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True Digestibility of Phosphorus in Different Resources of Feed Ingredients in Growing Pigs
Wu, X.,Ruan, Z.,Zhang, Y.G.,Hou, Y.Q.,Yin, Y.L.,Li, T.J.,Huang, R.L.,Chu, W.Y.,Kong, X.F.,Gao, B.,Chen, L.X. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2008 Animal Bioscience Vol.21 No.1
To determine the true digestible phosphorus (TDP) requirement of growing pigs, two experiments were designed with the experimental diets containing five true digestible P levels (0.16%, 0.20%, 0.23%, 0.26% and 0.39%) and the ratio of total calcium to true digestible P (TDP) kept at 2:1. In Experiment 1, five barrows (Duroc${\times}$Landrace${\times}$Yorkshire) with an average initial body weight of 27.9 kg were used in a $5{\times}5$ Latin-square design to evaluate the effect of different dietary P levels on the digestibility and output of P and nitrogen. In Experiment 2, sixty healthy growing pigs (Duroc${\times}$Landrace${\times}$Yorkshire) with an average body weight (BW) of 21.4 kg were assigned randomly to one of the five dietary treatments (12 pigs/diet), and were used to determine the true digestible phosphorus (TDP) requirement of growing pigs on the basis of growth performance and serum biochemical indices. The results indicated that the true digestibility of P increased (p<0.05) linearly with increasing dietary TDP level below 0.26%. The true P digestibility was highest (56.6%) when dietary TDP was 0.34%. Expressed as g/kg dry matter intake (DMI), fecal P output increased (p<0.05) linearly with increasing P input. On the basis of g/kg fecal dry matter (DM), fecal P output was lowest for Diet 4 and highest (p<0.05) for Diet 5. The apparent digestibility of crude protein (CP) did not differ (p>0.05) among the five diets, with the average nitrogen output of 12.14 g/d and nitrogen retention of 66% to 74% (p>0.05), which suggested that there was no interaction between dietary P and CP protein levels. During the 28-d experimental period of Experiment 2, the average daily gain (ADG) of pigs was affected by dietary TDP levels as described by Eq. (1): $y=-809,532x^4+788,079x^3-276,250x^2+42,114x-1,759$; ($R^2=0.99$; p<0.01; y = ADG, g/d; x = dietary TDP, %), F/G for pigs by Eq. (2): $y=3,651.1x^4-3,480.4x^3+1,183.8x^2-172.5x+10.9$ ($R^2=0.99$; p<0.01; y = F/G; x = dietary TDP, %), and Total P concentrations in serum by Eq. (3): $y=-3,311.7x^4+3,342.7x^3-1,224.6x^2+195.6x-8.7$ (R2 = 0.99; p<0.01; y = total serum P concentration and x = dietary TDP, %). The highest ADG (782 g/d), the lowest F/G (1.07) and the highest total serum P concentration (3.1 mmol/L) were obtained when dietary TDP level was 0.34%. Collectively, these results indicate that the optimal TDP requirement of growing pigs is 0.34% of the diet at a total Ca to TDP ratio of 2:1.
Genetic Variability of mtDNA Sequences in Chinese Native Chicken Breeds
Liu, Z.G.,Lei, C.Z.,Luo, J.,Ding, C.,Chen, G.H.,Chang, H.,Wang, K.H.,Liu, X.X.,Zhang, X.Y.,Xiao, X.J.,Wu, S.L. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2004 Animal Bioscience Vol.17 No.7
The variability of mtDNA hypervariable segment I (HVS I) sequences was investigated in a total of 48 birds belonging to 12 Chinese native chicken breeds. Sixteen haplotypes were identified from 35 polymorphic nucleotide sites which accounted for 6.4% of a sequenced 544 bp fragment. Diversity analysis of the haplotypes showed that Tibetan, Langshan and Henan cockfight chicken had only one haplotype, while ancient haplotypes existed in Taihe silky and Chahua chicken. Phylogenetic analysis of the haplotypes suggested that Chinese native chicken breeds shared 5 maternal lineages and some breeds would share the same maternal lineage, regardless of their external features and ecological types. Both divergent and phylogenetic analysis of the haplotypes indicated the close genetic relationships between the Chinese native chicken breeds and G. g. gallus and G. g. spadiceus from different areas, which implied that G. g. gallus and G. g. spadiceus were the original ancestors of the Chinese native chicken breeds.
The multiple merger assembly of a hyperluminous obscured quasar at redshift 4.6
Dix301,az-Santos, T.,Assef, R. J.,Blain, A. W.,Aravena, M.,Stern, D.,Tsai, C.-W.,Eisenhardt, P.,Wu, J.,Jun, H. D.,Dibert, K.,Inami, H.,Lansbury, G.,Leclercq, F. American Association for the Advancement of Scienc 2018 Science Vol.362 No.6418
<P><B>Mergers drive a powerful dusty quasar</B></P><P>Massive galaxies in the early Universe host supermassive black holes at their centers. When material falls toward the black hole, it releases energy and is observed as a quasar. Astronomers found a population of powerful distant quasars that are obscured by dust, but it has been unclear how they are formed. Díaz-Santos <I>et al.</I> observed the dust-obscured quasar WISE J224607.56-052634.9 at submillimeter wavelengths, finding three small companion galaxies connected to the quasar by bridges of gas and dust. They inferred that galaxy mergers can provide both the raw material to power a quasar and large quantities of dust to obscure it.</P><P><I>Science</I>, this issue p. 1034</P><P>Galaxy mergers and gas accretion from the cosmic web drove the growth of galaxies and their central black holes at early epochs. We report spectroscopic imaging of a multiple merger event in the most luminous known galaxy, WISE J224607.56−052634.9 (W2246−0526), a dust-obscured quasar at redshift 4.6, 1.3 billion years after the Big Bang. Far-infrared dust continuum observations show three galaxy companions around W2246−0526 with disturbed morphologies, connected by streams of dust likely produced by the dynamical interaction. The detection of tidal dusty bridges shows that W2246−0526 is accreting its neighbors, suggesting that merger activity may be a dominant mechanism through which the most luminous galaxies simultaneously obscure and feed their central supermassive black holes.</P>
Masters, D.G.,Purser, D.B.,Yu, S.X.,Wang, Z.S.,Yang, R.Z.,Liu, N.,Lu, D.X.,Wu, L.H.,Ren, J.K.,Li, G.H. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1993 Animal Bioscience Vol.6 No.1
This study determined the macro-mineral levels in plants and sheep, at different times during the year, at three farms in northern China. Samples of plants, animal tissues and faeces were collected at 5 to 8 times during the year from each site. They were analysed for calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Sodium concentrations in plants were below those recommended for optimum animal production at all sites for all or part of the year (0.01-1.66 g/kg DM). Low concentrations of sodium in faeces were measured and signs of sodium deficiency (soil ingestion) were observed on one farm. There were seasonal trends in other mineral levels in plants and animals. Plants were lowest in potassium (2.3-13.4 g/kg DM), magnesium (1.28-4.82 g/kg DM) and phosphorus (0.24-1.62 g/kg DM) in winter and spring. However, high levels of these elements were supplied in the feed supplements used at this time of the year. During the periods of rapid pasture growth, in summer and autumn, supplements of feed and salt are often not provide even though pasture concentrations of phosphorus and sodium are low. It may be at these times that sheep will be most susceptible to deficiencies of these elements.
Lee, Ji-Eun,Stepanenko, Vladimir,Yang, Jaesung,Yoo, Hyejin,Schlosser, Felix,Bellinger, Daniel,Engels, Bernd,Scheblykin, Ivan G.,Wux308,rthner, Frank,Kim, Dongho American Chemical Society 2013 ACS NANO Vol.7 No.6
<P>Properties of a series of acetylene-linked perylene bisimide (PBI) macrocycles with different ring size composed of three to six PBI dyes were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy in a condensed phase. It was demonstrated that the structures of PBI cyclic arrays (C<I>N</I>s, <I>N</I> = 3, 4, 5, and 6) become distorted with increasing the ring size through molecular dynamics (MD) simulations (PM6-DH2 method) and AFM height images of C<I>N</I>s on highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surface. The MD simulations showed that only <B>C5</B> and <B>C6</B> rings are highly flexible molecules whose planarization goes along with a significant energetic penalty. Accordingly, both molecules did not show ordered adlayers on a HOPG surface. In contrast, <B>C3</B> and <B>C4</B> are far more rigid molecules leading to well-ordered hexagonal (<B>C3</B>) and rectangular (<B>C4</B>) 2D lattices. At the single-molecule level, we showed that the fluorescence properties of single C<I>N</I>s are affected by the structural changes. The fluorescence lifetimes of C<I>N</I>s became shorter and their distributions became broader due to the structural distortions with increasing the ring size. Furthermore, the C<I>N</I>s of smaller ring size exhibit a higher photostability and an efficient excitation energy transfer (EET) due to the more well-defined and planar structures compared to the larger C<I>N</I>s. Consequently, these observations provide evidence that not only PBI macrocycles are promising candidates for artificial light-harvesting systems, but also the photophysical properties of C<I>N</I>s are strongly related to the structural rigidity of C<I>N</I>s.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC=''></P><P><A href=''>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>
Liu, X.-C.,Wu, Y.,Zhang, C.,Liu, T.,Yuan, J.,Qin, S.-L.,Ju, B.-G.,Li, L.-X. EDP Sciences 2019 Astronomy and astrophysics Vol.622 No.-
<P>A survey of C2H <I>N</I> = 1 − 0 and N2H<SUP>+</SUP><I>J</I> = 1 − 0 toward <I>Planck</I> Galactic cold clumps (PGCCs) was performed using the Purple Mountain Observatory’s 13.7 m telescope. C2H and N2H<SUP>+</SUP> were chosen to study the chemical evolutionary states of PGCCs. Among 121 observed molecular cores associated with PGCCs, 71 and 58 are detected with C2H <I>N</I> = 1 − 0 and N2H<SUP>+</SUP><I>J</I> = 1 − 0, respectively. The detected lines of most sources can be fitted with a single component with compatible <I>V</I>LSR and line widths, which confirms that these PGCC cores are very cold (with gas temperatures 9-21 K) and quiescent while still dominanted by turbulence. The ratio between the column densities of C2H and N2H<SUP>+</SUP> (<I>N</I>(C2H)/<I>N</I>(N2H<SUP>+</SUP>)) is found to be a good tracer for the evolutionary states of PGCC cores. Gas-grain chemical model can reproduce the decreasing trend of <I>N</I>(C2H)/<I>N</I>(N2H<SUP>+</SUP>) as a function of time. The cores with the lowest abundances of N2H<SUP>+</SUP> (<I>X</I>[N2H<SUP>+</SUP>] < 10<SUP>−10</SUP>) are the youngest, and have nearly constant abundances of C2H. In evolved cores with <I>X</I>[N2H<SUP>+</SUP>] ~10<SUP>−9</SUP>, abundances of C2H drop quickly as the exhaustion of carbon atoms. Although these PGCC cores are in different evolutionary states, they are all quite young (< 5 × 10<SUP>5</SUP> yr) with <I>N</I>(C2H) > <I>N</I>(N2H<SUP>+</SUP>). Mapping observations are carried out toward 20 PGCC cores. The PGCC cores in Cepheus have lower <I>N</I>(C2H)/<I>N</I>(N2H<SUP>+</SUP>) and larger line widths compared with those in Taurus. This implies that PGCC cores in Taurus are less chemically evolved than those in Cepheus.</P>
Structural analysis of circular UHPCC form for hybrid pier under construction loads
X.G. Wu,X.Y. Zhao,S.M. Han 국제구조공학회 2012 Steel and Composite Structures, An International J Vol.12 No.2
Ultra high performance cementitious composite material is applied to the design of multifunctional permanent form for bridge pier in this paper. The basic properties and calculating constitutive model of ultra high performance cementitious composite are introduced briefly. According to momental theory of thin-walled shell, the analytical solutions of structural behavior parameters including circumferential stress, longitudinal stress and shear stress are derived for UHPCC thin-walled circular tube. Based on relevant code of construction loads (MHURD of PPC 2008), the calculating parameter expression of construction loads for UHPCC thinwalled circular tube is presented. With geometrical dimensions of typical pier, the structural behavior parameters of UHPCC tube under construction loads are calculated. The effects of geometrical parameters of UHPCC tube on structural behavior are analyzed and the design advices for UHPCC tube are proposed. This paper shall provide a scientific reference for UHPCC permanent form design and UHPCC hybrid structure application.
X. D. WU,S. G. ZUO,L. LEI,X. W. YANG,Y. LI 한국자동차공학회 2011 International journal of automotive technology Vol.12 No.5
The purpose of this study was to effectively identify parameters for a LuGre friction model based on experimental measures. In earlier work related to this study (Yang et al., 2009), which was based on the characters of polygonal wear (Sueoka and Ryu, 1997), we showed a frictional vibration model for a mass on a moving belt. This model reflected lateral vibrations caused by velocity and toe-in angle. An important aspect of the present study is the improved friction model. A previous friction model, which divided the process into four parts, expressed the sable excited vibration well but failed to reflect the hysteresis loop change when vehicles accelerated or decelerated continuously. A LuGre friction model can solve this problem, but several model parameters must be obtained experimentally. We measured contact width and length of tires as vertical pressure changed; this provided a theoretical basis for apparent stiffness of a unit of tire tread. Based on tire data from Bakker E’s article in a SAE paper from 1987, we identified the Stribeck exponent and Stribeck velocity in LuGre. Then, the results were implemented in a vibration system that verified the rationality of the data.
Factors Affecting the Inosine Monophosphate Content of Muscles in Taihe Silkies Chickens
Chen, G.H.,Li, H.F.,Wu, X.S.,Li, B.C.,Xie, K.Z.,Dai, G.J.,Chen, K.W.,Zhang, X.Y.,Wang, K.H. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2002 Animal Bioscience Vol.15 No.9
In this paper, changes in the concentration of inosine monophosphate (IMP) of muscles in Taihe Silkies chickens from 2 to 28 weeks of age were studied. The results showed that: (1) with increasing age, IMP content of muscles decreased continuously. (2) the relationship between body weight and IMP content of musculus pectoralis major was significantly negative (p<0.01), so was body weight and IMP content of musculus peronaeus, and their coefficients of correlation were -0.45, -0.38 respectively; the relationship between IMP contents of musculus pectoralis major and that of musculus peronaeus was more significantly positive (p<0.01), and its coefficient of correlation was 0.59. (3) by multiple regression analysis, changes of IMP content of muscles depended on the weeks of age and body weight. (4) from 2 to 28 weeks of age, the heritabilities of IMP content of musculus pectoralis major were calculated between 0.33-0.48, and those of musculus peronaeus were calculated between 0.51-0.69.