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      • 탄소섬유쉬트를 이용한 손상콘크리트 구조물의 보강방안 연구

        우종태 경복대학 1999 京福論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        본 연구에서는 손상콘크리트 보강에 구조물의 내하력 증대와 발생균열을 구속하는 효과 때문에 널리 사용되는 탄소섬유쉬트 공법에 대하여 보강 기술수준 향상을 목적으로 재료적 특성을 분석하고, 합리적인 보강설계 개념을 검토하며, 시공기술과 시공시 유의사항을 제시한 것으로 연구결과로는 탄소섬유쉬트 보강공법의 주재료인 탄소섬유쉬트와 에폭시의 품질관리체제 구축이 시급하며, 합리적인 보강설계를 위해 현장적용 실험과 이론해석의 체계적이고 지속적인 연구가 필요하며, 보강이후에 구조물 성능향상을 정량적으로 평가 할 수 있는 효율적인 유지관리기법 도입과 탄소섬유쉬트와 콘크리트 접촉부위와의 장기거동에 대한 지속적인 연구와 실험이 수행되어야 한다. This study is on carbon fiber sheet method, which is widely used because of effects of increasing load carrying capacity and confining cracks, that the material properties are analysed, desirable concepts of reinforcement design evaluated, the construction techniques and consideration proposed in order to develop reinforcement techniques. The results are as follows; The quality systems of carbon fiber sheet and epoxy which is of main resources in this method should be applied immediately. Also, the systematic and continuous study between field test and theoretical analysis is demanded to design better reinforcement methods. After reinforcing, the improved techniques of quality management system to evaluate quantitatively the improvement of durability of structures should be introduced. Finally, a theoretical and experimental study onlongterm behaviors of contact portions between carbon fiber sheet and concrete has to be done.

      • 낙동강 하구일대에서 기록된 조류

        우용태,이종남,허위행 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1997 연구보고 Vol.6 No.1

        본 연구는 조사자가 낙동강 하구 일대에서 기록한 조류들을 정리한 것으로 총 15目 43科 209種이며, 이 중 수조류(水鳥類 Waterbirds)가 133種(63.6%)이며 명금류(鳴禽類 Oscines) 42種(20.1%), 맹금류(猛禽類 Raptores) 18種(8.6%)이다. 移動類型別로 보면 보면 텃새가 26種(12.4%)이고, 철새(候鳥 Migratory birds)는 171種(81.8%)인데 철새 중에서는 겨울새가 89種(42.6%), 나그네새가 53種(25.4%), 여름새가 29種(13.9%)이며 길잃은새(迷鳥 Vagrant)는 12種(5.7%)이다. 천연기념물로 지정된 종은 황새, 흑고니, 큰고니, 고니, 두루미, 재두루미, 노랑부리저어새, 저어새, 느시, 흑두루미, 흰꼬리수리, 참수리, 검독수리, 독수리, 새매, 잿빛개구리매, 알락개구리매, 개구리매, 매, 황조롱이, 칡부엉이, 쇠부엉이, 흑기러기, 개리, 검은머리물떼새, 원앙이로 26종이었다. IUCN의 적색자료서의 기준 및 범주에 속하는 종(원, 1994)은 황새, 가창오리, 개리, 붉은가슴흰죽기, 참수리, 두루미, 흑두루미, 재두루미, 알락뜸부기, 쇠청다리도요사촌, 검은머리갈매기로 11종이었고 준위협종(Non-threatened)은 큰덤불해오라기, 원앙이, 알락꼬리마도요, 고대갈매기, 쇠검은머리쑥새의 5종이었다. 절종된 종은 원앙사촌이었으며 저자에 의해 낙동강에서 처음으로 기록하고 한국조류목록에 등재한 종은 고대갈매기, 수리갈매기, 붉은발제비갈매기, 붉은배지느러미발도요 4종이다. This study shows the birds recorded in the Nakdong river estuary by the authors. The birds recorded in the Nakdong river estuary were 15 orders, 43 families, 209 species. Waterbirds were 133 species (63.6%), Oscines were 42 species (20.1%) and Raptors were 18 species (8.6%). Among them, resident were 26 species (12.4%) and migratory birds were 171 species (81.8%). Migratory birds include 89 species of winter visitor (42.6%), 53 species of passage migrant (25.4%) and 29 species of summer visitor (13.9%) and 12 Species of Vagrant (5.7%). The species designated as a natural monuments are 26 species: Ciconia ciconia boyciana, Cygnus olor, Cygnus cygnus, Cygnus columbianus jankowskii, Grus japonensis, Grus vipio, Platalea leucorodia leucorodia, Platalea minor, Otis tarda dybowskii, Grus monacha, Haliaeetus albicilla, Haliaeetus pelagicus pelagicus, Aquila chrysaetos japonica, Aegypius monachus, Accipiter nisus nisosimilis, Circus cyaneus cyaneus, Circus melanoleucos, Circus aeruginosus spilonotus, Falco peregrinus japonensis, Falco tinnunculus interstinctus, Asio otus otus, Asio flammeus flammeus, Branta bernicla orientalis, Anser cygnoides, Haematopus ostralegus osculans, Aix galericulata. The species listed in Red Data Book of IUCN were 15 species: Ciconia ciconia boyciana, Anas formosa, Anser cygnoides, Aythya baeri, Haliaeetus pelagicus pelagicus, Grus japonensis, Grus monacha, Grus vipio, Porzana exquisita, Tringa guttifer, Larus saundersi. Non-threatened species were 5 species: Ixobrychus eurythmus, Aix galericulata, Numenius madagascariensis, Larus relictus, Emberiza yessoensis. Extint species was Tadorna cristata. First recorded species in the Nakdong river estuary by authors were 4 species of Larus relictus, Larus glaucescens, Sterna hirundo miussensis, Phalaropus fulicarius.

      • 모바일 서비스를 이용한 토목계측 데이터 송수신 시스템의 개발

        우종태 경복대학 2004 京福論叢 Vol.8 No.-

        본 연구는 토목 시공현장의 안전성확보를 위한 토목계측 자동화 시스템의 구성에 있어서 기존의 수동계측의 단점을 보완하고, 모바일시스템을 응용한 자동화 시스템을 구성함으로써 토목시공 현장의 위험요인을 실시간으로 인지하여 토목구조물의 신속한 안전성을 확보하는데 있다. 자동계측 시스템의 serial 통신방식의 인터넷 적용방법과 TCP/IP 연동방법을 연구개발한 결과 토목 계측데이터를 인터넷망으로 획득 및 검색이 가능하도록하여 토목시공 현장의 위험요소를 사전에 인지하여 효율적인 토목구조물의 안전관리 및 시공관리가 가능하게 되었다. 따라서, 건설 현장에서의 자동화 계측 시스템이 부분적으로 국산기술로의 대체가 가능해졌으며, 신규 부가가치 있는 아이템으로 지속적인 업그레이드를 위한 연구가 필요하다. The transmission and reception system of civil engineering measurement data by using mobile service improves weak points of the previous manual measurement and constructs an automation system applying the mobile service. Therefore, dangerous factors in a construction sites can be recognized at real-time. As a result, it makes a possible to confirm the safeness of the structure promptly. Development of the automation system applied a serial transmission process throughout internet and TCP/IP connecting process makes us to get and search the civil engineering measurement data from internet so it is possible to manage safeness of a structure efficiently by knowing the dangerous factors in construction sites beforehand. In conclusion, Localization of the automation measurement system partially is possible in a construction site and more detailed studies about continuous upgrades are needed to make it as a new value item.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 冠岳樹木圓地域內 荒廢山地土壤의 肥沃化를 통한 綠化促進에 關한 硏究(II)

        禹保命,權台鎬,李宗學,金景河,李峻雨,麻鎬燮 서울大學校 農科大學 1986 서울대농학연구지 Vol.11 No.2

        The shallow soil depth and severe rock exposures on the hillslopes in the Kwanak aboretum area which resulted from the heavy soil erosion have made very poor growth of forest vegetation. In order to establish the forest vegetation in this area, it is urgent to recover the fertility of soil and the productivity of existing trees. For this reason, fertilization experiment (using the briquet compound fertilizer) was conducted on summer and autumn season in 1983 with the 4 main native species (Pinus densiflora, Pinus rigida, Juniperus rigida, Rhododendron schlippenbachii) growing on these eroded hillslopes. Result in 1985 and 1986 of this experiment represented that the fertilization was effective toward both height and root-collar diameter growth of trees and spring fertilization was, relatively, more effective than autumn fertilization. It also represented that effects of fertilization to P. rigida were more than those to other species. Therefore, besides the engineering methods and afforestation measures for soil erosion control, rapid establishment of vegetation through conservation and recovery of existing trees by fertilization is available measures for the rehabilitation of rockily eroded hillslopes like Mt. Kwanak area.

      • 체인가시성에 관한 최적 알고리즘

        우용태,엄종훈 國立 昌原大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1993 基礎科學硏究所論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        In this paper, given a simple polygon and a simple chain ch(??,??), the notion of chain visibility polygon of a simple polygon P is introduced, and a optimal algorithm for finding the chain visibility polygon in a simple polygon is presented. In the preprocessing step, the simple polygon is triangulated, and computed shortest paths from ?? and ?? to all other vertices in linear time. Then, Condensed dual tree composed of triangles of triangulation is traversed and visible areas from the chain is computed and merged in linear time.

      • 荒嶺山의 動物相 調査 : 陸上 脊椎動物에 관하여

        우용태,이종남 慶星大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.17 No.4

        The fauna of terrestrial vertebrate in the Mt. Hwang-Ryung were surveyed monthly from April, 1955 to March, 1966. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Aves ① A total of 1,415 individuals were recorded and which were classified into 50 species, 23 families and 8 orders. ② In the comparison of appearance number of species and individuals in each month, the largest number and the smallest number of species were recorded in may and in August, respectively. On the other hand, the largest number and the smallest number of individuals were recorded in october and in july, respectively. ③ In the monthly survey, 11 species were recorded 100% and 17 species were recorded above 50%. In the appearance ratio of individuals, only 2 species of Vinous-throated parrotbill(Paradoxonis webbiana) and Siskin (Carduelis spinus_ were recorded above 10%, and 14 species were recorded above 2%. The others were recorded below 2%. ④ The species which showed dominance index above 10 were only Vinous-throated parrotbill. All the species except Siskin belonging to the upper 17 ranks of the dominance index were residents. ⑤ Of the total 50 species, 24 species (48%) were residents, 17 species (34%) were summer visitors, 7 species (14%) were winter visitors, and 2 species (4%) were passage migrants respectively. And of the total 1,451 individuals, 1,106 individuals (76.2%) were residents, 271 individuals (18.7%) were winter visitors, 69 individuals (4.8%) were summer visitors and 5 individuals (0.3%) were passage migrants, respectively. 2. Mammalil 12 species, 8 families and 6 orders were recorded in the survey. These 12 species consisted of each 1 species of family Talpidae, Soricidae, Vespertilionidae, Leporidae, Sciuridae, Mustelidae, and Cervidae and 5 species of family Muridae. 3. Reptilia and Amphibia ① 7 species, 4 families, 2 suborders, 1 order of Reptilias were recorded in the survey. These 7 species were Gekko yaponicus, Takydromus wolteri, Dinodon rufozonatum, Natrix tigrina, Elaphe rufodorcata, Elaphe dine and Agkistrodon caliginosus. ② Amphibians observed were classified into 2 orders, 5 families and 6 species. These 6 species were Hynobius leechii, Bombiana orientalis, Bufo bufo, Hyla arborea, Rana nigromaculata and Rana temporaria.

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