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      • KCI등재

        Molecular characterization of chemosensory protein genes in Bactrocera minax (Diptera: Tephritidae)

        Wang Zhao‐Xiang,Qi Zhen‐hua,Chen Jian,Wang Fu‐Lian,Gui Lian‐You,Zhang Guo‐Hui 한국곤충학회 2021 Entomological Research Vol.51 No.7

        Chemoreception is of great importance for survival of insects. Chemosensory proteins (CSPs) are believed to be involved in the perireceptor events of chemosensory system in many insect species, but this has not been clarified in the citrus fruit fly, Bactrocera minax, a serious dipteran pest of citrus crops. Previous studies indicated that four CSP genes were identified in many fly speices in Diptera. In the present study, we also identified four CSP genes in B. minax,namely BminCSP1–4, from a transcriptome database. All CSP proteins encoded by these genes bear the typical hallmarks of the CSP family: an N-terminal signal peptide and the four highly conserved cysteine residues. Phylogenetic analysis comparing with other dipteran CSPs indicated that dipteran CSPs may evolved from three ancestral CSP genes, and revealed the sequence diversities of BminCSPs and showed that BminCSP1–4 are clustered in separate groups, indicating the possibility of their contrasting function in B. minax. Furthermore, the tissue distribution of the four CSP genes in adult B. minax was analyzed by real-time quantitiative PCR. The results demonstrated that BminCSP3 are significantly transcriptionally enriched in antennae; BminCSP4 expressed primarily in heads; BminCSP1 and BminCSP2 showed high expressions in different tissues, such as antennae, abdomens and wings. Based on these findings, the different implications for the functions of BminCSPs are discussed. This study will offer a significant indication for further functional studies of the CSPs in B. minax

      • 할로아세틸시코닌 유도체의 합성 및 항암성 평가 : Synthesis and Evaluation of Antitumor Activity

        鄭相國,金光洙,송규용,조훈,안병준 충남대학교 약학대학 의약품개발연구소 1998 藥學論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        The secondary hydroxy group at side chain of shikonin structure was selectively acylated with various haloacetic acids in presence of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and 4-dimethylaminopyridine to produce haloacetylshikonin derivatives. The cytotoxicity of monohaloacetylshikonin derivatives against L1210 cells increased in the following order: monochloroacetylshikonin (ED_50, 0.142 ㎍/㎖) nonobromoacetylshikonin (ED_50, 0.158㎍/㎖)>monoiodoacetylshikonin (ED_50, 0.173 ㎍/㎖). Introduction of larger halogen atoms decreased the cytotoxic activity, presumably due to steric hinderance. The cytotoxicity of chloroacetylshikonin derivatives was dependent on the number of chlorine atom, thus increasing in the following order : trichloroacetylshikonin (0.032 ㎍/㎖)>dichloroacetylshikonin (0.059 ㎍/㎖)> monochloroacetylshikonin (ED_50, 0.142 ㎍/㎖). Thus, the electron-withdrawing effect seems to be important for the cytotoxicity of chloracetylshikonin derivatives. Consistent with the above, dichloracetylshikonin (T/C, 182%) and trifluoroacetylshikonin (195%) showed higher T/C values than monochloroacetyl-(T/C, 122%), monobromoacetyl-(T/C, 154%) and monoiodoacetylshikonin (T/C, 117%) derivatives. Haloacetylshikonin derivatives showing lower cytotoxic activities against L1210 cells exhibited lower T/C values. It seems that there is a relationship between the cytotoxicity of haloacetylshikonin and their antitumor activity.

      • KCI등재

        만주 재현 소설에 나타난 ‘고향’의 의미 : 만주국 후기 소설을 중심으로

        김향화 이화어문학회 : 이화여자대학교 한국어문학연구소. 2015 이화어문논집 Vol.36 No.-

        ‘만주’는 제국주의에 의해 고향으로부터 추방당한 근대의 조선인이 희망과 절망을 반반씩 지니고 이주하여 새로운 삶을 지향했던 곳이다. 본고에서는 재만(在滿) 경험을 토대로 창작을 진행한 작가들이 ‘제2의 고향’으로서의 ‘만주’를 어떻게 서사하고 있으며 고향(조선)에 대한 작중 주인공의 인식의 변화과정을 통하여 특정한 작가의 특수한 ‘재만’의 경험에 주목하고자 한다. 동시에 이러한 특수한 ‘재만’의 경험에 대한 중층적인 분석을 통하여 ‘민족’과 ‘국민’ 사이에서 정체성의 혼란을 겪었던 ‘식민지 조선인’에게 시사된 고향의 다양한 의미를 분석하는 것을 연구목적으로 삼는다. 조선인 작가의 ‘재만’(在滿)이라는 경험은 단순하게 해석할 수 없는바 그것은 객관적으로 역사의 변천과 정치적인 제도의 변화과정과 관계되는 동시에 주관적으로 작가의 경력과 문학 창작 의도와 긴밀히 연관되어 있다. 본고에서는 당대에 만주에서 살았고 직접적으로 만주를 체험했지만 각각 다양한 신분과 경력을 가진 대표적인 작가로 안수길과 김창걸, 박계주의 일부 작품을 연구대상으로 한다. 아울러 ‘재만’이라는 작가적 경험의 특수성을 재해석하고 그에 따라 다양하게 표상되는 ‘고향’의 의미에 대해 되짚어봄으로써 만주의 조선인에게 ‘고향’은 어떤 의미로 각인되고 변천되어왔는가를 연구한다. 물론 단순하게 이주민의 강한 정착 의지와 망향의식, 향토의식 등으로는 해석의 제한이 뒤따르고 있는 건 사실이다. 이에 본고에서는 오랜 시간 동안 만주에 거주하면서 창작 활동을 했고 만주 재현 문학의 대표적인 작가로 손꼽히는 안수길의 후기 작품인 「土城」과 「牧畜記」, 만주에서 태어나고 교육을 받았지만 다시 조선으로 돌아가서 만주에서의 경험을 토대로 창작을 진행한 박계주의 「處女地」와 「母土」, 어렸을 때 만주로 이주하여 해방 후에 만주에 남은 중국 조선족의 대표적인 작가 김창걸의 「두번째 고향」을 텍스트로 삼아 연구를 진행한다. 상기 작품들은 모두 만주국 후기에 창작되었으며 만주국의 이념인 ‘왕도낙토(王道樂土)’와 ‘오족협화(五族協和)’ 사상을 일정하게 반영함으로써 시국에 편승하는 양상을 보이고 있는데 본고는 이러한 특수한 사회 정치적 상황에서 조선 이주민들에게 시사된 ‘고향’의 의미를 분석하고 나아가서는 ‘재만’이라는 삶의 중층성과 다양성을 발굴하는데 그 연구 의의를 둔다. In this manuscript we examine how the writers who have slightly different experiences of Manchuria and composed based on that experience describe “Manchuria,” their “2ndhome,”and how the special “Manchuria” of each particular writer is detailed by the process of change of the character’s awareness in regards to their original hometown(Joseon).Also, our research purpose is to analyze the various meanings of this forced hometown for the “colonial Korean people,”who have experience didentity confusion between“Ethnicity” and“Nation,”through the multi-level analysis of this special“Manchuria.”“Manchuria”was the place where the“Joseon People”were exiled from their hometown and forced to take root due to Imperialismand where they started anewlife after emigrating with both, hope and despair, in their hearts. The experience of “Manchuria(在滿)” of the Joseon writers is not simple to analyze since objectively it’s related to the historical change as well as the change in political system while subjectively it’s deeply related to the writers’ career and the intention of their literary creations. In this manuscript, the study object is the partial works of Ahn Soo-kil, Kim Changgeol, and Park Gyeju, who are representative authors who have directly experienced Manchuria and have various positions and work experiences. It also seeks to reinterpret the distinct characteristics of the authors experience that is “Manchuria” and research the various presentations of the meaning of “hometown” and how this meaning of “hometown” is imprinted or changed for the people of Joseon living in Manchuria. Of course there will be limits to the simple interpretation of the emigrant’s strong will to take root, their nostalgia, indigenous awareness, and others. In this manuscript we used the late「土城」 and 「牧畜記」works of Ahn Soo-kil, who lived and wrote in Manchuria for a long time and is a renowned representative author of Manchurian literature, 「處女地」and「母土」of Park Gyeju, who was born and educated in Manchuria but returned to Korea to write based on his experience, and “2ndHometown” by Kim Changgeol, who emigrated to Manchuria when he was young and stayed there after the Liberation of Korea as a representative Chinese-Korean author. The texts mentioned above were all written during the latter period of the Manchuria nation and reflects the Manchurian philosophy of “왕도낙토(王道樂土)” and “오족협화(五族協和) thought in a slightly different manner and seems to take advantage of the current state of affairs and this manuscripts seeks to discover the diverse layers of life in “Manchuria” analyzing the meaning of the forced “hometown” of the emigrants during that socio-political time.

      • 肉鷄 飼料添加劑로서 柴胡莖葉의 利用

        趙成九,崔香順,朴相一 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2000 農業科學硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        Diets containing 0.0%, 0.2%, 0.5%, and 1.0% of SLPBFL were fed to broiler chickens at 7 weeks age. The results of SLPBFL feeding are as follows; Body weight gain was significantly improved in 0.5% SLPBFL diet group ( p < 0.01 ). Because feed consumption was increased with adding of SLPBFL, broilers taste was not considered in this experiment. Feed requirement was analyzed same score to 1.99 in 0.2% and 0.5% SLPBFL added rations be improved about 8% than the control group. The amounts of carcass, drumsticks and breast meat were significantly(p<0.05) plenty in 0.5% treatment, and also the carcass ratio was enhanced to the highest score in 0.5% SLPBFL, In 0.5% treatment, birds were improved of growth rate, the head and neck weights, leg and shank weight, and amounts of blood and feather were higher appeared than other treatments. The weight of internal organs (liver, heart, spleen, gizzard) were appeared to be heavy in 0.5% treatment. The fat accumulation (abdominal and gizzard surrounding) was observed from the broiler chickens fed 0.5%, tended to increase with fat contents agreeably to live weight gain (P<0.05). Total serum protein, serum bilirubin and LDL-cholesterol concentrations in non- SLPBFL were lower than those in SLPBFL treatments. The concentrations of serum GPT, serum GOT, serum albumin and HDL- cholesterol in non-SLPBFL bird were the lowest in treatment. The concentrations of serum HDL-cholesterol and albumin in 0.5% treatment to be were appeared to be highest score and the concentration HDL-cholesterol was analyzed the lowest score, and total serum protein, serum GPT, serum GOT, serum bilirubin, total serum cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and serum triglyceride concentrations were analyzed to be mean score in experimental diets. Key words : Bupleurum falcatum Linne, serum protein, serum GPT, serum GOT, serum Bilirubin, total serum cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, serum triglyceride.

      • 當歸莖葉의 肉鷄 飼料添加劑 利用

        趙成九,崔香順,朴相一 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2000 農業科學硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        Studies on the utilization added in diet with a Stem and Leaf Powder of Angelicae Gigas Nakai(SLPAGN) in the broiler chickens. Diets added with 0.0%, 0.2%, 0.5%, and 1.0% of SLPAGN were fed to broiler chickens at 7 weeks age. The results of SLPAGN feeding are as follows; The body weight gain was significantly improved in 1.0% SLPAGN diet (P<0.01), and feed efficiency was effected with 1.0% SLPAGN ration(P<0.05). The amount of carcass was the heaviest in 0.2% SLPAGN diet. The amounts of breast meat and drumsticks product were the highest in 0.2% SLPAGN, and the weights of head and neck, leg and shank were lower than other treatments. The fat accumulation (abdominal and gizzard surrounding) was observed in broilers fed diets added with 0.2% SLPAGN. The weights of liver, spleen and gizzard were tended to increase with adding SLPAGN rations than control diet. The degradation of fabricius sac was delayed to non-SLPAGN treatment than SLPAGN groups. The blood contents were analyzed to be the highest level to the total serum, GOT, total serum cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations in the broiler chickens fed 1.0% SLPAGN diets, and then the level of total serum protein and HDL-cholesterol concentrations were appeared to be the lowest. In the birds fed non-SLPAGN treatments the concentration of serum GPT, serum albumin, total serum triglyceride, total serum cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol were analyzed to be the lowest levels. In 0.2% SLPAGN treatment, the contents of serum GOT and serum bilirubin contents were analyzed the lowest levels. Key words: Angelicae Gigas, feed efficiency. HDL-cholesterol. Carcass ratio, serum bilirubin, GPT, serum albumin, serum triglyceride, serum albumin, GOT

      • 개질 결합재의 노화 특성이 아스팔트 콘크리트의 강도특성에 미치는 영향

        김광수,안경애,김성운,이상범,이순제 강원대학교 석재복합신소재제품연구센터 2001 석재연 논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        아스팔트의 노화 진행 과정의 특성과 아스팔트 혼합물의 노화 특성과의 관계에 대한 국내에서의 연구는 거의 전무한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 결합재인 아스팔트의 노화가 아스팔트 혼합물의 특성에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 결합재로 사용된 폴리머 3종류와 골재 두 종류, 두 가지 입도, 두 종류의 아스팔트를 사용하여 32종류의 혼합물을 제조하고, 이를 다시 노화 전, 단기노화, 장기노화 처리하였다. 각각의 개질ㆍ비개질 아스팔트혼합물의 노화 과정의 특성을 분석하기 위하여 회복탄성계수실험(MR)과 간접인장강도실험(ITS)을 수행하였고, 추출ㆍ회수 후 바인더 특성시험(침입도, 동점도, 절대점도, GPC)을 수행하였다. 이를 다시 SAS를 이용하여 통계 분석하였다. 혼합물 시험에서 노화가 진행되어 감에 따라 회복탄성계수 및 간접인장강도는 크게 증가했다. 그리고 밀입도가 갭입도보다 강도 특성에서 크게 나타났고, 폴리머간의 비교에서 송진을 개빌한 바인더를 사용한 혼합물의 특성이 가장 우수하게 나타나 상온에서 가장 효과적인 개질재임을 알 수 있었다. 바인더 시험에서 골재 종류가 노화시 물성에 심각한 요인임을 알 수 있었고, 입도는 점도변화에 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며 폴리머는 아스팔트 자체의 노화에 영향을 미치지 않는 인자임을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 GPC를 이용한 LMS 측정으로 추출ㆍ회수없이도 바인더 물성을 어느 정도 예측 할 수 있는 가능성을 나타냈다. 본 연구 결과 아스팔트 혼합물의 노화특성은 골재 종류, 입도, 개질재의 종류, 바인더의 종류 등의 다양한 요인에 의해 영향을 받는 상태에서 바인더의 특성 변화만으로 혼합물의 강도 특성 변화를 추정하는데는 어려움이 있음을 알 수 있었다. Asphalt concrete is a mixed product of asphalt binder and aggregates. Asphalt binder characteristics in asphalt mixture are changed due to aging of binder. Since asphalt mixture becomes stiffer and brittle due to age hardening of binder, mechanical properties of asphalt concrete are also a function of binder characteristics. However, the correlation of mixture mechanical property with asphalt (binder) property is not well known. This study dealt with evaluation of physical properties of asphalt binder, including polymer modified asphalt (PMA), and mechanical properties of asphalt mixture. The measured physical properties included absolute viscosity, kinematic viscosity, penetration, and LMS (large molecular size). The mechanical property included resilient modulus, indirect tensile strength and stiffness index. Statistical analyses were carried out to find out the factor(s) having a significant effect on change of physical and/or mechanical properties of asphalt mixture due to aging. A relatively high correlation was found from each physical property with stiffness index.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 전통 원림에 나타난 경관 조형미에 관한 연구

        徐周煥,崔現翔,邊成晉,孟祥彬 경희대학교 부설 디자인연구원 1999 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.2 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to find out the components and the beauty of the landscape formation in the traditional Chinese garden. Firstly, the formal is divided into the aesthetic characteristics and the method. And the aesthetic characteristics is divided into the impression of the sense organ time and space, visual field and visual sense, and enjoying the landscape in motion and in motionless which both have the sense of beauty. The method of the landscape formation is divided into 11 ways-①a main landscape and a secondary landscape, ②deepening space and landscape by degrees, ③ framing the landscape, ④borrowing the landscape, ⑤pointing out the landscape with a horizontal inscribed boards, written on scrolls, etc, ⑥a landscape which is situated in the end of a visual axis or a visual line, ⑦a landscape which can not be seen directly by obstacles, ⑧a landscape by using things of both sides with a perspective line or with a visual axis, ⑨a landscape which is divided by walls, creating more space, ⑩seeing a landscape by open work window and the like, ⑪an additional landscape. Secondary, the latter is divided into 6 ways-①proportion and scale, ②balance on stable, ③contrast and harmony, ④rhythm, ⑤association by metaphors, ⑥a variety of unity.

      • 내변형 폴리머 개질 아스팔트 혼합물의 개발

        김광우,도영수,정규동,조희원,안경애,이상범 강원대학교 석재복합신소재제품연구센터 1997 석재연 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        본 연구에서는 국내산 LDPE 및 SBS 폴리머를 아스팔트 함량의 3%, 4%, 5%와 카본블랙을 10% 사용하여 AP-3 아스팔트를 개질한 화강암, 편마암, 석회암 혼합물을 제조하고 그 특성의 변화를 고찰하였다. 폴리머는 3가지 골재 혼합물 모두에 전반적으로 인장강도와 강성의 증가를 가져오는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 그중 편마암에서는 그 효과가 비교적 적고 화강암과 석회암에 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. 또한 두 폴리머간 개질효과의 차이는 거의 없었으나 LDPE가 약간 높게 나타나 보였다. 카본 블랙의 사용은 폴리머 개질 혼합물의 경우에는 별로 효과적이지 못하였으나, 일반혼합물의 경우는 아스팔트의 강도특성에 영향을 미침임을 알 수 있었다. SBS and LDPE polymers with contents of 3%, 4%, 5% and a carbon black with content of 10% by wt. of asphalt were used in three aggregate mixtures, a gneiss, a granite and a limestone waste aggregates. Indirect tensile strength and stiffness index were evaluated for each mixture. The two polymers were effective on improving those strength characteristics for all three aggregate mixtures. Especially, limestone and granite aggregates were improved more than gneiss. Among two polymers, there were almost no difference in performance even though LDPE showed a little higher values. Carbon black improved the properties of plain asphalt mixtures, although it was not the case for the PMA mixtures.

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