어 실렸다. 세계 각국의 피아노 연주자가 이 곡을 다른 버전으로 녹음하였는데, 본 연구에서는 중국의 연주가인 Lang Lang이 발행한 개인 앨범과 미국의 피아노 연주자인 Joel Schoenhals의 연주 버전을 선택하여 연구 대상으로 하였으며, 음악 원본과 연주 시간에 대해 차원적으로 분석하였다. 음향학의 측정과 IOI편차 곡선의 방법을 사용하였으며, 거시적으로는 속도 및 강약 그리고 미시적으로는 리듬의 변화로 나누어서 연주자 개인의 연주 스타일의 특징과 연주 중 음악 요소 처리의 표준을 종합하여, <봄의 댄스>의 각기 다른 연주 버전의 특징에 대해 컴퓨터 시각화 분석을 실시하였다. 미학의 관점에서 볼 때, 피아노 연주는 음악 작품 독자적인 특색의 형식미와 내용미가 부각되는 예술이다. 일반적으로 곡의 음표의 변화는 진정한 표현효과와 사람의 청각에의 직접적인 호소가 된다. 이렇게 연주자의 감정 판단을 뽑아낸 후의 연주 분석은 결코 연주를 예술적 구상과 밀접하게 연결시키지 못한다. 본 연구에서는 컴퓨터를 사용한 도형화와 시각화하는 분석 방법을 통하여, 중국과 서양을 대표하는 연주자들이 동일한 작품을 재해석하는 특성과 규칙을 연구하고자, 효과적인 분할과 점층적으로 연주자의 악단, 악절, 악구 및 더 나아가서 음표 하나하나 간의 비례관계, 관련한 속도의 유연성과 리듬의 변화를 나타내었다. 또한 이를 통해 음악 연주자의 활동에 실제적인 도움이 되고자 한다. The piano solo “Spring Dance” was composed by Sun Yiqiang, who is one of the first-generation pianists in China since 1949. In 2014 and 2015, it was selected to be a part of China’s Centennial Classic Piano Collections. Pianists across the world have recorded different versions of it. In this paper, two versions have been selected for comparison through a visualized analysis using a computer. They include Mr. Lang Lang’s performance, which is recorded as the first Chinese piano album in the world, and Mr. Joel Schoenhals’ performance, as an American pianist. The purpose of this research is to reveal the personal style and processing of musical elements during the performance at both the macro and micro level, through common methodologies including the acoustic measurement and IOI deviation curve. From an aesthetic perspective, the aim of piano performance is to deliver the beauty of music, both in form and content, to the audience. Traditionally, such delivery was achieved by converting the music score to a hearing effect. In addition, former researchers were dependent on the subjective judgment and analysis of harmony texture for the study of piano performance art. The drawback of such a conventional approach, wherein the performer’s emotion is ignored, is that one can hardly connect the performance to the real artistic conception of the music. The highlight of this paper is the application of a computeraided, visualized analysis to explore the re-creation features of the same music score by “oriental” and “western” pianists. The visualized analysis may demonstrate the performer’s expression on a music paragraph, phrase, and bar, until single notes, and their fluctuation and flexibility on the pace. This paper aims to provide reference and guidance for activities involving piano performances.

      • Treatment of fever with traditional Chinese medicine according to Zheng on cancer patients (based on case reports)

        Peng Cao,Lan-Ying Liu,Xue-Ting Cai,Xiao-Ning Wang,Jie-Ge Huo,Zhong-Ying Zhou 셀메드 세포교정의약학회 2012 셀메드 (CellMed) Vol.2 No.2

        Fever in cancer patients is often due to the following causes: evil qi and toxity stagnancy, disorders of qi and blood, deficiencies of zang and fu organs, and the disorder of yin and yang. The treatments given to cancer patients with a fever are according to five: (a) Excessive inner heat and toxicants: remove heat and the toxicant, induce purgation. We use Cheng-Qi-Tang plus Qing-Wen-Bai-Du-Yin. (b) Tangle of damp and heat, and qi stagnancy: remove damp and heat, smooth the qi channel. We use Gan-Lu-Xiao-Du-Dan or San-Ren-Tang. (c) Obvious blood and heat stagnancy: remove heat and blood stasis. We use Xue-Fu-Zhu-Yu-Tang. (d) Deficiency of spleen qi, inner heat caused by a yin deficiency: nourish spleen qi and yin to remove the inner heat. We use Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang or Xiao-Jian-Zhong-Tang. (e) Prominent yin deficiency and hectic fever: replenish yin and remove inner heat. We use Qing-Hao-Bie-Jia-Tang or Chai-Qian-Mei-Lian-San. The pathogenesis of fever in cancer patients is complicated. We can see both deficiency and excess in one differentiation. Therefore, we must make sure of it, then we can get the most effective treatment.

      • 시멘트의 분말도 변화에 따른 시멘트 모르터의 역학적 특성

        文學龍,김경민,전충근,윤기원,양성환,한천구 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.2

        This study discusses the influence of fineness of cement on mechanical properties of cement mortar. According to the result, compressive strength increases in order of C>B>OPC>A and C>B>A>OPC at mixture proportion of 1:1 and 1:3 respectively. An increase of compressive strength by increase of fineness of cement is because internal structure of concrete grows dense by an increase of hydration reaction. As for curing condition, compressive strength is higher in standard curing than in air curing at mixture proportion of 1:1 and 1:3. There is not any tendency of strength development with age and fineness of cement by 91days. Length change by drying shrinkage increases in order of C>B>OPC>A at mixture proportion of 1:1 and 1:3 due to an increase of water content by variation of W/C.

      • KCI등재

        중국실학의 함의와 현대적 의의

        張學智,池俊鎬 한국철학사연구회 2003 한국 철학논집 Vol.12 No.-

        실학에 관한 대부분의 저서와 논문들은 일반적으로 明·淸시기에 일어난 ‘經世致用’ 思潮를 실학으로 정의하고 있다. 그러나 역사적인 문헌에서 드러나는 ‘실학’이라는 두 글자의 의미와 그리고 중국 역사에서 실제로 일어났던 사상조류의 변천을 살펴보면, 실학은 실제적으로 더욱 광범위한 내용을 포괄하고 있다. 실학은 도덕적인 측면에서의 ‘독실한 수양(篤實修養)’, 경제적인 측면에서의 ‘유가의 경전에 능통하여 실질적인 쓸모 있는 것에 정통함(通經致用)’, 事功이라는 측면에서의 ‘나라를 경영하여 세상을 구제함(經邦濟世)’이라는 세 가지 주요한 측면을 포괄하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 세 가지 측면을 역사적인 문헌과 사상사의 발전이라는 면으로 나누어 그 의미를 설명하였으며, 明·淸시기에 經世致用의 學이 왜 특별히 表彰되어 ‘실학’으로 불리게 되었는지 그 원인에 관하여도 검토하였다. 아울러 王陽明 心學의 변천과 明代 中·後期에 왕양명의 제자들이 토론한 주요 문제들이 갖는 의의를 탐구함으로써 明淸之際에 이르러 학풍이 크게 변화된 이유를 살펴보았다. 修德과 明經 그리고 經世의 세 가지 측면은 종합된 하나의 틀을 갖추고 있으며, 明德은 統領이 되고 明經과 致用은 輔翼이 된다. 그렇기 때문에 미래에 과학기술이 모든 것을 지배하고 모든 것을 제약하는 시대에 이르러서도 가치적인 理想을 수립할 수 있으며 사람의 최후까지도 배려하고 보살필 수 있게 된다. 이러한 점은 실학이 갖고 있는 현대적인 의의이기도 하다. 경제의 세계화 그리고 문화의 多元化시대인 오늘날 전통의 계승과 창조적인 발전은 중시되어야 한다. 아울러 전통에 관한 총체적인 이해와 설명을 통하여 새로운 學統도 형성하여야 한다. 중국 문화의 우수한 점을 흡수하고, 서양 민주제의 장점을 받아들이고, 지식인들의 憂患意識과 현실 정치에 대한 비판정신을 간직함으로써 정치적인 면에서도 새로운 政治文明을 건설하여야 할 것이다. Real Learning (Shixue) in Chinese classics and its historical context can be actually interpreted as a term which includes more comprehensive meaning than its literal meaning. Real Learning should be interpreted in three aspects: religious cultivating in morality, understanding the classics and making them be useful in social practice in Confucian studies, and administering the country and succoring the masses in the public affairs. This paper tries to articulate these three aspects of the connotation of Real Learning in terms of its meaning in texts and in the progress of the history of thought. According to this paper, these three aspects of the connotation of Real Learning played important roles in Chinese traditions of morality, learning, and politics. The ideological trend of practice in Ming and Qing Dynasties is not a totally new one but the continuation of Chinese traditional thought. Real Learning cannot be understood as an ideology which is similar to the Confucianism in the two Han Dynasties, Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties, Buddhism in Sui and Tang Dynasties, or Neo- Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties. 一般硏究實學的著作和論文都以明淸時期興起的經世致用思潮來定義實學本文則認爲, 從“實學”這兩個字在歷史典籍里的意思和中國歷史中實際發生的思想潮流的變遷來看, 實學實際上包括着更爲廣闊的內容. 實學應該包括三個主要的方面: 道德上的篤實修養, 經學上的通經致用和事功上的經邦濟世. 本文對這三個方面分別從歷史文獻和思想史的發展說明타們的眞實義涵. 着重梳理這三個方面對中國道統、學統、政統發生的巨大影響, 認爲明淸經世思潮是中國源遠流長的利用、厚生傳統的延續, 不是明淸時期特有的. “實學”只是一個標志學術思潮或學風轉型的槪念, 不能把타作爲和兩漢經學、魏晋玄學、隋唐佛學、宋明理學平行的思潮. 本文還檢討了明淸經世致用之學爲什요特別被表彰爲實學的原因, 幷從王陽明心學的演變及王陽明弟子所討論的主要問題在明代中後期的意義說明明淸之際學風丕變的根据. 在實學的現代意義方面, 本文認爲, 修德、明經、經世三個方面應當組成一個광架, 明德是統領, 明經、致用爲輔翼, 在未來科技宰制一切、規約一切的時代樹立价値理想, 完成人的終極關懷. 在當今經濟全球化、文化多元化的時代中重視對傳統的繼承與創造性轉化, 幷經過詮釋形成新的學統. 在政統方面, 吸收中國文化的優良成分, 吸納西方的民主制度的長處, 保持知識分子的憂患意識和對現實政治的批判精神, 建設新的政治文明.

      • 콘크리트의 블리딩에 미치는 골재 조립률의 영향

        文學龍,裵正烈,황인성,한천구 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.1(구조계)

        This study is to investigate the influence of W/C and fineness modulus of aggregate on the bleeding of concrete. According to the result, the lower W/C is, the less bleeding occurs. As for the properties of bleeding with the variation of fineness modulus, the amount of bleeding is small with the continuous grading in the middle of the standard grading range in the case of coarse aggregate, and it grows smaller with a decrease of fineness modulus in the case of fine aggregate. Therefore, it proves that using coarse aggregate with the continuous grading in the middle of the standard grading range and fine aggregate with smaller fineness modulus in the standard grading range is the effective method for reducing bleeding at the same W/C.

      • 회수수에 처리되는 당류계 안정화제의 혼입률 변화가 콘크리트의 품질에 미치는 영향

        文學龍,金虎林,우종완,한민철,한천구 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.24 No.1(구조계)

        The objective of present paper is to investigate the engineering properties of concrete using recycling water incorporating saccharic based stabilizing agent in order to improve qualities of concrete in the region of normal strength and high strength. According to test results, fluidity and air content do not exhibit significant difference with an increase in stabilizing agent contents. Bleeding was not observed at 30% of W Ie, regardless of stabilizing agent contents, nonetheless, concrete with stabilizing agent of 0.15% was observed to occur the least bleeding at 40 and 50% of W IC. For setting time, although presence of recycled water accelerates setting time, setting time shows to be retarded gradually with an increase in stabilizing agent content. For compressive strength, use of stabilizing agent enhanced compressive strength of concrete compared with that of concrete without stabilizing agent. In the side of strength enhancement, adequate dosage of stabilizing agent is found to be 0.15%. As dosage of stabilizing agent increased above 0.15%, drying shrinkage exhibited a tendency to decrease.

      • 콘크리트의 블리딩에 미치는 시멘트 제조사 및 분말도의 영향

        金恩浩,文學龍,황인성,한천구 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.1(구조계)

        This study is to investigate the influence of the manufacturing company and fineness of cement on bleeding of concrete. According to the results, as fineness of comment increases, slump and air content of fresh concrete decrease, and setting time is shortened. The amount of bleeding abates with an increase of fineness, and it is confirmed that bleeding does not occur especially in the case of B8000. it is confirmed that bleeding does not occur. Bleeding speed is higher in the case of OPC A than in the case OPC B, and grows low with an increase of fineness. It also becomes highest at about 60 minutes, and shows slow tendency in W/C of 45% in comparison with W/C of 50%. And It is confirmed that relativity between fineness of cement and the final amount of bleeding is very favorable. As the properties of hardened concrete, compressive strength do not make much difference between OPC A and B is little, and increases with an increase of fineness.

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