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        폼 구조의 유효 기계적 물성 및 열전도율 예측을 위한 균질화 데이터 기반 전이학습 프레임워크의 개발

        이원주,김수한,심현종,이주호,안병혁,김유정,정상융,신현성,Wonjoo Lee,Suhan Kim,Hyun Jong Sim,Ju Ho Lee,Byeong Hyeok An,Yu Jung Kim,Sang Yung Jeong,Hyunseong Shin 한국복합재료학회 2023 Composites research Vol.36 No.3

        In this study, we developed a transfer learning framework based on homogenization data for efficient prediction of the effective mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of cellular foam structures. Mean-field homogenization (MFH) based on the Eshelby's tensor allows for efficient prediction of properties in porous structures including ellipsoidal inclusions, but accurately predicting the properties of cellular foam structures is challenging. On the other hand, finite element homogenization (FEH) is more accurate but comes with relatively high computational cost. In this paper, we propose a data-driven transfer learning framework that combines the advantages of mean-field homogenization and finite element homogenization. Specifically, we generate a large amount of mean-field homogenization data to build a pre-trained model, and then fine-tune it using a relatively small amount of finite element homogenization data. Numerical examples were conducted to validate the proposed framework and verify the accuracy of the analysis. The results of this study are expected to be applicable to the analysis of materials with various foam structures.

      • KCI등재

        샘 셰퍼드의 True West에 나타난 탈출의 의미

        이원주(Lee Wonjoo) 한국현대영미드라마학회 2011 현대영미드라마 Vol.24 No.2

        This paper intends to study Sam Shepard’s brilliant description of the contemporary American society by examining the escape motif in True West. The protagonists of Shepard’s plays try to escape to the places such as Mexico or desert where they think they can still enjoy personal freedom from the oppression of the contemporary American society. Their attempts to escape take place on the stage as a neutral territory which belongs neither to the real world nor to the imaginary space. In True West, after his frustration by Saul, Austin’s escape takes place at Mom’s suburban residence, which corresponds to the motel room in Fool for Love in being a temporary residence for Austin. Considering the west as the ideal space where he can defy materialism of the contemporary American society, Austin tries to escape to the west, which corresponds to the imaginary setting of fantasy literature. However, his attempt is doomed to fail because the frontier he longs to escape to can never be restored in the contemporary world by the rapid encroachment of modern civilization. This suggests that the attempt and frustration of the escape will be repeated and the escape should be conducted in a different way from the way the Old Man and Austin took. Their frustrations indicate that the individuals should not try to escape to the physically irretrievable frontier but plunge inside themselves to find personal integration and harmony.

      • KCI등재

        예방소방행정과 대비소방행정이 대응소방행정에 미치는 영향

        이원주(Wonjoo Lee),임재훈(Jae Hoon Lim),문광민(Kwang Min Moon) 한국화재소방학회 2020 한국화재소방학회논문지 Vol.34 No.2

        본 연구는 우리나라 소방조직에서 수행되는 예방소방행정과 대비소방행정이 대응소방행정에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 분석하고자 수행되었다. 이를 위하여 2008년부터 2018년까지 16개 광역자치단체에서 수행된 예방소방행정과대비소방행정, 그리고 대응소방행정에 대한 패널자료를 이용하여 통계분석을 실시하였다. 독립변인으로 예방소방행정과 대비소방행정을 사용했으며, 종속변인으로 대응소방행정을 사용하였다. 예비소방행정의 하위 변인으로 특정소방대상물 현황분석, 다중이용업 현황분석, 다중이용업 안전시설 완비 증명 발급, 소방특별조사을, 대비소방행정의 하위 변인으로 소방교육을, 대응소방행정의 하위 변인으로 화재진압출동을 사용하였다. 분석결과, 특정소방대상물 현황분석과 소방교육은 화재진압출동에 유의미한 양(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구결과는 소방행정의효과성을 분석하는 연구에 기초자료로 사용될 수 있다. This study aimed to provide an empirical analysis of the effect of preventive fire administration (PVFA) and preparedfire administration (PPFA) on response fire administration (RPFA) in fire service organizations in Korea. To this end, paneldata was collected from 16 metropolitan councils from the period of 2008 to 2018 and statistically analyzed using PVFA,PPFA, and RPFA. The independent variables were PVFA and PPFA, while the dependent variable was RPFA. The analysisof the current situation of the specific target for firefighting (STFF), public use facilities, proof of completion of safetyfamilies for public use facilities, and special fire inspection were sub-variables of PVFA. Fire safety education (FSE) andthe mobilization for fire suppression (MFS) were sub-variables of PPFA and RPFA, respectively. In the results, STFF andFSE had a significant positive influence on the MFS. This study will contribute to the basic research regarding theinvestigation of the effectivity of fire service organizations in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        부사관학과 학생들의 소방안전교육 경험과 생활안전의식에 관한 연구

        이원주 ( Wonjoo Lee ),권신영 ( Shin Young Kwon ),강순형 ( Soon Hyung Kang ),나윤채 ( Yoon Chae Nah ) 한국안전학회(구 한국산업안전학회) 2015 한국안전학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the awareness survey on the experience of fire fighting safety education and living safety consciousness of college students in the department of noncommissioned officer. Additionally, making provision of basic references and the effective fire fighting safety education is another important purpose of this study. In order to evaluate the awareness, the survey consist of 43 queries based on 6 queries for general characters, 9 queries for experiences of fire fighting safety education and 30 queries for living safety consciousness. The collected data from survey was analyzed using SPSS 20.0 win program. The interrelationship for general characters was confirmed using analysis of frequency, percentage, independent T-tset, ANONVA analysis, and regression analysis. The results show that the experience of fire fighting safety education and living safety consciousness of students from the combatant branch and ordnance corps are higher than those students from quartermaster corps. This may be attributed to the presence or absence of safety relevant courses on a curriculum. Therefore, the presence of safety courses on a curriculum should be one of important points for improving the experience of fire fighting safety education and living safety consciousness of these college students.

      • KCI등재

        「한 병사의 극」에 나타난 흑인공동체의 문제:진정한 다원주의 사회의 실현을 위한 과제

        이원주(Wonjoo Lee) 한국영미문학교육학회 2015 영미문학교육 Vol.19 No.2

        This paper aims to define Charles Fuller’s A Soldier’s Play as the positive attempts to make subjective relationships with American society. In this study, Fuller’s devotion to presenting facts from the perspective of African Americans is defined as his efforts to break white America’s prejudices against black community. To do this, Baraka’s critique on Fuller’s plays are closely examined. Baraka attacks A Soldier’s Play and Negro Ensemble Company in general as “a house slave’s theater” or “bourgeois double-talk” assisting the white America rather than helping the black community. Baraka’s condemnation, however, misses its point because Fuller attempts to form new subjective relationships with American society by focusing not on black-white confrontation or rebelling against hostile social environment but on the examination of the moral dilemma of the black community and breaking preconceived ideas and prejudices of the white America. Fuller tries to do this firstly by employing the form of mystery play and then revealing intra-racial conflicts among the black community. This self-critical analysis of black community by Charles Fuller at first glance does not seem to be adequately confrontational, but is sufficiently revolutionary in suggesting the possibility of a new type of revolution by upholding the cultural values of black community and pursuing a pluralist society without hierarchy.

      • 로웰의 시: 현대 사회에 대한 대응 방식의 변화 과정

        이원주 ( Wonjoo Lee ) 한국방송통신대학교 통합인문학연구소 2022 통합인문학연구 Vol.14 No.2

        본 논문은 로버트 로웰의 시가 현대 세계에 대한 로웰 자신의 대응 방식의 변화 과정을 보여주고 있음을 확인하는 데에 그 목적이 있다. 19세기에 이르러 ‘광기’(madness)와 ‘이성’(reason) 사이의 대화가 단절되었고 이로 인해 현대 세계에는 이성의 광기에 대한 독백만이 남게 되었다는 푸코의 주장처럼, 로웰도 이성 중심의 제도화된 현대 세계가 개인의 의식 세계를 끊임없이 침범하는 것을 인식하고 이에 대한 대응을 통해 진정한 자아의 모습을 파악하고자 노력한다. 로웰에게 있어서 시를 쓰는 행위는 인간적 가치를 지닌 공공의 영역이 소진된 현대 세계에서 와해된 공공의 질서를 기록하려는 노력이라 할 수 있다. 기록자 로웰에게는 공공의 가치가 와해된 현대 세계의 회복 불가능성에 대한 절망감이 뿌리 깊게 자리잡고 있었다고 할 수 있는 셈이다. 로웰의 이러한 입장은 방관자적 비평가로서 초월을 시도하는 『배은의 성』 (Lord Weary’s Castle)과 같은 초기 시로부터, 사회의 억압적 힘으로부터 벗어나기 위한 개인의 노력을 보여주는 『인생 탐구』(Life Studies)를 거쳐서, 다시 역사의 중요성을 인식하게 되는 『미합중국을 위해 목숨 바친 사람들』(For the Union Dead)로 이어지며 변화한다. 본 논문에서는 각 시집에 드러난 로웰의 변화를 현대 세계에 대한 로웰의 대응 방식의 변화 과정으로 파악하고 이를 분석해보고자 한다. This paper aims to identify the changes in the strategies that Lowell employs in his poems to cope with the hellish modern world. As Foucault once stated in his Madness and Civilization (1971) that in the nineteenth century the dialogue between reason and unreason was broken and now there are only the monologue of reason on madness, Lowell also tried to grasp his true identity by coping with the institutionalized modern world which invades the consciousness of individuals. For Lowell, “literature is a precondition for a human world, denied against the circularities and randomness of natural process. ... Where the space is threatened or extinguished, literature takes over as the repository of its values.” Lowell tried to register the disintegration of the public order and systematic dismantlement and irrevocability of the civic order. Lowell’s strategies change from the earlier poems of Lord Weary’s Castle in which Lowell tries to transcend reality by becoming a passive critic, through Life Studies in which he shows individual efforts to overcome the society’s oppression, to the later poems of For the Union Dead where he re-recongnizes the importance of history. In this paper, the changes in modern society that Lowell portrays in his poems are regarded to be the changes in the strategies in his coping with the modern society and these strategies are closely examined and analyzed.

      • 『솔로몬의 노래』 (Song of Solomon)에 나타난 서구 신화의 전복

        이원주 ( Lee Wonjoo ) 한국방송통신대학교 통합인문학연구소 2017 통합인문학연구 Vol.9 No.2

        본 논문은 토니 모리슨(Toni Morrison)의 『솔로몬의 노래』(Song of Solomon)에 나타난 서구신화의 전복 양상을 파악하는 것을 그 목적으로 한다. 모리슨의 이러한 작업은 노예제 이래로 항상 흑인 공동체를 위협해 온 지배 사회에 대항하려는 노력이라 할 수 있다. 흑인들에게는 노예제도 하에서부터 시작된 물리적 폭력의 위협 뿐 아니라, 지배 문화의 이데올로기를 무비판적으로 흡수할 위험성이 항상 도사리고 있다. 백인 지배문화는 흑인들을 그들보다 열등한 `보이지 않는`(invisible) 존재로 규정짓기 때문에, 모리슨은 이러한 백인이데올로기를 거부함으로써 왜곡된 흑인의 실체를 바로잡을 수 있으리라 여겼던 것이다. 『솔로몬의 노래』에서 모리슨은 기독교 신화와 그리스 신화를 고쳐 씀으로써 백인 이데올로기의 모순성을 폭로한다. 파일럿(Pilate)과 메이콘 데드(Macon Dead)가 링컨스 헤븐(Lincoln`s Heaven)에서 쫓겨나는 것을 아담과 이브가 에덴동산에서 쫓겨나는 것으로 비유함으로써 지배사회의 폭력성을 상징적으로 드러낸다. 또한 밀크맨의 정체성 탐색과정에는 이카루스 신화와 오딧세우스 신화의 모티프를 재구성하여 사용함으로써 개인적 자유가 지니는 무책임함을 비판하고 흑인 공동체의 소중함을 강조한다. 모리슨이 시도한 이러한 서구 신화의 해체는 백인 사회가 기반하고 있는 뿌리를 흔드는 시도라는 점에서 20세기 초반의 저항문학에 비해 훨씬 격렬한 저항이라 할 수 있다. This paper aims to examine the subversion of Western mythology in Toni Morrison`s Song of Solomon. This kind of approach to racial relationship by Morrison is an effort to resist the dominant society which consistently threatened black community since the days of slavery. To the black community, not alone the threat of physical violence, the danger of uncritical absorption of dominant culture`s ideologies always exists. As white dominant culture defines African-Americans as inferior, invisible beings, Morrison tries to reject these white ideologies and re-form the true identity of African-American community. In Song of Solomon, by rewriting Christian mythology and Greek mythology, Morrison reveals the contradictions of white ideologies. Comparing Pilate and Macon Dead`s eviction from Lincoln`s Heaven to the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, Morrison symbolically exposes the violence of the dominant society. In addition, in the identity search of Milkman, Morrison adopts and reconstructs the motifs of Icarus` flight and Odysseus` return home to criticize the irresponsibility of individual freedom and show the value of African-American community. As it is an attempt to shake the fundament of Western society, Morrison`s deconstruction of Western mythologies is much more violent protest than the attempts of protest literature of the early 20<sup>th</sup> century.

      • KCI등재

        항공보안장비 성능인증제의 고도화 방안에 관한 연구

        이원주 ( Wonjoo Lee ),유상우 ( Sangwoo Yu ),박수홍 ( Soohong Park ),김경훈 ( Kyunghoon Kim ),하다솜 ( Dasom Ha ),설은숙 ( Eunsuk Seoll ),한수진 ( Soojin Han ),박서하 ( Seoha Park ),이지수 ( Jisu Lee ),김찬휘 ( Chanhwi Kim ),강진구 ( 한국품질경영학회 2020 품질경영학회지 Vol.48 No.3

        Purpose: This study was performed for advancement of aviation security equipments certification system. Methods: We investigated aviation security equipments certification-related registrations and the latest research trends of explosive detection technologies. Based on the literature studies, we draw the critical issues of the aviation security equipment certification system and suggested improvement direction. Results: We found some inaccuracies of the definition of explosive trace detection equipments, accreditation review committee, and performance evaluation test method. These problems should be modified to suit being practical. Conclusion: The present results would be useful for basic data for modifying aviation security equipments certification systems.

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