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        Optimization of the anti-snow performance of a high-speed train based on passive flow control

        Guangjun Gao,Zhen Tian,Jiabin Wang,Yan Zhang,Xinchao Su,Jie Zhang 한국풍공학회 2020 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.30 No.4

        In this paper, the improvement of the anti-snow performance of a high-speed train (HST) is studied using the unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes simulations (URANS) coupled with the Discrete Phase Model (DPM). The influences of the proposed flow control scheme on the velocity distribution of the airflow and snow particles, snow concentration level and accumulated mass in the bogie cavities are analyzed. The results show that the front anti-snow structures can effectively deflect downward the airflow and snow particles at the entrance of the cavities and alleviate the strong impact on the bogie bottom, thereby decrease the local accumulated snow. The rotational rear plates with the deflecting angle of 45° are found to present well deflecting effect on the particles’ trajectories and force more snow to flow out of the cavities, and thus significantly reduce the accretion distribution on the bogie top. Furthermore, running speeds of HST are shown to have a great effect on the snow-resistance capability of the flow control scheme. The proposed flow control scheme achieves more snow reduction for HST at higher train’s running speed in the cold regions.

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