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      • KCI등재

        American Newness as a Work of Cultural Renewal : Emerson"s Idea of Essay

        Woosung Kang 한국아메리카학회 2005 美國學論集 Vol.37 No.1

          This essay tries to suggest a cultural reading of Emerson"s essays in the context of symbolic renewal of America, deliberating on the meaning of his difficult style and its deconstructive implication against the backdrop of the Western idea of philosophy and literature. In this critical re-examination, the death of his son in his seminal essay "Experience" (1844) marks a turning point; Emerson"s work of mourning represents the impossibility of the philosophical representation itself. This also explains why Emerson"s essay becomes itself as an essay against the "aboutness" of the essay. His apparent ease with semantic distractions rests entirely on the essay"s resistance to the idea of systematic representation. Alongside of these textual maneuvers, Representative Men shows that Emerson is no longer a romantic naturalist but a living example of what he calls "Man Thinking." He insists throughout the essays of 1840s that the American "newness," either political or cultural, depends upon whether Americans can really succeed in critical re-appropriation of the European cultural ideas. For Emerson, culture moves around the central paradox, so to speak: the real newness starts from the renewal of that very newness. And at the centre of this work of renewal Emerson posits literary essay.

      • KCI우수등재

        Virus-ex-machina and Political Revolution

        ( Woosung Kang ) 한국영어영문학회 2020 영어 영문학 Vol.66 No.2

        Slavoj Žižek’s Pandemic!: Covid-19 Shakes the World is his latest intervention into the politics of virus and disaster. Pandemic! is the collection of essays written in the middle of viral outbreak, a philosophical and political reflection on the pandemic itself and its global implication in the post-viral era to come. Žižek recommends that what is to be done is not to panic or be disappointed at the irrevocability of the normal: that normality is actually what produced the viral outbreak. Throughout this book, Žižek is both a theorist of ecological justice insisting on the human culpability as the main culprit of the viral disaster and a political materialist who never tires himself of configuring the viability of a certain kind of communism beyond neoliberal capitalism in the post-viral global world. In this respect, virus should not be dealt with as enemy, malignant bacteria like cancer cells: the viral problem is totally cultural and up to the host organism. This problématique continues in his theoretical polemics with Han Byung-chul’s myopic diagnosis of the hard reality under capitalism and Giorgio Agamben’s pre-meditated, unrealistic critique of the possibility of biopolitics and “surveillance” in the state-driven quarantine and lockdown. Žižek dreams in this reflection on the signs of the times of viral catastrophe the appearance of new form of communism or “co-immunism,” which will be radically different from the Chinese authoritarian state-capitalism and the neoliberal re-normalization of disaster capitalism.

      • KCI등재

        인공지능시대의 인간중심주의와 타자화

        강우성 ( Kang Woosung ) 한국비교문학회 2017 比較文學 Vol.0 No.72

        인공지능의 시대에 범람하는 담론들은 인류의 미래에 대해 양가적이다. 인공지능 담론은 인간과 기계의 관계를 성찰하고 인공지능 기계의 발전이 인간에게 던지는 도전들에 답하는 시도들이다. 인공지능 담론은 근본적으로 과학기술의 가능성에 대한 양면적 전망을 핵심으로 하지만 심층에 놓인 근본적 질문은 어떻게 인간중심주의를 극복할 것인가이다. 특히 영화에 나타난 인공지능 시대에 대한 진단은 과학기술 진영에 비해 극히 비관적이다. 인공지능 영화들은 재앙의 가능성에 대한 경고를 인간중심주의에서 찾는 특징을 보여준다. 인공지능 담론에서 두드러진 인간중심주의의 논리는 개별 수행능력이 아니라 일반 능력에 있어 인간이 기계에 대해 갖는 우월성에 대한 확신으로 표현된다. 그러나 이 글은 인간의 일반 능력 자체가 불가해성에 의존하며 예측이나 검증이 불가능하다는 점에 근거하는 논리임을 주장한다. 일반 능력의 우월성과 확실성은 증명된바 없다. 이를 위해 이 논문은 최근에 개봉되어 많은 관심을 끈 인공지능영화 <엑스 마키나>에 대한 상세한 분석을 통해, 인공지능 시대 인간의 지적·감정적능력을 구현할 기계인간의 창조에 관한 전망이 불가능을 꿈꾸는 환상에 불과하며, 그 이면에는 여전히 남성에 의한 여성의 지배, 인종적 소수자에 대한 억압, 낯선 존재에 대한 타자화와 같은 지극히 모순적인 인간관계의 폐해가 고스란히 남아 있음을 밝힌다. Discourses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) abound with ambivalent attitudes concerning the future of humankind. These are the answers to the time old question as to whether AI will contribute to the advancement of human relation with man-made machines. Deep down in the AI discourses there lurks a fundamental problem of overcoming anthropocentrism. Especially in the realm of cinema, the so-called AI films consistently demonstrated serious concerns about the possible disasters men could neither program, nor predict, nor prevent. Proponents of AI technology rely on the unfounded belief in man`s superiority of general capability over AI`s specific performativity. This paper attempts to rebut this anthropocentric belief in the human perfectability: man`s general excellence must not be verified because of man`s impossibility to pre-program all the unpredictable variables; man is not the being of conscious but of unconscious and affect. In a detailed analysis of a recent AI film Ex Machina, this paper argues that the dream of making an affective AI constitutes a mere fantasy, while insisting that underneath the very fantasy there remain persistent anthropocentric problems concerning man`s mastery over woman, racial others, and alien beings.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Metaphysics of Paralogy : Lyotard's Postmodern Sublime

        강우성(Woosung Kang) 한국비평이론학회 2003 비평과이론 Vol.8 No.2

        다른 개념들의 운명과 비교했을 때 전통적으로 철학의 서자(庶子)였던 숭고(the sublime) 개념은 현대이론에서도 그 중요성을 그다지 인정받지 못했다. 근자에 들어서는 비교적 활발하게 논의의 중심에서 거론되는 편이지만, 숭고개념의 효용성에 대해서는 여전히 상당한 논란이 존재한다. ‘포스트모던 숭고’를 다루는 본 논문은 숭고 개념을 서양철학의 근본문제들과 연관시켜 사유한 리오따르의 문제의식을 살펴보고 그 함의를 따져보고자 한다. 칸트의 숭고 개념에 내재한 사유의 실마리를 섬세하게 풀어내는 리오따르의 탐구는 그 자체로도 높은 사유의 작용을 보여주지만, 그의 독특한 숭고 개념은 서양철학의 유구한 난제들, 예컨대 언어, 재현, 문학, 그리고 철학적 사유의 문제들을 숭고 행위에 내재된 ‘감정’(feeling)과 ‘부정성’(negativity)의 틀에서 새롭게 사유하는 점에서 더욱 돋보인다. 더욱이 칸트에서는 아름다움의 범주에 포섭되어인식론적 난점으로 여겨져 억압되었던 숭고 개념을 반성적 판단(reflective judgment)과 나아가 인간 인식 일반의 존재론적인 물음과 연관시킴으로써 숭고개념의 근본성을 주창하였다. 또한 리오따르는 숭고 개념이 시사하는 재현불가능의 문제를 근대 및 탈근대의 존재론적 상황과도 긴밀히 연관시켜서 그만의 독특한 탈근대론을 내놓기도 하였다. 재현행위를 ‘무엇의 재현’이라는 대상의존에서 벗어나게 하여 ‘재현불가능성의 재현’이라는 좀더 발견적(heuristic)이고 자기반성적인(tautegorical) 행위로 격상시켰다. 특히 그가 20세기 초엽의 소위 아방가르드 예술가들을 예로 들어 주창한 예술적 탈근대(artistic postmodernity) 개념은 재현불능의 존재론적 상황을‘감정’의 차원에서 구현하여 기술적 근대의 근원적인 결핍을 감지하게 만드는 사유행위를 지칭한다. 숭고의 개념에 투철한 탈근대 예술은 철학적 사유가 태동할때의 근원적 감정들이었던 ‘놀라움’(shock)과 ‘경이감’(wonder)에 접근하면서 예술이 ‘감정’과 관계함으로써 철학적 사유의 드높은 경지에 이를 수 있음을 보여준다. 따라서 숭고의 ‘감정’은 단순히 이성 및 기술의 변증법적 대립항이 아니라 그 대립항이 근저에서부터 결핍되어 있음을 알려주는 근본적인 존재의 느낌인 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        군도의 정치학: 하와이 주권론과 정착민 서사

        강우성 ( Woosung Kang ) 미국소설학회 2024 미국소설 Vol.31 No.1

        This paper attempts to elucidate the historical trajectory of native sovereignty movements in Hawai’ian archipelago and their socio-political struggle with Asian settler colonialism. Proponents of Hawai’ian native sovereignty have continuously demanded the “nation-to-nation” negotiation and the recognition of the U. S. federal government, while Asian settlers as “locals” in Hawai’i, now dominating the ethnic power structures of the State of Hawai’i since 1959, strenuously insist on the priority of multiculturalism in the society of immigrants. Politically allied with Democratic Party, Asian settlers are not willing to recognize the rights of indigenous people and their self-determination, let alone forming a coalition with natives. Sovereignty activists argue that this “liberal multi-cultural settler ideology” effectively supports what they call the structure of “settler colonialism” which relies on the unjustifiable identification of natives and settlers. Aptly described in Gary Pak’s novels, Asian settler colonialism in Hawai’i is a structural obstacle that hinders settlers’ coalition with natives by compelling them to forget the history of racial victimization of natives in Hawai’ian archipelago. After briefly revisiting the controversial issues of native sovereignty and settler colonialism in Hawai’i, I argue that archipelagic politics of coalition could really be dependent upon the settler’s recognition, not concession, of the legitimacy of indigenous sovereignty as a realistic strategy for mutual benefit. To be an American should not be the unilateral goal of all ethnic groups in the territories of the States.

      • KCI등재

        문학 이후: 데리다의 해체론과 미국 문학이론

        강우성(Woosung Kang) 한국비평이론학회 2006 비평과이론 Vol.11 No.1

          This paper tries to think about the cultural implication of Derridean deconstruction in the American intellectual milieu, especially taking issue of the concept of “literature” in the context of American-bred deconstructive criticism represented by Paul de Man. Delving into the complex process of theoretical transplantation, I analyse how philosophical claims of Derridean deconstruction came to be popular among literary critics in the United States, rather than in the field of philosophical debates. In America there has been a strong philosophical tradition of positivism, pragmatism, and the philosophy of language, and against these native traditions Paul de Man bravely articulates and develops the theoretical necessity of deconstructive criticism. In so doing, however, de Man also extends, even distorts, the spirit of Derridean deconstruction by unnecessarily ontologizing some key concepts and tenets of deconstruction as theoretical weapons for repeatedly performing self-reflexive acts of literary deconstruction. As it turns out, de Man"s literary deconstruction tends to presuppose an unremovable rhetorical contradiction or instability within the text and tries to show that every text is in its own way, always already, a self-deconstructive empty space. In contrast, Stanley Cavell"s theory of reading is much closer to Derridean deconstructive move in that it does not presuppose any kind of a priori structural nihilism, positive or negative. Overall, the lesson of the transplantation of Derrida"s deconstruction might be that a creative theory of reading is still needed in the work of deconstruction despite critical reflections on the literary iconoclasm of deconstructive criticism in America.

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