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        글로컬 문화의 개념과 한류

        장원호(Jang, Wonho),송정은(Song, Jung Eun) 건국대학교 글로컬문화전략연구소 2016 문화콘텐츠연구 Vol.0 No.8

        본 연구는 글로컬 문화의 개념을 바탕으로 한류의 발전과정과 방향성을 논의한다. 글로컬 문화는 세계적 그리고 지역적 콘텍스트의 상호작용에서 생성된 결과이자 초국적으로 소비된다. 한류와 글로컬 문화의 관계를 고려하면서, 본 연구는 한류에 나타나는 한국사회 내에 세계화의 영향력, 한국의 사회문화적 특성, 혼종적 결과물, 그리고 한류의 초국적 소비를 설명할 것이다. 한류를 소비하는 해외 수용국가들은 한류를 소비하는데 그치지 않고, 현지의 정서에 맞게 재해석하면서 새로운 형식과 스타일의 문화상품을 생산하고 있다. 또한 본 연구는 한류 팬들로 구성된 문화적 공동체들의 활동을 소개한다. 한류의 글로컬 문화화는 한류 수용국가에서 새로운 팝문화 상품을 생산하는 과정에서 나타난다. 다양한 문화 속의 한류 팬들의 문화적 보편성, 정체성, 그리고 취향을 공유하는 것은 초국적 문화적 공동체를 형성하는데 매우 중요하며 나아가 상호적 이해와 협력을 이끄는 원동력이 될 것이다. This paper regards the Korean Wave as an exemplary glocal culture and discusses the concept of glocal culture. Glocal culture contains a mixture of global and local contexts and is in turn transnationally consumed. By considering the Korean Wave as an exemplary glocal culture, the paper shows global impacts, local socio-cultural characteristics, hybrid features, and transnational consumption of the Korean Wave. The local countries consuming the Korean Wave respond to globalization by creating new forms and styles of glocal cultures through local re-interpretations of the Korean Wave. In addition, the paper introduces the activities of the local K-pop fans as evidences of cultural communities. The glocalizing dynamics of the Korean Wave can be seen in the process of consumption and the creation of new pop culture in the countries that consume the Korean Wave. With the cases of glocalization of the Korean Wave, this study intends to consider the Korean Wave as a way to build cultural relationship between Korea and the Korean Wave receivers. It is an important factor for the creation of transnational cultural communities where people among different countries share cultural universals, identities and tastes based on the Korean Wave, and further develop two-way communication, mutual understanding and cooperation.

      • KCI등재후보

        서울과 동경의 ‘보헤미안 씬(scene)’ 비교

        장원호(Wonho Jang) 숭실대학교 사회과학연구소 2013 사회과학논총 Vol.15 No.-

        최근 보헤미아(Bohemia)적 특성이 도시개발과 혁신의 동력으로 간주되고 있다. 도시혁신 연구자들은 보헤미안을 창조적 인재로 구분하면서 이들이 관습으로 둘러싸인 전통이란 달걀을 깨뜨림으로써 오믈렛과 같은 창조적인 결과물을 만들어 낸다고 주장한다. 이러한 보헤미안의 창조성에 관한 논의는 미국과 서유럽에서는 널리 받아들여지고 있으나 동아시아에서는 아직 보헤미안적 지역에 대한 논의가 부족하다. 이 연구는 도시 씬(Urban Scene)의 개념을 사용하여 보헤미아 씬과 관련된 속성이 동아시아에서 어떻게 나타나고 있는지 분석하였다. 이 과정에서 서울과 동경의 보헤미안 씬을 시카고와 비교하여 아시아의 보헤미안 씬의 특성을 파악하고 이를 통하여 보헤미안 씬이라는 개념의 종합화를 시도하였다. 데이터 분석결과를 보면 서울의 보헤미안 지수 평균이 동경이나 시카고보다 높으나, 이를 서울이 동경이나 시카고보다 더 보헤미안적이라고 해석할 수는 없다. 시카고와 동경의 보헤미안 지수가 서울보다 낮은 이유는 지역별로 거주민들의 특색이 뚜렷하기 때문이다. 예를 들어 동경에서는 자기표현이나 일탈성과 같은 보헤미안적인 특징이 나타나는 구역은 그와 대치되는 개념인 근린성이나 전통성, 그리고 지역성이 높은 구역과는 엄격히 분리된다. 하지만, 서울에서는 근린지역에서도 보헤미안 씬의 성격이 나타나는 등, 보헤미안 씬만의 특징이 뚜렷하게 나타나지 않고 있다. 이런 점이 서울에서 보헤미안 씬의 영향력을 감소시키고, 이는 보헤미안 씬의 유인효과라는 측면에서 서울이 동경보다 낮게 나타나는 원인이 되고 있다. Bohemia is considered a core component driving innovation and urban development in the West. Many urban sociologists contend that bohemians are creative. Artists are the quintessence in the sense that breaking the eggs of tradition is a prerequisite to cooking a new omelet. The core idea seems broadly accepted by many readers and commentators in the US and Western Europe. However, many East Asian intellectuals react with puzzlement when asked what or where is the local bohemia, implying that there is none in most Asian countries. This paper examines whether or not bohemia is absent in East Asia, using urban scene data. The results are compared with those from Chicago to lead to incorporate Asian variations more specifically. In so doing we reassess whether the idea of bohemia should be revised or whether a new concept should be considered as Asian variations are more specifically incorporated into international theory. What is interesting from the analysis is that the mean bohemian scene scores of Seoul is higher than that of Tokyo, and even Chicago. This does not mean that Seoul is more bohemian than Tokyo and Chicago. The reason why the mean bohemian scores in Tokyo and Chicago are lower than Seoul is the differences in residential areas. In Tokyo and Chicago, the bohemian-like scenes of self-expression and transgression are (often strongly) negatively correlated with neighborliness, tradition, and localism. People pursuing these distinctive activities are in different neighborhoods. By contrast, in Seoul, all of these are more often together geographically and those scenes are positively or at least not negatively related. This makes bohemian scenes of Seoul less attractive than those of Tokyo. No correlations between bohemian scenes and apartment prices are found in Seoul, while positive correlations between bohemian scenes and land prices are found in Tokyo.

      • KCI등재

        Socio-Economic Factors for the Spread of Hallyu in Kazakhstan

        장원호(Wonho Jang),Kee Bom Nahm,Ik Ki Kim 지역사회학회 2014 지역사회학 Vol.15 No.3

        This research reviewed various factors affecting the popularity of Hallyu in Kazakhstan. In so doing, the research focused on the economic and socio-cultural factors, such as "business Hallyu," ethnic Korean culture, and cultural proximity. In addition to the macro-level analysis, we conducted a micro-level FGD analysis to review how individual Kazakhs understood Hallyu and propose the influence of Hallyu. Economic interdependence between the two countries and the brand value of Korean products would make a favorable atmosphere for Korean dramas and movies. The experiences with ethnic Korean food culture make Kazakhs feel friendly toward Korean pop culture, and thus Korean pop culture was able to take root easily in Kazakhstan. The cultural proximity between the Muslim culture in Kazakhstan and the values expressed in Korean drama enhanced the familiarity and sympathy with Korean cultural products among Kazakhstani consumers. The individual FGD results support the socio-economic influences on the success of Hallyu in Kazakhstan. However, Kazakh TV companies are now prohibiting broadcasting of Korean dramas to protect their own programs. Thus, in order to obtain sustainable Hallyu development in Kazakhstan, more collaboration with Kazakhstan broadcasting companies and an expansion in the scope of cultural exchanges is required.

      • 센서 접착 방법에 따른 감도 변화

        장원호(Wonho Jang),김기오(Kioh Kim),범현균(Hyenkyun Beom),권성은(Sungeun Kwon) 한국자동차공학회 2008 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        There are many types of accelerometer sensor. There was mainly used high-g accelerometer to obtain data for vehicle in crash test. Accelerometer was mounted on test vehicle with mounting blocks. Test result can be influenced by condition of mounting i.e. bonding material and type of block. These influences can be evaluated to variation of sensitivity in calibration test. In this paper. Calibration test were carried out for 3 types of bonding material i.e. stud, beewax and double side tape. Other factor was taken into consideration by 3-types for mounting block. All test was conducted by sinusoidal signal vibrator up to 4500Hz. In order to investigate influence for sensitivity from different input voltage in the calibrator, the same test was repeated. Test results were compared with standard accelerometer data. Relative sensitivities and phases were showed small difference in sensitivity for bonding materials with one block, but significant one for another block and different input voltage below 1000Hz.

      • The New Political Culture in Korea

        Wonho Jang(장원호) 숭실대학교 사회과학연구소 2009 사회과학논총 Vol.11 No.-

        This paper reviews three different political cultures in relation to local politics, development-oriented political culture, efficiency-oriented political culture and amenity-oriented political culture. Based on the review, the paper suggests that amenity-oriented political culture has positive effects on local innovation in the western societies. With continuous globalization and informatization, the amenity-oriented political culture is expected to gain more salience in the political arena. The paper also examines whether amenity-oriented political culture can be found in Korea and whether it can contribute to local innovation. To do so, the paper first examines the relationship between demographic characteristics and amenity-oriented political culture. It is found out that younger, better educated and professional citizens are more amenity-oriented. The paper in turn analyzes the relationship between amenity-oriented groups and local innovation. The results show that amenity-oriented groups can have more capacity for local innovation.

      • Bio RID II 검 교정 시험을 통한 목 상해치 경향 분석

        장승원(Seungwon Jang),이재우(Jaewoo Lee),장원호(Wonho Jang) 한국자동차공학회 2015 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2015 No.5

        Vehicle manufacturer & Research organizations have been actively conducted many studies and tests in order to reduce the value of neck injuries for rear collision accident recently. The Bio RID II rear impact dummy is used for assessing Neck Injury criteria in rear impact test. But Rear impact test (whiplash) could have not only the variation factor of vehicle & setting (seat structure, dummy seat position etc) but also the Injury value variation of dummy (dummy adjustment, individual difference etc). These variation factors will be generated from the dummy response difference & injury value variation. It also could affect the neck injury result. Therefore this study is focused on the analysis of pure neck injury tendency according to dummy response through the calibration test that could be minimized the test variations. Through the test result, we analogize the correlation about neck injury criteria with calibration test.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공감교육을 통한 도시사회의 이해

        박혜정(Hye Jung Park),장원호(Wonho Jang) 한국문화융합학회 2021 문화와 융합 Vol.43 No.5

        University students in neoliberalism are focusing on building their specification by regarding elitism and ranking systems as fair. In a state of anxiety and fear, they do not perceive discrimination and hatred against others as significant problems. In this reality, the role of university education is more important than ever. Thus, numerous efforts have recently been made to recognize empathy education at universities. However, the specific system of empathy education should be developed. This study examined a case of general education. In the “Reading classics and writing” class in E University, students read a Korean novel entitled “Dwarf.” Then, they discussed and wrote their reviews of the book, focusing on the right to the city as a theoretical social science concept. Students understood the context of the Korean urban social structure and empathized with the suffering of the characters, showing their awareness and practice of the rights to the city. The results of this study suggest the following: First, it is necessary to diversify the goal of writing education as general education in the future. Second, through the convergence of social science and general education, we can solve current social problems and portray an inclusive society. Third, the need for empathy education must be expanded to public and civic education. In the future, the way we coexist will depend on the institutional education system regarding empathy, professors’ educational philosophy, and students’ beliefs in the power of empathy.

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