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        쌍대단체법의 효율적인 구현을 위한 기법

        임성묵,박찬규,김우제,박순달 한국경영과학회 1999 經營 科學 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to develope efficient techniques for implementing the dual simplex method in this paper we proposed one artificial row technique to get an initial dual feasible basic solution, a dual steepest-edge method coupled with a dropping row selection rule, and an anti-degeneracy technique which resembles the EXPAND procedure for the primal simplex method the efficiency of the above techniques is shown by experiments Finally, the dual simplex method is shown to be superior to the primal simplex method when it is used in the integer programming

      • 파일럿 플랜트에 의한 음식물 찌꺼기 처리

        최성우,류정숙,박정호,임찬섭,박승조 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1998 硏究報告 Vol.21 No.1

        In this study, using the extinctive composting apparatus, it took a day for the degradation of waste food with high temperature and aerobic condition. It was confirmed by the change of organic ratio, condensed water, and weight. Final production included rare organic ratio so that it was easy to degrade microorganism but it was not enough pH and salt for using compost. During reaction, condensed water was produced about 20 ℓ/day, the eighty percent of waste food was degraded by compositing reaction on the basis of weight, therefore, this means that it is go effective on the volume reduction.

      • 施肥量 差異에 따른 飼料用 穀實귀리의 遺傳的 Parameter

        金翰琳,金贊佑 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 1998 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        본 試驗은 1996年 11月부터 1997年 6月까지 濟州大學校 農科大學 財屬農場에서 飼料用 穀實귀리 올귀리 등 19品種을 供試하고 施肥量 4水準을 處理하여 施肥量에 따른 각 形質의 生態變化, 遺傳率, 遺傳相關, 表現形相關, 環境相關 및 經路係數를 分析한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 遺傳率은 出穗日數, 稈長, 穗長, 稈直徑, 穗當粒數, 千粒重, 株當收量에서 높게 나타났고, 生育日數, 株當分蘗數, 株當穗數, 穗重은 중간 程度였으며 有效分蘗率은 낮은 편이었다. 2. 施肥量의 變化에 따른 遺傳準의 變動은 穗當粒數와 千粒重이 가장 적었고, 生育日數, 株當分蘗數, 穗重, 株當穗數, 有效分蘗率은 變動이 甚하였으며 株當收量의 遣傳率은 增肥區에서 가장 높았다. 3. 株當收量과 遺傳相關이 높게 나타난 것은 株當分蘗數, 株當穗數 및 穗重이었고 出穗日數와는 높은 負의 相關을 보였다. 4. 施肥量에 따른 遣傳相關의 變動에서 穗重과 穗當粒數와의 遺傳相關은 施肥量이 增加함에 따라 높아지는 傾向이었고, 柱當分蘗數와 株當穗數, 柱當收量과 株當 分蘗數, 有效分蘗率과는 增施할수록 遺傳相關이 낮아지는 傾向이었다. 5. 株當收量과 表現形相關이 높게 나타난 것은 株當分蘗數와 株當穗數였으며, 環境相關은 施肥量의 變化에 일정한 傾向이 없었다. 6. 株當收量에 대한 主要形質의 經路係數 分析 結果, 株當收量에 대해 直接效果가 컸던 形質은 無肥區에서는 株當穗數가, 減肥區에서는 株當分蘗數가, 標準肥區에서는 株當穗敎가, 增肥區에서는 穗重이 가장 컸다. 7. 大部分의 處理에서 穗重과 株當穗數가 收量에 대한 直接效果가 크고, 遺傳相關도 높아서 이들의 形質이 收量에 크게 影響을 주었다. This experiment was conducted on the Experimantal Field of Cheju Univ. from November 1996 to June 1997. Object of this study was to clarify the fertilizer responses and to estimate genotypic, phenotypic and environmental correlations, heritabilities and path coefficients for some agronomic characters using 19 hulled oat cultivars including Olgwiri in accordance with different fertilizer levels. The heritabilities estimated for the days to heading, the culm length, the panicle length, culm diameter, the number of kernels per panicle, 1000-kernel weight and the grain yield per plant were high, and those for the days to maturity, the number of fillers and panicles per plant, and the panicle weight were medium, and that for the rate of effective tillering was low. Changes in heritability for the number of kernels per panicle and the 1000-kernel weight were small, and those for the days to maturity, the number of tillers and panicles per plant, panicle weight and the rate of effective tillering varied greatly on different fertilizer levels. With increasing fertilizer level, heritability of grain yield per plant was increased. The gram yield showed highly positive genetic correlations with the number of tillers per plant, with the number of panicles per plant and with the panicle weight, and, showed the negative correlation with the days heading. With increasing fertilizer level, the genotypic correlation coefficient between the panicle weight and the number of kernels per panicle was increased, and the genotypic correlation coefficients between the number of filler and panicles per plant, and between the grain yield and the number of fillers per plant and the rate of effective tillering were decreased. The phenotypic correlation coefficient between the grain yield and the number of tillers per plant and panicles per plant showed highly positive values, and the changes in phenotypic correlation coefficient for different fertilizer levels had no definite tendency. The characters of which direct effect estimates were high versus the grain yield per plant were the number of panicles per plant on non-fertilizer plot, the number of tillers per plant on decreased fertilizer plot, the number of panicles per plant on standard fertilizer plot, and the panicle weight on increased fertilizer plot. Genotypic correlations and direct effects of the panicle weight and the number of panicles per plant versus the grain yield per plant were high in most treatments, that is, these characters had an influence on the grain yield.

      • UASB에 의한 染料化學工場 廢水處理

        김성우,임찬섭,박정호,성낙창,박승조 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1996 硏究報告 Vol.19 No.1

        This study has been carried out to measuring the biodegradability and toxicity of dyes chemnical factory wastwwater for anaerobic treatment. The experiment consisted of batch test pilot plant test. The results are as follows 1. Biodegradability assays were conducted at two assay concentration for 2gCOD and 5gCOD tat BMP are respectively 0.23㎥CH₄/ ㎏.COD, 0.16㎥CH₄/㎏.COD respresents the noninhibited bioconversion efficency also MRR were 1.080 and 0.959 represented. 2. In pilot plant experiment, COD removal efficency are up 65% represented according to changing COD loading rate from 0.15㎏COD/㎥.d to 2.6㎏COD/㎥.d 3. Alkalinity and Volatile, VA/Alkalinity as chemical factor of anaerobic was 1070∼1700㎎/ℓ, 30∼150g/ℓ and 0.02∼0.09 respectively. 4. According to changing COD loading rate from 0.15㎏COD/㎥.d to 2.6㎏/COD/㎥.d the methane gas production was 0.20~0.23]㎥ CH₄/㎏.COD_(rem)

      • 로보틱셀폰(RCP)의 이동시스템 구현에 관한 연구

        최재일,임찬영,김승우 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2004 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.10 No.2

        Most recently, CP(Cellular phone) has been one of the most important technologies in the IT(Information Tech-nology) fieid,and it is situated in a position of great importance industrially and economically. To produce the best CP in the world, a new technological concept and its advanced implementation technique is required, due to the extreme level of competition in the world market. The RT(Robot Technology) has been developed as the next generation of a future technology. Current robots require advanced technology, such as soft computing, human-friendly interface, interaction technique, speech recognition, object recognition etc.unlike the industrial robots of the past. Therefore, this paper explains conceptual research for development of the RCP(Rpbptic Cellular Phone), a new technological concept, in which a synergy effect is generated by the merging of IT & RT. RCP infra consists of RCP^(Mobility), RCP^(Interaction), RCP^(Integration) technologies. For RCP^(Mobility) human-friendly motion automation and personal service with walking and arming ability are developed. RCP^(Interaction) ability is achieved by modeling an emotion-generating engine and RCP^(Integration) that recognizes environmental and self conditions is developed. By joining intelligent algorithms and CP communication network with the three base modules, a RCP system is constructed. Especially, the RCP mobility system is focused in this paper. RCP^(Mobility) is to apply a mobility technology, which is popular robot technology, to CP and combine human-friendly motion and navigation function to CP. It develops a new technological application system of auto-charging and real-world entertainment function etc. This technology can make a CP companion pet robot. It is an automation of human-friendly motions such as opening and closing of CPs, rotation of antenna, manipulation and wheel-walking. It's target is the implementation of wheel and manipulator functions that can give service to human with human-friendly motion. So, this paper presents the definition, the basic theory and experiment results of the RCP mobility system. We confirm a good performance of the RCP mobility system through the experiment results.

      • 의약품의 효능별 안전성·유효성 평가에 관한 조사연구(Ⅰ) : 항균제 Antiboiotics

        박윤주,최기환,김동섭,박인숙,정면우,임화경,오우용,강주희,박찬웅,김주일 식품의약품안전청 2001 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.5 No.-

        새로운 물질이 개발되어 신약으로 탄생하기까지 많은 시간과 노력, 예산이 필요하다. 최근, 우리 나라에서도, 신약캐발이 어릴고 힘든 분야이지만 새로운 신약개발을 총해 얻어지는 분가가치가 막대함을 인식, 연구에 박차를 가하 있는 실정이다. 본 연구는, 의약품 개발 선진국인 미국 FDA에서 발행하는 참고자료 중 항균제 임상편가에 대한 가이드라인 및 주요 임상적응증별 항균제 기발(지역사획회득성 폐렴, 원내감염성 계렴, 급성기관지염의 2차세균감염, 만성기지염의 급성세균성 악화, 연쇄구균에 의한 인두영 및 편도염 , 단순성 요로감염증, 복합성 요로감염증 및 신우신영, 급성 세균성 부비동옆, 항 바이러스제 개발시 전임상단계에서 고려사항, 항 바이러스제 허가와 된련 잉상적 고려사항, 카레타 괸련 혈류감염)에 있어서의 파이드라인 등의 자료를 소개함으로져, 향후 제약사의 항균제 신약개발 및 허가 신청된 의악품의 전임상차료 및 잉상시험자료의 검토 평가업무에 참고자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. Changing or unclear interpretations of clinical trial data needed to demonstrate the effectiveness and safety of antimicrobial drug products have a times led to confusion and frustration on the part of both applicants and division of these drug products reviewers. The FDA published guidance on desing clinical protocols, implementing, and analyzing data from clinical trials for antimicrobial drug products has been presented and additional companion guidances introduced specific issues to individual infections. This document provides applicants and reviewers with minimal information appropriate for the clinical development of routine antimicrobial drug products and identifies issues common to many antimicrobial drug applications. The agency can use the kind of information to determine whether the antimicrobial drug product under study is safe and effective in the treatment of the specific infection studied.

      • 제 1형 신경섬유종증 환자에서 발생한 위장관 간질종양 1예

        원경준,이준,변유미,조민근,한경택,김원,홍란,임성철,김경종,김영대,박찬국,김만우 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2007 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.32 No.2

        Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is the most common non-epithelial neoplasm arising in the gastrointestinal tract, but this tumor is rarely seen in association with type l neurofibromatosis (NFl) Generally, the majority of GISTs are isolated neoplasm and they are sporadically found in the stomach, but the GISTs in NFl patients are usually multiple and usually found in the small intestine. We report a case of multiple GISTs in the jejunum of a 63-year-old woman diagnosed as NFl accompanied by complication of gastrointestinal bleeding, In this case, Patient had multiple cafe-au lait spots and neurofibroma on skin and had freckling on axilla and groin, and then, we made a diagnosis of NFl. Gastrointestinal bleeding is controlled by resection of multiple GISTs. Generally, only 3-5% of all gastrointestinal bleeding comes from the small bowel. Causes of small intestinal bleeding are angiodysplasia, neoplasm, NSAIDs induced ulcer etc. but, If patients have NFl accompanied by complication of gastrointestinal bleeding, GISTs on small bowel must be considered.

      • Phylogenic Analysis of Endosymbiont Wolbachia with Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Korea

        Chan Hee Park,Hyung Woo Lim,Hyun Woo Kim,Wook Gyo Lee,Jong Yul Roh,Mi Yeoun Park,E-Hyun Shin 한국응용곤충학회 2014 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2014 No.04

        The intracellular endosymbiont bacterium Wolbachia is currently considered the most abundant in arthropods and has also been isolated from nematodes, amphipods, isopods, mites and spiders. Recently, Wolbachia-based research was focused on the control of disease vector-population, such as several mosquitoes such as genus Aedes and Anopheles which cause dengue fever and malaria, respectively. For the analysis of regional difference between vector mosquito Aedes albopictus and Wolbachia, we selected different regions and collected Ae. albopictus which were distinguished with mountain chain and waterway. Whole genomic DNA were extracted from collected specimens with 9 regions. PCR analysis and sequencing were accomplished in each specimen for Wolbachia detection and identification using WSP gene. As a results, almost mosquitoes were infected with two strain of Wolbachia both wAlbA and wAlbB. However, regional separation of vector mosquitoes, wAlbA strain of Wolbachia were showed more than 98% sequence similarity. In this study, we first reported that Wolbachia infection and type of Wolbachia in Korea and endosymbiont Wolbachia was showed highly sequence homologies.


        Stent coated with antibody against vascular endothelial-cadherin captures endothelial progenitor cells, accelerates re-endothelialization, and reduces neointimal formation.

        Lim, Woo-Hyun,Seo, Won-Woo,Choe, Wonseok,Kang, Chan-Koo,Park, Jonghanne,Cho, Hyun-Ju,Kyeong, San,Hur, Jin,Yang, Han-Mo,Cho, Hyun-Jai,Lee, Yoon-Sik,Kim, Hyo-Soo The Association 2011 Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology Vol.31 No.12

        <P>In contrast to CD34, vascular endothelial-cadherin (VE-cadherin) is exclusively expressed on the late endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) whereas not on the early or myeloid EPC. Thus, VE-cadherin could be an ideal target surface molecule to capture circulating late EPC. In the present study, we evaluated whether anti-VE-cadherin antibody-coated stents (VE-cad stents) might accelerate endothelial recovery and reduce neointimal formation through the ability of capturing EPC.</P>

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